Monday, December 18, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 34 - Xu Yuanqing came to Marquis Mansion

 Yu Er walked to the carriage and saw that the carriage was extraordinary. The people sitting inside should be a respectable person. He immediately said respectfully, "I wonder what you want to do with me?"

Jiang Ning's eyes fell on Yu Er through the gauze curtain. After she married into the Xu family in her previous life, she took charge of the Xu family's messy affairs and debts and got to know some people in the community.

These people are smart and capable and can do anything as long as they are given money.

It's best to use them to get information.

Among them, the one who impressed her the most was Yu Er. He was neat in doing things, had a good heart, and most importantly, he had a strict tone of voice, which made him feel very confident when doing things.

"You will obey my orders from now on," Jiang Ning said.

Yu Er was a little surprised. He originally thought that the young master from a certain aristocratic family was looking for him to do something, but he didn't expect that it was a delicate girl with a clear voice.

What does a girl want to do with him?

I only heard voices continuing to come from the carriage, "Go find a scholar named Xu Yuanqing who has just arrived in Beijing. Keep an eye on him and report his every move to me."

Staring at a man?

Yu Er was stunned and didn't react.

Jiang Ning said calmly, "Why, you can't do it?"

Only then did Yu Er come back to his senses and quickly responded, "Of course it can be done!" He clutched the money tightly. He originally thought that giving him such a large sum of money was to ask him to commit murder and arson, but he didn't expect that he would be just watching a person.

Of course, he can do it!

Such an easy job is like pie in the sky.

"Don't worry, lady! I know the capital well, so finding someone is just a matter of running errands!" Yu Er said hurriedly.

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, "Very good." 

After having money, it is indeed much easier to do things.

In the Marquis Mansion, with so many eyes staring at her, she, a girl who has not yet left the palace, cannot do much. Now, these miscellaneous things can be left to the outsiders to do.

Jiang Ning returned to the Marquis Mansion.

Let Chun Lan leave the house every two or three days to see Yu Er.

Yu Er was honest in his work and did not look down upon the person who gave the order because she was a woman. He kept a close eye on Xu Yuanqing these days. Xu Yuanqing went out several times and knew exactly where he went.


Ning'an Courtyard.

Jiang Ning picked up the writing brush and practiced writing seriously. There were thick papers stacked next to her, which was enough to show her hard work.

When Grandma Gui saw it, she couldn't help but praise, "My lady's handwriting is getting better and better."

Madam Lin asked a teacher to teach Jiang Ning how to write and learn etiquette.

Jiang Ning was brought back from the countryside. Although it is a bit late to start teaching now, she still needs to learn.

What reassured Madam Lin was that Jiang Ning was particularly hard-working and attentive, and her growth and progress were rapid. Even Aunt Gui praised her. Soon the young lady would be on par with other ladies.

"Miss, please rest for a while. The kitchen has boiled sweet-scented osmanthus and snow pear syrup." Aunt Gui put the soup on the table.

Jiang Ning put down the brush and rubbed her sore wrist.

These were all things she had learned in her previous life and had long been proficient in them.

I just have to pretend to be a beginner, and I have to deliberately make the writing ugly when practicing calligraphy.

Aunt Gui scooped up a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus and pear sugar water. Jiang Ning took it and took a sip. The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus filled the air, and a faint sweetness melted in her mouth.

At this time, Chun Lan quickly walked into the house and saw Aunt Gui there. She hurriedly shut up without saying anything.

When Jiang Ning finished drinking the sugar water, Aunt Gui walked out with an empty bowl in her hands with satisfaction.

Seeing that there was no one else in the room, Chun Lan closed the door, walked to Jiang Ning, and whispered, "Miss, there is news from Yu Er."

Jiang Ning wiped her hands with a handkerchief, "What's the news?"

"Xu Yuanqing was as usual the past few days, but yesterday, he came to the Marquis Mansion."


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