Wednesday, December 27, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 79 - Mu Nuanxi Collapsed

 Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, the entire social platform was full of news about Luan Pei's temporary change of model.

Fans supporting Mu Nuanxi flocked to Luan Pei Studio's social platform account, clamoring for Luan Pei to give an explanation. Luan Pei's public relations held an emergency meeting to deal with it. Before the explanation announcement was issued, another piece of news was exposed.

The model in the photo is Mu Nuanxi's biological sister.

It was the illegitimate daughter who was found, and Mu Wen Li took her sister's opportunity to take photos with her future brother-in-law.

This can make fans who are increasingly biased by the guidance of public opinion go crazy.

Originally, they didn't like this sister who appeared for no reason. How could an illegitimate daughter compare with Mu Nuanxi, a legitimate young lady, and now the sister took the photo shoot together with her future brother-in-law.

This would simply make anyone with a heart make up a history of blood and tears of a rich family. The illegitimate daughter was jealous of the legitimate daughter and wanted to usurp her sister's position as a famous lady.

And the most important thing about this is that I don’t know how many people started to make up stories to guide fans.

Surprise! Mu Wen Li pushed Mu Nuanxi to the ground on the first day he returned to the Mu family.

Mu Wen Li entered USTC with the help of Mu's resources.

Mu Wen Li coveted the Mu family and turned against his sister Mu Nuanxi.

Mu Wen Li frequently goes in and out of Nan's house and is suspected of having an affair with her future brother-in-law.

Title after paragraph was written by each media account, pointing directly at Wen Li and Mu.

The uninformed fans are becoming more and more outrageous in their remarks, wishing to relegate that unknown girl to dust. In short, the most unpleasant words in the world are here.

The people who stayed up all night eating melon finally understood the popularity of this news. Originally, the little daughter of the Mu family who was found was reported as an illegitimate daughter in the news some time ago, which aroused many people's speculations.

Now it has been revealed that Mu Wen Li has moved out of Mu's house and is having an affair with his sister's fiancé. Some photos have even been exposed, all of which show Nan Sheng and Mu Wen Li in the same frame.

Coupled with Luan Pei's cooperation issues, the grievances against the wealthy family could attract the attention of ordinary people. The news was released one after another, which attracted the attention of many netizens.

Mu Nuanxi's fans were among them, and soon even the fans of Tong Jingshu and Ning Qi were involved in the chaos.

When Wen Li opened her eyes in the morning, she received a call from Nan Pei. After turning on the loudspeaker, she walked to the table and poured herself a glass of water.

"I'm really sorry Wen Li. This matter is getting bigger and bigger. I have sent out an announcement and will also contact other public relations media. Please stay off the Internet for the time being." Nan Pei was very embarrassed.

She had already troubled others by asking Wen Li to take photos of her, and now that this incident had caused so much unnecessary news, she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"There's no need to explain too much. I've also read a few pieces of news. Please post the two photos taken yesterday. It's best to take a photo of a man and a woman together." Wen Li said.

In fact, Nan Pei has thought about this, but when it comes to Fu Yuxiu's identity, there is so much attention on this matter now. If she releases a photo of the two of them, it will inevitably cause interested people to turn their attention to Fu Yuxiu.

"The photo doesn't need to be too clear. It's enough to tell that it's not Nan Sheng. In addition, there is a lot of hype among the trolls. Those people are responsible for making the matter so serious in one night." Wen Li gave her a suggestion. 

After hearing Wen Li's words, Nan Pei frowned. She had thought that there must be navy soldiers inside, but Mu Wen Li had only arrived in Ningzhou not long ago, so there was no way he could offend anyone in Ningzhou.

Could it be that the Mu family's competitors are using this to make a fuss, but such related news, family property disputes, and wealthy family secrets have attracted more attention. More and more people know that, on the contrary, Mu's stock price will rise.

Those people do this but the gain outweighs the loss.

"You do what your studio should do, and I will do the rest myself." Wen Li said.

She helped Nan Pei shoot but put Luan Pei into such a predicament. Wen Li was a black-and-white person since the person behind the scenes was staring at her and implicating Luan Pei.

She will naturally handle this matter.

Nan Pei hung up the phone very embarrassedly. After only five minutes, the phone sounded again.

Wen Li pressed the answer button and stood quietly in the kitchen baking toast.

