Thursday, December 21, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 72 - Fu Yuxiu’s Two Choices

 The final results of the Domestic competition were announced. Team Dream successfully won the Domestic Championship, the PTR team was in second place, and ESD was in third place.

These three teams will also face competitions in various divisions in the second half of the year. Since they have won the top rankings, it represents their strength, not to mention that Mu Wen Li of Team Dream is IO.

This was the first Intercontinental Alliance list bigshot to appear within G country, and he is also a member of the Intercontinental Alliance God's Domain, so she deserves to be the TOP.

The captain of the PTR team was convinced of his loss. After receiving the award and stepping down, he wanted to say a few words to Wen Li, but was told that she had already left.

He was convinced after losing the game, but he unintentionally offended the boss, which was fatal. You must know that IO is the idol of many people. Such a talented person deserves everyone's admiration.

Seeing the crowd of IO fans waving flags and cheering, everyone knew why Mu Wen Li left early. With her status, she would probably be surrounded here all day long and not be able to get out.

Tang Xiao stood in the audience holding the trophy, looking at the ribbons and balloons floating in the sky. He felt like he was in a dream. It feels very unreal, like in a dream.

Fang Qing and Qing Guo were very happy. Tong Lin'an stood next to Tang Xiao with a smile on his face and glanced at the young man who was in a daze.

"Captain, please be happy, we won first place!" Fang Qing rushed over and hugged Tang Xiao.

He usually trains hard, but now that he has achieved such good results. Why does he think that Tang Xiao feels unhappy?

"Be happy." Tong Lin'an patted Tang Xiao on the shoulder.

Mu Chenxing looked at the medal in his hand and then looked up again. Mu Chenyu and Mu Nuanxi were gone. There were a lot of things to deal with on Mu's side. In addition, Mu Wen Li's identity suddenly appeared today, I'm afraid Mu's side is going to be a mess.

The stock price will also change because of Mu Wen Li, It seems that it will rise a lot.

"It is our first time to participate in a Domestic competition and achieve such good results. It is much better than those who have worked hard for so many years and still gained nothing." Pu Xi stood with a cane and hugged Mu Chenxing with one hand to comfort him, "Besides, who would have expected a godly TOP like IO to show up."

Originally, there were no restrictions on who could participate in the competition, and previous champions could also participate in the competition. Even if IO and Soya came to participate in the competition, they could do nothing but wait to be tortured.

"I didn't expect Mu Wen Li to be the IO. Didn't your family investigate her when they brought her back?" Zhou Xiaoyun asked.

Mu Chenxing didn't say anything. When Mu Chenyu brought Wen Li back, he had also seen her investigation details. Mu Chenxing had seen them all and it did not mention Wen Li's talent in this area. Naturally, it wouldn't mention that she participated in WFRS under the name of IO. 

"We still have a long way to go in the future. This time we lost because we didn't understand people well. Next time, we will win the championship." Pu Xi looked at the audience who did not leave.

Their life and career have just begun, and no one can tell clearly what the future will look like.

Mu Wen Li is known as IO, but it may not be an insurmountable gap.

Wen Li escaped from the bustling venue. Thanks to the security personnel in the venue and Soya's own bodyguards, Wen Li was not surrounded by crazy fans.

It was exactly twelve o'clock at noon, and the game had countless spins and turns. No matter how big the venue was, it would always be a building surrounded by square cement, without the freedom of the vast sky outside.

"Congratulations." Jin Lewei came over and handed her the flowers in her hand.

Looking at the beautifully packaged bouquet, Wen Li chuckled, "When was it prepared?"

"Of course, I have to come doubly prepared to watch your competition. Besides, I believe you will definitely get first place."

Jin Lewei raised her hand and pressed it on her hat, saying with relief, "I'm very happy to see you participating in this competition."

This means that Wen Li is really willing to let go of the past, be an ordinary child, and live the most ordinary life like every child here.

"You left home when you were ten years old. We don't know where you have been in the past ten years. Maybe you have not lived a good life. I knew that your path was different from that of ordinary children. But it has passed, and you can now look forward to the future."

"I just participated in a competition, are you so happy?" Wen Li looked at Jin Lewei.

"What I'm happy about is not whether you can get first place, but your attitude." The smile on Jin Lewei's face grew stronger.

By choosing to live like an ordinary child, she may be able to forget those things in the past. People can have many choices in this life, and there is no need to cling to the past.

"I have classes in the afternoon, so I won't accompany you. Auntie will treat you to dinner tomorrow."

