Monday, December 18, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 69 - Mu Kun is Back, Quit the Game

 The G Country Science and Technology Competition is a round-robin competition. Each year, the venue for the competition is selected based on the situation. The venue for each event is one of the best cities in the entire G Country.

Teams from each region compete in preliminary rounds, and the finals are decided in another city. This competition is equivalent to the highest level of competition in domestic information security networks.

It has been officially held 15 times so far. Every year, the teams that qualify in this competition will eventually develop very well. However, there have also been several champions who eventually developed into the top ten in the Intercontinental League competition.

That is the best result of the entire G country team so far, but it is only in the group stage. In terms of individual battles, no such talent can do it, but those teams that successfully qualified eventually became technical talents worth over 100 million, becoming the objects of support from major Internet technology companies.

But the most important thing is that country G has not yet had a top ten master on the Intercontinental Alliance hacker list.

This year, there has been a lot of news about Ningzhou City, the terminal of the finals. A large part of the reason is the news that Soya, a top hacker, has cooperated with Ningzhou Mushi.

There are still two days left before the competition, and Ningzhou City has begun to welcome major participating teams. There are a total of ten teams participating in the finals. Except for the two teams from the University of Science and Technology, the other eight teams are from Country G. 

Every contestant is a top-notch expert, and some up-and-coming teams have participated in various international competitions.

The players in these teams have a lot of fans, and some have become star teams and are very popular in the industry.

USTC can become a match point to determine two teams to participate in the national finals, and it is not surprising that the comprehensive strength of these two teams can qualify in the entire Ningzhou.

After all, Ningzhou University of Science and Technology has a great reputation, and the students it trains are all top-notch students. Even freshmen college students are much better than some people with work experience.

However, in the eyes of many people, there is more or less the glory of the host.

Two days before the competition, each participating team can go to the scene to adapt to the venue and prepare for the competition in advance, so as not to be in a hurry during the competition.

When Tang Xiao took the team members to the competition venue, Wen Li hadn't come yet. Fans holding posters gathered outside the entire venue. Except for the team, almost 80% of the people came for Soya.

Compared with the USTC intramural competition, such fans are even more powerful, and they even come from all over the country to cheer for their idols.

The finals were held at the Science and Technology Museum in the center of Ningzhou City. The entire science and technology museum covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters, with 40,000 permanent seats and 10,000 temporary seats. It can accommodate 50,000 spectators to a certain extent.

It is worth mentioning that this modern science and technology museum was designed by a professor from the Department of Architecture of the University of Science and Technology. In recent years, Ningzhou has also chosen to hold competitions of all sizes here.

Fang Qing stood at the main entrance of the Science and Technology Museum, staring at the crowd gathering in the distance in front of the strange arched entrance.

"Oh my god, I thought there would be a lot of people, but I never thought there would be this many people. We just came to the venue today to have a look. Why do we feel like the entire Ningzhou City is outside."

If there were not special security guards to maintain order, these fans would have trampled the entire science and technology museum to the ground.

"Of course, this is a national competition, and they actually invited Soya as a guest, who is currently the first on the Intercontinental League hacker list. Where could they have invited a guest with this status in the previous guest competition? 

"If you ask me, they are not here to watch the game, they are all here to see Soya." Qing Guo sighed.

Sure enough, the boss is the most admired.

The guest friendly competition is more eye-catching than the finals. It feels like putting the cart before the horse. After finally making it to the finals, why do you feel like you are here to run with me?

‘I don’t know for sure. Didn’t you see that there were a lot of team flags and fan support posters erected at the scene? Some people still came for the game. 

The fighting spirit and morale before the game cannot be lost.

"Our competition is not just for show. Everyone should perform well. Even if we can't win, we still treat it as a way to gain experience." Qing Guo cheered with a smile.

"Yes, we must have confidence in ourselves. After all, we are selected from the whole school." Tong Lin'an added.

Fang Qing didn't think so. The school competition that day had fully proved Wen Li's strength. As long as she was there, they would definitely be able to achieve good results.