"Wen Li, are you okay?" Qing Guo's cautious voice came from the phone.

Spreading cheese on the toast, Wen Li replied, "What are you referring to?"

Her tone was no different from before, and Qing Guo knew she didn't take it to heart at all, "I've watched a lot of news, and they are all scolding you."

And the scoldings were very unpleasant. Mistresses, bastards, vixens, and the like kept popping up one after another. Not only that but Luan Pei's studio was also attacked.

Many fans of Mu Nuanxi have even gone to the Dream Team's newly opened account and started to curse, asking their club to give an explanation.

Tang Xiao and the others were also very troubled by these groundless accusations. It was obvious that Wen Li's boyfriend was not Nan Sheng.

That man had an outstanding temperament that day, and he was better than Nan Sheng at first glance.

However, netizens who selectively avoid watching these will not listen to anyone’s explanation. They only believe what they want to see.

"You forward the photos sent by Luan Pei Studio without saying anything." Wen Li followed the instructions.

Slander and abuse on the Internet are all just a few tricks. As long as you hold the right to speak in your hands, you will make up some false news at every possible opportunity, and use the uninformed public to maximize the impact of public opinion.

She knew exactly what these people's tactics were.

No matter who's clarifying it now, it can't calm down these netizens who are getting heated.

"But we are all worried about you. What those people said is too much." Qing Guo said.

What does it mean that Mu Wen Li seduces Nan Sheng late at night, and what does it mean that Mu Wen Li's mother's identity is revealed.

Wen Li would be very sad if she saw these shocking news headlines.

"Don't worry about me. Those who are clean will clean themselves up. Don't forget that public opinion is a double-edged sword. It is still unclear who the tip of the sword will be aimed at in the end."

"Then be careful. You don't have to worry about us. We believe in you. Anyway, we don't need to participate in any entertainment industry activities or rely on our reputation to make a living. This won't affect us."

Those people are just those who don’t pay much attention to the circle of network information security and don’t know what IO means in this circle.

Thinking of an ordinary player, I tried my best to build a building under Dream's account and asked them to give an explanation.

What's more, there are endless demands for their entire team to be banned from participating in network information security competitions forever.

Although Qing Guo felt aggrieved, no one felt more aggrieved than Wen Li.

After hanging up the phone, Qing Guo turned around and looked at the three men with sad faces behind her.

"Wen Li told us not to worry about her and not to pay too much attention to this. We don't need to make any statement for the time being. It's not the time yet."

The cup in Tong Lin'an's hand suddenly hit the table, "It's too much. What do you mean, Wen Li is a vixen and a mistress? With her temperament and appearance, what kind of man does she want, but she goes to Nan Sheng? She and Nan Sheng also did not contact alone ah. "

Last time they were in Imperial Seal, they could clearly see that although Nan Sheng was there, it was Wen Li's boyfriend who dealt with everything.

Qing Guo also said that the model who was photographed this time was not Nan Sheng, but Wen Li's boyfriend.

Why did word spread all of a sudden that she became a shameless woman who stole other people's boyfriends?

‘Don’t be angry yet, Luan Pei has already issued an announcement, and the pictures from yesterday’s shooting are out. We will see how the follow-up develops and then decide whether to explain or not. 

"But didn't Wen Li say not to explain first? She has been scolded like this and why should she, a little girl, have to bear such abuse? It's like digging up those people's ancestral graves." Tong Lin'an panted. 

He had just read through the comments scolding Wen Li, and he was surprised as to why they were so angry towards a girl.

Tang Xiao put the phone aside, "Wen Li is right. When public opinion is at its peak, no matter how much explanation you give, it will turn into sophistry. The photos sent out now can only prove that the person taking the photo with Wen Li is not Nan Sheng, but there is no way to prove that Wen Li did not rob anyone. "

Qing Guo bit her lip, "If it weren't for the social message that Mu Nuanxi sent that day, there wouldn't be these problems!"

Wen Li guessed it right that day. Mu Nuanxi definitely did it on purpose. She deliberately led her fans to misunderstand that Luan Pei's original female model was her.

Now that it suddenly became Wen Li, many people naturally thought that Wen Li had robbed Mu Nuanxi's things.

"Teacher Mu?" Fang Qing flipped through her phone and found Mu Nuanxi's social platform account.

