Wednesday, December 20, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 39 - Who is your Brother

 Kneel down to give thanks? 

Baili Hui and her son were shocked. This little maid actually spoke more arrogantly than Murong Yun.

Baili Hui was so angry that she couldn't even remember her head. She pointed her finger at Murong Yun and said angrily: "Sure enough, her biological mother died early and she has no one to educate her. How rude!"

"Today, no one can save this Li Yunjin!" Baili Hui didn't care about Princess Yunhua at this time. When she was still in Liu Jing, she had taught a lesson to those County princesses.

"Come here, please bring the Heir Consort back to the house."

Baili Hui actually ignored it and issued the order directly. Isn't it just for this step that she brought dozens of experts?

She is just a favored princess. Her cousin, Prime Minister Baili, and her husband are in charge of the defense of Liu Jing. What can Murong Yun do to her?

"Yes, yes, yes, take this woman back, I will train her well."

Luo Wuqi had long since lost all his pretense of pretending to be a human being. Seeing his mother helping him as always, his face was full of determination.

Her biological mother died early?

When Murong Yun heard this, a sneer appeared on her delicate and beautiful face. The memory of the original owner had long been blurred. She had lost her memory of ten years ago, and she could only remember the smile of the eldest princess.

She always calls her little Ayun tenderly, and her little Ayun is like the warm sun in winter.

It is a precious treasure that she has never had as Feng Yun in her life.

She was willing to protect everything of the eldest princess for the original owner.

"Since you mentioned my mother, I, this County princess, will not spare you."

Murong Yun's beautiful face had a rare coldness, and she remained motionless as she looked at the servants of the Marquis Mansion who were about to forcefully come over to kidnap someone.

She doesn't have to retreat, they can't leave either!

Similarly, Xiao Cui is also someone who has seen big scenes. When she followed the County princess to teach the ignorant young ladies in Liu Jing City, the mother and son didn't know where they were playing in the mud!

"Come here, escort me!"

Xiao Cui stretched out her big hand, and the guards of the eldest princess's palace came out from the gate behind her.

How could one imagine that such a scene would occur at the feet of the Emperor and in the residences of powerful people?

The two palaces are good players, and they have many spiritual skills. You hit me with a palm, and I hit you with a punch. The palm wind and spiritual energy flew around, destroying the two Qingluan statues in the Princess Palace, and the Yuci Palace plaque in the Marquis Luo's Palace was also cracked. 

The noise was so loud that it could even be heard across the street, let alone the General's Mansion next door.

Hua Zhu came out to investigate with the order of his eldest sister-in-law Li Jiang. He frowned when he saw the Marquis' wife, Madam Luo, who was in the dark with red eyes, and Murong Yun, who was standing steadily on the steps with a cold face.

Why is it that this Murong Yun can fight at the door of her own house now?

It is simply becoming more and more lawless.

However, even so, he had to order the guards of the General's Mansion to come forward to help.

After all, Murong Yun is also the only young lady in the General's Mansion. Even if he doesn't like her, he can't just watch her. This will also disgrace the General's Mansion.

As soon as the people from the General's Mansion joined in, the situation turned around instantly. Murong Yun saw Hua Zhu flamboyantly dressed in red among the crowd, knocking one away with a fan, and her eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, this kid could carry it clearly at the critical moment.

"Hua Zhu, take down Madam Luo!"

Murong Yun raised her voice towards Hua Zhu. Of course, after the latter heard this, he rolled his eyes at her in an extremely ungraceful manner, but as he moved, he obediently walked towards Baili Hui.

"You're just a brat, but you dare to interfere!"

But Baili Hui was not someone to be trifled with. The spiritual energy of the sixth-level fire element surged out and headed towards Hua Zhu, still not forgetting the sarcasm on his lips.

"But a brothel woman's son, so what if they are talented."

The saddest thing for Baili Hui in this life is that her son Luo Wuqi is just an ordinary person and has not inherited the talent that she and Marquis Luo are proud of. At this time, seeing that the bastard of the General's Mansion has the talent for spiritual cultivation, she is even more jealous. 

No mercy was shown in every move.

Hua Zhu's face turned cold after hearing what the other party said. What he hates most is being discussed about his life experience, especially about his mother...

However, he is young, only eighteen years old. Even if he is extremely talented, he is only at the fifth level. The light blue water aura on the silver shell fan was dispersed by the violent fire aura before it touched the other party's clothes. 

"If I can't touch Murong Yun, why can't I touch you?!"

Baili Hui looked at the other party being suppressed by her, with a look of pride on her face: "Anyway, your father is far away at the border. Even if I destroy you today, there will be no one in the General's Mansion to stand up for you."

"Shut up! Old women talk too much."

Hua Zhu's face turned pale because he resisted the opponent's spiritual impact. Even so, he was still beautiful despite his androgynous appearance, with a bit of stubbornness on his face.

Although he was clearly outmatched, he still refused to retreat.


Murong Yun looked at the venomous and stubborn Hua Zhu and sighed. It was clear that she was not far away. If he couldn't beat her, why didn't he ask for help?

"Luan Yi, go get her."

Murong Yun opened her mouth and called out Luan Yi, the number one master around her. The General's Mansion had been silent for too long, and even a madam of the marquis could despise him like this.

"Yes. ”

Luan Yi flashed and appeared next to Baili Hui in an instant. With a wave of his hand, the cyan aura easily cut off the stuck water and fire aura, and the short blade with a cold metallic luster in his hand was attached to Baili Hui. 

"You actually have such a master beside you."

Baili Hui looked horrified. She was at the sixth level, and she didn't even have the strength to fight back against this person!

"Oh, how dare I, the princess, dare to act without any capital?"

Xiao Cui held a palace lantern and illuminated the steps for Murong Yun. Surrounded by guards, the master and servant walked step by step to Baili Hui.

Hua Zhu, who was out of breath, saw that Murong Yun had such a master beside him but still wanted him to fight with this sixth-level old woman. He snorted angrily and used the silver shell fan in his hand to calm himself down.

"Since you can win, why bother making fun of me and seeing me make a fool of myself, are you so happy?"

He was such an arrogant younger brother. When Murong Yun looked at Hua Zhu, his angry face was even more unpredictable than a woman's thoughts.

"What a great training opportunity. Besides, this sister also wants to experience the feeling of being protected by her brothers."

As soon as these words came out, Hua Zhu shook his silver shell fan for a moment and then fanned faster. His beautiful face was dull for a moment, and then he hummed again, with a slightly lower voice.

"Who is your brother? Shameless."

The voice was not loud, but Murong Yun heard it clearly. She was too lazy to be serious with this childish ghost now. She did mean to make him take action just now.

As for the people from the Marquis Luo Mansion, once Baili Hui was arrested, the remaining people naturally did not dare to move. Luo Wuqi was also restrained by folding his arms.

"Murong Yun, so what if you win? Do you dare to do anything to me? In addition to being the wife of Marquis Luo, I am also the cousin of Prime Minister Baili!"

It has to be said that Luo Wuqi's brainlessness may have been greatly influenced by his mother. Even now, Baili Hui is still blindly confident.


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