"Look there are our names and posters over there." Qing Guo pointed to the poster in the hands of a fan not far away.

Those girls looked like they were students from the University of Science and Technology, and they came all the way to the Science and Technology Museum to cheer them on.

"Wen Li is here." Fang Qing looked at the girl coming on a skateboard in the distance.

Wen Li was wearing a very sunny outfit today, a warm orange hooded sweatshirt, and a pair of light-colored sneakers under white overalls. Although he couldn't see her face clearly with the peaked cap on, he could still see her heroic movements.

Everyone's eyes lit up. After training together for such a long time, this was the first time they saw Wen Li wearing such bright colors, and they felt that her whole temperament was different.

The onlookers watched helplessly as the girl swiped the access card and slid in on a skateboard under the protection of security guards.

"Oh my god, which team is that girl from?"

"So handsome, I want to be her fan!!"

The crowd was excited, and the fans were a little confused.

"I just accidentally caught a glimpse of her profile. It's so beautiful!"

And she was also skating on a skateboard, which made her even more cool.

"You guys came quite early." Wen Li quickly put away the skateboard and carried it in her hand.

Fang Qing looked at the skateboard in her hand, "Is this how you came here?"

This thing is fine for use in school, but can it be used on the road in the city center?

"I live not far from here, so this means of transportation will avoid traffic jams." Wen Li rarely explained.

Tong Lin'an reached out to help Wen Li lift her skateboard, "Let's go in first and take a look. I just spotted some media entering."

Cars from several clubs were already arriving in the distance. After parking in the parking spaces, players wearing team uniforms walked out one after another.

They are all diverse and look different, but they are all full of vitality.

"I heard that the oldest contestant in this competition is only thirty years old." Qing Guo said.

"Really?" Fang Qing walked to the left side of the group, "Then the contestants in this competition are all too young."

In the past, in this competition, you could meet people who were forty years old. It doesn't matter your age. As long as your skills are strong, you will be able to compete at any time.

After scanning their facial recognition to enter the science and technology museum, several people were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The huge venue can accommodate 50,000 people. The circular platform in the middle is where the players compete. Camera equipment is now installed in the venue.

Staff wearing black Bluetooth headsets came and went to adjust the equipment. A ten-meter-high screen was set up in the huge venue. Countless small screens around it could capture the performance of the players from all angles.


What a big scene this is.

The staff next to a few people held a walkie-talkie and gave instructions, "Start adjusting the lights now."

As soon as there was a sound, countless small lights were aimed in all directions and emitted light. The entire venue was brightly lit and then began to flash rhythmically.

It's like being in a beautiful world of light and shadow.

"It's so beautiful!" Qing Guo almost screamed.

Such a cool competition venue can make people brag for a lifetime. This trip is really worth it.

"It seems that the sponsors have spent a lot of money. I heard that the sponsor of this finals is the Mu's." Tang Xiao said.

After all, SOYA has cooperated with Mu's. If they can show their faces on such an occasion if they no longer advertise the group properly, wouldn't it mean that the sponsorship fees are wasted?

"Mu Chenxing and the others are over there!" Fang Qing raised his finger and pointed in the opposite direction.

Those people should have entered through the side door and were already standing in the competition area. From Mu Chenxing to Pu Xi, a total of five people were here.

"If you want to go in, go in, why are you blocking us here!"

An unfriendly male voice came from behind several people.

Tang Xiao turned around and saw five men wearing red and white team uniforms.

Qing Guo paid close attention to their team uniforms. The team name, Wild Wolf, was embroidered on the left side.

What an earthy name. .

"We didn't block your way." Fang Qing replied.

They were standing some distance away from the door, and they didn't block the door at all.

"You're standing here, just blocking my way." The man who spoke had a fierce expression on his face and walked to Fang Qing in two steps.

With a height of 1.8 meters, he looks very oppressive.

"You are being unreasonable, we are standing far away from the door!"

The man laughed out loud, "This is the first time I've seen such rude juniors. You brats, have you grown all your hair and come out to participate in the competition?"

"What are you talking about?" Fang Qing suddenly became unhappy.