Scroll forward and I did find the photo of her and Tong Jingshu taken in Luan Pei Studio. They were both there when the makeup was set that day. The makeup on Mu Nuanxi’s face is similar to Wen Li’s, even the makeup on her forehead.

"Click on it and it's gone!"

Fang Qing looked at the deleted words, "Teacher Mu did it on purpose? Why?"

"Why else? She is a high-end player who specializes in lying to boys like you. Men can't see her Nine Turns Exquisite Heart, but I can."

Fang Qing still felt a little unbelievable, because they were in Luan Pei that day, and Nan Pei made it clear that she had never thought of letting Mu Nuanxi be a model.

But others don't know that these photos of Mu Nuanxi inevitably feel like they are deliberately misleading fans.

"Soon Mu Nuanxi will send another message to tell all fans that she is not the model chosen by Luan Pei, but at this juncture, what do you think will be the consequences of her hasty clarification?" Tang Xiao looked at a few people.

Tong Lin'an reacted first, "Fans won't believe it. They think she is protecting Wen Li."

Such a fairy character who thinks about her sister protects her even if she is hurt, and swallows all her grievances through gritted teeth, is the easiest person to overflow with sympathy.

She has a good background, is beautiful, talented, and kind-hearted like a fairy. She is simply the ideal and perfect goddess in everyone's heart.

"Even if everything is clarified later, no one will blame her for this matter. She deleted that social message, which is a typical example here." Fang Qing reacted immediately.

Qing Guo was so angry that she almost went to Mu Nuanxi to argue with her, but she would not admit it. The character that was finally erected must not fall down.

"And look, this is the photo that was just sent out." Qing Guo handed the phone to all of them.

On the screen was a picture of Nan Sheng holding Mu Nuanxi out of the Imperial Seal. It was this picture that made everyone almost explode.

In the past, there were only rumors that Nan Sheng and Mu Nuanxi were getting married, but the media had never captured any intimate scenes of the two. Now, the evidence is conclusive. They are hugging each other, what are they if not a couple.

"Yesterday, I accompanied Wen Li to Luan Pei, but it ended up that the four of them went to dinner together. How could he be with Mu Nuanxi when they arrived at Imperial Seal? This coincidence is too much." Qing Guo reminded them.

Fang Qing tightened his grip, "The Mu family has gone too far. Neither Mu Chenxing nor Mu Nuanxi regards Wen Li as part of their Mu family."

In this case, why do you have to tell the world to bring Wen Li back?

"If we wait a little longer, the public opinion in the future will still revolve around Wen Li stealing her boyfriend. But I see more and more fake news being exposed. The people behind it have made it clear that they are here for Wen Li." Tang Xiao frowned.

Generally speaking, the media people only have so many tricks. Now that the storm is on the rise, they must hold back from speaking or explaining until they hit the final blow to make people believe in Wen Li's innocence.

"We may not be able to do anything. But don't forget what we do. Use the server to hack our people and let them see how powerful we are." Tang Xiao reminded several people as he looked at them.

Tong Lin'an and Fang Qing's eyes lit up, yes, they are hackers.

Moreover, They are the number one hacker in the National Competition. The person dared to hack in front of them, even if they destroyed a few computers for him, it would be an insult to the title of champion.


When Wen Li received Mu Kuiyuan's call, she had almost entered the gate of Mu's house. The old man didn't care about this false news, but when the company's public relations person called, he still had to call the child back to ask questions. 

Li Mengluo got up early and arrived at Mu's house. As long as she didn't make any noise, Mu Kuiyuan would not do anything to her. Seizing on the fact that Mu Kuiyuan felt sorry for her to marry Zhou Xiaoyun, she was now in front of the old man. 

After all, making people feel distressed is the real skill.

Wen Li was grabbed by Mu Nuanxi as soon as she entered the door. Her face was full of guilt.

"I'm sorry Li Li, I didn't expect that the social message I sent would have such serious consequences. I just saw that the makeup on your face looked good that day, so I asked the makeup artist to paint it on me. I really didn't mean it."

Mu Nuanxi's apology was very sincere, and her almond-shaped eyes were full of water as if just one look could make her fall into her heart.

"I have already issued an apology statement and explained it to my fan base. They will not say anything more and this matter will be over soon."

Lu Xue sat next to the old man and looked at Wen Li with disgust in her eyes.

