Monday, December 18, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 37 - Then, Divorce Your Husband

 The more Imperial Censor Li hates her and thinks she is bad, the more she wants to sell him favors so that this stubborn Imperial Censor will never be able to impeach her again!

The destiny of the plot must start from the details. If you can change it a little bit...

"Imperial Censor Li is my father..."

Obviously, although Li Yunjin had not been in Liu Jing for three years, she knew very well about her old father's frequent impeachments. At this time, her identity was exposed, and she had to feel ashamed.

When I think of such a good princess, my father actually tried to impeach her again and again, and she felt embarrassed.

"Don't worry, although your father often impeaches me, I am really a good person. It's all a misunderstanding."

Murong Yun showed a kind smile on her face and said kindly: "Perhaps Imperial Censor Li has some misunderstandings about this princess, but my nature is not to tolerate these scum who bully women."

"If the Marquis Luo's Mansion dares to pester you, I will definitely not stand idly by."

This tone and meaning could be summed up righteously. Xiao Cui almost believed it.

The premise is that she doesn't know what the princess has done in the past...

But Li Yunjin didn't know that, so she completely believed in the character design that Murong Yun had prepared for her, with surprise and emotion on her face.

"Thank you, Princess, for your great kindness. Yunjin is grateful."

Li Yunjin struggled to support her body and bowed deeply towards Murong Yun. Seeing this, Murong Yun quickly stood up and helped her up.

"In that case, divorce your husband."

Murong Yun turned her head. Since Luo Wuqi was not a good person, she would not be soft on him and asked Li Yunjin to divorce this scumbag who loved S & M play.

"...Divorce him?"

Li Yunjin was shocked when she heard these words as if she had heard something shocking.

Although it is said that the status of a powerful female spiritual cultivator is very high, the idea of divorcing a husband is still unheard of.

Xiao Cui, on the other hand, after hearing this word, felt that this was the style of her princess. She even cooperated very well and asked people to bring pens, ink, paper, and inkstones to wait for the princess to perform.

"Of course, do you think that arrogant Heir Luo will let you go?"

Murong Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, with an arrogant look on her face: "Instead of waiting for him to take action, we might as well strike first!"

"Write a letter of divorce!"

Here, Murong Yun watched Li Yunjin tremblingly write the letter of divorce.

Over there in Marquis Luo's mansion, the Marquis wife Baili Hui was waiting with great anticipation for her precious son to return home. Little did she know that her son was beaten into a pig's head at the door...

This is simply unreasonable!

Baili Hui watched the eldest son Luo Wuqi being carefully helped. After hearing the whole story, Baili Hui couldn't help but throw down the teacup.

"Even if you are the County princess, she still doesn't take my marquis mansion seriously."

"What does the Marquis's teachings to his wife have to do with her?"

Under the treatment of the spiritual doctor, Luo Wuqi saw his mother getting angry. He turned his eyes and not only refused to persuade her but also added fuel to the fire:

"That's right, mother, you don't know how arrogant she is. She doesn't take you and Father seriously at all. She just beats this son to death."

"Moreover, he also took away Li Yunjin, who is also the prince's wife of the Marquis Mansion. This is too much. Mother, you have to make the decision for me."

Luo Wuqi was almost in tears. As for his teasing with Murong Yun, he didn't dare to say anything about it. He just picked up part of it and told it to Baili Hui.

Baili Hui always loved her only son and would not allow him to be wronged at all, let alone beaten. It could be said that Luo Wuqi had never suffered such grievances since he was a child.

After hearing her son's words, Baili Hui couldn't bear it anymore. She stood up and took two steps irritably. Under Luo Wuqi's expectant eyes, she waved her sleeves fiercely and said:

"After all, she is the daughter-in-law of the Marquis family. Mother is going to get her back! And she beat you deliberately. Mother will definitely seek justice for you."

While Baili Hui was speaking, she had already ordered her maids to summon all the good people in the house together, intending to bring people to the house to make noise.

"Mother, son is going with you!"

Luo Wuqi saw that Baili Hui was serious and quickly waved away the spiritual doctor who was treating his injuries. You must know that Baili Hui was born in the Baili family and was the cousin of the current Prime Minister Baili. Moreover, she was also a spiritual practitioner himself. 

And her strength is not outstanding. Now she is a sixth-level spiritual practitioner of the fire system, and she is considered the best among the ladies of Liu Jing.

It's a pity that neither Marquis Luo nor Baili Hui passed on any of their talents to Luo Wuqi, so they married him to Imperial Censor Li's eldest daughter, a woman with good spiritual talent, as his wife, hoping that the child he would give birth to would have talent.

The most important thing is that Baili Hui loves him very much, and because of her fire talent, her temper is not good. Luo Wuqi firmly believes that if his mother takes action personally, she will definitely avenge him. Of course, with such a good opportunity, he must follow.

So, mother and son led a large number of people and headed towards the princess's mansion opposite.

Although the formation was huge, they were blocked by the guards of the eldest princess's mansion before they had walked a mile. 

The palace guards have also been around for a long time. After guarding the door for so many years, I have never seen anyone who dared to come to the eldest princess's mansion to seek death. They live across the door.

"Go and tell your princess that Madam Luo and the Heir are here to visit. They must see her today."

Baili Hui pulled up her sleeves, her well-maintained face showed the arrogance unique to a powerful person, and she didn't even look at the guards.

The meaning behind the words was that Princess Yunhua might disappear out of fear and make excuses.

It was also because Madam Luo didn't stay in Liu Jing very often. She spent most of her time with her son in her hometown, and she had only heard a few words about Murong Yun's bad reputation.

She felt that no matter how powerful the other party was, she was just a princess with a mere identity and useless talent.

Moreover, the general has been guarding the border all year round, and her biological mother died early. Even if the emperor loves her, she is just a woman living alone. How powerful can she be?

Murong Yun actually smiled when she heard the servant's report. Before she could go to their door, the other party couldn't hold it back anymore and came first.

"Princess, what do you think of writing it like this?"

Li Yunjin blew the ink on the 'breakup letter' and handed it to Murong Yun, with a particularly uneasy look on her face.

Murong Yun took it, glanced at it quickly, shook her head, and said, "No, it's written too euphemistically, add words like ugly face, twisted personality, or whatever. don't be polite."

He's such a scumbag, why should she write about "one difference and two widths"?

Each one happy? He is such a domestic violent man, he is not comfortable if he is not having a good time.

"But... aren't they coming? Do we have to hurry?"

Li Yunjin has been oppressed by mother and son all year round. When she heard that someone had come to her door, she could hardly sit still.


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