Monday, December 11, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 30 - Find a Good Husband

 What's more... Although Ayun's temper has improved a lot recently, she can't tell when her bad temper will come back.

As soon as Li Jiang opened her mouth, Murong Yun naturally smiled and took the box. As expected of a heroine, she took care of her eldest sister-in-law on her first visit.

But it doesn't matter. Although she intends to ruin the marriage between Baili Shuangxue and Li Su, she doesn't want to commit suicide or frame up like the heroine in the book.

It's just a matter of doing one's best.

"Since Miss Baili has compensated the princess's hairpin, there is no need to mention this matter again."

Murong Yun smiled and handed the brocade box to Xiao Cui who was following behind. The latter was eagerly trying to attack Baili Shuangxue, but she stopped her with her eyes.

Xiao Cui is usually very obedient, but when she meets this heroine, she always courts death.

"Ayun has really grown up recently and is so good."

Li Jiang saw Murong Yun's talkative appearance and praised her quickly, and then motioned to the maid who was leading the way to continue taking Baili Shuangxue to see Li Su.

"That's right, my thoughts now are different from before."

Murong Yun glanced at Baili Shuangxue who was leaving with the maid, and knew in her heart that she was going to see Li Su.

If she didn't know, forget it. She had seen it, so, of course, she had to find ways to prevent the two from developing feelings.

"What is the difference?"

Li Jiang seemed to be an elder, smiling and joking with her: "Speaking of which, Ayun is already twenty this year. At your age in the Capital, people are already a mother of a child."

"Ayun, don't you want to find a good husband?"

Ever since the news that Murong Yun was flirting with Li Su came to her ears, she went to Murong Yun and asked if she was interested in Li Su.

At that time, Murong Yun insisted that it was an accident and she believed it.

But now Li Su had a girl come to his door. To prevent any accidents, she had decided on Murong Yun's marriage early.

A sister-in-law is like a mother, she has responsibilities.


Murong Yun never expected that in modern times, she would not be forced to get married, but in the book, she would experience...

"What husband?... it's still early. Anyway, I am rich and powerful, so there is no rush."

Murong Yun quickly blinked his eyes and prevaricated, unable to sit still any longer, so she changed the subject and said, "What about that, eldest sister-in-law, the persimmon tree in my mother's yard should be bearing fruit at this time, right?"

That persimmon tree was planted by the original owner's mother, the eldest princess, in the courtyard of the General's Mansion the year she gave birth to Murong Yun.

When the eldest princess was alive, she loved to eat these lantern-like orange persimmons. Now, twenty years later, this persimmon tree is still well taken care of.

The original owner inherited her mother's hobby. Even if she had troubles with the people in the General's Mansion, she would come back every year to pick persimmons.

"The tree has already borne fruit. Are you hungry? Sister-in-law, will ask someone to pick some for you to eat?"

Li Jiang watched helplessly as Murong Yun changed the subject, with an affectionate look she waved to her servants to pick a basket.

Murong Yun saw this and quickly stopped: "No, sister-in-law, I will pick them myself!"

With that said, Murong Yun stood up and took Xiao Cui with her, leaving this place that was urging marriage like the wind.

"Really, if she doesn't want to get married, I will tie her up to get married? A girl's family is happiest when she is happily married.

Li Jiang looked at Murong Yun who ran away without a trace, shook her head, and felt a little emotional, but with Murong Yun's background, even if she got married, she would only be able to bully others.

"Madam, the princess is so shy."

Li Jiang's confidant, an elderly lady, refilled her hot tea and gave Murong Yun an excuse that wasn't quite true.


Murong Yun came out of the reception room and breathed a sigh of relief. She asked the servants in the mansion to get her a ladder and walked towards the courtyard where the eldest princess lived before her death.

Of course, she didn't really go to pick persimmons. The eldest princess's yard was also adjacent to the princess's mansion. The two mansions shared a wall and even had an open door. However, since the eldest princess's death, the door has been sealed. 

In other words, in front of the eldest princess's courtyard is Li Su's courtyard...

