Thursday, December 28, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 48 - The Touching Sibling Love

 After he became familiar with the forbidden army in his hands, he would go out on the streets every day and not give Murong Yun any chance to do evil, which would be considered as giving peace to the people.

With this mentality, Murong You met Murong Jia who came to visit.

He was not familiar with this cousin. He remembered that this man was sent out of the palace because of Murong Yun's words. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two was getting better now.

Anyone who had a good relationship with Murong Yun was automatically put into the enemy camp by him, and because of the dispute over the handling of Marquis Luo in front of His Majesty last night, it was difficult for him to look good when he met Murong Jia at this time.

In his early years, Murong Jia was used to seeing people who bullied others when they were high, but Murong You was at such a level that he couldn't even frown.

Therefore, he just glanced at the other person with a half-smile. When Murong You noticed his gaze, he just raised his neck and snorted, and left without looking back.

Speaking of which, he is still a young man whose mind is not yet mature. It is better for such a person to hold half of Liu Jing's imperial army than for it to fall into the hands of that old fox Luo Mingda.

"Ayun, how are you?"

Murong Jia was naturally in a very good mood today. She came directly to the princess's residence wearing court clothes, and the attendants behind her presented her with several boxes of rare medicinal herbs.

"These are good medicines to warm and nourish the body. Use them well and don't leave any sequelae due to yesterday's injury."

Yesterday, because he had to deal with Marquis Luo, he also argued with Prime Minister Baili and Murong You in the palace until midnight. However, the attendant who stayed at the Princess Mansion had already sent him a message saying that Murong Yun was fine.

That's why he came to visit today, not to mention that since he came back, Murong Yun has been able to bring benefits to him even by fighting and beating people.

If there was a fight and he would be able to gain some rights. He would really be happy to save Murong Yun every day.

"It's very good. It tastes delicious."

Murong Yun's eyes turned away from those elixirs to strengthen the body and met Murong Jia's charming face. The other person's mouth was smiling and the corners of his eyes were slightly narrowed, making the tear mole under his eyes look a bit more alluring.

"That's good. Marquis Luo acted like this. Although he was lucky enough to escape yesterday, Ayun doesn't have to worry. From now on, you can do whatever you want."

Murong Jia spoke with some encouragement, and Murong Yun wanted to roll her eyes.

She reasonably suspected that the other party was trying to flatter her. 

Murong Jia was afraid that her body was not strong enough and she would not be able to bear the pain. The love between brother and sister was truly touching.

However, if Murong Jia ascends to the throne and can protect the throne from Li Su, then she can sacrifice a little.

Therefore, Murong Yun was very cooperative and showed dissatisfaction on his face: "Of course, Murong You dared to come to warn me today."

"I heard that you also have half of the guards. When the princess fights with him, you must support me quickly."

Support quickly? Two major Imperial army leaders on the street leading a fight? The corner of Murong Jia's mouth twitched at the thought of that image.

This was not the effect he wanted, so he tried to guide Murong Yun's thoughts.

"Perhaps Ayun can use a more clever method? I believe that fighting blindly may not be effective."

Okay, isn't it just to maintain his image in front of the emperor, and not to give the impression that he was messing around with the original owner? Murong Yun received it.

So I changed my approach and asked: "So, cousin, do you have any masters? Those who are at the eighth level, with favorable treatment. The eldest princess's mansion needs such bodyguards."

Eighth-level bodyguard... Murong Jia was silent. When he came, he saw the notice posted at the door. He thought it was posted casually, but Murong Yun looked serious.

Do you really think that a dignified eighth-level master would be willing to play tricks on a simpleton princess like her?

Oh, maybe I'm not a fool anymore. I heard that Murong Yun took one of Luo Mingda's attacks yesterday, but that can't change her stupid behavior in the past.

"No, the eighth level is already a level that can be knighted. Under normal circumstances, one would not be willing to be a guard."

"So, that's it."

Murong Yun suddenly realized no wonder Xiao Cui had such a strange expression when she asked him to post the notice. It seemed that she was overthinking it.

Originally, although there were few other eighth-level masters, they should be able to hire them if they spent enough money. However, it turned out that this was not possible.

"By the way, what happened to Li Yunjin?"

Murong Yun thought that the other party had also entered the palace to testify for her. Now Marquis Luo had only been deprived of power, but his title was still there. Although Imperial Censor Li was worried, the Li family was in decline and there were no powerful descendants to protect him.

Otherwise, Li Yunjin would not have been tortured like this by Luo Wuqi.

"Last night, I sent someone to take her back to the Li Mansion. Before going back, she asked me to bring you a message."

"When she explains things clearly to her family, she will join the princess's palace as a female official."

Murong Yun raised her eyebrows when she heard this. Compared to Li Yunjin's stubborn father, she was really flexible and couldn't help but sigh.

"She is quite smart, and she even knows how to hold this princess' thigh."

He hugged her thigh. According to the current situation, the Luo family would not take action against the Li family for a while.

Murong Jia just smiled at this. Even the powerful people in Liu Jing would want to cling to more powerful people.

Although Murong Yun had a bad temper, vicious thoughts, and excessive extravagance, she was still the target of countless people who wanted to curry favor.

It would be strange if Li Yunjin didn't seize this opportunity.

"That's fine. When the Li family's daughter enters the princess's mansion, no matter how stubborn Li Qing is, at least he won't impeach you every day."

"Hope so."

Murong Yun was numb to the memorial production machine that tried to impeach her for seven or eight years and all the petitions could pile up into a mountain.

The original owner once angrily asked the emperor to put to death the Li family who had been the censor for generations, but three generations of the Li family had been the censor, and they had seven blood-touching pillars to remonstrate loyalty. No matter which emperor he was, he would not put people to death for such reasons.

After confirming that Murong Yun, the first line of chess piece seeking death, could still jump, Murong Jia left with peace of mind. He had just taken over the position of the Imperial Army and did not have much time to spend here.

In the next few days, Murong Yun stayed in her mansion to recuperate her health and occasionally encouraged herself to practice her spiritual energy skills. Unfortunately, she was unable to practice any spiritual skills in this world.

This result was determined after Mu Mian tried several times with her.

"Perhaps it's because of the spiritual plant in the county princess' body."

Mu Mian shook her head at her regretfully, and then threw a whip to her, saying that it was a good way to practice the whip technique. When the time comes, pouring the spiritual energy directly into it will be a way to save her life.

For this reason, Murong Yun was depressed and scolded Miao Miao, but what bad intentions did Miao Miao have?

Miaomiao didn't understand anything, and she even had to stand on top of Murong Yun's head to bask in the sun on time...


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Actually I am shipping Murong Jia with Murong Yun. Rei ❤️


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