Tuesday, December 26, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 78 - Public Opinion is Badly Guided

 The whole shooting process is very smooth, until the end of the shoot, the photographer is in a dreamlike state, to enhance the promotional power, Nan Pei invited photographers that are intercontinental well-known.

Such photographers have seen the world, let alone beauties. He has seen countless beautiful men, but this is the first time he has seen people with looks like these two.

The photographer's work was extremely smooth throughout the whole process. The two of them looked like a perfect picture just sitting there. They didn't need to deliberately pose, and they could easily take a blockbuster shot.

"Okay, you two are really suitable for each other." The photographer took off the camera and arranged the film.

Nan Pei looked at the photo on the camera. There were no blind spots at all angles. This kind of appearance was so impressive.

Nan Sheng followed her and said calmly, "Aren't you clamoring all day long to be open to the public? How many people can afford the price of your wedding dress?"

Just the few crystal clear emeralds on Fu Yuxiu's belt are already worth almost a million.

"Do you understand, I also have a high-end positioning. We don't mass-produce these wedding clothes, we only make them custom-made. Do you know what custom-made is? You can't just buy it casually." Nan Pei snorted.

Just rushing to make such a wedding dress requires the embroiderer to embroider for a long time, but her dress can be passed down as a family heirloom. It can be passed down from generation to generation. Isn't it very cool?

Nan Sheng glanced at the two people still sitting on the bed in the room. He had been staying here with them all afternoon, and he had a feeling that they were really taking their wedding photos.

It's really hard for Fu Yuxiu. With his temperament of keeping away from strangers, he can accompany Mu Wen Li here all afternoon.

"It's so perfect. This photo doesn't even need post-processing," Nan Pei said.

The photographer smiled and nodded, "I just need to neutralize the tone. It's really perfect. I'll work overtime today to get it out."

Today is really the peak of his career.

Nan Pei looked at the two of them, lowered her head, and thought for a moment, "You can't keep all the negatives, and when you publish subsequent promotional photos, try to use the profiles of the two or photos where their faces are not exposed too much."

It would not be good if Fu Yuxiu's identity was too ostentatious and attracted too many people's attention.

"I understand, don't worry." The photographer nodded.

No matter how much he didn't understand, he could still feel the person. The original model was Nan Sheng, but the man who finally appeared made it clear that his identity was not simple.

Of course, he knew what to do.

Wen Li stood up. This wedding dress was indeed beautifully made, but it was also very cumbersome. It was long in the back and a bit heavy to wear. Coupled with the phoenix crown on her head, Nan Pei was quite capable of spending such an amount of money.

The phoenix crowns are all made of pure gold, and the gems inlaid on them are also genuine.

It's really a generous gift from someone who comes from a wealthy family. Such a genuinely good thing and the texture shown in the photos is thick and exquisite.

"Are you tired?" Fu Yuxiu helped her walk out and helped her pick up the heavy tail with one hand.

It's a matching wedding dress, but the women's clothing is much more detailed. Compared with hers, Fu Yuxiu's dress is much simpler.

The two of them arrived at the clothing room one after another. Wen Li sat in front of the makeup mirror and waited for the stylist to remove her hair. After taking off her makeup, she could change clothes.

"I didn't expect these two to be so compatible."

Nan Sheng and Nan Pei stood behind them. Compared to Wen Li, Fu Yuxiu didn't need to remove his makeup. He only had to remove his hair crown and change his clothes.

It was the first time that Wen Li felt so tired. Every industry has its own differences. It only took one afternoon for her to feel sore and have a backache.

Nan Sheng took the tablet from the assistant's hand and walked slowly to sit next to Fu Yuxiu. The man who was concentrating with his eyes closed ignored him.

"Here, let me show you a photo of you two. I have never seen you look like this..." Nan Sheng held his chin and thought for a moment before spitting out one word, "Spring is full of joy."'

Fu Yuxiu then opened his eyes and looked at the photos on the tablet.

Between his lowered eyebrows and her caring look, it seemed like they were indeed a good match.

"If you don't know, one might think you are really married. If this photo is sent back to the Imperial capital, it will cause quite a stir." Nan Sheng said.

What would happen if the Fu family saw that their eldest son, who had always been unsociable, took a modeling photo shoot for an unsociable little girl.

Fu Yuxiu slid his fingertips over the girl's appearance on the screen. She was really beautiful in her wedding dress.

Wen Li finally took off her makeup and changed back into her own clothes. When she looked at her phone, she realized that Xia Chen and Qing Guo had gone back long ago, and she had been working from noon to 7:30 in the evening.

It was already dark outside, and these two were not very patient.

