Monday, December 25, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 77 - You can Only Wear it Once (Master Fu is Jealous)

 The eldest daughter of the Nan family has been in a good mood these past two days, and she has been jumping up and down when walking. The bodyguards of the Nan family have noticed this.

Because the studio was busy in the past few days, Nan Pei has been in the studio for half a month. She finalized the shooting plan, and the rest of the new products were also shot one after another.

When Nan Pei came out of the studio, she looked at the clouds in the sky and felt that they were so beautiful and relaxed all over. Now she just needs to wait for the people from the Dream club to come and take the final promotional photos.

But now there is one most important thing, Nan Sheng.

She had been pestering Nan Sheng for a long time to ask him to be a model for her, but Nan Sheng did not relent and agreed. Now that the people are in place, even Wen Li who is so difficult to deal with, has been taken care of.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if her own brother let her down? So before Wen Li and the others went to the studio to shoot, she had to come back and deal with this uncle first.

Nan Pei walked in carrying the specially bought pastries and walked towards the main house. As soon as he passed the circular arch, he was stopped by a voice.

"Eldest Miss."

An expressionless face suddenly appeared in front of her.

Nan Pei was frightened by the person who suddenly appeared and took two steps back. After taking a closer look, she held her chest and stood up straight, "Aunt He, what are you doing?"

Suddenly appeared like a ghost.

"Did you just come back?"

"I bumped into you as soon as I entered the door. Aunt He, could you please not suddenly appear in front of me next time." Nan Pei patted her chest and gasped.

Aunt He nodded calmly, "Sir is back and waiting for you in the hall."

"The old man is back?" Nan Pei was stunned.

Nan Jinchuan has been an idle worker since he handed over the Nan family to Nan Sheng, wandering around outside for 300 days a year.

He has been traveling around the continent and seeing the customs of each continent.

But Nan Pei knew that the old man just couldn't stay at home, and sometimes she felt that her personality was inherited from Nan Jinchuan.

Nan Pei leaned in front of Aunt He and whispered, "Aunt He, did he say what he wanted from me?"

Seeing the look of the eldest lady, Aunt He, who was always reluctant to smile, also curled up her lips and said, "Sir just misses you. He came back yesterday."

After returning, the two children of the Nan family were not at home, and even Master Fu from the north was nowhere to be seen. Nan Jinchuan was not used to the deserted environment.

"I just happened to buy the sesame cake he likes. I'll go over and have a look." Nan Pei weighed the box in her hand.

Aunt He followed her to the main hall, "The eldest young master is also on his way back. He should be here soon."

To be honest, these two children are quite strange. When they are busy, they are nowhere to be seen, but when they come back, they always come back together. There are not many Nan family members in the first place, and it is usually cold and quiet.

I don’t know when Nan Sheng will get married and have children to make this empty old house lively.

As soon as Nan Pei approached the main hall, she heard the sound of opera. In the early years, Mr. Nan liked this thing very much. He also spent money to support a theater troupe, and let them perform at Nan's house from time to time. However, after the old Mr. Nan passed away, there was no opera troupe. 

However, Nan Jinchuan could still take out the old man's radio and play it from time to time.

Nan Pei carried something and leaned over, and saw Nan Jinchuan, who was sitting on a wooden recliner with his head raised and eyes closed, listening to the music. The man who was over fifty years old could see the white hair on his temples. 

The two children of the Nan family are both pretty good-looking, so one can naturally guess that their parents' looks are pretty much the same.

From Nan Pei's perspective, one can see that there are a few more wrinkles in the corners of Nan Jinchuan's eyes. The once young clear and bright nobleman has now become a full-fledged old man.

She sighed, time is really not forgiving.

"Don't say hello when you're here. Are you waiting for me to come over and invite you?" Nan Jinchuan reached out and turned off the stereo.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. Has the colorful world outside made you, an old man, look younger? But looking at it, you have more and more wrinkles." Nan Pei walked to sit opposite him and put the box in her hand on the table. 

Nan Jinchuan sat up straight in his chair and stared at his daughter with bright eyes.

"You're quite well-behaved. You even know how to buy me cakes."

Nan Pei poured herself a glass of water, "Don't get me wrong, this is for Nan Sheng."

Nan Jinchuan opened the box and took out a piece of sesame cake. He lay down slowly and closed his eyes. "Are you asking for help again?"

"Awesome." Nan Pei praised.

Nan Jinchuan snorted, "You are really old but not wise. For so many years, whenever you ask Nan Sheng for something, you will buy him something. Why should I guess? Anyone with eyes knows this."

