Wednesday, December 20, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 38 - Lord Chu is Here!

 Although she doesn’t know what role this handkerchief can play, but...

If Jiang Mengyue and Xu Yuanqing want to join forces to deal with her, she will never be merciful.

She was a little worried about Chun Lan. After waiting for so long, Chun Lan hadn't come yet. Did something happen?

Jiang Ning frowned and quickened her pace.

Suddenly her foot slipped and she felt a heartbreaking pain in her ankle. She screamed in surprise.


Jiang Ning was a little speechless. She had carefully avoided it for so long, but she didn't expect that she still twisted her leg... Is this a fate destined by God?

There is no one around here, and she can't call Xu Yuanqing for help, she can only walk there by herself.

She doesn’t know if the bones in her ankle were injured, but she felt a heartbreaking pain whenever she exerted force. She hissed in pain, "Hiss..."

She frowned, gritted her teeth, and moved step by step.

After a while, her face turned pale from the pain, and she was covered in cold sweat, with sweat flowing down her face.

It hurts...

There is still some distance from the pavilion building.

She limped and moved carefully, but every step she was trembling with pain, as if she was walking on the edge of a knife.

The bluestone road was slippery. Jiang Ning moved in small steps, but one foot was injured and he couldn't use her strength. Suddenly her leg went soft and slipped under her feet, and she was about to fall forward.

At the moment when she was about to fall, strong arms wrapped around her waist.

She fell into someone's arms.

Jiang Ning froze and turned blankly to look at the person hugging her.

"Lord Chu?"

Unexpectedly, the person who suddenly appeared was Chu Yunli, and she met him again.

The two stood very close, with her back pressed against Chu Yunli's body. She could smell the cold breath on his body. Jiang Ning's heart was pounding and she subconsciously pushed him away.

As soon as she left his arms, she felt excruciating pain in her ankles. Jiang Ning let out an ouch and fell into Chu Yunli's arms again.

Chu Yunli hugged her waist again.

So fine...

He can hold her with one hand.

Chu Yunli lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. The woman's face was full of panic, her eyes were wet because of the pain, and she seemed to be about to cry. She looked pitiful.

Jiang Ning didn't dare to move, because whenever she moved, her ankle hurt terribly.

Is she... throwing herself into his arms?

She suppressed her pounding heart, raised her face, and said, "Lord Chu, my foot is hurt..."

"I know, I saw it." Chu Yunli replied calmly, with no intention of letting go.

Jiang Ning felt her ears burning red and said awkwardly, "Can Lord Chu please send me to the Pavilion building? I really can't walk..." She was telling the truth. If she had to move to the Pavilion building by herself, she might be injured. 

Chu Yunli looked at her calmly, "Okay."

As she said that, Jiang Ning suddenly felt her feet rising into the air, and she was picked up from the waist.

She exclaimed and subconsciously hugged Chu Yunli's neck. The distance between the two was very close. When she raised her eyes, she saw Chu Yunli's side face. There was only a slight difference, and she could almost feel his breath.

So close.

Jiang Ning let go of her hand in panic, "Chu, Lord Chu..."

Chu Yunli looked down at her and frowned, "Don't move, do you want to fall? Didn't you ask me to take you back?"

Jiang Ning didn't dare to move. She asked Chu Yunli to send her back to the Pavilion building, but...

The current posture is not appropriate.

She had never been picked up like this before, clinging to the body of a strange man.

Chu Yunli looked at her and said, "How about carrying you on my back?"

Jiang Ning "..."

Okay, there doesn't seem to be much difference between holding and carrying, so let's keep the status quo and finally ask the regent to send her back to the Pavilion building. If he thinks it's troublesome he'll just leave her here and there will be no place to cry.

"Then thank you, Lord Chu." Jiang Ning thanked him.

Chu Yunli walked briskly and steadily, trying not to injure the person in his arms.

His face was sullen and expressionless.

But he was thinking in his heart, this girl not only has a thin waist but is also very light.


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