Sunday, December 10, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 29 - Chance Encounter

 Murong Yun rolled her eyes unceremoniously: "You are on your own."

If this continues, this female supporting role will surpass her, and she might be the first to receive the boxed lunch.

But obviously, Qin Qin didn't understand her words at all and left with the maid with great disdain.

"Tsk, tsk, you're looking for death."

Murong Yun shook her head, feeling like everyone was drunk and I was awake alone.

She clenched the bone thunder staff in her hand without any image, got on her own exclusive carriage, and went back to her house to go to bed early and get up early.

However, because of the twists and turns at the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet, the people of Liu Jing had more topics to talk about after dinner.

Compared with Murong Yun, the Prime Minister's newly recognized daughter made everyone more curious.

Although it is not as magnificent as in the book, in Murong Yun's view, these plots will happen sooner or later.

In this regard, she had to pay closer attention to the child in her eldest sister-in-law's belly, and she had to visit the general's mansion almost every day.

Early that morning, Murong Yun was preparing to visit her eldest sister-in-law Li Jiang as usual but saw a luxurious carriage at the door of the General's Mansion.

"Princess, this is the Baili family's carriage."

Xiao Cui saw the confusion on Murong Yun's face and pointed to the clan emblem on the carriage to explain to her:

"That is the emblem of the Baili family."


Murong Yun's delicate and beautiful face froze, and her heart sank. Could it be that the heroine came to the door?

Thinking of this, she stepped in to take a closer look.

In the reception room in the front yard, Li Jiang, as the only hostess of the General's Mansion, naturally came forward to receive Prime Minister Baili's newly recognized daughter - Baili Shuangxue, who had transformed from a village girl into the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Eldest Madam Hua, let's chat."

Baili Shuangxue was dressed in exquisite and elegant clothes, and her clothes were not ordinary. There was a decent smile on her beautiful face: "Actually, I came here this time because I want to meet Heir Li who lives in your mansion... 

Speaking of Li Su, Baili Shuangxue was still a little embarrassed.

In fact, today, according to Prime Minister Baili's wishes, she was asked to go to the eldest princess's mansion to apologize to Princess Shaohua for what happened at the palace banquet.

But she also thought that since the general's palace and the eldest princess's palace were together, why not also come and see Heir Li? After all, she had ruined two of his clothes...

"You want to see Xiao Su?"

Li Jiang had some surprise on her face. She didn't expect that this eldest lady was coming for Li Su?

Speaking of which, Li Su had lived in the General's Mansion since she was a child. After she got married, she had always treated him as a younger brother.

Because of his special status and the fact that the General's Mansion was not favored by the emperor, no other girl had ever set foot in the General's Mansion except Ayun for so many years.

"Exactly, I accidentally soiled Heir Li's clothes earlier. I happened to have free time today, so I picked some fabrics as compensation."

Baili Shuangxue pointed to the white brocade held by the maid behind her, and her beautiful face turned red.

Speaking of which, staining the man's clothes seems not simple no matter how you think about it.

Moreover, Heir Li was so beautiful...

Even though she is used to seeing all kinds of celebrities and stars in modern times, she still can't help but be amazed every time she sees Heir Li.

"So that's how it is."

Li Jiang was aware of it, but couldn't help but think about it. Xiao Su had never been close to the girl's family, and she didn't know what the relationship between this person was.

But since she's here and she seems like a good girl, it's up to the juniors to decide.

"In that case, Xiao Su is also in the house today, so go over and see him."

Li Jiang said, pointing to a maid to show her the way.

"Thank you, Madam Hua."

Baili Shuangxue didn't expect that the hostess of the General's Mansion was so easy to talk to, with a happy look on her beautiful face.

Just as she stood up and prepared to leave with the maid, she met Murong Yun coming towards her.

When Murong Yun saw her, she sighed in her heart. She didn't know what was going on with this Mary Sue heroine. According to the original book, there were two alternative male protagonists besides Li Su.

Until she traveled through time, the plot did not reveal who was the main male lead.

Baili Shuangxue also treated these three candidates equally. Although they all had their own cookies, they were not as proactive as they are now.

Could it be said that Li Su is the real hero?

For a moment, Murong Yun couldn't help but guess.

Baili Shuangxue, on the other hand, didn't expect to bump into her here. She was stunned for a moment, but then she remembered that she was the second young lady of the General's Mansion.

"I've met Princess Yunhua."

Baili Shuangxue came back to her senses and greeted Murong Yun. She had met this person more than once. Now that she met her here, it saved her the need to go to the eldest princess's mansion.

It was rumored by the outside world that the princess had a bad temper and was a playgirl, but according to her recent interactions, although her behavior was weird, it was not as rumored.

"Why is Miss Baili here?"

Murong Yun nodded towards her, with curiosity on her face, as if she was really confused about the other party's purpose, but in her heart, she was almost certain that the other party was here for Li Su.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with having a female protagonist and a suspected male protagonist.

But considering that she is a vicious female supporting character, and the Murong clan will be destroyed by Li Su when the time comes, the heroine who played a great role in Li Su's rebellion, really can't let the two of them be together like this. 

However, in this way, she is considered to have entered the plot?

"Miss Baili is here to see Xiao Su."

It was Li Jiang who started to explain. Because she had a big belly and was about to give birth, she didn't get up. Instead, she sat on a chair and explained to her with a smile.

The two of them have become familiar with each other these days, and even Hua Fu is now the governor of Jingzhao Mansion because of Murong Yun's relationship and has finally been promoted.

Therefore, Li Jiang now trusts Murong Yun very much.

"Exactly, Princess, you also know that I have soiled two of Heir Li's robes... Naturally, I should apologize and compensate."

Baili Shuangxue repeated what she had just said to Li Jiang. Finally, she took out a brocade box from the maid's hand, opened it, and brought it to Murong Yun with both hands, apologetically saying on her face:

"Previously... I accidentally damaged the princess's phoenix hairpin, causing the princess to be frightened."

"Although this pair of phoenix hairpins is not as good as the princess's previous ones, they are so good that they win in numbers."

"Please forgive me for my previous recklessness, County princess."

This is, prepared? Murong Yun looked at the pair of gorgeous ruby-encrusted wind hairpins in the brocade box, the color was a bit better than the one she damaged, and the other party's words were purely modest.

It seemed that even if she didn't see Baili Shuangxue here, she would come to visit later, but she didn't know which one, she or Li Su, she came as by the way.

"Since it was unintentional, Ayun might as well forgive Miss Baili."

Li Jiang was not sure about the relationship between Baili Shuangxue and Li Su, but since Li Su could allow the other party to get his clothes dirty, it seemed that the relationship was not simple.

If Ayun had a conflict with the other party at this time, it would be difficult to handle Li Su, it is better to intercede now.


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