Jin Lewei stepped forward and hugged her gently, "Congratulations."

Wen Li looked down at the bouquet in her hand. She inexplicably thought of Lu Xue of the Mu family and her expectations for the three siblings of the Mu family, as well as Mu Kuiyuan's expectations for Mu Chenyu.

Children of ordinary families grow up under the expectations of their parents.

Jin Lewei always has the expectations of an elder for her.

"Miss Mu." Fei Ran suddenly came behind her and spoke.

Wen Li turned around. This person had disappeared from her world for many days. His appearance in this place meant that he was back.

"The young master is looking for you." Fei Ran.

Wen Li glanced behind him but didn't see the enchanting man.

"Master is behind."

Fei Ran made a gesture of invitation, and Wen Li handed him the bouquet. Fei Ran held the bouquet and walked in front of Wen Li without changing his expression.

The Science and Technology Museum covers a large area. In addition to the main venue used for competitions, there are side pavilions on both sides. With the development of science and technology in the past two years, more and more people have visited here.

Mu Chenyu and Soya walked out side by side, followed by a group of media reporters. A Jing worked hard with his bodyguards to isolate the fans and reporters, leaving an area between the two.

"Regarding the fact that Miss Mu is a top hacker IO, does Mr. Mu have anything to say to the audience..."

"Have Mr. Soya and IO been friends for a long time? What kind of relationship is there between the two of you?"

"Will IO be stationed at the Mushi Technology headquarters next..."

Questions from the media were thrown out one after another. Lu Zhizhou glanced at everyone without changing his expression and walked out with the support of bodyguards.

He didn't like to deal with the media in the first place, but fortunately, the girl left early, otherwise she would have been surrounded as soon as she came out, and he was afraid that he would be hacked to death by Wen Li.

"We will hold a press conference to respond to your questions later, so don't worry." Mu Chenyu responded to the media reporters without changing his expression.

Mu Nuanxi was standing at the exit. When the media reporters wanted to gather around her, they were stopped by the bodyguards brought by her assistant.

"Miss Mu Nuanxi, do you have anything to say about Miss Mu Wen Li's sudden change of identity?"

"There are rumors outside that Miss Mu Wen Li and Mr. Nan Sheng..."

The reporter's words stopped Mu Nuanxi who had already walked out. When she heard Nan Sheng's name, her already unstable heart became even more restless.

Why would a reporter ask such a question?

"Miss, let me take you back first." A Jing came over and spoke.

How many reporters are waiting to ask questions now, If any of them caught a member of the Mu family, they will not relent. If Mu Nuanxi stays here, she will be blocked by countless people.

"No need, I'll go back by myself first, and you're responsible for blocking them." Mu Nuanxi raised her hand and pressed her temples.

Her brain has been hurting since just now. The words 'Mu Wen Li' kept popping up from reporters in the distance, and it also involved Nan Sheng, which made her temples beat even more fiercely.

"Miss Mu Nuanxi..."

"Sorry." Mu Nuanxi said, looking at the row of microphones in front of her, "I'm a little tired today. If you have any questions, you can wait until Mu holds a press conference to ask. I'm sorry."

Mu Nuanxi walked away with her bag and never looked at the media again.

As soon as she came out of the main hall, she turned her head and saw Fei Ran walking in front holding flowers, followed by Mu Wen Li who was following closely behind.

"Miss?" Mu Chenyu's assistant called.

"You wait for me here."

Just after saying this, the assistant watched as Mu Nuanxi walked towards the glass door, her steps a little hasty.

Mu Nuanxi held her handbag and followed the two of them cautiously, avoiding the exhibition hall in various twists and turns. The corridor became narrower the further in, but even the corridor itself was carefully crafted.

They came up into a clearing and arrived at the door of a small house in what looked like a courtyard. Two bodyguards in black stood in front of the circular arch.

Inside, the floor of the courtyard was paved with bluestone slabs, and a tea table was placed under the eaves. Two slender, dignified, and indifferent men sat among them.

From Mu Nuanxi's point of view, she could only see the profiles of the two people sitting on the chairs in the middle of the house. Her fingers suddenly tightened on the wall.

Xi Moran poured someone a cup of tea slowly, and when he met the man's cold gaze, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Don't be so stingy. There's no point in hiding."

He was holding her in the palm of his hands like a treasure and not letting anyone see her. The little girl had a good background, and she was no ordinary girl at first glance.