"Let's go to dinner and reward the two big models who gave me so much face today." Nan Pei walked up to Wen Li.

The place to eat is at Imperial Seal, the best hotel in Ningzhou.

Nan Pei and Nan Sheng were in the same car, Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu were in the same car, and Fei Ran and Lu Min were sitting in front of them.

Wen Li leaned back on the chair and yawned. She was so busy that she didn't even eat anything all day long, but she did eat a few cakes in the middle.

"Tired?" Fu Yuxiu pulled the person to his side.

Wen Li struggled twice and sat up straight, staring at him, "Aren't you tired?"

Is this a patient? The man who had been spitting up blood and coughing at every turn two days ago actually looked radiant at this moment.

"I'm not tired." Fu Yuxiu raised his hand to massage the back of her neck. With such a thick bun and phoenix crown, her neck must have suffered a lot this whole day.

"I can't even figure it out now. Although you are the adopted son of the Nan family, you are not at the mercy of others. Why did you allow Nan Pei to take photos?"

Of course, Wen Li would not be easily deceived by him. The simple adopted son of the Nan family looked like he was no ordinary person. You could tell just by looking at Nan Sheng's attitude towards him.

"Why do I think you know?" He lowered his head and leaned into the girl's ear.

The warm breath hit Wen Li's collarbone. She frowned and glanced sideways into his eyes. His eyes were scorching, with a continuous burning flame, burning into the bottom of the heart.

Wen Li raised her hand, pressed her forehead gently, and pushed him away.

"I'm hungry. Let's go there first."

Although Wen Li is not that easy to control and doesn't like to be controlled, there is one thing. Once she has promised others she will definitely keep it.

She took a dress from Nan Pei in exchange for becoming a model, and that sealed the deal.

So even during the four-hour filming this afternoon, she didn't snort at all or show any signs of impatience.

Nan Pei was unexpected. The little girl looked deserted and thought she would find it too troublesome and quit, but she ended it abruptly.

It's pretty clear-cut.

Imperial Seal's busiest time starts at seven o'clock. The parking lot in front of the door is already full of cars. Even though the price is expensive, there is no shortage of rich people in Ningzhou, so naturally the seats are packed every day.

Nan Pei got out of Nan Sheng's car, still holding a tablet in her hand to edit texts.

"Watch the car." Nan Sheng pulled the person back, "You will hit someone again later."

Fu Yuxiu got out of the car behind Wen Li. The little girl had an awkward temper and was not happy to be hugged by him from the beginning.

"Wait for me." Fu Yuxiu called.

Wen Li stopped and turned around, "What are you doing?"

The man stood in the night wind and looked at her quietly, his face a little pale, "I'm dizzy."

"Dizziness?" Wen Li took two steps over, grabbed his wrist, and looked for his pulse, "The pulse is weak. You have exhausted too much energy today. You need to rest early."

With a body like his, it's better to come out to the wind as little as possible.

"Cough, cough." Fu Yuxiu took a silk handkerchief from his pocket, put it to his lips, and coughed twice.

When Nan Sheng and Nan Pei walked to the door, they turned around and looked at the man who was being supported step by step by Wen Li. The evening breeze was blowing slightly and the man's face was a little pale.

Seeing his appearance, Nan Sheng sighed, "It's really a trick that can be eaten all over the world."

Knowing how to show weakness and arouse a little girl's sympathy is a skill that you need to learn in the future.

The four of them entered the Imperial Seal Hall and soon entered the private room. Nan Sheng handed the menu to Wen Li with a smile on his face.

"Ladies first, take a look at what you want to eat, you're welcome to order whatever you want."

Wen Li glanced at Nan Pei, who was sending messages with her head down and paying no attention to them at all.

"Don't worry about her. She's still crazy. She'll recover soon." Nan Sheng said.

Wen Li randomly ordered two dishes, and Fu Yuxiu took over, looked at them, and ordered some desserts for her.

"The desserts here are the best. You can eat more later." He said, raising his hand and tucking the strands of hair that fell in front of her eyes behind her ears.

Nan Sheng shook the goosebumps on his body. This man had killed someone without blinking an eye, but he was not used to him suddenly becoming so tender.

"Done!" Nan Pei threw the tablet on the table and stretched.

"Let me take a look." Nan Sheng took the tablet over.

Nan Pei used the account of Luan Pei Studio to post the photos taken today by the main promotion model. Of course, she also knew the importance, and only Wen Li was in the photo she sent out.

Wen Li stood with her back to the camera, tilting her head slightly to look behind her. He could see half of her beautiful face and the complicated embroidery craftsmanship behind the entire wedding dress.

