Friday, December 15, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 34 - Disaster

 It is obviously food, but it is disliked by the carp. It is not as enthusiastic as before when they competed for fish food, and they all avoid this persimmon...

The branch carries the persimmon and sinks alone to the bottom of the water.

When Li Su saw it, his gray-blue eyes were dark, as if there were whirlpools. After a long time, he whispered:

"Murong Yun, you are really... a disaster."

Perhaps, when he was in Yingyue Tower, he shouldn't have meddled in other people's business, otherwise, he wouldn't be troubled now...


Murong Yun received the last thunderbolt with her white bone staff expressionlessly, holding the white brocade in one hand. Xiao Cui had already hidden herself.

It's just that, Heavenly Way is getting more and more stingy this time, even in a plot like this that is not in the book, he will hack her if she touches it!

Moreover, she had just stepped out of the general's mansion, and she was immediately chopped down. Fortunately, she had quick eyesight, quick hands, and agility.

"Let's go back home for dinner."

Murong Yun watched the Thunderclouds finish his work, exhaled, inserted the bone staff behind her, and called out Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui had long been accustomed to her princess being struck by lightning. When she saw the thunderclouds dissipating, she followed Murong Yun calmly and prepared to return home.

The gate of the General's Mansion is only a kilometer away from the main entrance of the Princess's Mansion. At such a distance, Murong Yun is too lazy to ride in a Luan carriage with great fanfare and usually walks alone.

There are not many dignitaries on this street. Apart from the General's Mansion and the Princess's Mansion, there is only one house left, so there are never any pedestrians.

However, today was a bit special. Murong Yun looked at the row of carriages, which seemed to be traveling nobles. It was very lively, and there were many servants following them.

At this time, on a carriage at the end, a woman jumped out of the carriage and stumbled over. Murong Yun didn't check for a moment and was knocked to the ground. The white brocade in her hand fell to the ground and is dirty.


Xiao Cui, who was following Murong Yun one step behind, frowned when she saw someone dare to bump into her master and cross her arms to educate this ignorant woman.

"Forget it, Xiao Cui, be nice."

Murong Yun was not knocked down. Seeing Xiao Cui's behavior of attracting hatred all the time, it was a bit confusing. She was worthy of a vicious female supporting role, and the maid was also very fierce.

As for the piece of white brocade, she just wanted to applaud, it was a good hit! 

"But, Heir Li gave this to you. Didn't you like it very much?"

Xiao Cui obviously didn't know Murong Yun's plan. It was a pity that the princess of her family had just obtained something she coveted from Heir Li, and it was now dirty.

At this time, there was still distress on her little face, and she picked up the white brocade with extra care. The white brocade was also unlucky, and it happened to fall on the bluestone slab where the carriage passed. The wet soil left by the wheels hung directly on the white brocade. 

It is a delicate fabric, and don’t know if it can be washed clean...

"Well, now it looks like this..."

Murong Yun also felt that if she said she didn't like it at this time, she would have changed her mind too quickly, and she didn't want to have to argue with Xiao Cui on this matter.

She had no choice but to turn the topic to the woman who had rashly bumped into her.

It's strange to say that the woman bumped into her, and she was fine. But the perpetrator was lying on the ground by herself. Could it be... a porcelain-touching incident? 

"Are you okay?"

Murong Yun squatted down and tilted her head to look at the woman who was still half lying on the ground. The woman's thin shoulders were trembling. She was well-dressed and she looked like a noble lady with status.

"I, I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into the lady."

The woman raised her face with great effort. It was a fair and sweet face, and she looked pretty good. However, the other person was obviously in bad condition, and there was still a sickly flush on her cheeks.

"Sorry, I have to go first."

The woman seemed worried, her eyes flickered, and she finally pushed herself up with difficulty. During the movement, her sleeves slipped down, and Murong Yun discovered that the other person's elbows were covered with scars and bruises, with old wounds stacked on top of new ones, which was shocking.

Even Xiao Cui couldn't help but exclaim when she saw this. She didn't expect that this well-dressed woman would be abused.

However, the person looked familiar and she took a closer look at her. She is indeed familiar...

"Do you need help?"

Murong Yun looked at the other party's miserable state with an unbearable expression on her beautiful face, but she still frowned and asked.

Thinking that she is the top white power and rich beauty in South Chu, it is no problem to save a poor young lady.

Thinking of this, Murong Yun still stretched out her claws, oh, no, it was her hands, and helped the person up.

The young lady's arm was surprisingly thin and still trembling slightly. Thinking about the scars on the other person's elbow, it was hard to imagine what kind of abuse the other person had received before.


The woman was carefully lifted up by Murong Yun, her big almond eyes were touched. It had been a long time since she had felt the kindness of others...

Although this noble lady does not look like an ordinary person, not many people in Liu Jing can solve the things that happened to her. This time she ran away, and didn’t know what to do after returning home... 

It's better not to implicate her.

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. Thank you girl for your kindness."

The woman finally bit her lip, pulled up her skirt, and prepared to leave.

Murong Yun had doubts, she naturally saw that the other party was in trouble. Unexpectedly, she reached out to give her a hand but was rejected.

At this moment, there was a commotion among the rows of carriages, and many servants rushed over and quickly surrounded the three of them.

Murong Yun did not bring any guards with her today, but she only had Xiao Cui behind her. Therefore, the other party surrounded them unscrupulously.

"How dare you run away? I underestimated you. I didn't expect that now, you still have the spiritual power to knock out the driver."

A gloomy male voice came from behind the servants. The servants made way for a man in his twenties who was dressed in luxurious clothes and strode over.

It was clearly autumn, but the other party pretended to be cool and held a folding fan in his hand. Unfortunately, his face was not handsome enough, and his grace was not even one percent as good as that of Hua Zhu, who always held a silver shell fan.

However, the other party still had an arrogant expression on his face, like he was the best in the world.

"Li Yunjin, so what if you run away? Do you think the Li family can protect you, a married woman?"

The man brushed the floor with his folding fan and slowly moved it towards the woman whose way was blocked by the servant, like a bully bullying a woman.

Murong Yun has also gained experience. It should be said that in the memory of the original owner, this is the first time she has seen someone who is more arrogant than her in front of her.

She quickly flipped through the plots in the book stored in her mind, and there was no mention of Li Yunjin. In other words, this was not a plot and she could do whatever she wanted.


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