"I don't have to be the gatekeeper for the old master."  Xi Moran put the teacup in front of the man.

As soon as Wen Li entered the door, she saw two people sitting on chairs drinking tea. One was Fu Yuxiu and the other, she squinted. It seems to be the owner of Seeking Jade Relic, Xi Moran.

A member of the Xi family in the imperial capital.

Wen Li stopped and watched. The two people were sitting face to face. The same environment but the two give off different vibes.

The table in the middle is like a dividing line. The man pouring tea on the left is as handsome as the moon and as gentle as the wind, but the man on the right is devilishly handsome, and enchanting.

Two people with different styles sit together, like a landscape painting with cold tones and an oil painting with gorgeous tones confronting each other. However, they do not exclude each other. Instead, they merge into a beautiful picture with the breeze.

Fei Ran took her to Fu Yuxiu's side, pulled out the wicker chair and, let her sit down.

"Miss Mu, do you still remember me?" Xi Moran had a gentle smile on his lips.

"Xi Moran." Wen Li replied.

Hearing her call out his name, Xi Moran smiled and said, "It seems that someone from Xi is still charming and can be remembered by Miss Mu."

As expected, the man next to Wen Li frowned.

The smile in Xi Moran's eyes became even bigger. He couldn't even say a word? What a treasure this was.

"Do you need me for something?" Wen Li turned her head and looked at the man beside her.

Fu Yuxiu leaned back in his chair and put his forehead with one hand. He didn't look very energetic.

"I just watched the whole process of Miss Mu's competition. I didn't expect that Miss Mu, in addition to being quite accomplished in Jade also has such an amazing identity. I really admire you and want to meet you."

Xi Moran said this in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, without any flattery, just like talking to the most ordinary friend.

"Mr. Xi is polite."

Wen Li had just finished talking to Xi Moran, and she felt that the aura of the one beside her had changed.

She raised her hand to touch the person next to her, "What are you..."

The man who was holding his forehead and closing his eyes accurately grabbed the hand she extended and held it in his palm, "Don't make trouble, I'll take a rest."

Xi Moran raised his eyebrows and looked at the weak man. In this world, if you want to calculate people's hearts, no one can compare with Fu Yuxiu. His eyes can see through people's hearts, and he naturally knows how to control his prey bit by bit. 

And he has always been very patient when it comes to getting what he wants.

"Now that I've met Miss Mu, it's time for me to leave. I'll be your host when you come to the Imperial Capital. I hope Miss Mu won't refuse."

Wen Li was stunned. What would she be doing in the imperial capital?

Xi Moran put aside these words and stood up, walking slowly towards the door, followed by half of the bodyguards around him. 

Wen Li stared at the man who grabbed her hand and wouldn't let go. He disappeared in silence, she had almost forgotten about the existence of this patient.

"Mr. Nan, did you specifically ask me to come here just to sit here and bask in the sun?"

From Wen Li's perspective, she could see the corners of the man's mouth raised wildly. He stood up, and his handsome face was exposed to the sun.

"Did you have fun while I was away?"

He raised his hand and gently pushed back the hair around Wen Li's ears. Although the hand holding Wen Li seemed gentle, he used enough strength.

"Didn't you also have fun when you went out?" Wen Li asked back.

Fu Yuxiu had a smile on his lips, "Are you angry?"

"I won't leave you alone in the future, okay?"

Wen Li didn't pay attention to his intention. She only remembered that the poison in this man's body had not been resolved yet. He said he felt uncomfortable two days ago, but it's been so many days, he couldn't still be feeling uncomfortable, right?

"I watched your game." Fu Yuxiu said, lowering his head and gently squeezing her palms, "It's amazing."

"The famous hacker IO."

Wen Li heard how there was a hint of complaint in his words, and suddenly thought of what he heard when he ordered Fei Ran to look for Soya when he was at Nan's house. He was probably complaining that she didn't explain her identity.

Wen Li held the man's wrist in her palm with her backhand and carefully checked his pulse. It was beating strongly. Compared with the weakness of the previous two days, it was almost healed.

"The poison has been detoxified. I wonder what kind of excuse Mr. Nan will use to escape this time?"

The girl in front of him looked directly into his eyes without hesitation. Her face was cold but serious, and she looked very lively.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Fu Yuxiu replied, reaching out and grabbing two candies from Wen Li's coat pocket with his slender fingers, his expression gloomy.

"Do you like this?" He opened his palms, and the candy Lu Zhizhou had just given her was clearly in the man's white palms.