Li Mengluo looked at the two of them with a sneer. She also read the news on the Internet. In this night, Wen Li changed from the amazing boss to the illegitimate daughter of a rich family that everyone wanted to beat.

She took a sip of tea. It didn't matter who did the thing, what mattered was the result.

Wen Li broke away from Mu Nuanxi's hand and sat down opposite the old man.

"Li Li." Mu Nuanxi rubbed her eyes and followed closely to Wen Li. She looked anxious and almost shed tears. 

"Don't cry yet. You can cry again later. I'm not a pity person, and I don't like to see crocodile tears." Wen Li looked at Mu Nuanxi and opened her mouth.

Mu Nuanxi put down her hand while rubbing her eyes, and looked at the old man aggrievedly, "Grandpa, I don't have one."

Mu Kuiyuan sighed and looked at Wen Li again, "Wen Li, you don't need to worry about the news. I have already given the order. Mu's public relations will handle it. When the time comes, we will sue a few people who spread the rumors. This matter will be over." 

"The old man's method of solving problems is really unique. If Wen Li doesn't solve the problem at the source, can he just cut off the middle part?" Wen Li looked at the old man with sarcasm in her eyes.

"Mu Wen Li! How can you talk to your elders like this!" Lu Xue shouted, "I think you are really unruly! After all, you didn't grow up at home."

This dead girl has become more and more aggressive since the International Information Competition, but the old man still hasn't said anything, which really makes her speechless.

"Yes, I really can't learn the rules of the Mu family. Everything happens behind the scenes. On the surface, they are pure and innocent, but in fact, they have darker hearts than the others."

"You unruly thing!" Lu Xue stood up suddenly.

"Sit down!" the old man shouted angrily.

Lu Xue sat down reluctantly and closed her mouth without daring to say a word.

"Li Li, don't quarrel with mother. I know what happened this time was because of what I did inappropriately. If I hadn't sent that social message, nothing would have happened, and you wouldn't have been scolded like this. Just scold me or hit me." Mu Nuanxi bowed her head.

Lu Xue has always loved this daughter, how could she see her being wronged.

"Dad, this matter has nothing to do with Nuan Xi. She just posted a few updates. Besides, she has already explained it. No matter how much you complain, you can't blame her here."

The old man can't confuse right and wrong.

Wen Li saw Mu Kuiyuan's embarrassment, "I'm curious if the children below really did something wrong, old man, have you always been whitewashing the peace like you are today?"

Lu Xue's hands clenched tightly on the dark red sofa cushion under her body. What did this girl mean by her words?

"Li Li, you can't talk to grandpa like this." Mu Nuanxi said urgently.

Wen Li glanced sideways and saw Nan Sheng being led through the door by a servant. This man came quite quickly.

"Master, Master Nansheng is here."

As soon as she saw Nan Sheng entering the door, Mu Nuanxi's eyes lit up, presumably because the morning news had an effect.

Now in everyone's eyes, she and Nan Sheng are a couple. If the impact of this matter is to be minimized as soon as possible, the fastest and most effective way is for her and Nan Sheng to get engaged immediately.

When Li Mengluo saw Nan Sheng walking in, her hand holding the cup tightened.

"Brother Sheng." Mu Nuanxi stepped forward, limping a little pitifully.

Nan Sheng glanced at her and went straight to stand next to Wen Li, "You are in a hurry, I'm still in a meeting."

"Is your will more important or your life more important?" Wen Li glanced at him indifferently.

Nan Sheng felt a chill running down his spine, thinking of the man's tone on the phone call he just received. If he had been in front of that person, he would have been destroyed immediately.

If this peachy news doesn't go away and let his beloved escape, he will probably have his hands and feet amputated.

"Ah Sheng, why are you here at this time? Do you have something to do with Nuanxi?" Mu Kuiyuan had a smile on his face.

"Aunt Ruan, bring Nan Sheng a glass of juice." Lu Xue shouted happily, then stood up and pulled Mu Nuanxi over, "You kid, you are so happy."

Mu Nuanxi was still in a daze. She just saw that Nan Sheng's eyes were full of coldness when he looked at her.

"No need, old man. I came here this time to make something clear to you. To avoid causing too many misunderstandings, the Nan family will also send out news." Nan Sheng said.

It was the first time that Mu Nuanxi saw that Nan Sheng, who always had a playful smile, had such a serious expression on his face.

She felt nervous, always feeling that what the man was about to say would not be anything good.

