Thursday, July 4, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 89 - Chu Yunli? Why are you here?

 "Yes." Shuangyue responded.

Jiang Ning quietly walked to Villa, preparing to use Qinggong to climb over the wall and get in.

Just as she jumped to the wall with Qinggong, Shuangyue's expression suddenly changed, she grabbed Jiang Ning's arm and whispered, "Miss, there is someone here."

Jiang Ning followed her gaze and saw two black figures on the wall not far away. They were obviously climbing over the wall, and the other party also noticed them, and both sides stopped.

Shuang Yue slowly poked Mo Xiang Yue's dagger and said in a cold voice, "The two of them have extraordinary auras. They are practitioners and have strong martial arts skills."

"Miss, please step back and be careful not to get hurt."

Jiang Ning nodded slightly and her eyes darkened. Who dares to break into the Marquis's house? 

After thinking for a while, an idea emerged.

Could it be...

The two figures opposite were also wearing black clothes, covering their faces.

Yuan Feng's eyes were slightly cold, and he lowered his voice and said, "Sir, please go first, I will deal with those two people."

"Yes." Chu Yunli responded lightly, turned over and jumped off the wall.

Jiang Ning's expression changed when she saw it, and she said, "Shuangyue, I'll leave this to you. I'll go after that person! Both of them must be caught!"

"Miss, you can't do that. The aura of that man is dangerous. Miss, you are no match for him..." Shuangyue's face became anxious and she wanted to stop her lady, but Jiang Ning had already jumped down.

At the same time, the man in black from the opposite side rushed over.

Shuangyue had to pull out the dagger and resist the man's attack.

Pang Pang Pang! The sound of swords clashing was harsh.

The two were equally skilled in martial arts, and they used vicious moves to attack each other's weak points without showing any mercy.

Shuangyue was very worried about the safety of the young lady. She was sent to the young lady's side just to protect the young lady, but now... she gritted her teeth, her eyes were cold, and she stabbed with the dagger.

Opposite Yuan Feng was shocked.

He was very confident in his own skills. He was the first personal bodyguard, but he didn't expect to be stopped by a little assassin.

And...this assassin's martial arts is vaguely familiar.

Pang Pang!

The swords collided, and both of them struck dead.

Yuan Feng had beads of sweat on his forehead. He stared coldly at the man in front of him and said, "Your good at martial arts. Where did you come from? What are you doing here?"

Shuangyue snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense!"

She was still worried about the safety of the young lady and had to rush over as soon as possible.

"Huh? Is she a woman?" Ye Feng was startled. He didn't expect that the person in front of him who was attacking fiercely was actually a woman.

Shuangyue took advantage of the moment when the man in black was stunned and stabbed with the dagger. The man hurriedly avoided, but his arm was still scratched and blood oozed out.

Yuan Feng covered his arm, his face became serious, and he snorted coldly, "Hey, I want to see what the woman who hurt me looks like!" He rushed over and attacked at a tricky angle.

The wound on his arm did not affect his fighting at all.

Shuangyue stepped back continuously, feeling increasingly frightened. The man in black in front of her was no ordinary thief.

Yuanfeng attacked with his sword, pretending to stab, but actually reached out and took off Shuangyue's mask.

Shuangyue had no time to dodge, and her mask floated down. She took this opportunity to attack with her dagger and cut the throat of the man in black.

The two were so close that they looked at each other and could clearly see each other's faces——

"You..." Yuanfeng's eyes widened and he was simply shocked.

The cold dagger passed by. Yuanfeng used his internal strength to avoid it. He barely avoided the dagger, leaving a shallow scratch on his neck.

Shuangyue's cold face was also full of shock, "Why is it you?"

Yuan Feng grimaced in pain and touched his neck, which caused blood on his hand, "I just wanted to ask you, why is it you!"

After fighting for a long time, he started to use ruthless hands, and the one he hit turned out to be one of his own!

Now that he thinks about it, the opponent's martial arts routine looks familiar. Isn't this nonsense! They were trained by the same group of secret guards and had the same martial arts skills. How could they not be familiar with them!

I should have recognized her a long time ago, but it was a dark and windy night and she was wearing a mask, so he didn't recognize her at all.

Yuanfeng was angry and funny, "Why are you here? Didn't you recognize me? You attacked me so cruelly, you almost killed me!"

Shuangyue put away the dagger, and after the shock, her expression returned to indifferent, "That's because your skills are inferior to others."

"Humph." Yuanfeng said no more.

Shuangyue frowned and said, "Who was that person just now? Could it be..."

"It's the Lord." Yuanfeng replied, took out the golden sore medicine and sprinkled it on the wound, gritting in pain, "Who is that person next to you? He looks extremely weak..."

"It's Miss Jiang."

Both fell silent.

Shuangyue turned around and climbed over the wall to go in. She wanted to find the young lady as soon as possible. The master is very powerful in martial arts. If the young lady really meets the master, she may be in danger...


At the same time, Jiang Ning used Qinggong to keep up with the man in black.

The man in black was agile and had excellent qinggong skills. He left her far away and soon disappeared from sight.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but frown, "Not good!"

If her guess is correct...

Jiang Ning's face hardened, and she traveled through Villa with the memory of her past life. She knew where the courtyard where the Villa servants lived was, and she had to get there one step ahead.

Soon she arrived at the yard where the servants rested.

The courtyard was quiet, and it seemed that the man in black hadn't arrived yet.

At this moment, a cold figure shuttled out.

Sure enough, he came!

Jiang Ning's face changed slightly, she put her hand on her sleeve and held a silver needle. Her martial arts skills are shallow and she can't become a master no matter how hard she tries, but she can attack acupuncture points with silver needles and cripple the opponent.

Her guess was correct, this person must have been sent by Jiang Mengyue.

Except for Jiang Mengyue, no one would do such a thing.

Jiang Mengyue must have noticed something strange and was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so she wanted to get rid of the person who really had the natural medicine blood and hide the truth.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? During the day, Jiang Mengyue had just taken blood, and at night, a thief sneaked into the village, obviously intending to kill someone and silence him!

Jiang Ning was merciless and stabbed the opponent with a silver needle while he was unprepared.

Unexpectedly, the other party made a simple movement and grabbed her wrist without even moving.

In the dark night, the two of them wore masks, with only their eyes exposed. The man's eyes were as cold as a bottomless pool.

Jiang Ning didn't move, and neither did he.

The two met each other's eyes and looked at each other.

Not far away, there was an impatient voice.

"My Lord!"


Yuanfeng and Shuangyue rushed over in a hurry, worried that the Lord would fight with Miss Jiang, and even more worried that something would happen to Miss Jiang.

But unexpectedly, the two did not fight as expected.

Chu Yunli grabbed Jiang Ning's wrist. The two were so close that they could almost hear each other's heartbeat.

In the dark night, the two figures met together.

Yuanfeng and Shuangyue were stunned and stopped in place.

Chu Yunli narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Jiang Ning and said, "Miss Jiang?"

When Jiang Ning heard the familiar voice, she was stunned and couldn't react for a moment, "Chu Yunli? Why are you here?"


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