Only those photos of Fu Yuxiu can be sent after the retoucher over there blurs the photos.

"It will be officially launched in seven days, Wen Li. When the sales are popular, I will thank you very much."

Wen Li raised his eyes and said, "No, you have already given me a thank-you gift."

Nan Pei waved her hand, "It's just a skirt, don't take it to heart. It's my original intention to design it to have people like you who really like it."

Wen Li not only modeled for her, but she also brought Fu Yuxiu with her. What kind of magical combination was this? She couldn't afford to hire these two people even if she lost all her money.

Still have to thank you very much.

"But I'm curious, who are you planning to give that skirt to?" Nan Pei opened her mouth.

Mu Wen Li had just arrived in Ningzhou and didn't seem to know many people. It was impossible that the skirt was given to Mu Nuanxi.

"Are you used to asking where things went after giving them to others?" Wen Li raised her eyes and looked at her.

Nan Pei smiled and shook her head, "I'm just curious. I still have a few accessories over there. It was a set when I designed the skirt. I was in a hurry that day and the assistant was busy so I missed it. I'll bring it to you another day."

There were only four of them in the entire box. Fu Yuxiu sat next to Wen Li, Nan Pei sat next to Wen Li, and Nan Sheng sat next to Nan Pei. Fu Yuxiu was blocked by a green potted plant.

When Mu Nuanxi passed by, she happened to see the Nan family siblings. Just as she was about to step forward to say hello, she saw Mu Wen Li next to Nan Pei.

The smile that originally aroused slowly dissipated, and she grabbed the wooden pillar in front of the door and stopped without moving forward.

"Nuan Xi, what are you doing standing here?" Ning Qi followed closely and saw Mu Nuanxi stopping at the door of the box next to her.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ning Qi looked past her and saw several people in the box.

"It's Mr. Nan, please go in and say hello." Ning Qi raised her hand to push the person in.

"Don't move." Mu Nuanxi said coldly.

This was the first time Ning Qi heard her speak in such a cold tone, and she subconsciously retracted her hand without making any further movements.

Nan Pei is trying hard to talk to Wen Li at the moment. At least she has cooperated with her now. Wen Li is not as talkative as when they first met, and she can reply to her from time to time.

Nan Sheng's eyes always swept across the two people diagonally opposite him, intentionally or unintentionally, and looking into Mu Nuanxi's eyes was like looking at Wen Li.

"Nuan Xi, let's go there first. There are reporters here, and we'll let them take pictures later." Ning Qi persuaded.

Tong Jingshu was sitting in the box, looking at the promotional photos from Luan Pei Studio. Her head hurt and she almost smashed everything in her hands.

As soon as she saw the two of them coming back, Tong Jingshu put her phone on the table, "Look, Mu Wen Li has even taken photos. She just sent them ten minutes ago, and now they have nearly 100,000 retweets and comments."

Seeing all the comments praising the beauty, Tong Jingshu was almost pissed off. She paid the lowest price for Luan Pei's photo shoot, but it didn't matter that the one she got was not the most important style. She was also beaten to death by a wild person from the countryside. 

She couldn't swallow this breath no matter what. 

Mu Nuanxi glanced at her, and she knew it was Wen Li just by looking back at the profile.

Everything in the private room flashed in front of her eyes, and Mu Nuanxi felt a hand grasping her heart tightly, tightening it more and more, making it impossible for her to breathe.

"Since Sister Pei has already sent out the promotional photos, let's help forward them. It seems to be promoting Luan Pei." Mu Nuanxi said and took out her mobile phone.

Tong Jingshu and Mu Nuanxi have at least 10 million fans in total, and the publicity is not low if they repost it.

"Yes, this promotional photo should indeed be forwarded." Tong Jingshu calmed down and said meaningfully, "I participated in the shooting after all. If it is forwarded more, the more people will know about it, right?"

Mu Nuanxi smiled at her.

Ning Qi looked at the two forwards in confusion and took out her mobile phone herself.

She knew that Tong Jingshu went to take promotional photos for Luan Pei this time, but she felt that since the male model was Nan Sheng, the female model must be Mu Nuanxi.

After all, the two of them are going to get married in the future, and Nan Sheng's father also likes Mu Nuanxi very much.

Why did Nan Pei choose Mu Wen Li?

During the meal, Nan Pei enthusiastically kept picking up dishes for Wen Li. Although most of them were piled on the edge of the bowl by Fu Yuxiu, it did not affect her enthusiasm at all.

"Eat more." Fu Yuxiu skillfully placed a piece of fish on top of the green vegetables that Nan Pei had put on her plate. He lowered his head and talked to the little girl next to him.