According to Li Su's spiritual energy attributes, the sun is so good today, so she will definitely be basking in the sun in the yard. When she climbs the persimmon tree that is at least ten meters high, there is no need to worry about not seeing the two of them.

She's such a genius.

In Qingli Courtyard, Li Su, who was dressed in a white robe with silver patterns, was sitting on a futon in the courtyard. Next to it was a pond with sparkling water illuminated by the sun. In it, various koi carp swung their tails and swam happily.

Li Su held a plate of fish food in his slender hands, and his gray-blue eyes were focused on the koi in the water.

When Baili Shuangxue came over, what she saw was that under the sun, his whole person looked like a person radiating light.

Hearing the footsteps, Li Su blinked. His porcelain white skin was a little transparent when reflected in the water waves.

"Heir Li...."

Baili Shuangxue recovered from the beauty shock, took the magnificent brocade from the maid's hand, and placed the shiny and precious piece of cloth on the stone table next to Li Su.

"This is compensation...and a thank you gift."

"Thanks to the prince's help last time, I escaped the disaster."

Baili Shuangxue had a grateful expression on her face, and the helping hand she mentioned was that she had been spotted by a young master in Liu Jing before joining the dance troupe that performed for the palace banquet.

At that time, because she couldn't defeat the man's guard, she ran away. In a panic, she hid in a carriage.

And it was Li Su who was sitting in the carriage. Although Li Su only glanced at her lightly at that time, he did not drive her out of the carriage. It was also because of this that she escaped the disaster.

"No need, I didn't do anything."

Li Su just glanced at the precious fabric and then looked away. He didn't look at Baili Shuangxue, but threw the fish food in his hand into the pond.

Looking at those koi fish swimming around, they seemed to be more beautiful than the rare beauty in front of him.

Speaking of which, he didn't say anything because he thought it was troublesome at that time. He was not really helping as the other party thought he was.

Baili Shuangxue didn't expect the other party to be so cold, but to her, the other party did help her.

"No matter what, this is my intention, and I hope the King's Heir will accept it."

At the same time, over there, Murong Yun approached the courtyard that she had not visited for a long time. This was the residence of the eldest princess during her lifetime. Even though the owner had died long ago, it had been well taken care of.

In the courtyard, apart from various exotic flowers and rockery bonsais, there is also the tall persimmon tree on the courtyard wall.

It is autumn at this time, and there are already many yellow and orange persimmons hanging on the branches, which are very attractive just looking at them.

"Xiao Cui, set the ladder up!"

Murong Yun geared up and rolled up her sleeves that were too wide.

In fact, she didn't need a ladder and could easily climb up just by relying on the original owner's sixth-level wood cultivation. However, considering her hidden strength, she still chose to be a useless person in front of outsiders.

"...Okay, Princess."

Xiao Cui helplessly asked her servants to put the ladder on the nearly ten-meter-high tree.

Fortunately, the gardener in the mansion has been pruning the branches and leaves of the persimmon tree. Otherwise, this twenty-year-old persimmon tree would have grown to at least ten or twenty meters.

After the ladder was set up, Murong Yun lifted up her skirt and prepared to climb. Halfway up, she turned back and asked Xiao Cui to tie the bone staff she was carrying to her back, for fear that she would be struck by lightning if she touched on some plot later.

The length of the ladder was not long enough, and when it was climbed to the end, it could barely reach the top of the wall. Murong Yun stretched his neck and could only vaguely see a corner of Li Su's yard.

To see the progress of the protagonist clearly, Murong Yun had to hug the tree trunk and continue climbing up.

"Princess, please be careful and don't act recklessly."

Xiao Cui below looked at her actions and her face panicked, like a heartbroken old mother.

Murong Yun raised her eyebrows. It seemed that the little maid knew nothing about her own strength.

She casually picked a persimmon, lowered her head and raised an eyebrow at Xiao Cui, smiled, threw the persimmon into her arms, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, eat a persimmon to calm down your fear."

She would have to stay in the tree for a long time.

Murong Yun found a thick tree trunk, climbed over it carefully, spread her legs hugged it, and finally saw the situation in the yard next door.


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