Wednesday, December 20, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 71 - Wen Li is IO, TOP1 in God’s Domain (Vest Drop)

 The entire venue was filled with applause and shouts. The National Information Security Competition was held for the fifteenth time. For the first time, talents who could directly separate themselves and collapse the system appeared.

And the most important thing is that this talent is actually Mu Wen Li, the most discussed and despised person in the venue, the youngest daughter of the Mu family who has just returned.

What a magical operation this is.

According to the competition system, if the top three teams have objections to the results of the competition, they can submit a reconsideration to the judging panel and wait until the guest performance competition is over before competing again.

In this result, the first place went to the Team Dream of Mu Wen Li, who single-handedly crashed the system, the second place went to the PTR team, which was the favorite to win, and the third place went to ESD, where Mu Chenxing belongs.

No matter how much dispute there is about this team outside, it has to be said that Mu Chenxing is indeed a talented person in this area.

The host looked excited, and her delicately made-up cheeks turned red.

"We now ask the players to go to the rest area to rest and wait. The next game is our much-anticipated guest exhibition game!!"

Soon the shouts for Soya overshadowed Wen Li.

The rest areas for the three teams were set up at the front of the stage, and now the players all brought their computers to the rest areas.

Everyone's eyes were on Wen Li. Even though she caused such a big disturbance, she still looked calm and collected.

The PTR captain narrowed his eyes, they were defeated by such a little girl.

"Captain?" the team member called.

The PTR captain came to his senses and said with a cold face, "Appeal."

As soon as these words came out, the ESD team sitting next to them looked at them in surprise.

"You want to appeal?" Pu Xi was speechless.

The Domestic competition has been held for so many years, and there has never been a situation where a player is dissatisfied and wants to appeal. What is the PTR captain going to do?

Mu Wen Li had already destroyed the system, so he was going to be tortured and killed a second time in front of so many people?

Or this person originally liked the feeling of being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"The domestic competition has been held for so many years, and no one has ever been able to break the system. The system for the domestic competition was built by people from the Intercontinental League. I don't believe that just a little girl can break it." PTR captain looked at Mu Wen Li.

"Besides, she is from the Mu family. The Mu family can even allow a person who has never studied to go to USTC to become a college student. It is not impossible to do something to gain the influence of the Mu family."

As soon as the captain finished speaking, Mu Chenxing stood up suddenly.

"You can appeal, but don't throw dirty water on others. If you suspect that Mu Shi has done something, please provide evidence, otherwise, it will be a rumor and frame-up!"

Seeing Mu Chenxing clenching his fists, Yan Heng stood up and held him, "Don't get excited, consider the occasion."

With so many people watching and so many cameras staring at him, if Mu Chenxing hits someone, something big will happen.

The PTR captain didn't think it was a big deal at all, and stood up to confront Mu Chenxing, "Am I wrong? Mu's is the sponsor of this competition, and your Mu family has a genius who can kill everyone in an instant, plus the attention Soya has earned for you. Mu is really playing a good game."

If such thoughts and words were spoken out, I'm afraid most people would believe that there was something wrong with Wen Li's grades.

The PTR team members were unwilling to lose, but the opponent was really strong. They had prepared for so many years, trained countless times, and failed countless times, and finally got to where they are today. How could they fall short like this?

"Moreover, two of the top three in this competition are from your Mu family. Mu Wen Li is your sister. Didn't you also take third place?" The ridicule in the PTR captain's eyes could no longer be concealed. 

Tang Xiao stood up and looked at the soft face of the PTR captain, "You also said that this system was built by people from the Intercontinental Alliance, but among all the companies in G country, even Mushi, who can help behind the scenes? 

The leader of PTR laughed out loud and turned to look at Soya in the middle of the guest seat.

"Isn't that..."

Mushi has just cooperated with Soya, and it has already gained a lot of popularity. The entire industry has new cooperation intentions for Mushi, and Soya's strength is there.

"You mean it was Soya who did it. How could you slander Mr. Soya like this?" Qing Guo couldn't bear to listen and stood up to confront a few people.

"You are not strong enough, but you doubt the authenticity of others. The PTR team is top-notch in the country, but is it just technical?" Qing Guo's face turned red with anger.

The PTR team members also stood up. After listening to the captain's words, they were now feeling more and more aggrieved. "Your team relied on Mu Wen Li to open a cheat and won first place. Now you should keep a low profile! Don't you have any shame as a human being?"

No matter how they defend themselves, these people feel in their hearts that Mu Wen Li has played a cheat. As long as she is in the Mu family, this result cannot be true.