"You can take it if you like." Wen Li was very generous.

Fei Ran handed over two exquisite transparent small jars, and Wen Li's nose was immediately hit by the sweet smell.

"This, or this." The man pointed his slender fingers at the transparent jar, "You choose one."

This is asking her to choose one between the two candies and the two cans of biscuits.

Fei Ran swallowed, a little nervous. The young master just watched Soya put the two candies into Miss Mu's hand, and his face was so gloomy that he almost killed someone.

If looks could kill, Soya in the audience would have been killed many times.

Now, Miss Mu is asked to choose between cookies and candies. Miss Mu is clearly asked to choose life or death.

Wen Li looked at the candy in his hand that had been crushed by the man's fingertips, then at the delicate and beautiful biscuits, and then at Fu Yuxiu's handsome face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

She reached out to open the biscuit jar, took a biscuit, and took a bite, "Are you going to Nan's house now?"

After completing this series of movements smoothly, the dark tide in the man's eyes melted away, just like the wind blowing through the misty night, and finally became clear.

"Be good." Fu Yuxiu raised his hand and pressed her hat, then handed over the two candies with his backhand, "Fei Ran, eat it."

Fei Ran, who never liked sweets, stepped forward, quickly peeled off the candy wrapper and put two candies into his mouth.

"Let's go." He stood up and stretched out his hand to Wen Li.

Wen Li consciously held the two jars in her hands, with a satisfied smile on her face. The biscuits were really delicious, crisp, and moderate, with just the right amount of milk. They were not sweet or bland at all. They were just right for her taste. 

Fu Yuxiu looked at his empty palms, but he wasn't upset at all. He hugged the person and walked out with a smile on his face.

Take your time step by step, at least this girl no longer rejects him, which is a good thing.

From Mu Nuanxi's perspective, she could see clearly that it was the same as the person who appeared in the newspaper, the adopted son of the Nan family, Nan Sheng's brother.

She won't remember it wrongly. Thinking about this, she took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the two people walking side by side.

Her heart was beating in her chest, and as soon as Mu Nuanxi turned around, someone took her phone away from her.

"Miss Mu, please don't do unnecessary things." Lu Min entered her mobile phone page to find the photos to delete and then handed the phone to her.

"If it happens again, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the Mu family."

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared in front of her, Mu Nuanxi was so frightened that she leaned back against the wall, not daring to reach out and take the phone.

These people are so elusive.

Mu Nuanxi took her handbag and looked back at the bodyguard who followed the man away. Her expression wasn't too ugly.

When she went to the Nan family as a child, she knew that there was an area of ​​the Nan family that was not allowed to enter. As for the adopted son of the Nan family, she only heard that he was a sick child and was never exposed to others easily.

If it weren't for the photo from a year ago, she wouldn't have recognized that the handsome man was actually the adopted son of the Nan family.

Judging from the intimacy between the two of them just now, could it be that Wen Li had been going to Nan's house all this time not to find Nan Sheng, but for this man?

This must be checked clearly.

She walked along the way she came from to the entrance of the Science and Technology Museum. Every step she took was full of thoughts. She was relieved but also felt inexplicably uneasy.

Many people knew very little about the adopted son of the Nan family, and Nan Sheng never mentioned his brother.

She stood there, with that handsome face in her mind, but was that man really just an adopted son of the Nan family?

That kind of momentum cannot be cultivated by relying on others.

By this time, the Science and Technology Museum had become quiet, all the main characters had left, and the media and fans naturally began to withdraw.

When Mu Nuanxi arrived at the underground parking lot, the driver stood beside the car and opened the door.

"Miss, Miss Li is waiting for you in the car." The driver reminded her.

Mu Nuanxi looked up and saw Li Mengluo, who had been sitting in the RV. She hurriedly got in the car.

"Luoluo, why are you out here?" Mu Nuanxi sat next to Li Mengluo and looked at her with concern.

After the last incident, Li Mengluo's body was damaged and she had to be IV dripped for two or three days before she regained some consciousness.

Li Mengluo is the same as before. She is wearing gray sportswear, long clothes and long trousers. Her face is also a little pale, and she is not as youthful and energetic as before.

"Sister, I just came out of the venue." Li Mengluo opened her mouth, her voice hoarse.

Mu Nuanxi was stunned. This meant that she had watched all the competition.

"How are you doing? I heard from my aunt two days ago that you are almost fine. She kept saying that you wanted to see me, but the school is really busy."

