Tuesday, December 12, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 31 - Flat-haired bird

 Under the bright sunlight, Li Su, a stunningly handsome man, was sitting on the ground, elegantly feeding... koi fish, and sitting next to him was the beautiful heroine Baili Shuangxue with a smile on her face.

Both of them exuded damn charm. From this point of view, they were so close that Murong Yun felt like she was blind.

She was blinded by the aura of the two protagonists.

"How can it progress so fast? At this speed, the beginning of the plot will directly end to the finale?"

Murong Yun looked at Baili Shuangxue with a grimace as she seemed to hand something to Li Su, with gratitude on her face?

What the hell? What gratitude? It isn't 100 chapters of the book yet, right? How many times have they met? And now there is gratitude?

No, no, no, she had to stop it!

If the heroine is in the same camp as Li Su at this point, once the protagonist's aura is released, the rebellion will take place in no time. How can she struggle?

Just when Murong Yun was so entangled that she was going bald, a long-tailed blue bird appeared from the next tree branch, chirping at the human who had crushed his bird's nest, and screamed angrily.

Seeing that this human being was indifferent, he immediately flapped his wings angrily, held his head high, and was ready to peck to death this human being who didn't know how high the sky was!

"Go, go, don't stop me from doing my business."

Murong Yun was already eager to investigate the enemy's situation, but she didn't know what the bird wanted to do with her. She immediately broke off a small branch with fruit to drive the bird away, and they started fighting with each other on the tree.

Li Su, who was feeding over there, moved his hands and was keenly aware of the sound. His gray-blue eyes looked towards the courtyard next door.

... On the trees that were thickly hung with persimmons, a lot of ripe persimmons were shaken off.

In it, a woman in a red skirt is standing on a tree branch without any image, with an unhappy look on her face, fighting with a bird with a tree branch... The picture is very funny... 

Next to her, Baili Shuangxue was still thinking about how to chat with Heir Li without being left in the cold.

While struggling, she found that the prince's eyes finally moved away from the koi, and she followed his gaze curiously.

Murong Yun was still waving branches to fight the bird, and even because of the cunning bird, there was anger on her face...

Why is it Princess Yunhua again? Baili Shuangxue frowned for no reason. Almost every time she and Heir Li were together, this princess would appear.


Because of her position, Murong Yun was toyed with by this little bird, and the other party even made two proud "chichi" noises.

"I don't believe it today!"

Murong Yun ground her teeth, her eyes were on fire, she stopped hugging the branch, stood up unsteadily, and prepared to take advantage of this flat-haired bird!

"Chirp chirp."

The little bird chirped twice more, swerving away from Murong Yun's branch and scurrying to the branch above. With a quick movement of its little head, it pecked down several persimmons in succession.

A persimmon hit Murong Yun squarely on the head. Unexpectedly, the branch under Murong Yun's feet broke with a click...

Murong Yun's face froze, and her whole body instantly lost weight. At this moment, she regretted that her sixth-level cultivation was in vain, and she couldn't use it at all!

The tree branch she was standing on had long grown out of the wall into Li Su's courtyard,  and the place where she fell was the pond.

Seeing this, Baili Shuangxue exclaimed.

Li Su's gray-blue eyes reflected Murong Yun's falling figure. There was a slight struggle in his eyes, but he did not move in the end.

Just when Murong Yun closed her eyes and thought she would fall into the water, a dark shadow passed by in the sky, and strong arms wrapped around her falling body.

The visitor touched the water's surface lightly, like a light feather, and in the blink of an eye, he hugged her and landed in the courtyard.

Murong Yun trembled slightly, with a look of panic on her face. When she opened her eyes, she saw Luan Yi wearing an exquisite Luan bird mask.

“... Luan Yi?"

Luan Yi carefully placed her on the ground, her body still glowing with a cyan aura.

This is the wind attribute? 

Only then did Murong Yun realize that Luan Yi, who had been following her to protect her, actually had the rare wind attribute!

Luan guard, who has the wind attribute, is the only one in the book who protects the original owner in Liu Jing, and sacrifices his life to protect her!

It's a pity that he was a cannon fodder without a name until his death...

"Princess? Are you okay?!"

Baili Shuangxue also never expected that the princess would fall from the tree because of a fight with a bird...

"...It's okay...but something is going to happen to it!"

Murong Yun came back to her senses and looked at the bird in the sky, which was still chirping with an air of grandeur, with a smile that only belonged to a villain.

With a small branch with a persimmon hanging on it, he pointed at the bird fiercely and said: "Luan Yi, catch this little flat-haired bird for this princess!"


As soon as Luan Yi heard the order, he flew up and caught the proud bird in an instant.

Compared to Murong Yun's skill, it was simply much stronger.

"Ahem, well done."

Murong Yun didn't expect that Luan Yi would catch the bird just after he finished speaking.

"County Princess, how should we deal with it?"

Luan guards obey any order from his master. Since Murong Yun only said she wanted to catch it, Luan Yi would not hurt it even a hair.

Therefore, this colorful and plump little bird struggled wildly in Luan Yi's hand.

"Dispose? heh."

Murong Yun approached the little bird fiercely and poked the bird's little head with the branch in her hand.

Bai Lishuangxue watched her movements. As the heroine, the attributes of a saint were activated. With an unbearable look on her beautiful face, she hurriedly stepped forward to persuade:

"Princess, it is just a bird. It only attacks because its nest is destroyed. It's better to spare its life."


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