These men were obviously looking for trouble.

"Hey, you're still angry. What team are you from?" The man said, looking down and seeing the team uniform on Fang Qing's body, "Dream?"

The person behind him leaned over and said, "Captain, we are one of the participating teams from Ningzhou University of Science and Technology. They are all students."

The disdain in the eyes of the man who was called captain grew deeper.

"They are really young brats. No wonder they have no manners at all. They really don't understand the rules."

Wen Li, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up, "It's my first time participating in a competition. I don't know the rules very well, and I can't compare to those who have participated countless times. Although I don't have much fame or ability, at least in terms of the competition process, we really don't know much about it."

Fang Qing suppressed his smile. This Wild Wolf team has been shortlisted for the national competition for five consecutive years, but its strength is not too strong. Every time, it is ranked last.

Everyone keen on network information security competitions knows this team, but no one likes them because the teams that participated in the competition with them in the past also achieved good results. Dimension Wild Wolf is still the last one and is also known as the national team in the circle. 

Hearing the meaning of Wen Li's words, the man's eyes turned red.

"You stinky girl, I don't think you know how high the sky is. You dare to talk to us like this. You are all little chicks who haven't graduated yet. If you didn't have a quota in your school, how could you possibly get in!"

Such people actually laugh at them.

"That's right, those who rely on connections to participate in the competition, don't be so crazy!" The Wild Wolf players on the side also said the same thing.

"The little chicks that haven't graduated yet can fly as high as an old bird like you. When the chicks grow up, the old bird will probably die where he is."

Tang Xiao held his head. He knew Wen Li best during this period. She seemed to have a cold temperament and rarely spoke. However, when she talked a lot, she could make you speechless.

But she still focused on the key points, leaving people speechless.

"I think you are..."

Captain Wild Wolf was so angry that he was about to rush over, but was grabbed by the team members behind him.

"Captain, she seems to be Mu Wen Li."

He stared and observed for a long time. The woman who only showed half of her face already had a seductive attitude. Coupled with the information collected during this period, it turned out that this face was Mu Wen Li. Mu's is the sponsor of this competition.

"Mu Wen Li? Which Mu Wen Li?" Captain Wild Wolf was surprised.

Before participating in every game, you must fully understand your opponent and choose tactics based on the opponent's strength.

Apart from them, there are a total of nine teams participating in the competition, and they have collected detailed information.

The two teams from the University of Science and Technology are the least looked down upon for their combat effectiveness. No matter how powerful they are, they are just students.

But the most noteworthy thing is that the two players in these two teams are the children of Mu Kun, the president of the technology tycoon Mu.

Even if the two siblings are not in the same team, they have become hostile forces. It is said that Mu Wen Li was lost for fifteen years and was only found recently.

"So what about Mu's family? It's not the same as relying on family. If you don't rely on family, you are nothing."

In the eyes of everyone, Mu Wen Li and Mu Chenxing's participation in the national finals was regarded as a capital operation.

Rich people who want to plate their children's bodies with gold are well worth the money.

"Captain, let's go over there." The Wild Wolf members coaxed him.

"There's no point in talking nonsense. You are a serious master. Let's witness the truth tomorrow." Captain Wild Wolf led his team members forward in a mighty manner.

Fang Qing heard what the old man meant. These people were short-sighted. No wonder they couldn't achieve anything great after participating in so many competitions.

"Wen Li, don't be angry." Qing Guo's tone was comforting.

Wen Li raised her lips and chuckled, "Not everyone can catch my eye."

How free is she that these shrimps, soldiers, and crabs will take up her mind?

Tang Xiao really admired Wen Li's temperament. She was obviously not someone who would suffer, but she was also a tolerant person.

In her world, perhaps there is a distinction between many things, the difference between worthy and unworthy.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Pu Xi took in everything that had just happened. After experiencing so many things, especially what happened to Li Mengluo, he no longer believed that Mu Wen Li could be an ordinary person.

"Want to go over and say hello?" Yan Heng glanced at several people.

The current situation is not a matter of not saying hello, but the two teams coming together unconsciously in the venue.