Li Mengluo lowered her head, her eyes red.

"What's wrong, Luoluo?" Mu Nuanxi comforted her.

"Sister, I'm not willing to give in. Why am I like this, but Mu Wen Li lives so beautifully!!" Li Mengluo said with hatred.

The bone-gnawing hatred made Mu Nuanxi come back to her senses. After all, she was the sister she grew up with. Mu Nuanxi held her cold hand.

If something like this happens to a girl and she ends up marrying someone she doesn't like, Mu Nuanxi can understand her pain.

"Luoluo, everything is over. Grandpa has given his verdict. You should live a good life with Zhou Xiaoyun from now on."

According to Mu Kuiyuan's traditional concept, since such a shameful thing happened, there is nothing wrong with letting Li Mengluo marry into the Zhou family. Moreover, it was Li Mengluo own medicine, out of guilt for the Zhou family. In the future, when Li Mengluo marries the dowry must be generous.

"Sister, do you also want me to accept my fate? Why?" Li Mengluo's eyes were almost crazy.

"I must make her pay the same price!!"

She was tortured to a point where life was worse than death, and her future life trajectory was almost set. Mu Wen Li had harmed her future, but she was enjoying the admiration of everyone this morning and, it was glorious.

"Luoluo, Wen Li did something wrong indeed, but after all..." Mu Nuanxi planned to persuade.

Li Mengluo suddenly stopped the twisted and ferocious expression on her face, and looked at Mu Nuanxi with concern, "Sister, I came here specifically to see you."

Then she took out a bunch of photos from the bag she brought with her and showed them. Each one showed Nan Sheng and Mu Wen Li. Although the two were not close to each other and had no physical contact, but it was enough to prove that the two of them had been coming and going frequently during this period of time.

"Didn't you ask how Pu Xi's leg was injured?" Li Mengluo pulled out a few photos and spread them out in front of her eyes. "Let me tell you, it was done by people from Nan Sheng."

"What did you say?" Mu Nuanxi obviously didn't want to believe it.

"That night at Imperial Seal Hotel, Pu Xi spoke rudely to Mu Wen Li. Nan Sheng finally got angry and broke Pu Xi's leg. If you don't believe it, you can go investigate. You can ask the waiter and manager there, it is not a secret."

Mu Nuanxi's fingertips trembled a little, and the understanding in her heart became clear at this moment. Those facts that she clamored to cover up and did not recognize, how ironic this moment was.

"Sister, Mu Wen Li hid her identity as IO and returned to the Mu family. Grandpa just gave an order to Brother Chenyu a few days ago and gave her a pass to freely enter the science and technology park."

Mu Nuanxi looked up, but still couldn't believe it.

"Wake up, don't you understand why she came to Mu's house? She came for revenge!"

Mu Nuanxi gasped for air, her hands shaking so much that she couldn't even pick up her phone.

The scene from that year suddenly flashed through her mind.

"You wait here for sister. Sister will come back to you soon."

"Li Li must be obedient..."

In the end, what appeared in front of her eyes was the appearance of that delicate and beautiful little girl running out of the amusement park.

"Sister, she hates the Mu family for losing her for fifteen years, so she is here to take revenge. If she really gets the shares of the Mu family, what will happen then?"

Li Mengluo's words were like needles pricking Mu Nuanxi's heart with facts.

She is now like a ship tossed by huge waves in the sea, drifting up and down one after another.

"Grandpa dotes on her so much now. If she is allowed to marry Nan Sheng, sister, you don't want to see such a situation."

Mu Nuanxi held on to the seat and seemed to have used a lot of strength to support her body and the expression on her face.

If Mu Wen Li dares to reveal her identity as IO today, she won't be afraid of anyone attacking her.

Such an identity would only make her status in Mu Kuiyuan's heart get higher and higher. In the end, the situation will really get worse. She couldn't guarantee whether her grandfather would still stand by her.

"Be the first to strike first. Before anything is settled, you have to keep your things!" Li Mengluo said.

The last sentence was like the straw that broke the camel's back, crushing Mu Nuanxi's last remaining sanity.

"I know." She said with her eyes closed.

Mu Nuanxi admitted that she had indeed been troubled by nightmares over the years, and had dreamed of the girl who ran out of the amusement park in front of her countless times.

She has also felt guilty and blamed herself, but people are always selfish, right?

To protect their own things, people always have to use some means.

Li Mengluo knew that she had listened, and the knot in her chest suddenly dissipated.


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