Wednesday, December 27, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 47 - The Second Male Protagonist is Online

 Moreover, this licking dog is not as slow as Li Su. Even if she is skilled in the method of beating mandarin ducks, it is useless.

After all, Baili Shuangxue's aura as the heroine made her fall in love at first sight and fell in love the second time, but I won’t take you if I meet you three times.

"Princess, is it possible for King Qi to fish out Marquis Luo?"

Xiao Cui was a little puzzled. Something was wrong. In the past, the princess would have stood up and made a fuss.

"I also took advantage of them and destroyed both of them. Xiao Cui, have you forgotten what I told you to keep a low profile? You can't act impulsively."

Murong Yun taught Xiao Cui earnestly, this child just likes to cause trouble. 

Xiao Cui never expected that one day she would be taught by Murong Yun not to be impulsive. 

"However, we can put up a sign at the gate of the mansion, saying that the princess mansion is recruiting eighth-level masters, with preferential treatment, no limit on quantity, first come, first served."

"When you go out from now on, be prepared for the card masters. Even if there are ten more Luo Mingdas, they won't be your opponents."

The more Murong Yun talked, the more reliable she felt. Now that the second male lead was online, she was useless without a bodyguard.

"...Yes, Princess."

Xiao Cui's expression was a little hard to explain. What is an eighth-level master? 

Luo Mingda relied on his strength to achieve the status of marquis. Looking at the entire South Chu, the number of such masters did not exceed double digits!

However, as the closest maid to the princess, it was better not to pour cold water on her.

Early the next morning, Xiao Cui asked the servants to nail the sign to the door of the house, and Luo Mingda's final punishment was also passed on.

"Removal of the post of general of the Liu Jing Imperial Guard?"

When Murong Yun opened her eyes, she heard this news. To be honest, she was a little surprised that Marquis Luo had lost such an important authority.

Without the post of general of the Imperial Guard, the 30,000 soldiers and horses on the outskirts of Liujing will have nothing to do with him, which is a good thing.

In this way, Marquis Luo became an idle lord, and people had nothing to fear except his eighth-level strength.

"Who was given the position?"

Murong Yun asked enthusiastically, this position is not an easy one. If the emperor does not trust someone, he would not dare to give it casually.

"Give it to King Qi..."

Xiao Cui felt that it might not be better in the hands of King Qi than in the hands of Marquis Luo, but: "Only half was given. Your Majesty divided the troops and horses into two parts, one part was given to King Qi, and the other part was given to the Eldest prince."

This big gasp almost startled Murong Yun. In the plot of the original book, King Qi did not receive this position.

Moreover, by dividing it into two parts, on the one hand, it divided the rights so that one family would not dominate. On the other hand, did Your Majesty want to keep King Qi in the capital for a long time?

In this way, Murong Jia took advantage of him and gained real power. Moreover, the prince had soldiers and horses at his disposal. This was the time to make him the crown prince.

This is all thanks to her. According to Murong Jia's character, after going to court today, I think he will give her another treasure.

Thinking of this, Murong Yun asked Xiao Cui to wash her up, put on her clothes, and sat down to have breakfast, when the first guest came to the Princess Mansion.

The other party walked swiftly and rushed into the main hall with his servants.

At that time, Murong Yun was still eating a small steamed bun in her mouth. She raised her head when she heard the voice of the servants stopping her.

"Hmph, I heard that you are about to die. Why, can you still eat?"

The young man with a clear temperament is dressed in a green robe, with dark hair tied high, and a handsome appearance. Upon closer inspection, his eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Murong Yun's.

It's a pity that he has a bad mouth.

Murong Yun swallowed the bun in her mouth and looked up at the person who came. He glanced at the person with extremely critical eyes, curled her lips and imitated the other person's tone and said:

"Why, if Prince Qi doesn't stay in that corner, why are you here with this princess? Asking for a food?"

"Hmph, if my mother concubine hadn't insisted on me coming to give you something, I wouldn't even bother to set foot in this miserable place like yours!"

Murong You twitched the corner of his mouth and looked down at Murong Yun. In front of the door, two attendants carried a box of gifts and placed them in front of Murong Yun.

It was something that his mother had insisted on bringing with hi. He came early in the morning to see if this vicious cousin was dead. If he still had some breath, he could complete the task assigned by his mother.

Unexpectedly, Murong Jia kept saying last night that those who were beaten and vomited blood due to Master Luo would enjoy their breakfast this morning.

He snorts at every turn. This Murong You is probably not a pig. Look at that arrogant look. He can't even see her eyes when she raises her chin.

But when it comes to the quarrel, the original owner's insistence is her insistence.

"In that case, why don't you take off where you are? The bricks in this princess's house still dislike you."

Maybe the memory of the original owner gradually merged with hers and developed empathy. Although it was her first time meeting this person, she couldn't help but want to quarrel with him.

"You are sharp-tongued and are really good at it. You destroyed my master's family and his entire family. You even made him lose his military power."

If he hadn't returned to Liu Jing yesterday, I don't know what kind of criticism Master Luo would have received.

She is just a useless princess. There is no way it is worth losing the loyalty of an eighth-level master. The emperor's uncle is really overly pampering her.

Hearing this, Murong Yun put down her chopsticks and finally took a look at this nominal cousin. He was indeed a rare handsome boy. As one of the three male protagonists of the stock-buying novel, in terms of appearance, he was not much worse than Li Su.

And compared to Li Su's carefree and angelic appearance, this hateful little puppy follows Baili Shuangxue unswervingly, which also earned enough readers' screams.

However, now she just wants to roll her eyes at this person: "Are you done? When you're done, please just leave tactfully."

Although he didn't know why the other party used the adjective "mellow", Murong You knew it wasn't a good word.

But today he is not just here to quarrel, but also to show off and warn.

He wanted to tell this vicious woman that her happy days were over! Thinking of the Liu Jing guards that had just arrived on his hands, Murong You said with a bit of smugness on his face, as if he was showing off his precious child:

"Murong Yun, half of the imperial army is in my hands now. If you continue to act as recklessly as before, I will not show mercy to you."

"Oh, childish, Xiao Cui, see him off."

Murong Yun was too lazy to pay attention to the other party's childish behavior. Instead of having such meaningless communication, it was better to have a comfortable breakfast.

Murong Yun gave the order to expel the guests, so Murong You naturally would not be shameless and asked for trouble, so he walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

Unfortunately, his mother thought that Murong Yun was still his cousin no matter what, so she asked him to bring gifts every year, and she had to deliver them in person. If she didn't, she would cry in front of him, which made his head big.

He had no choice but to compromise, telling him that a vicious woman with such a temper should not be tolerated, let alone his cousin, even if it is his own sister.


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