That is to say, Nan Sheng really followed his sister. No matter what Nan Pei bought him, he would accept it without any change, and then help her settle the matter.

"It's not me saying you need to change your approach. This one trick pays off after all." Nan Jinchuan glanced at her.

Nan Pei felt despised by her father.

"Old man, I came here to talk to you because I was afraid that you would be bored. Don't look for opportunities to ridicule me."

"I'm free? I'm making fun of you?"

"Aren't you free? Otherwise, why did you have to call Nan Sheng and me last time to force him to visit the Mu family with gifts?" Nan Pei retorted unceremoniously.

Nan Jinchuan tilted his head and said nothing. Seeing him like this, Nan Pei was amused.

"Old man, do you want to have a grandson?"

This point directly touched Nan Jinchuan's mind. He came back directly this time just to talk to Nan Sheng.

The eldest brother is old enough and it’s time to get married.

The girl from the Mu family was similar. She had a clean family background and looked good. He had met her a few times when she was a child. She was pretty good.

Nan Pei didn't really care about this, as long as the old man didn't put his eyes on her.

"I heard that the Mu family's youngest daughter was found. Is she the girl who played well with Nan Sheng when she was a child?"

Nan Pei nodded, "Yeah, but you are quite well informed."

Nan Jinchuan glanced at the corridor outside the main hall and saw the two people walking side by side. "The whole Ningzhou is in a commotion. I also read the news reports. She is a very powerful girl."

Of course, he knows whether some news can be trusted or not, but this kid is quite talented. The Mu family made their fortune with high-end technology, but it has been declining in the past two years. The Mu family must be scratching their heads in annoyance.

Wen Li's appearance can be regarded as adding youthful strength to the Mu family, which is very good.

"Mu Kuiyuan is very lucky, and he always seems to have divine help."

Nan Pei listened to his father's unclear words, and the two chatted for a while, and then the main person Nan Pei wanted to meet today appeared.

Nan Sheng and Fu Yuxiu came back together. Fei Ran and Lu Min stood still under the corridor and did not come over.

Seeing the man coming in, Nan Jinchuan stood up and asked, "Back?"

Seeing his father's suddenly serious look, Nan Pei sighed. From the first day Fu Yuxiu arrived at Nan's house, his father had been so respectful.

Those who knew he was an elder, but those who didn't know thought he was a servant of the Fu family.

Fu Yuxiu bent over and sat on the mahogany sofa next to him, "It's quite rare for uncle to come back."

Nan Jinchuan sat down immediately, "Ningzhou is quite lively these days, and it's almost time for me to come back and join in the fun."

As he spoke, Nan Jinchuan looked at Nan Sheng who was pouring water for him. Nan Sheng felt a chill down his spine.

"How is your health lately? Are you feeling better?" Nan Jinchuan said and looked Fu Yuxiu up and down.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the man looked good.

"It's almost the same as before." Fu Yuxiu replied.

The two talked incessantly. After all, Fu Yuxiu had lived in Nan's house for a long time, and Nan Jinchuan had become more comfortable with it from the pressure he felt at the beginning.

Although this child is a little cold-tempered and doesn't like to talk, he can still be regarded as he watched him grow up.

"I bought this specially for you. Your favorite items are all in the box. Try it." Nan Pei pushed the box over.

Nan Sheng glanced at the box. He had never liked these things. Only Nan Pei in the entire Nan family thought he liked them.

"Say it."

With her intention being exposed so directly, Nan Pei was no longer polite and huffed directly in front of Nan Sheng.

"As for the modeling we were talking about last time, Wen Li went to the studio in the afternoon. I asked your secretary. You have no schedule this afternoon, so you can be free."

Fu Yuxiu, who was about to drink tea, suddenly closed the white porcelain bowl in his hand, and his eyes fell on Nan Pei, who was trying to please Nan Sheng.

Nan Jinchuan also noticed the man's sudden change and looked at Nan Pei curiously.

"I never promised you, don't drive a duck onto a perch here." Nan Sheng felt the huge pressure from his side.

After this man heard Wen Li's name, his whole aura changed.

If he really dared to take a photo with Wen Li, it would probably be his last photo.

But there was Nan Pei in front of him who couldn't understand the atmosphere and felt no danger at all. She took his hand and started crying.

"How could you do this? You promised me last time. Now I've let all the wind go. I even invited Mu Wen Li. Do you know how difficult it is to invite her? I even sacrificed a dress that had not been put on sale so I could invite her, now the whole industry knows that Nan Sheng is my male model, if you reject me at a critical time, is it not you letting me be ridiculed by people ......"