Sure enough, Mu Nuanxi, who had just finished mentally building up, was defeated by Nan Sheng's words.

"I have never been in love with Mu Nuanxi. As for the rumors of engagement, my old man has always liked obedient and sensible girls, and he also intends to match us up. However, I never like to be plotted and deceived by others. Today I came here to put the matter aside. Mu Nuanxi and I, we can be friends in the future, and as for the rest, it's impossible."

This was the first time that Nan Sheng gave a serious explanation of the relationship between the two in front of Mu Kuiyuan.

Mu Kuiyuan was stunned. He knew how much his granddaughter liked Nan Sheng. When he mentioned him, Mu Nuanxi's whole person felt warm, but now he actually said that he had never liked her.

Li Mengluo felt a stab in her eyes and placed the cup in her hand gently on the table. At this moment, it was not suitable for her to express any opinions.

"Brother Sheng, stop joking." Mu Nuanxi turned pale and stood up tremblingly, "If you think it's not suitable for us to get married now, I can wait for you. It doesn't matter how long it takes."

But you can't say it in front of so many people when you're poking your heart out like this.

"I thought I made it very clear to you last time. I don't like women who have too many thoughts."

Mu Nuanxi was stunned. Nan Sheng did tell her last time, but she never took those words to heart. She always believed that no matter whether Nan Sheng liked her now or not, as long as they got married in the future, Nan Sheng would always see the good in her.

"So, that's how it is. I hope Mu's can cooperate."

Of course, Nan Sheng knew what was going on. She suddenly appeared last night and the photos were exposed today. Everything is related.

If he couldn't even see this, he wouldn't need to be the leader of the Nan clan.

"Nan Sheng, why are you acting like this suddenly? Is it because of her?" Lu Xue angrily pointed at Wen Li, who was slowly drinking tea and watching a movie.

Nan Sheng has changed since this wild girl came to the Mu family. Lu Xue didn't believe it even if he said it had nothing to do with her.

"Nuanxi has liked you for so many years, but you abandon her like this?" Lu Xue hugged her daughter who had started to cry.

Her miserable daughter.

"Mrs. Mu, please respect yourself." Nan Sheng's face was gloomy, "There are some things that should be said and should not be said. You should understand that the word "abandon" cannot be used indiscriminately. Mu Nuanxi and I have never had any marriage contract, not even in a love relationship. If this word of yours spreads out, the ones who don't know would think that there has been something between me and her, you are gambling with your daughter's reputation. "

Mu Nuanxi broke away from Lu Xue's arms and grabbed Nan Sheng's arm, "Brother Sheng, we have always been very good before. There is no reason why we suddenly became like this. Tell me if I did something wrong and I will change it." 

She had loved Nan Sheng for so many years, and finally waited until she was able to achieve perfection. She couldn't give up halfway. She couldn't accept such a result.

Nan Sheng shook his head and looked at her without warmth in his eyes, "I used to not care about these little things, but things are different now. If some rumors go too far and hurt the people I care about, I won't let them go."

Because of Mu Nuanxi, Luan Pei's studio endured a lot of irrelevant insults. Nan Pei didn't sleep a wink all night last night.

Naturally, the daughter of his Nan family could not bear such injustice.

But these words had a different taste in Mu Nuanxi's ears. She looked at Mu Wen Li and laughed maniacally.

"Is it because of her? What's so good about her? Why can't you see me wherever she is? Am I so inferior to her!"

After years of obsession, Mu Nuanxi no longer cared about her reputation as a virtuous, kind, gentle and generous person. She had worked hard for so many years, but this man still abandoned her without hesitation.

From the age of nine to twenty-three, she had been in love with this man for fourteen years. During these fourteen years, she had tried hard to measure herself by the standards of a famous lady, without making any omissions.

Only she herself knows how much she has suffered and endured.

Mu Kuiyuan watched his granddaughter explode and spoke after a while, "If the Nan family makes such a statement now, it may have a certain impact on the reputation of the Nan family."

The public opinion on the Internet is getting more and more fierce now. If Nan Sheng issues a statement at this time, it will be tantamount to confirming the scandal with Mu Wen Li, which will damage the reputation of the Nan family.

"My Nan family's success today is not dependent on the good or bad opinions of outsiders." Nan Sheng looked at the old man and said these words.

