Friday, December 15, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 28 - It's the Lord's Jade Pendant

 Hearing Jin Weilan's answer, Jiang Ning smiled.

As long as she has money, it will be much easier for her to do things...

After the two of them finished talking about business, they continued to tour the Capital and waited until the sunset before returning to the Marquis Mansion.

After returning to Ning'an Courtyard.

Jiang Ning opened the wooden box and took out Chu Yunli's jade pendant.

She stared at the jade pendant for a long time, put it aside, picked up the brush, and wrote a brief letter asking Chu Yunli to meet.

This letter has to be delivered to the Chu family, and Chu Yunli will have it in his hands.

She frowned, thought for a long time, and finally called Chun Lan.

Chun Lan heard the lady calling her and immediately walked into the room, "Miss."

Jiang Ning folded the letter, put it in the envelope, and put the jade pendant in it as well. 

Chun Lan is a simple, loyal, and kind-hearted person with no bad intentions.

It was precisely because she was so heartfelt that she was hated by Jiang Mengyue, so she gave her to the drunkard old man guarding the Village for any reason.

Jiang Ning felt a stab in her heart, and regret flashed in her eyes.

This time, she would not let Jiang Mengyue hurt the people around her.

"Chun Lan, there is something you need to do."

Chun Lan didn't know why her young lady wanted to send a letter to the Chu family, and to the very popular Mr. Chu. However, Aunt Gui had taught her that she was a maid of Ning'an Courtyard, and the young lady was the master. She had to obey the young lady's orders obediently. 

There must be a reason for what the lady asked her to do.

Chun Lan didn't ask any more questions, nodded, and said seriously, "I will definitely deliver the letter to Lord Chu."

Seeing Chun Lan's loyal look, Jiang Ning felt warm in her heart.

Chu family.

Many people visit Chu Yunli of the Chu family, but the timid little maid is the first one.

The capable guard beside Chu Yun Li saw her and walked over to ask.

Chun Lan clutched the letter and felt nervous, "I...I came to deliver the letter to Lord Chu on the order of the young lady. The young lady ordered that the letter must be delivered to Lord Chu."

Yuan Feng glanced at the envelope and chuckled.

The master of his family is in the limelight. He is a high-ranking official at a young age, making everyone fear him. His appearance is also extremely good. Most of the women in the capital admire him.

Love poems and so on were not received in just a day or two.

However, the Lord is not interested in these things at all and sends back all those who come to his door.

Yuan Feng waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't bother, my master will not accept these things."

Chun Lan felt anxious. The young lady had ordered that the letter must be delivered to Lord Chu. She stepped forward and thrust the letter into the hands of the person in front of her, "This letter must be given to Lord Chu!"

"You..." Yuan Feng frowned and was about to wave away his hand.

Suddenly, a heavy object fell from the envelope, making a clanging sound.

He looked down and saw a piece of jade pendant made of fine quality. When he saw the inscriptions on it clearly, his pupils shrank.

"This, this is ......."

It's the Lord's jade pendant!

Yuan Feng picked up the jade pendant and looked at it carefully. It was indeed the Lord's jade pendant.

But how could the jade pendant be in a woman’s hand?

Yuan Feng raised his face and looked at the maid in front of him, his face serious, "Who is your young lady?"

"My young lady is the daughter of Dingyuan Marquis Mansion," Chunlan said.

Yuan Feng thought for a while, the daughter of the Dingyuan Marquis Mansion... had some reputation in the capital. It was said that she was a talented girl who was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and was as beautiful as a flower. 


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