Every time Nan Pei was rejected by Nan Sheng, he would use all kinds of tricks to pester him.

It is precisely because of this that Nan Sheng rarely refuses her. Basically, as long as she opens her mouth, Nan Sheng is satisfied and thinks that he is clearing his ears.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Nan Jinchuan came over and took her hand.

"Don't embarrass me. You are such an adult and you don't know the importance of it at all."

This was in front of Fu Yuxiu.

"Nan Sheng." The man behind him suddenly spoke.

Nan Sheng sat up straight with a sigh, turned sideways under the pressure, and heard him continue to ask.

"What modeling?"

He has asked and Nan Sheng could only explain as usual, "Her studio is launching new clothes during this period. All the models have been finalized. The final two models will be featured, one male and one female. She wants me as the male model."

Who knew that Mu Wen Li would appear. Now that Mu Wen Li has become a female model and if he is to hug her and take pictures. Nan Sheng couldn't even imagine that scene. Today next year will probably be his death anniversary.

"It's just a small thing, I haven't promised her yet."

After hearing this, Nan Pei suddenly became unhappy and ignored the sight of the man next to him and the feeling of oppression that began to spread out of his body.

"What is a trivial matter? Do you know how long I have been preparing for it? The main models this time are two wedding dresses. They completely reflect the highest wedding etiquette and the most gorgeous clothes in ancient times. I made this because I wanted to make the girls who see it have the urge to want to get married at a glance." Nan Pei got up, hands clenched into fists, a bearish stance.

When he heard the word "want to get married", Nan Jinchuan's eyes lit up, "Then Nan Sheng wears men's wedding clothes? Then I can go and look."

Nan Sheng held his forehead and said, "Dad, please don't join in the fun."

"Dad, look at the female model I'm looking for. Mu Wen Li went to the studio two days ago to try on clothes. She's really stunning in what she wears." Nan Pei pulled out the photo from her phone and handed it to Nan Jinchuan.

The girl in the photo is dressed in red, looking at the camera casually, but her eyes are full of charm.

"This is... Mu Wen Li?"

Nan Jinchuan tried hard to think about how the little girl at that time was so beautiful now.

Mu Kun is so lucky to have such a beautiful girl.

"This girl was pretty when she was a child. I didn't expect that she would become more and more beautiful as she grew up." Nan Jinchuan praised her without hesitation.

"Not bad." Nan Pei said proudly, "Don't even look at who chose her."

Fortunately, she had taken a liking to Wen Li at a glance at the hot spring club, and now she was able to get such a huge bargain. This was the first perfect model she had met since she had been in business for so long.

"Wedding clothes?" Fu Yuxiu pressed the tip of his tongue against the soft flesh inside his mouth, his dark eyes full of interest, "It sounds interesting. Let me go and have a look with you, Nan Sheng."

Nan Sheng, who was suddenly called by his name, could only stiffen his body and agree, "Then let's go take a look together."

Nan Pei jumped up happily, but Nan Jinchuan looked at Fu Yuxiu meaningfully.


At one o'clock at noon, at the door of Luan Pei.

In the morning, Tang Xiao brought three people from Dream over for the shoot. Their clothing styles were different from Wen Li's, and they couldn't be paired with her, so they had to be filmed separately.

The entire afternoon was reserved for Wen Li to shoot the main items. Because she was curious about what men's clothing would be like and what Nan Sheng would look like wearing it, Qing Guo specifically mentioned it to Nan Pei in the afternoon and wanted to come over and have a look.

Nan Pei also readily agreed. In the morning, the studio had pre-released two sets of photos from the Dream Club, which aroused a great response. Luan Pei's fans also increased a lot. The effect was very good.

Now she walks with joy, as if she is in the clouds, and there is nothing she cannot agree to.

Qing Guo went directly to the hotel to find Wen Li. Xia Chen drove them over. When they got off the car, the two little girls had two ice creams in their hands.

This is the most popular cold drink dessert in Ningzhou this year. There is a thin layer of gold foil paper on the ice cream cone, which is called gold ice cream and is full of nobility.

This ice cream does not live up to its name, it tastes very good, and there is nothing wrong with it except that it is a bit expensive.

"Boss, I'll park the car first, you guys go in first."

Wen Li and Qing Guo entered the studio together. Nan Pei's assistant looked at the clock on the wall and said it was one o'clock, exactly.

"Miss Mu, please go upstairs first. The makeup artist and stylist have been waiting for a long time." The assistant took them online.

"Where's Miss Nan Pei?"

The assistant took her into the elevator, "Sister Pei just called and said she would be there in a moment. Please wait for her for a while."