"I'm almost full, you don't have to pick up food for me anymore." Wen Li reminded him.

Fu Yuxiu wore disposable gloves and slowly peeled shrimps for her. The shrimps were dipped in the sauce piece by piece and piled in her bowl.

After hearing what the little girl said, he stopped lovingly, wiped his fingers and gave her a bowl of soup.

"Drink some soup." He whispered.

Nan Sheng shook his head in surprise. What kind of power could make a man become like this willingly?

This little girl Mu Wen Li is quite capable.

After almost eating enough dog food, Wen Li also successfully finished the last dessert. Fu Yuxiu was right, the desserts here are very good.

Compared to the last time she came here to eat, this time she wanted to eat more comfortably.


The man saw her sighing comfortably and spoke.

Wen Li nodded, "I'm full."

After the boss was satisfied with his service, Nan Pei was naturally happy.

"I'll take you out for a walk. Eating too much can easily lead to food accumulation." Fu Yuxiu stood up and stretched out his hand to Wen Li.

The person on the chair glanced at him and said, "You're responsible for me eating so much."

If he hadn't been picking up food all the time, would it have been like this?

"Be obedient." Fu Yuxiu rubbed her head.

He coaxed her to follow him out.

Nan Sheng dazedly ate all the food in his bowl.

"Why do I feel like he is raising a daughter?" Nan Pei watched the two people's smooth operations.

"There is no doubt that he just treats that little girl as his darling."

Otherwise, could they take pictures today?

The two of them went for a walk. Nan Pei and Nan Sheng were almost full and got up.

Nan Pei took out her mobile phone and scrolled through the social platform, and entered the studio's account. The promotional photo she had just posted had already received 700,000 retweets and 400,000 comments.

Nan Pei rubbed her eyes. Of all Luan Pei's messages, this one had the most reposts and the most comments.

"It's so wild. As expected, beauties are invincible. Only half of their faces can be seen and they can get so many retweets and comments."

Nan Pei was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Nan Sheng held her arm and walked forward, fearing that the person would accidentally fall into the koi pond next to her while walking with her head lowered.

"Brother Sheng?"

Hearing the sound, Nan Sheng turned sideways and saw Mu Nuanxi walking from the middle of the hall with a smile on her face.

Mu Nuanxi wore nude high heels and walked on the cobblestone road in the middle. When she saw Nan Sheng, a smile appeared on her face and her steps quickened.

When she was still two steps away from Nan Sheng, her feet stumbled and she was about to fall to the ground.

Nan Sheng frowned slightly, let go of Nan Pei's hand, and moved forward, helping her before she fell.

The bright smile on Nan Pei's face dissipated little by little as the content of the comments opened. There were indeed people who liked to praise, but the direction of the next comments was not right.

Our Nuanbao is the cutest: Oh my god, it’s not Nuanxi. Didn’t they say it was our Nuanxi?

Lemon flavor of soda pop: I feel like I saw something I shouldn’t have seen. If it’s the main product modeled by this woman, what about our Nuanbao?

Sheep and Goats: @Luai Pei, come out and explain what’s going on?

Honey Ice Cream: I spent so much energy to help promote it, but there was a temporary replacement.

KSKI: Let me tell you, does anyone know this young lady? 

Snow White’s Alice: I suddenly feel like I’m looking forward to a male model.

Nuanbao’s baby: I don’t accept it. My blood pressure has risen. No one can be worthy of Nan Sheng except Nuanbao. Who knows what this female model is! 

The entire article was filled with abuse. Many people were scolding Mu Wen Li for stealing Mu Nuanxi's photo, including Tong Jingshu's fans and Ning Qi's fans.

From the initial praise to the full-scale abuse, Nan Pei almost got angry after just one meal.

Nan Sheng supported Mu Nuanxi and lowered his head to check her ankle, "How is it? Does it hurt?"

Mu Nuanxi's face turned pale in pain, and she suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "It hurts."

"I'll have someone take you to the hospital." Nan Sheng said, calling back to his secretary.

"No need, Brother Sheng, I can do it myself." Mu Nuanxi stopped him, "You are quite busy too, I can go to the hospital by myself."

Mu Nuanxi said as she pushed Nan Sheng away, but she almost fell down because she lost her support. Nan Sheng's quick eyesight and hands quickly stopped her.

"I'll take you there." Nan Sheng sighed and said.

After all, we grew up together, so we can't be too heartless.

Nan Pei came back to her senses and saw Nan Sheng supporting Mu Nuanxi walking forward step by step.

