Sunday, December 17, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 36 - Doing Without Minding Consequence

 "Stop it!"

Heir Luo almost ran away with his head in his arms, but he had no spiritual power and was just an ordinary person. There was no way he could avoid Murong Yun's actions.

"No matter what, this heir is still a noble, don't, don't go too far!"

Heir Luo was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He finally found a chance to yell, but before he could shrink his neck after yelling, he was hit with a stick.

"What Heir? Even in front of my Uncle today, I, the County princess, will do this without fail."

Murong Yun smiled coldly. Beating someone in front of the emperor? The original owner had actually done this before. It was also for this reason that all the powerful people in Liu Jing would go back to warn all the juniors in their families.

Never, never mess with Murong Yun.

"Remember, you have to keep a low profile as a person, otherwise you will get beaten." Murong Yun put away the bone staff, and with a warning face, she finally released the person with great mercy.

The mother of Heir Luo, after this beating, may not even recognize him...


Heir Luo covered his dark eyes with dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he did not dare to speak back. He could only watch Murong Yun and his wife swaggering into... the eldest princess's mansion.

Who is not keeping a low profile? Beating up powerful people in the street!

"Just wait for me, I will go back and file a complaint right now!"

Heir Luo was helped up by a bunch of servants who had also been beaten. He whispered fiercely to the princess's house. He didn't believe it. A princess could really cover the sky with one hand!

"Call the spiritual doctor in the house."

As soon as she entered the mansion, Murong Yun gave orders to her servants. Thinking of Li Yunjin's injuries, she still felt that the beating she had just given to Heir Luo seemed a little too gentle.

"County Princess, this white brocade?"

Xiao Cui held the crumpled and dusty white brocade in her hands, with hesitation on her face. How to deal with this?

"Well, you go ahead and bury it. Just bury it in this princess's yard."

Murong Yun touched her chin, then stopped Xiao Cui again, waved her hand, and said: "That's okay, you better leave it alone for now, I will bury it myself."

Mainly, she was worried that Xiao Cui might be struck by lightning if she went to bury it.

Xiao Cui was just stunned for a moment after being ordered. Buried?

The princess has been getting more and more weird lately!

Even Li Yunjin, who was standing next to her, was stunned for a moment. Was it because Liu Jing’s noble daughter had special hobbies, or was it some kind of unique ritual?

Are you going to bury this precious fabric? 

Murong Yun ignored the two people's thoughts and put the bone staff on the coffee table. She took a sip of the light tea served by the maid, then looked at Li Yunjin and asked:

"What is your relationship with the Marquis Luo's Heir? Did he bully you?"

While asking, there was a hint of concern on that beautiful and delicate face.

Li Yunjin looked stunned again. Her father often said that Princess Shaohua was not a good person. If she saw her, she should stay away.

But looking at it today, although her personality is a little weird, she is clearly a kind person and has nothing to do with the legendary cruelty and willfulness.

"I, I am actually his wife."

Li Yunjin talked about her life experience with a look of unwillingness to face her fate: "Three years ago, due to some reasons... I had to marry into Marquis Luo Mansion. But I didn't expect that Luo Wuqi, the eldest son of Marquis Luo, was a person with a cruel and twisted personality. Marquis Luo was afraid that he would offend people in the Capital, so he kept him in his hometown. He did not return to the Capital until today."

"He has some quirks..."

When Li Yunjin said this, she looked embarrassed and stumbled: "Like, like in bed... Hit me ......"


Murong Yun couldn't hold back and slapped her palm on the desk. With a click, she forgot to control her strength and slapped the desk into pieces...

Seeing this, Murong Yun twitched the corner of her mouth. She thought that she couldn't use her sixth-level spiritual cultivation at the critical moment but she could accidentally cause damage. She still had to find Mu Mian to practice again...

Li Yunjin didn't expect her reaction to be so big, and for a moment, there was a look of panic on her face.

This is because of the stress reaction left by Heir Luo's long-term abuse.

"It's okay, it's okay, just keep talking."

Murong Yun moved her hand away from the table, with sympathy for the young lady in her beautiful eyes.

"He gave me medicine to suppress my spiritual energy to completely control and abuse me. I was worried that I would die in his hands sooner or later if this continued, so I looked for opportunities to run away..."

After that, she met Murong Yun.

Suppressing the spiritual energy? Murong Yun was shocked, this young lady is actually still a spiritual cultivator? It seems that she is from a noble origin because once a commoner awakens his talent and reaches the sixth order, he can be named a nobleman.

After years and years of intentionally dividing the ranks, among the civilians of South Chu, there had long since been no one with spiritual cultivation talent left.

On the contrary, powerful people are not necessarily spiritual practitioners. Just like Luo Wuqi who was beaten by her today, he is just an ordinary person.

Is it crazy for such an ordinary person to marry a spiritually gifted wife and still dare to abuse her?

Does your family not care about this?

Murong Yun was a little strange. For powerful people, especially those with spiritual cultivation talents, their families were usually not simple.

"In my family, my family has withered away. When it comes to my generation, it's only us two daughters. My father's official position is low and he cannot compete with Marquis Luo."

Li Yunjin sighed, let alone taking care of it, the family almost broke three years ago, so she was married to Luo Wuqi, but she didn't expect that she was entrusted to an evil person.

When she jumped out of the carriage today, she hesitated in her heart. She hesitated that this might drag down her family, but the feeling was fleeting. If she didn't run, she might die.

Fortunately, meeting Princess Yunhua was one of the few lucky moments in her unlucky life.

"Ah, you, you are Imperial Censor Li's daughter!"

On one side, Xiao Cui listened for a long time, with a look of realization on her face, and finally thought of who this familiar-looking woman was.

Wasn't she the nagging Imperial Censor Li's eldest daughter? It was just that she hadn't seen her for many years, so she couldn't remember her for a while.

"Imperial Censor Li?"

This person is familiar to Murong Yun. It can be said that in the memory of the original owner, this poor, nosy, meddlesome, iron-headed censor who is not afraid of death and impeaches her every day when he has nothing to do.

Not long ago, this person was in the palace accusing her of being unqualified and an unlucky person who was struck by thunder. If Murong Jia hadn't been there, this person would have died.

Moreover, in the plot of the original book, this censor has always been committed to going against Murong Yun. It can be said that Murong Yun's current notoriety is the result of his tireless propaganda...

Therefore, in the eyes of this censor, she was the most hopelessly vicious woman in the world.

Thinking of this, Murong Yun raised her eyebrows slightly. Since the characters in the plot were involved, she would be in control of this unfortunate incident!


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