Nan Pei has been busy with new products these days. She went out to find Nan Sheng again. Many people still hope that she can have a good rest.

"Aren't you tired? You even followed me to do it again." Wen Li looked at Qing Guo who was eating ice cream beside him.

They had just returned from shooting in the morning and followed her here soon after.

Qing Guo lowered her head and scrolled through her phone, "I'm not tired. As long as I can see a beautiful woman, I'll be a hundred times more energetic."

Besides, she was the first person to see Wen Li and Nan Sheng taking photos on the spot. Nan Sheng's appearance was recognized as being even more handsome than the young talent in the entertainment industry.

Wen Li listened to the stylist and sat in front of the dressing mirror to do her hair. She was busy eating ice cream, and the makeup artist hadn't started putting makeup on her yet.

After all, Miss Nan Pei ordered that Mu Wen Li must be taken good care of.

"Wen Li, look at this." Qing Guo rushed over from the sofa behind Wen Li and handed her the phone.

"The photo posted by Teacher Mu yesterday was trending on the top, along with Tong Jingshu's photo."

Many people know that Tong Jingshu and Mu Nuanxi are good friends. Mu Nuanxi is also the apple of the eye of the technology tycoon Mu Shi. After opening a social platform account, she also used it to post some piano music and the like.

If she attends a party, Mu Nuanxi will also send a photo of her personal dress, which she also uses to upload some photos of her daily life.

Although she is not in the entertainment industry, her identity is there, her appearance and wealth are not bad, and she is a talented girl, so she has more fans than those female Internet celebrities. The entire account has five million fans.

Wen Li scrolled down and saw a series of comments under the photo. Ten thousand comments were not low.

Xi'er's milk tea: Ahhhhh, today is also the day when the store is open for business.

Fish on Loxi Island: Sister, today is also a day to miss my sister.

Crayfish: I am autumn’s little baby, and you are autumn.

Don’t mess with me: Today’s precious Nuan is beautiful again, but where is this place? 

Hope you get out of here quickly: This seems to be Luan Pei's studio. I just saw it from Tongtong's account. Tongtong took promotional photos for Luan Pei in the past.

Quickly explode SE: Are you going to shoot for your eldest sister today? I seem to remember that there is precious Nuan's boyfriend in the model this time, are they finally going to give us sweet candy?

Anyone who has followed Mu Nuanxi for a long time knows that Mu Nuanxi has a boyfriend that she likes very much. However, although this boyfriend is known to be Nan Sheng, there has never been news of the two in the same frame.

Although Nan Sheng is considered a playboy by outsiders, the only serious news about him is the financial channel.

Naturally, no social platform would dare to discuss him at all costs.

But many people know that Nan Sheng’s sister is the founder of Luan Pei.

"Did you notice something was wrong?" Qing Guo said.

Wen Li returned the phone to her and took a bite of the sweet ice cream. "If the promotional photos are released tomorrow, many people will think that I, the illegitimate daughter Wen Li, stole my sister's things."

Wen Li said this without hesitation, which made the stylist who did her hair stunned.

This third young lady of the Mu family is quite powerful.

"Then what should I do? I'll go find Teacher Mu and ask her to delete it?" Qing Guo flipped through the comments.

Mu Nuanxi never mentioned in her text that she wanted to be a model. It was all speculation by fans, but her makeup was so similar to Wen Li's, and the red clothes she wore were also very similar.

Will it cause unnecessary misunderstandings at that time?

"Don't worry, she will delete it, but not now." Wen Li replied with her eyes closed.

The elevator door opened, and Wen Li could see three people walking out of the elevator in the mirror.

The man walking behind Nan Sheng and Nan Pei put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked slowly towards this side. The more his delicate and enchanting face came closer to the makeup mirror, the warmer the light highlighted him. 

The stylist stopped arranging Wen Li's hair and looked at the man walking from behind with obsessed eyes.

"Xiao Guoguo." Nan Pei patted Qing Guo on the shoulder.

"Sister Pei."

Qing Guo put the phone away silently.

Fu Yuxiu did not look around and observe the surrounding environment like others. He walked straight to Wen Li from the moment he got off the elevator.

"Why did you come here?" Wen Li looked at the man in the mirror.

He was very tall, and Wen Li had to sit down hard to see his face in the makeup mirror.

"Should I ask you this? You don't look like someone who would be a model for others."

Wen Li felt that Fu Yuxiu didn't look like someone who would come to this place. Even if he lived in the Nan family, he probably didn't have much communication with Nan Pei, and he didn't even talk about it.

