Thursday, December 14, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 33 - Disrupt

 Murong Yun was also surprised. Although she didn't know why the heroine became so familiar with her, she still waved her hand generously: "This is easy. When you go back later, I will ask someone to give you a basket."

Although she wanted to prevent the marriage between the two, she only did so to protect herself and slow down the plot. She did not want to antagonize the heroine.

"County Princess, Princess, are you okay?"

Seeing Murong Yun fall from the tree, Xiao Cui ran in from the courtyard door with an anxious look on her face. She checked Murong Yun up and down before she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Princess, you scared Xiao Cui to death."

Xiao Cui tidied Murong Yun's messy hair and whispered in a low voice: "It's better not to pick them in the future. Just let the servants pick those persimmons. How can you do such a dangerous thing?"

Speaking like this, she almost looked like a housekeeper. Murong Yun's beautiful face had a trace of helplessness.

It seemed that she was too talkative when she came in. Xiao Cui had never been so bold and dared to preach.

"Okay, Xiao Cui." Murong Yun stopped her nagging and ordered: "Later, you will have someone pick a basket of persimmons and give it to Miss Baili."

As she spoke, Murong Yun rolled her eyes, looked at the two protagonists, and finally suggested to Baili Shuangxue: "Miss Baili, it's not too early now. This princess will go back to the house first."

"Thank you, County Princess, for the persimmons."

Baili Shuangxue smiled at Murong Yun and nodded politely.

However, Murong Yun was certainly not as simple as saying goodbye to her. She looked at Li Su calmly, who had been extremely cold from the beginning, and pointed to Baili Shuangxue:

"Miss Baili? Aren't you leaving yet?"

As soon as these words came out, Baili Shuangxue couldn't stay anymore, and she could also see that Li Su was not warm-hearted or lively. If she was too enthusiastic, she might arouse the other party's resentment.

For some reason, she didn't want to leave a bad influence on the other person's heart, so she had no choice but to nod without showing a trace of reluctance on her face.

"I'm ready to leave now. I have to go to the front yard to say goodbye to Madam Hua."

After saying that, Baili Shuangxue bowed gracefully to Li Su again, "Heir Li, Shuangxue will stop rambling..."


Li Su still had a cold expression on his face and responded absently, his jade-white fingers unconsciously rubbing the branches of the persimmon tree in his hands.

Murong Yun secretly observed the expressions of the two of them, and when she saw Li Su's aloof look, she almost wanted to give him a thumbs-up.

In the book, the male protagonist is also extremely cold-hearted in the early stage. If it weren’t for the fact that the original protagonist had been framed again and again and made the female protagonist appear in front of Li Su again and again, with all kinds of highlights, this guy wouldn’t have been tempted. 

Thinking of this, Murong Yun frantically suppressed the raised corners of her mouth and ordered the other maids nearby to send the heroine away.

"Come here, take Miss Baili to the eldest sister-in-law. Don't let the distinguished guest get lost."


A maid came out and respectfully and carefully invited Baili Shuangxue over.

Before Baili Shuangxue left, she still couldn't help but want to take another look at Li Su, but suddenly she met Murong Yun's smiling eyes and quickly withdrew her gaze and followed the maid away.

But the princess who said she wanted to leave was now thinking about the piece of white brocade given by Baili Shuangxue.

"Princess, is there anything else?"

Li Su placed the branch in his hand on the stone table and watched Murong Yun touching the piece of white brocade with gleaming eyes, frowning involuntarily.

Murong Yun was born to be extremely favored by the emperor. She had not seen anything that is not good, so how could she be so interested in a piece of rare white brocade.

As for Baili Shuangxue, Murong Yun seemed to pay special attention to her.

"Well, it's nothing." Murong Yun sneaked a touch on the white brocade, but she didn't expect Li Su to catch her. Of course, she wasn't just greedy for the beauty of this piece of fabric.

It's just that she doesn't want this piece of fabric to stay here in Li Su. As the saying goes, seeing things makes you miss people. A fabric is such an ambiguous thing, if it is made into upper-body clothes, wouldn't it be worn and the person who gave it will be remembered?

 So, it is absolutely impossible to remain.

"This princess just thinks this fabric looks good. Oh, this color is not available in the eldest princess's palace."

Murong Yun simply stopped hiding it, shook the cloth generously, picked it up, and held it on her body.

On the side, Xiao Cui looked at her princess's obviously unusual behavior, as well as her very petty and ignorant actions. She twitched her eyes and couldn't help but add something.

"Princess...this is a white brocade for men. Naturally, it is not available in the mansion."


Murong Yun made a move, almost wanting to give this troublemaker Xiao Cui a stick.

Did she like white brocade? She is a stick, beating mandarin ducks!

Such an honest and blind maid really makes her want to give it up and replace her with a stainless steel basin.

"If the princess likes it, I will give it to the princess."

Li Su didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling, and he didn't want to get entangled with her. He just turned sideways and said lightly, trying to send the person away.

"Really? Do you really want to give it to me?"

Murong Yun was immediately overjoyed, with an undisguised smile on her face. She even forgot about who she was, thinking in her heart that Li Su's appearance and attitude were in the right direction.

The gift from Baili Shuangxue was given to her as promised. It seems that she has practiced well in the method of beating mandarin ducks with a stick!


Li Su's gray-blue eyes fell on Murong Yun's face. Seeing the happiness in her eyes, he didn't understand why she was so happy when it was just a piece of cloth.

Usually, the Emperor gave her many rare tributes, but the other party didn't care.

Do you really like this piece of fabric, or is it because of Baili Shuangxue?

"Thank you. I will give you a few pieces of better stuff in exchange for this."

Murong Yun happily wrapped the white brocade into a ball, hugged it, and prepared to go back and bury it, so that this piece of cloth would never see the light of day again!

After saying that, as if she was afraid that Li Su would regret it, she left in a hurry, completely losing her usual self-possessed and noble appearance.

"Princess, please go slowly, it's going to thunder!"

Xiao Cui looked at the shameful appearance of her princess and was so embarrassed. She heard the faint thunder in the air and felt goosebumps all over, fearing that God was going to strike the princess again.

However, Murong Yun didn't care about this. It was just because the Heavenly Law saw that her skill of beating mandarin ducks with sticks was too good and wanted to warn her.

Anyway, she is not afraid of being hacked, she is fearless.

Li Su, who was standing in the same spot, looked up and saw the weather that was originally calm and sunny. At this time, thunderclouds had gathered for no reason... and the thunderclouds were strangely following Murong Yun's movement. 

It's very weird as if there is an invisible existence doing something...

However, the next moment, Li Su's face showed indifference. He seemed to have been thinking about Murong Yun ever since she appeared. What he did was simply inappropriate.

Li Su realized something was wrong with him and felt irritated. When he saw the branch with yellow and orange persimmons hanging on it again, he frowned slightly.

Finally, he closed his eyes, flicked his sleeves, rolled up the branches and threw them into the pond. The persimmons broke the tranquility of the fish, and the carps were frightened and fled in all directions.


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