"Mu Wen Li, this is a national competition. If you are really crazy, win first place and shut everyone up." Mu Chenxing said with a loud voice.

It was obvious that he had listened to what Captain Wild Wolf just said.

For people like them, no matter how hard they work or how talented they are, in the eyes of outsiders, they are all due to the Mu family.

Like a curse, it follows you forever and cannot be escaped.

"Are you issuing a challenge to us?" Fang Qing stared at Mu Chenxing.

During this time, they were immersed in training, and the ESD people didn't cause any trouble for them. They were still thinking that maybe they were being suppressed by Wen Li.

Why did their old habit happen again today?

"You can understand it that way." Mu Chenxing did not refute.

"Stop making trouble Fang Qing, there will be a competition in two days." Tong Lin'an pulled Fang Qing's sleeve.

Tang Xiao could tell that Mu Chenxing's mental state had not been very good these past two days. According to Mu Chenxing's temperament in the past, he would never say such a thing.

What happened to him these past two days?

"Aren't there two teams from the University of Science and Technology over there? They don't seem to get along very well. They are so tense." The passing contestants stopped curiously and looked at the two teams standing in the middle of the round platform.

"How could they get along so well? I especially collected information. The captains of the two teams have been rivals since high school. Later, I heard that the sister of ESD captain Mu Chenxing joined Dream. That sister has never been very popular with the family. The player had to deliberately lower his voice, "Seems like I heard that being lost is just an excuse, Mu Wen Li seems to be Mu Kun's illegitimate daughter."

Otherwise, what reason can be used to explain the fact that they are not close to each other? A wealthy family always has many secrets.

"Tch, they are all related people anyway, how can they have any serious skills, especially Mu Wen Li, who grew up in a remote countryside, I am afraid that the Mu family would dare to send her to participate even if she has never touched a computer. 

The Mu family also worked hard for their children.

These words have reached the ears of several people without missing a beat. The other eight teams in the participating teams have all participated in large and small competitions. With their serious strength, they naturally look down on these connections. 

Sometimes, being powerful is also a sin.

"The words these people are too unpleasant." Tong Lin'an frowned.

They originally thought that qualifying from the school trials would prove their strength, but they didn't expect that the road to competition would become wider and wider, and they would encounter more and more injustices.

"Sometimes strength may not be able to shut everyone up." Mu Chenxing snorted coldly, but it showed his powerlessness.

Growing up, he didn't know how many times he had received such looks. No matter how powerful you were, in the eyes of many people, you are just a rich second generation of your family.

Just because of your family background, many people will unconsciously erase your efforts. All your achievements will be attributed to the aura of the Mu family, not yourself.

Wen Li glanced at everyone in the venue, and when she looked at Mu Chenxing, her eyes were full of coldness.

"It's not that your strength can't shut people up, it's that you're not strong enough. The most fearful is to do it to the extreme to the point of reaching the top."

Mu Chenxing's heart tightened, those eyes seemed to see through what he was thinking, and the words she spoke without mercy pierced his disguise.

Tang Xiao looked at the two of them and seemed to understand something.

"Let's go back first. We've seen the venue. We still have to go back and prepare the equipment." Qing Guo reminded.

The computer equipment for this competition is all brought by them. To avoid outage problems during use, they have to go back and debug it properly.

"I wish you good results." Tang Xiao said, looking straight at Mu Chenxing without any hesitation.

His words stunned Tong Lin'an. Although Tang Xiao had a gentle temper and never responded to ESD's provocations, he had never spoken to Mu Chenxing like this before.

"You guys too." Mu Chenxing relented.

Looking at the retreating figures of several people, Pu Xi chuckled, "From the school competition to the current national finals, it seems that we have to face more and more controversies."

Now it seems that the eyes of the other eight teams are all focused on their two teams from the University of Science and Technology. All the looks coming over them are blank stares and disdain.

"No matter what you say, Mu Wen Li and I haven't settled the accounts yet." Zhou Xiaoyun stood behind Pu Xi and Mu Chenxing, clenching his fists tightly.