"Momo, don't go too far." Mu Chenxing clenched his hands tightly.

The PTR captain showed no intention of giving in, "Did you get what you wanted?"

The PTR captain looked at Mu Chenxing with eyes full of inquiry, "Logically speaking, you are the son of the Mu family. Even if the Mu family wants to open a cheat to support an information security talent, it should be you, not her, so your status in the Mu family is not as good as a countryside-grown wild girl?" 

This sentence hit Mu Chenxing's heart hard, not because he was talking about his status, but because he was not as strong as Mu Wen Li, and he knew this clearly.

"How old are you?" Wen Li, who had been sitting silently, suddenly looked up at the PTR captain.

The PTR captain was stunned. This was obviously a little girl who had not yet grown up, and her eyes were ordinary, but why, a bone-gnawing chill began to rise from his back.

"Twenty-five years old." He replied subconsciously.

Wen Li chuckled and gently moved her fingers on the computer on her lap.

"No wonder, people with little experience may not be able to reach the top even at the age of forty-five."

Wen Li's indifferent words made the PTR captain explode.

"I think you don't know how high the sky is and how high it is!" He said and was about to rush over.

Such a dispute between the three teams will naturally attract the attention of people around them. Fans who were originally not convinced that PTR lost now began to whisper.

Tang Xiao took a step forward to block Wen Li, and for the first time, there was a chill in his eyes when he looked at the PTR captain.

"Please behave."

At the guest table, Mu Chenyu had received many blessings one after another. Representatives from various companies were originally worried that they would not have a chance to talk to Mu Chenyu, but now people came directly to congratulate him one after another.

"I didn't expect Miss Mu to be so powerful. The Mu family really has the ability to gather talents."

Every word of compliment comes out, praising how awesome Mu Wen Li is.

Lu Zhizhou stood up from the side and went to the stage, and Mu Nuanxi suddenly spoke.

"Thank you Mr. Soya."

The sound, neither light nor heavy, attracted the attention of people around him.

Lu Zhizhou looked back at her and wondered what Mu Nuanxi meant by saying thank you to him at this time.

Several company representatives who were talking to Mu Chen looked thoughtfully at the players' rest area.

Could it be that Mu Wen Li's performance just now was...

The noise here naturally attracted the attention of many people, and people from the organizing committee hurriedly came over to calm them down.

"Guys, we are about to start a guest exhibition match. Please take a closer look. We will arrange and deal with anything." The staff member with a work permit said.

The players in this class are also too difficult to lead. In the previous class, there was a saying that if you lose, you will hit someone.

Whether you can win the competition is a matter of ability, but picking quarrels and causing trouble is a matter of quality and personal moral quality.

"Okay." The PTR captain broke free from the team member's hand and held his hand. "I want to appeal. Let's play again."

The staff could only try to calm his emotions, "I will report it right now. Please sit down carefully now. Mr. Soya has already come on stage. Please watch the exhibition match."

Everyone here has calmed down, and they don’t know who Soya will invite as his opponent in the exhibition match.

Guests in exhibition matches have always been selected by the guests themselves. He can choose opponents from the players present or the audience at the venue, or he can use a computer to remotely connect to invite opponents to compete online.

After all, everyone is curious about what kind of opponent Soya will choose at such a top level. There is no opponent for him among the players present.

If he can connect remotely, given his level, he should be a master on the Intercontinental Alliance hacker list. I don't know which god-level figure can compete with Soya.

Lu Zhizhou went to the middle of the stage, and the staff behind him had already set up his computer.

The host handed over the microphone. Since it was someone else's place, he must be allowed to speak first.

Before Lu Zhizhou could speak, applause and cheers roared from the venue. Although he couldn't see clearly what he looked like, he was a tall man of 1.8 meters, with crisp silver hair, and two attractive eyes exposed outside the mask.

Once you stand there, you will already win with just your momentum.

"Everyone." Lu Zhizhou opened his mouth and said the first sentence.

He was answered with even more enthusiastic shouts and applause.

"I believe many people are curious, why did I agree to be a guest in this exhibition game, or who am I going to invite?"

Everyone fell silent, waiting expectantly for his answer.

Lu Zhizhou glanced down the stage. In the contestant area, Wen Li leaned back on the sofa. On the portable table in front of her was the computer she used for the competition.

"I came here for one person, and she happened to be there as well. She was the one I wanted to invite. I'm ashamed to say it. She and I have known each other for seven years, and we only had three serious confrontations. I didn't beat her in those three times."

