Saturday, December 9, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 16 - Sister, You Don’t Look Good

 After Jiang Ning went to pick peach blossoms, Jiang Mengyue smiled coldly, unable to hide the pride in her eyebrows.

Soon, you can see the woman's humiliation.

She wanted to teach Jiang Ning a lesson. It was so simple that she didn't even need to do it herself.

She remembered that Jin Jingxiu had cultivated a big, ferocious black dog that would show its teeth and stare at people with blood-red eyes. No one in the Jin family dared to approach easily, so it would be most appropriate to use this dog to scare Jiang Ning.

As long as Jin Jingxiu lets out the dog and bites Jiang Ning, she will definitely turn pale with fright and pee.

Jiang Mengyue smiled faintly and couldn't wait to see Jiang Ning make a fool of herself.

The noble ladies gathered together in twos and threes to talk. Some of the ladies who were friends with Jiang Mengyue were curious and asked, "What's going on with your sister? I heard that she was brought back to the capital a few days ago?"

"Yes." Jiang Mengyue nodded, "My sister is not in good health. She was raised in the village since she was a child, and she was just brought back now."

"If she does something bad, for my sake, please don't argue with her. She's not feeling well, so you have to let her go as much as possible..." Jiang Mengyue acted like a good sister.

The ladies immediately felt that Jiang Mengyue was kind-hearted and generous, and was so kind to a sister they had never met.

Jiang Mengyue was chatting with the noble ladies, secretly calculating in her heart that something should happen to Jiang Ning at about this time. She would take everyone to watch the show so that everyone could see this scene.

She pretended to be worried and frowned slightly, "Speaking of which, it's time for Ning Ning to come back. Why hasn't she come back yet? She must have gotten lost..."

"No, I have to go find her. If I had known this, I shouldn't have let her pick peach blossoms alone!"

Others echoed, "Let's go with you. It just so happens we want to go to the back mountain to see the blooming peach blossoms."

Everyone decided to set off together to see the peach blossoms in the back mountain.

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

"What interesting things are you talking about?"

Hearing the voice, Jiang Mengyue froze, thinking that she heard it wrongly. How could she hear Jiang Ning's voice here?

She turned around stiffly and saw Jiang Ning holding a delicate blooming peach blossom in her hand, standing not far behind her.

Jiang Ning shook the peach blossom in her hand and showed it to everyone, "I picked the peach blossom back."

Jiang Mengyue was stunned and couldn't come back to her senses. Why was she here? Wasn't she supposed to be scared shitless by Jin Jingxiu's big black dog, how could ......

When Jiang Ning saw Jiang Mengyue standing there blankly, she couldn't help but twitch her lips sarcastically.

Sure enough.

Meeting the big black dog on the way to the back mountain was not a coincidence, but Jin Jingxiu deliberately released it to scare her.

As for why Jin Jingxiu let the dog out to scare her, then you have to ask her good sister.

Jin Jingxiu was obsessed with Jiang Mengyue and obeyed her words. He would do whatever he was told. The plan to let the dogs out to scare people was probably proposed by Jiang Mengyue.

But what they didn't calculate was that she wasn't afraid of dogs.

Jiang Ning walked over and called, "Sister."

Jiang Mengyue came back to her senses, her expression was not very good, the plan did not go as she imagined, Jiang Ning was unscathed, nothing unusual happened at all.

She couldn't help but grit her teeth and cursed Jin Jingxiu in her heart for being an idiot for not being able to handle such a small thing.

She had to ask what was going on and whether a dog was released to scare Jiang Ning.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? You don't seem to look good..." Jiang Ning said.


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