Pu Xi, who originally wanted to say something, did not say anything. He knew what Zhou Xiaoyun's hatred was. The Zhou family and the Li family had already met.

Soon the engagement between Zhou Xiaoyun and Li Mengluo will be finalized. Zhou Hong is very happy. Although the daughter-in-law he married is not the daughter of the Mu family, she is still related to the Mu family. In the future, if the Zhou family is really useful, the Mu family will not ignore them.

Because of this incident, Zhou Hong put 10 million into Zhou Xiaoyun's card two days ago as a reward.

But regarding this marriage that was finalized by Mr. Mu, Li Mengluo cried, made trouble, and hung herself for several days. She even went on a hunger strike. She also wanted to go to Mu Wen Li to settle the score but was grounded by Mr. Mu. 

As for Zhou Xiaoyun, he was originally a playboy and never cared about what kind of woman he would marry in the future. But this Li Mengluo was domineering, arrogant, and willful. Even if he didn't want to care about the woman he would marry in the future, he couldn't accept it. 

In Zhou Xiaoyun's eyes, the initiator of this incident was Mu Wen Li. If it weren't for Mu Wen Li, he wouldn't be like this.

"I don't want to say anything, just take care of yourself." Pu Xi still advised.

"Chenxing, if I kill her, will your grandfather torture me?" Zhou Xiaoyun gritted his teeth and spoke, not sure if he was joking.

Mu Chenxing patted him on the shoulder and walked away without saying a word.

Pu Xi rowed his wheelchair forward on his own. Isn't he the best example? The first time he provoked Mu Wen Li, he was beaten so hard that his whole body hurt. The second time he provoked Mu Wen Li, his leg was broken directly.

That's not a broom star, that's an overlord who can't be offended. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. He will never go against Mu Wen Li again. It's too troublesome.


Wen Li came out of the Science and Technology Museum on her skateboard and happened to get on the sidewalk. It was working hours and there were not many people on the street.

She slid forward hard, and after walking one kilometer, a brown extended RV stopped two hundred meters in front of her.

Wen Li exerted force on her feet and stabilized the skateboard with a pirouette. She stopped in place and looked at the opened car door.

A middle-aged man in a blue suit got out of the car. He wore gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and gray hair could be seen on the left side of his neatly combed hair.

"Third Miss, the master invites you to get in the car."

The car door slid to the left, and Wen Li saw the man sitting on the handmade leather chair behind. He was wearing a smoky gray suit, his pure black hair must have been dyed, and his face had a pair of bright eyes.

What's even more outstanding is the beard on his face, which looks to be deliberately groomed to be disorganized, but is unforgettable.

Wen Li naturally knew this person, Mu Kun.

Lu Xue's husband and Mu Chenyu's father.

"Third Miss." The secretary on the side called again very politely.

Wen Li raised her foot and kicked the skateboard unceremoniously to the person in front of her. They were all people who had seen strong winds and waves. The secretary raised his hand, barely caught the skateboard, and returned to the car.

The brown car door closed, the driver started the car and drove out.

"You probably don't know me yet, I'm Mu Kun.",

A very deep male voice is characteristic of men of this age group.

"The Mu family has a lot of photos of you, you can see them everywhere." Wen Li replied.

The driver's car drove very smoothly and slowly. Mu Kun chuckled and shook the cigar in his hand.

"He is an interesting child. Chen Yu and I were right. Your temper is indeed not very good."

The little girl who looks cold and indifferent is actually covered in barbs. She is not showy, but she is also completely arrogant.

"I've heard everything about you. You just returned to Mu's house and caused so much trouble. You're not a peaceful person."

From the moment Mu Wen Li entered the Mu family's gate, to what happened with Li Mengluo two days ago, he knew everything one by one.

The smell of cigars lingered in the car, and Wen Li looked at the scenery passing by outside the window.

"You knew I had moved out of Mu's house and you came here specifically. If you need anything, please tell me quickly. I'm in a hurry."

The cigar in Mu Kun's hand was put out in the ashtray. He raised his hand and gently flicked away the ashes that fell on his pants with his fingertips.

