Thursday, December 21, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 40 - What's There to Fear?

 "Prime Minister Baili?"

Murong Yun frowned, it turned out that Madam Luo had some background.

It's really a bad fate to meet people from the Baili clan like this.

But so what? Even the heroine's official pairing with Li Su, she had dismantled, is she still afraid of offending this person who hadn't even run the dragon set in the original book?

"Yes, if you don't want to offend the Baili clan, I advise you to let me go."

Baili Hui looked at Murong Yun's expression, thinking that the other party would estimate her identity, and began to bargain: "Then hand over Li Yunjin, and I can pretend that what happened today didn't happen."

Murong Yun wanted to laugh when she heard this. She was a little curious about where the blind confidence of mother and son came from.

"Madam, you don't spend much time in Liu Jing, do you?"

Otherwise, how could she dare to bargain under the infamous statement of the original owner?

In terms of arrogance, Murong Yun is the most extraordinary woman in Liu Jing.

"It's true that I don't stay here often. What does the princess mean by this?"

Baili Hui noticed that the expression on the other person's face did not seem to be the compromise she thought, and she felt a drum in her heart.

On one side, Luo Wuqi, who had been taught a lesson by Murong Yun a long time ago, was a little flustered when he saw this familiar scene.

Murong Yun gave out a gentle smile, bent down and said word by word to Baili Hui: "Just now, you said that there is no one in the General's Mansion, but I'm afraid you have forgotten that although my surname is Murong, this princess is a Hua." 

"Since you dared to threaten my brother just now, I will kill you first!"

"Let you see if there is anyone left in the General's Mansion."

As Murong Yun spoke, the smile on her face began to change, like a poppy flower, beautiful and extremely poisonous.

Hua Zhu pricked up his ears and heard this, and was startled. He couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Murong Yun. For the first time, this nominal sister did not laugh at him or call him lowly, but... stood up for him.

It's still weird...

"Murong Yun, you are crazy! You want to make enemies of our Marquis Luo Mansion and the Baili clan!"

Baili Hui panicked and began to struggle, but as soon as the sharp blade on her neck came close, a bloody gash was cut into her neck, which scared her so much that she dared not move.

But the look in the other person's eyes told her that this was not a scare or a joke.

"Who do you think you are? Don't say you can't replace the Baili clan. Even if you can, what do I have to fear?"

There was no fluctuation in Murong Yun's beautiful eyes. She felt that she was gradually becoming like a powerful person in this era, but she had to admit that sometimes power is really useful.

If one day, she can't change her destiny.

Then at least, she won't repeat what the original owner did in the book.

After thinking about this, she felt more relaxed than ever before. Her eyes fell on Luan Yi coldly, and her red lips ruthlessly gave the order:

"Luan Yi, do it, and just leave a life."

"You can't, no-!"

Baili Hui's Dantian was shattered by Luan Yi's palms, and she spit out a mouthful of dirty blood. The blood was also mixed with fragments of internal organs. Her entire body seemed to have had her spine ripped out, and she fell softly to the ground.

Apart from a scream of pain, there was already more air coming out and less air coming in.

Murong Yun took a step back calmly, preventing the blood from splattering on his skirt.

She was surprisingly calm.

Hua Zhu was a little surprised. Although Murong Yun had always been absurd and willful, he was never as decisive as she is now. Even when she was the most willful in the past, she never abolished a Marquis Madam without saying a word.

Moreover, it was for him...for the General's Mansion.

"Mother, mother!"

Seeing this, Luo Wuqi was so frightened that his legs weakened and he fell to the ground. He never expected that even his mother could not overwhelm the Shaohua Princess.

His shout finally attracted Murong Yun's attention, and she almost forgot about this waste.

Luo Wuqi saw Murong Yun's eyes falling on him, and his whole body couldn't stop trembling. Even his mother could die without blinking. So if he was targeted, wouldn't he be finished?

"County Princess, I, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, you, please let me go."

Luo Wuqi tried his best to suppress his trembling, but it was a pity that he had no future, and when he spoke, he did not have the backbone of a powerful family member: "I don't want that woman anymore, I, I will never touch her again."

"This, divorce letter is written to me, and I accept it!"

There is simply no dignity for a man. Even if his biological mother has just been deposed, it cannot arouse his bloodlust.

"Ha, you were so bold before. I thought Liu Jing had nothing to make you feel fear."

Murong Yun looked at Luo Wuqi, who was lying softly on the ground, with a mocking look on her lips, thinking about how to deal with this cowardly Marquis Luo heir.

"I remember that last year when you robbed the peasant girl outside the city, she also knelt down and begged you."

Hua Zhu looked at the frightened Luo Wuqi, with suppressed anger in his eyes. Although he saved the peasant girl, later, Luo Wuqi took the peasant girl away while he was away.

When he finally dragged someone to find out news, the other party was already dead.

"You? How do you know."

Luo Wuqi often raped women, and some were quite pretty. He always tried every means to get them home. Now when he heard Hua Zhu mention it, he raised his eyes to identify the other party carefully and finally had an impression in his mind.

"It turned out to be you who was nosy at that time?"

Hua Zhu's outstanding face finally made him remember it. If he hadn't been bad at men, he would have had to find a way to get him home based on his beauty.

"That's right." Hua Zhu's face was filled with condensation, his eyes fell on Murong Yun's face, and he said with temptation and anger in his heart: "If you really want to stand up for me, you can destroy this bastard if you can."

Murong Yun looked at the expression on the other person's face, and his eyes showed clarity. It seemed that Hua Zhu had suffered a loss under Luo Wuqi in the past.

"No, she is just a humble peasant girl. She will die when she dies. How can she be compared with this heir?"

"This heir has not done anything to you. If you have something to say, please tell me. You have already deposed my mother. What else do you want to do?"

Luo Wuqi looked horrified when he heard this. He didn't expect that the sins he had committed in the past would come to him at this moment, but when he thought that he might suffer because of a lowly peasant girl, he was very unconvinced.

He could only try to persuade Murong Yun: "Princess Yunhua, don't you also look down on those lowly people? Are you going to have trouble with me today for this ridiculous reason?"

He had heard that when Princess Yunhua met a beggar on the street, she thought the beggar had stained her eyes. For this reason, she expelled the beggars from the entire city of Liu Jing.

It was winter, and countless beggars who had been driven out of the city froze to death and starved to death.

Obviously, after listening to Luo Wuqi's words, Hua Zhu also thought of the ridiculous things Murong Yun had done in the past. With a smile on his face, he was also laughing at himself for actually having expectations from her.

How is it possible? Murong Yun is the one who always respects the distinction between high and low people, and the lowly people only deserve to be stepped on and become dirt.


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