Friday, December 22, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 41 - Not be Repeated

 How could she attack her 'kind'?

"Lowly person?"

Murong Yun lowered her head and looked at Luo Wuqi, who was kneeling on the ground. He was obviously such a loser but so confident. He thought he had noble blood, but in fact, he only used his power to bully others.

He is a mean person and doesn't think he is at all wrong.

Maybe the original owner did do some wrong things, but she is not her, and she only wants to do what she wants.

Seeing Murong Yun's unpredictable expression, Luo Wuqi had a bad feeling in his heart. He threw away the guards behind him and tried to run away.

Just when he stood up, a sharp blade appeared on his neck. Luan guard, who was sternly dressed in black, steadily placed the blade between Luo Wuqi's neck.

This is... Luan Yi, who previously abolished Madam Luo.

Luo Wuqi's face turned pale for a moment, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

Murong Yun looked at the other party's actions and finally spoke: "Since you look down on those so-called lowly people."

"Today, I will demand justice from you on their behalf."

"Also, there is no distinction between high and low among the people of South Chu. In the past, this princess' brain was squeezed by the door. Now my princess has recovered from her injury."

"So, you're pretty much the same, so let's change your mind. ”

"You, you, you, Murong Yun, don't do whatever you want, my father will not let you go!"

Luo Wuqi was completely panicked. He looked at Murong Yun with his eyes wide open and said without hesitation: "Speak of seeking justice and a change of heart. If you have the ability, you should first atone for the things you have done!"

Atonement? The corner of Murong Yun's mouth tugged, if she will not be killed by the plot two years later, by then, she would do good deeds every day!

But for now, Luo Wuqi needs to be gone.

"Luan Yi, let's destroy his legs."

This is the result of not being low-key and jumping around indiscriminately.

Luan Yi received the order, and his subordinates did not hesitate at all. In his eyes, the identity of the Marquis Luo heir was not worth mentioning at all.

"You witch, ah——"

After Madam Luo, Luo Wuqi also had his legs removed without mercy, and his whole body collapsed on the ground. He had never suffered such pain. Even if he screamed in pain, he would not forget to curse.

"Murong Yun, you duplicitous woman, if you didn't rely on your status, how good would you be?

"Pray well and don't fall into the hands of this heir in this life. I want you to die badly!"

Die badly? Murong Yun's delicate and beautiful face had a momentary freeze, the original owner indeed counted as dying badly, these words, they were really heartbreaking.

"Then before this princess dies badly, let me help you die badly first."

Murong Yun's beautiful eyes were full of ice. In fact, she was not very good-tempered. Even in her previous life, when most people lived in peace and quiet in modern times, she had some troubled times.

Her hands had long been stained with blood, and she was a little worried at first, but she really had nothing to worry about in this world, not to mention that she was a scumbag.

"Luan Yi, continue, cripple his legs."

Luan Yi took action without hesitation but suddenly paused. There was a tangle in his brows under the mask. Luo Wuqi's legs were already useless just now. What did the master mean by this?

He was a little confused.

Murong Yun took a look and added silently: "I am talking about the third leg. Isn't he a pervert? I will help him get rid of it once and for all."

"...... Yes."

When Luan Yi heard this, he was stunned for a moment. It took him a while to digest the meaning. He raised the knife and dropped it. Luo Wuqi, who was still cursing before, felt his legs go cold. After another burst of severe pain, he fainted.

Seeing this, Hua Zhu couldn't help but look sideways.

Murong Yun really opened his eyes that she could actually destroy Luo Wuqi.

This is Marquis Luo's only son. It is an act to cut off the heir. Over the years, Marquis Luo has gradually become more powerful. When Marquis Luo finds out, there will probably be a bloody storm.

In fact, he instigated Murong Yun to destroy Luo Wuqi just to watch the fun.

Murong Yun has always ridiculed him because of his background. This time she offended Marquis Luo, but it depends on how she ends up...

Thinking of this, Hua Zhu took out his silver shell fan and looked at Murong Yun calmly. The other person was still calm.

On the contrary, Li Yunjin on the side had tears and joy in her eyes, and her years of nightmares disappeared at this moment.

At this time, there was a sound of horse hooves on the street, and a large number of people and horses arrived one after another.

"It's Marquis Luo."

Hua Zhu waved his silver shell fan and looked at the people with some expectation in his eyes. He came at a good time, not early and not late, just after Murong Yun had abolished the people.

From the corner of her eyes, Murong Yun saw the hidden excitement on Hua Zhu's face, but she was not angry about it.

It's just that.

"It won't be repeated."

Murong Yun gently turned sideways and said to Hua Zhu that she could follow his wishes this time, but that didn't mean that she was stupid enough to let him take advantage of her.

Hua Zhu stopped moving his hands, his eyes moved, and he smiled slightly at Murong Yun, with a hint of provocation: "Why don't you, County Princess, deal with this matter first?"

With this look, he really deserved a beating. Murong Yun moved at will and slapped Hua Zhu on the head with her palm. She completely ignored his younger brother who was still posing to pretend to be sophisticated and said bluntly:

"Remember, from now on, call this Princess, sister. Little kids have to be polite."

Little, little kid.......

Hua Zhu was caught off guard and was slapped on the head, and his chic hairstyle was messed up. He was even more shocked by being called a kid, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What kid? He is eighteen years old!

If it had been a different man, the kid would have run away!

But in Murong Yun's eyes, at the age of eighteen, not to mention the original owner who was twenty, in modern times, she was also twenty-eight. At eighteen years old, wasn't he just a kid?

Hua Zhu's behavior was indeed a bit childish in her opinion.

But no matter what the two people thought, after receiving the servant's request for help, Marquis Luo rushed back from the military camp outside the city.

Unfortunately, it's still too late...

Marquis Luo Mingda saw his unconscious son lying on the ground from a distance, especially the blood stains between his legs, which shocked him even more. He quickly dismounted his horse and came to check.

"This this."

After Luo Mingda inspected Luo Wuqi's tragic situation, his facial muscles were trembling angrily, and his eyes were filled with fire-like glare as he looked straight at Murong Yun, almost breaking his good teeth.

If reason hadn't told him that the person in front of him was the apple of the emperor's eye, he would have drawn his sword long ago.

"County Princess, I don't know what a heinous wrong thing my son has done to make the princess commit such a murderous act!"

"Isn't it a heinous mistake to tease this princess and try to make me his side wife?"

Murong Yun narrowed her beautiful eyes and was not intimidated by the other party at all. She also pointed at Baili Hui, Madam Luo, who was lying on the other side and reminded:

"By the way, there is also your wife, who dares to openly come to the door and not only fight me but also humiliated the mother of this princess, the eldest princess Jingmin."

"This princess has abolished her cultivation. I hope Marquis Luo will take her back so that she can be disciplined."


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