"Now that you have returned to the Mu family, you must put the Mu family first in everything. Because of you, Mu's stock price has started to fall this morning. I want you to withdraw from the competition tomorrow and make up for the loss." Mu Kun made a request.

Mu Kun, who had just returned from Continent D, had his own considerations when he came to see Mu Wen Li.

Because Mu Wenli and Mu Chenxing participated in the competition together, many bad headlines appeared in the news in the morning. Some people pulled out Mu Wen Li's past, intending to accuse the sponsor, Mu, of bringing in private goods and spending money to let Mu's two siblings into the finals.

In the morning, Mushi's stock price began to fall crazily. Coupled with the news that Soya wanted to cancel the cooperation, naturally, the stock price became unstable.

"Mushi just needs someone to win glory. You are incompetent and a girl, so you don't need to go out and show off." Mu Kun stared at the girl in front of him.

"How much has Mushi's stock price fallen to now?" Wen Li looked at him.

Mu Kun raised his hand, and the secretary handed over the tablet from the seat in front.

"Third Miss, you can look at that one..." The secretary was just about to teach Wen Li how to look when he was interrupted by the person in the back seat.

"It's only fallen this much? Mu Shi won't be able to hold on anymore?" Wen Li mocked.

The secretary in front trembled subconsciously after hearing this. This third lady is really...

Mu Kun's expression remained unchanged, his dark eyes fixed on the girl opposite him, but he was not angry at her words.

"If this is what you want to tell me, then you can stop the car."

Mu Kun made a gesture, and the secretary motioned to the driver to stop.

"After retiring from the competition tomorrow, go back to Mu's house, and don't do anything unnecessary." Mu Kun looked at the girl who had already gotten out of the car and said.

Wen Li patted the wrinkles on her body and said something.

"It's not your turn to teach me how to do things."

The secretary looked at Wen Li who was skateboarding away and looked at Mu Kun with some worry, "Sir, it seems that the third lady will not withdraw from the competition. Besides, if she withdraws at this time, there will be similar discussions outside. And that wouldn't be too good for the little young master."

Mu Kun sat in the car without moving, looking at the girl going away with blurred eyes.

The secretary looked at Mu Kun. He had just landed. He didn't even go to Mu's house or company, and came directly to find Wen Li.

"Sun Min, how is it?" Mu Kun suddenly said.

Sun Min glanced in the direction Wen Li left and thought of that beautiful and heart-rending little face.

"It's very similar to..."

Mu Kun smiled and said, "Indeed."

Sun Min reminded, "We should go back. The old man just called us to urge us."

Mu Kun is not at home these days, and so many things have happened. Mr. Mu may also want to have a good talk with Mu Kun.

After the skateboard slid some distance away, Su Jingjing called.

"According to your request, almost all of Mushi's shares have been acquired."

When the stock market is unstable, it is the best time to make acquisitions.

"Stop when it's almost time." She replied.

After coming to the Mu family for such a long time, the main character Mu Kun finally returned from Continent D.

"Are you really going to withdraw from the competition tomorrow?" Su Jingjing asked gossiping.

She heard the words clearly through the communication device on Wen Li just now.

Because they disliked Wen Li for embarrassing the Mu family, to stop the loss in time, they gave her a death order to withdraw from the competition.

Wen Li kicked hard with her toes, and the skateboard quickly moved forward along the road.

"Give me an order, and he, Mu Kun, is not worthy of it."

Su Jingjing nodded in agreement, it was because people like the Mu family could be arrogant, but the little capital of the Mu family was not enough for Wen Li to see.

Besides, with her temperament, she has always ordered others, no one can order her.

When giving orders in front of her, you also need to see if your level is high enough.

"I have already sent you several of Mu's investments. Ask Lou Qing to help you and make sure to cut off Mu's capital chain."

"Understood, I'll make arrangements right now."

Su Jingjing smiled. Wen Li didn't like money herself, but she had the ability to accumulate wealth. If the Mu family's money was used to fight against her, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough.

Since you want to ask things out of people's mouths, you naturally have to push people to the end of their rope to be effective.


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