Wen Li nodded in agreement. Among the surviving families, there were only a few who cared about the opinions of the outside world. On the contrary, the more controversial the family, the more prosperous it was. The more difficult and cautious the family was, the more they collapsed first in the end.

"It's quite boring. I'll leave first." Wen Li stood up and went to the door.

Nan Sheng followed closely behind, and Mu Nuanxi hurriedly caught up with her slippers on.

"Brother Sheng! Nan Sheng, wait for me!!"

She staggered and fell to the ground. Her tears fell to the ground like broken beads, but the man never looked back at her from beginning to end.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Wen Li looked at him and chuckled.

Nan Sheng glanced at her, "Are you trying to kill me?"

Wen Li turned around and walked to Mu Nuanxi and squatted down, looking at the embarrassed woman on the ground.

"I've always wondered why you just left me in the amusement park and left. Later I understood that you were protecting something that didn't belong to you."

"You did it on purpose, Mu Wen Li!" Mu Nuanxi looked up, and for the first time, there were cracks in her usually gentle and graceful face.

"I didn't say I didn't mean it. It was indeed me who asked Nan Sheng to come here. How do you feel now?"

"Have you ever heard of the saying that murder kills the heart? Even if you cut off your arms and legs, it is better to cut off your thoughts. What you care about most is Nan Sheng. So naturally this most vicious stab should be made by Nan Sheng."

"How dare you do this to me! How dare you!!"

Wen Li took a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to her, "When you get up, wipe the dirt on your body. Don't forget that you are a dignified and generous Mu Nuanxi."

Seeing the woman walking away, Mu Nuanxi tore the handkerchief into pieces.

"Xie'er!!" Lu Xue hurried out and helped the people on the ground up.

"Mom, mom, what should I do?" Mu Nuanxi hugged Lu Xue's waist and cried bitterly.

Lu Xue comforted her daughter, with a cold light in her eyes, "Mom will not let go of anyone who hurts you."

Since getting her out of the way didn't prevent this situation back then, there was no need to show mercy now.

"Why, I can't compare to her in anything. I still remember the way Nan Sheng looked when he saw her. Mom, what should I do?"

Mu Nuanxi was already incoherent. Nan Sheng was her obsession and her dream.

Lu Xue held her daughter's face with both hands, and the two were very close, "Nuanxi, listen, you are Mu Nuanxi, my daughter. You can't be knocked down by her. If you don't get it together, everything will be over." 

Mu Nuanxi's confused pupils began to return to clarity, and her originally excited emotions slowly calmed down.

"I can't panic, I can't panic, I must not panic."

Mu Nuanxi stood up, controlling her already chaotic heart, and her eyes became firm again.

"I was able to throw her away once, and now I won't be threatened by her. She is just a helpless orphan. I am the eldest daughter of the Mu family, and I am not afraid of anything."

Lu Xue's eyes were filled with relief when she saw her daughter's appearance.

In a trance, she seemed to see a woman standing slightly in a white dress. She had a beautiful face, and her movements seemed to bring thousands of flowers blooming, and the fragrance came from her.

She shook her head to drive the woman away from her mind, and then her eyes were firm.

So what if she didn't win against that woman, her daughter wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Mu Chenxing was standing in the garden nearby, and he heard clearly what he just said.

It turns out that Mu Wen Li was deliberately thrown away by Mu Nuanxi, but Mu Nuanxi was only nine years old at that time. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Li Mengluo stood in the living room. When Mu Nuanxi's words came to her ears just now, she was not surprised at all.

The highest level of deceiving is to deceive oneself. Mu Nuanxi has been hiding in a gentle and generous shell for too long, and she may have forgotten her selfish and vicious self.

"We are all the same, like the vines growing beside the ditch, they will never see the sun." Li Mengluo smiled, and tears came out of her eyes as she smiled.

Everyone will have their retribution, but sooner or later, even if God doesn't remember the mistakes you made, someone will remember them for you.

And those memories you want to abandon will eventually turn into vines that will haunt you to death.


That last part is kind of scary but has a hint of realism. Some actions that are deliberately done to hurt people might receive retribution in some form.

Lesson: Do not do anything, you do not want to be done to you. Do not live like Nuanxi, being fake and conniving. Fortunately, someone like her only lives in novels, let's not make a Nuanxi in the real world. Spread only positivity.

Have a Happy Day today!

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