Lu Zhizhou's words caused an uproar in the audience. Who else in this world can defeat Soya.

And such a person is still here, what kind of great god is he?

In the black glass room, Xi Moran looked at the audience with interest.

"This Soya can easily turn the world upside down. Now he is number one on the Intercontinental League list, and there is someone more powerful than him." Xi Moran paused as he thought, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Fei Ran behind him was stunned and uttered two words, "IO!!" 

Fu Yuxiu looked toward the center of the venue, and his originally dark eyes were filled with ink haze.

Lu Zhizhou stood back at the computer and pressed the keyboard flexibly with one hand to open a page.

"She is more powerful than me. She participated in the WFRS competition at the age of twelve and won the championship. At the age of thirteen, she conquered the network systems of two continents, O and S, and rewrote the history of the two continents. She built the entire intercontinental alliance's current network system. No one can do it today. She also participated in the WFRS competition only once, to the time of fifty seconds to attack the system to become a myth, setting a record and so far no one can beat it! Whether it is code writing or basic construction, she is above me, and is deservedly TOP1."

The audience held their breath. There was only one person with these god-like auras he was talking about.


Someone in the audience shouted the name.

Everyone was excited. IO was the pinnacle of the entire industry. If she hadn't been dead, Soya wouldn't be number one.

Although she is not in the first place now, she has become the pinnacle of the industry in the Intercontinental Alliance God's Domain.

"The news of IO's death broke out five years ago. This person's avatar in the Intercontinental Alliance God's Domain may have been blackened. Now Soya says she is still alive?" Xi Moran was also surprised.

Five years ago, IO disappeared. It was as if this person had never appeared before, and the account he used in the Intercontinental Alliance system had never been logged in again.

Five years have passed and there is still no news, so naturally everyone thinks he is dead.

It is precisely because of this that Soya aspires to be at the top of the hacker list.

Fu Yuxiu successfully captured the small figure in the rest area. From the moment she entered the venue, she seemed to be aloof from the incident, which was in sharp contrast to the noisy crowd around her.

"Master, could it be that IO is Miss Mu!" Fei Ran said in surprise.

Fu Yuxiu tightened his grip on the back of the sofa and stared fiercely at the girl below.

The big screen was connected to Soya's computer. On the page where he sent the invitation, the letters IO were clearly marked under the other party's avatar.

"The person Soya wants to invite is really IO, but isn't IO dead!!?"

The audience has already begun to boil. Countless people have regretted the death of IO over the years. Such a person who became famous at a young age but whose identity is still unknown has gone to the grave with the public's curiosity about her.

But now Soya actually made an invitation. Isn't it surprising that he is not dead yet?

The player area was already quiet. Everyone held their breath and looked at the big screen. It seemed that as long as they were connected, they could see the myth in the entire circle.

Lu Zhizhou sat quietly in front of the chair and leaned back with a relaxed expression, not worried at all about being rejected.

A minute passed and there was no response from the other side.

The disappointment on the faces of the audience was very obvious. It seemed that the news of IO's death was true.

"How can a dead person come back to life? Soya misses him too much." Puxi suddenly said.

Just like the friendship between their friends, Soya may just want to use this occasion to miss his friend.

"It's such a pity. It would be great if IO was still here for today's guest exhibition match. It would be an honor for us to see their match live." Fang Qing said unconsciously.

The whole place was very quiet. Some people in the audience even sobbed, and some people closed their eyes and clasped their hands together as if praying.

Wen Li's temples twitched as she looked at Lu Zhizhou on the stage, who also closed his eyes and raised his head.

The atmosphere that was originally quite lively suddenly became gloomy.

Qing Guo handed a bottle of water to Wen Li from her pocket. Out of curiosity, she unconsciously glanced at Wen Li's computer. She was so frightened that the water dropped to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Tang Xiao, who was sitting next to her, looked sideways.

Qing Guo was too excited to say anything. She could only pull Tang Xiao's finger to point at Wen Li's computer page. He froze in place.

On Wen Li's computer, what suddenly stopped was the page where Soya sent the battle request.

"I" Qingguo felt like something was stuck in her throat, unable to say the next O letter.

"Wen Li." Tang Xiao called.

The host walked onto the stage with graceful steps, and there was obvious sadness on her face.

"Let's all pray for IO together..."

Before she could finish her words, the page on the big screen suddenly changed, and the page for the battle between the two parties appeared.

"Oh my God!!!"

The page on the big screen changed.

Everyone screamed, this was IO agreeing to Soya's request.

This is the battle program of the Intercontinental Alliance. This account will not be fake in the slightest. It is an AI smart login at the beginning of the setting. No one can log in to this account except IO.

