Wednesday, December 13, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 32 - Heir and Persimmons

 A nest? Murong Yun looked sideways at the place where she had just fallen, only to realize that there was a bird's nest floating on the surface of the water ......

It seems that there was this nest on the tree branch she was sitting on earlier, and this flat-haired bird attacked her crazily...

But letting it go? No way!

Murong Yun looked at the little bird that was still chirping and chirping crazily, narrowing her beautiful eyes with a malicious look on her face.

"This is a long-tailed green sparrow, a second-grade spiritual beast."

A clear voice sounded, and Li Su stood up from the ground and named this flat-haired species.

Speaking of which, when this green bird was still a baby, it lived in the yard next door. Sometimes it would come to Li Su to beg for food, so he was considered a neighbor.

"Chirp chirp."

When the green sparrow heard the familiar voice and screamed louder, as if asking for help.

When Baili Shuangxue saw the cold Li Su actually speaking out for the green bird, there was a hint of surprise on her beautiful face, and then she couldn't help but wonder, was it because of her plea to Murong Yun?

She immediately pointed at the green bird, turned to Li Su, and asked:

"Could this bird be raised by the heir?"


Li Su ignored the green sparrow's plea for help and shook his head indifferently, his gray-blue eyes looking ruthless.

"Chi chi chi chi."

The green bird's cry is no longer as arrogant as before, and even the short crest feathers on its head have drooped down, a little pitiful.

"County Princess, this little bird is so pitiful, and you are fine, so why not let it go?"

Seeing this, Baili Shuangxue felt a little pity and begged Murong Yun again.

What a pity. Murong Yun's heart was as strong as a rock. She poked the little bird's head with a tree branch again and disagreed: "Although I am fine, that is because my Luan guard is powerful."

"No one has ever been able to leave after hurting me."

Murong Yun was unknowingly affected by the original owner's temperament, with an arrogant look on her face: "Even a bird can't either."

It wasn't until she finished speaking that she was stunned and suddenly realized, isn't she so into the role?

This tone and mentality are exactly the same as the original owner's behavior in her memory...

"County Princess, although it is just a little bird, it is still a life. Why do you hold on to it?"

Baili Shuangxue had a look of disappointment on her face. She originally thought that the princess was not as bad as the rumors said, but she didn't expect that the truth was not groundless and she was indeed not generous.

After listening to Baili Shuangxue's words, Murong Yun's beautiful face sank, and she raised her eyes to look at the heroine with disapproval on her face, and looked at Li Su who was like an audience and was still as indifferent as before.

But those gray-blue eyes carried a sense of surprise.

Yes, he had seen too many times when the original owner was angry and even scolded his subordinates unscrupulously.

What's the point of catching a bird?

The heroine and the vicious female supporting character are trying to reason with each other, which is very similar to the confrontational plots in the book.

If she follows the original owner and anyone who dares to reason with Murong Yun, they will all be beaten to death.

But she is not like that.

"Miss Baili, you are worrying too much. I just thought that it would be cold today, so I specially prepared a cage for it to spend the winter. Don't worry, it's pure gold."

A smile suddenly appeared on Murong Yun's beautiful face. She moved the branch away from the little bird's head and ordered Luan Yi:

"Go and prepare a big pure gold cage for Er Mao, and keep it in this princess's room."

Er Mao is the nickname Murong Yun gave to this little flat-haired bird...

As soon as these words came out, Baili Shuangxue was shocked, and then a trace of embarrassment appeared on her face. She didn't want to do anything to this bird.

It's a bit pretentious to persuade her again and again.

"It turns out that the princess wants to raise it."

"Yes, this princess is not unreasonable. Since I destroyed her home, I have no choice but to share my own room."

Murong Yun said, then looked at the tree branch in her hand, turned around, and handed it to Li Su with a persimmon hanging on it.

Because of her height, the latter glanced down at her, as if asking the meaning of this move.

"Ahem, Dried fish is needed to adopt a cat. I have adopted Er Mao, and you are considered his neighbor. This persimmon will be given to you."

"It just so happens that it is a persimmon and you are the heir, so it matches well!" (Runa: Both Heir and Persimmons are pronounced as Shizi.)

After Murong Yun finished speaking, seeing Li Su making no move, with a smile on her beautiful face, she directly stuffed the branch into Li Su's arms.

The reason why she insisted on giving this persimmon was because she saw the cloth given by Baili Shuangxue.

The heroine was giving something away, so of course she couldn't lag behind, but after thinking about it, she could only give the branch in her hand...

When Li Su was touched by her, his eyes darkened, and he uncontrollably thought of the scene where Murong Yun whispered in his ear, telling him in a low voice that she knew there was a light blue birthmark on his lower back.

After Murong Yun finished stuffing, she discovered that after a series of twists and turns, the branch was in terrible shape. The leaves were bare and had long since fallen away. Even the only persimmon was in a precarious state...

Compared to the luxurious white brocade sent by Baili Shuangxue, it was simply like mud...

Especially the white-clothed Li Su, who had a fairy-like look on his face, couldn't even look at this shabby tree branch.

That's it, out of sight is out of mind, Murong Yun moved her eyes away with a guilty conscience.

Baili Shuangxue looked at the scene in front of her and felt uncomfortable. She had given Li Su a white brocade before, but he still refused to accept it. But when it came to Murong Yun, it was just a branch, and Li Su didn't refuse.

She obviously had nothing to do with her, but there was always a voice in her heart reminding her that when she was close to Li Su, she also needed careful of Murong Yun.

She, Baili Shuangxue, was at least one of the elites on Earth before time travel and was the inheritor of ancient medicine. She had never been jealous of anything.

But ever since she traveled to this world and met Murong Yun, this confidence has changed.

"County Princess, you only gave Heir Li persimmons as a gift. Shouldn't you give me one too?"

Baili Shuangxue looked at the tree branch in Li Su's hand. She didn't know what her mentality was, but she actually asked Murong Yun for it.


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