She was now turning blue with anger. After clicking in and reading the public messages sent by Tong Jingshu and Mu Nuanxi, she had a suspicion in her mind.

"Sister Pei, I just saw the promotional photos. They were beautiful. I would like to congratulate Luan Pei on the sales of her new product!" Mu Nuanxi looked back at Nan Pei.

There was a sincere smile on the woman's face, and her spring-breathing smile warmed people's hearts.

Nan Pei suddenly felt guilty and tried to drive away the conjectures in her mind.

"Nan Sheng, please take her to the hospital. I'll go back to the studio first."

Such hot news has naturally been seen by everyone in Luan Pei's studio. They are responsible for the operation of new products. Luan Pei has a professional public relations team. Nan Pei has also encountered many unscrupulous people in recent years.

Knowing how cruel the competition among industries is, this is the first time such a thing has happened.

Tong Jingshu took her phone back and looked through the photos she had just taken.

“It’s good, the photo is very clear, the appearance of the two people is clear.”

Ning Qi looked at her curiously, "What are you going to do?"

Tong Jingshu held the phone tightly, and the smile on her lips became deeper and deeper, "I haven't forgotten the hatred last time. This time I want to let that smelly girl know that I am not someone to be trifled with."

"What do you mean? Do you want to deal with Mu Wen Li?"

Ning Qi realized that she had seen the news that had just happened. She just forwarded a promotional photo of Luan Pei Studio. Now it has been read a lot, and there are naturally a lot of comments.

"Don't she like to steal people's things? This time I let her know that she can't touch everyone. The routines in the city are not like those in the countryside. A wild girl like this should just hurry back with her tail between her legs."

Ning Qi was already vaguely aware of what she wanted to do.

Tong Jingshu's popularity in the entertainment industry has a lot to do with the Tong family. The largest media company in Ningzhou is the Tong family.

Tong has been a media giant for so many years, so she naturally knows how to guide public opinion and achieve the results she wants. Of course, she also has specialized trolls and sunspots under her command, who can turn a trivial matter into a shocking case.

Ning Qi opened her phone, and sure enough, someone revealed that the person who took the photo was Mu Nuanxi's sister, Mu Wen Li, who caused quite a stir in Ningzhou some time ago.

Mu Nuanxi is also a celebrity on the Internet, with a certain number of fans, and she firmly believes in the matter of Mu Wen Li's being an illegitimate daughter.

Originally, after Mu Wen Li gained limelight in the domestic competition, some people on the Internet compared the two. What fans hate the most is comparing one's own family to others.

This back and forth, even if the comparison is between two biological sisters, can still arouse a storm of enthusiasm among fans.

Besides, this is a wild girl who grew up in the countryside. If compared with the goddess in their hearts, many people will not rely on her.

It was then revealed that Mu Wen Li took a photo with Mu Nuanxi's fiancรฉ and cut off something that originally belonged to Mu Nuanxi, which was really fatal.

"This time I want her to know how dangerous this world is. I want her to become a street rat that everyone shouts about to get out of Ningzhou."

For girls. The most ancient and unchanging law is to have a good reputation.

Once a reputation is ruined, it means nothing.

Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu went for a walk by the river. At night, thousands of lights on the Ningjiang River were lit up, and the gorgeous neon lights were dazzling.

The two of them walked side by side, and they had gone a long way.

Young couples holding hands can be seen everywhere along the riverside, taking advantage of their off-duty hours to come out to connect with their loved ones.

The two of them walked a long way, and there was a marshmallow seller in front of them, big and soft marshmallows. A young couple happened to stop, and the boy bought a white marshmallow for the girl.

The girl stood up on tiptoes and kissed her boyfriend on the face.

"Want to eat that?" Fu Yuxiu glanced at it.

Wen Li didn't say anything. He then said, "I think Soya likes to give you sweets."

Before Wen Li could react, he had already crossed over in two steps and stopped in front of the stall.

Wen Li raised her eyes again and saw his side face exposed in the light. In a trance, she seemed to see a boy with a delicate and handsome face, wearing black short-sleeved shorts.

After he paid, he came towards her with a white marshmallow.


Wen Li shook her head vigorously, and the little boy disappeared from her eyes, but was replaced by a handsome man standing in front of her.

Fu Yuxiu raised his fingers and looked at her forehead, "What are you thinking about?"

Wen Li took the snack. Her mind was not very clear these two days, and many things would pop up from time to time.

But they are all superficial pictures and not very clear.

"I'll take you back after eating." Fu Yuxiu looked down at her.

The two of them continued to walk step by step along the river side by side. The evening breeze floated and they could smell the fragrance of flowers blooming beside the road.


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