Mu Chenyu stood up suddenly at the guest table and looked at the straight line distance between the two people on the big screen.

"Fifty meters?!" Mu Chenxing pointed at the number and said.

Fang Qing also stood up and looked for him, "So IO is at the venue."

As they spoke, the two of them looked around the entire auditorium to find the person with the computer, but how could they possibly find him in such a huge venue with more than 50,000 people?

"No need to look for it." Tang Xiao said.

Mu Chenxing followed his gaze and saw Wen Li sitting in her seat and what appeared on her computer page.

He felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground without losing his balance.

Wen Li is IO.

What kind of joke is this? How could Wen Li be IO?

But the computer page has proven her identity. Who else in the world can log in to this account except IO herself.

"Impossible!" The PTR captain obviously saw it, and shouted excitedly, "How could she be IO!!"

There must be some mistake in some link. How could Mu Wen Li be IO?

Lu Zhizhou pressed the headphones on his ears and looked in the direction of Wen Li, "Li girl, I thought you could hold back and not take action. Sure enough, as soon as you came out, everything changed."

"If I don't come out, this will become a mourning meeting." Wen Li looked at the people on the stage.

The way those fans looked just now, every one of them was about to cry, it was just like the feeling of sadness that hit their faces.

"Mr. IO?" The host asked tentatively on the stage, "Can you please come on stage for a moment?"

There was no response. All the spectators were looking for people with computers around them, but they were all here to watch the game. Who came with a computer?

Finally, everyone's eyes turned to the players' rest area.

"Soya just said that IO is here!!" Someone in the crowd shouted, "He must be among the players, right?"

All the spotlights gathered in the players' rest area. Wen Li raised her hand to rub her temples, stood up and walked to the stage with her computer in her arms.

Seeing the little girl with a hat covering half of her face, everyone became even more excited. The person who came up was Mu Wen Li, who had just knocked out the system! 

"How can she be IO? Isn't she only twenty years old?!" The PTR captain obviously couldn't accept this fact.

He was talking to Mu Wen Li like that just now. Compared with a top like IO, the Mu family is nothing.

"IO participated in the WFRS competition at the age of twelve and disappeared when he was fifteen. Can it be inconsistent with Wen Li's age?"

This sentence woke up the PTR captain and made everyone pay attention to this seemingly inconspicuous information.

IO was fifteen years old five years ago and disappeared at that time, which was exactly the same age as Mu Wen Li."

The precious limited edition leather bag in Mu Nuanxi's hand was pinched and a hole was cut out. She looked at Mu Wen Li on stage in disbelief.

She is actually IO, the top hacker IO, the person who aspires to the Intercontinental Alliance God's Domain.

"No wonder." Mu Chenyu stared at the people on the stage.

No wonder Soya came to Mu's to find Mu Wen Li. If she was IO, he wouldn't have to find out where the two actually met.

"Brother, is Li Li really that powerful?"

Mu Chenyu clenched his hands tightly. He had thought that Mu Wen Li was not a simple person, but he never thought that she would be so powerful.

If the game just now can be called an opportunity to make domestic competition history, then this exhibition game between Soya and IO has truly shown everyone what a magical strike is.

Both of them are at the top level, so they naturally refuse to give in to each other. Their operation speed is getting faster and faster, and their code writing is getting more and more advanced. They have used tactics to confuse the other party countless times, and they have repeatedly used tactics to confuse each other.

It was a serious demonstration of what a textbook-level combat match was, and it was dizzying.

Fu Yuxiu saw everything in his eyes, and the smile on his lips became deeper and deeper.

She is really an interesting little guy. She is more complex now than she was as pure as before.

"This is really a treasure. Her ability alone has shunned so many people. She is really a living gold ingot."

Fu Yuxiu looked at Xi Moran beside him and spoke possessively as if to remind him.

"She is my gold ingot."

Xi Moran raised his hand, "Fine, she's yours."

He didn't dare to touch it, for fear he won't live too long.

In the end, Wen Li won the exhibition match between the two and broke through Soya's system with the last invasion.

The scene has been blown up countless times. This game was simply worth watching. It was played at a world-class level by WFRS.

Soya stood up, took out two exquisitely wrapped candies from his pocket and placed them in Wen Li's hand.

"A reward for you."

His eyes turned into crescents, and he was obviously very happy.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.

Fang Qing looked at the stunned PTR captain, "Do you still want to appeal?"

The latter shook his head blankly and complained, he would kneel down if he was asked to do so.


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