Fu Yuxiu, on the other hand, felt that this girl had a perverse temperament and did not like to be manipulated like a puppet.

To put it bluntly, the temperament of these two people is almost the same.

Nan Pei noticed that Qing Guo wasn't too crazy when she saw Fu Yuxiu, but her eyes were bright, the look of a fan girl.

"Xiao Qing Guo, have you seen him?" Nan Pei pursed her lips in the direction of Fu Yuxiu.

Qing Guo nodded and looked at the man's face infatuatedly, "That's Wen Li's boyfriend. We've met before."

He was the one who broke Pu Xi's leg last time in Imperial Seal. Her boyfriend was very strong.

"Boyfriend?" Nan Pei raised her voice.

Nan Pei looked at Fu Yuxiu, who pulled the chair next to him and sat next to Wen Li. He lowered his eyebrows and looked at the girl in front of him with gentle eyebrows.

Why has no one told her about this? Nan Pei turned to look at Nan Sheng aside.

"I heard this is a wedding dress?" Fu Yuxiu took the wet wipes on the side and wiped off the ice cream on her hands.

"It seems so." Wen Li saw in the mirror that the stylist had already finished her bun.

The makeup artist followed behind and stood ready.

Wen Li's finger bones hurt, and she frowned. She looked down and saw the man's fingers holding her tightly.

Then his tone, which was soft just now, dropped a degree, "I don't allow it."

Wen Li was confused by this sound. She struggled back, but failed to break free. Instead, he squeezed her hand tighter.

"A girl can only wear a wedding dress once in her life." Fu Yuxiu threw the wet wipes into the trash can.

Wen Li looked at Fu Yuxiu strangely, and then retorted, "A person's life is not short. Who told you that you can only wear it once?"

Fu Yuxiu raised his hand and pinched the soft flesh of her cheek with his fingertips. His thin lips curved into an unknown smile, "I don't care about others, but you can only wear it once."

She had to wear it for him. In this life, she would never think of marrying anyone else.

Wen Li's face was pinched, and the makeup artist couldn't touch her, so she could only stand aside and wait silently.

When the stylist and makeup artist saw Fu Yuxiu, their eyes lit up for a long time.

Mu Wen Li's appearance is too aggressive. Although she is only a twenty-year-old girl, it is enough to predict what she will look like in the future.

They had met Nan Sheng and originally thought that with Young Master Nan's appearance, he and Wen Li would be a stunning pair.

But now that they see Fu Yuxiu, this is the most suitable appearance.

If the two of them could take this group of photos together, they would definitely become a legend.

Wen Li stared at the person and suddenly remembered what she had just seen.

"I have promised Nan Pei, and I cannot break the contract casually." She stretched out her hand to free her cheek from the man's hand.

Fu Yuxiu's eyes darkened, and he held her fingertips with his other hand.

"But I have an idea." She lowered her head and spoke into the man's ear.

Nan Pei looked at the two people who were moving intimately and twisted Nan Sheng's arm, "How could you hide it for so long without telling me at all."

Mr. Fu has fallen in love with Wen Li, and these two people must have been keeping it secret for a long time.

"I advise you to stay less involved in their affairs. It's best not to even ask questions." Nan Sheng warned her.

Fu Yuxiu's temperament is protective and unreasonable. It is best for Nan Pei to stay away from Mu Wen Li.

If he just takes the person away today and denies Nan Pei's agreement as a model, she will have no choice.

Nan Pei looked up at the sky. When she looked for Wen Li, she didn't expect that she would have such a relationship with Fu Yuxiu.


In the shooting room on the fifth floor, Luan Pei specially asked a designer to create a scene in order to match the two wedding dresses of the main model. The antique room completely restored the wedding room of ancient weddings.

From the bedspread to the table, chairs and bench, red satin hangs all over the edge of the bed.

Nan Pei rubbed her eyes hard, looked at the two people, one red and one black, standing together, and hit her head hard to wake up. 

The man's slender figure and the red and black colors prevent the handsome and feminine man from looking too gloomy.

The jade crown holds hair, with a five-clawed golden dragon embroidered with gilt thread floating on it, and the belt is inlaid with several crystal clear jadeite.

When Nan Pei designed this dress, she thought that the gorgeous and rich colors would steal the spotlight from the model. To be honest, when she looked at the stars in the entire entertainment industry, there were really not many stars who could afford this. 

But now, when it's worn on him, it doesn't look out of place at all, and he has successfully controlled the gorgeousness of the clothes.

He looked down at the woman in his arms, his eyes as elegant as mist seemed to sparkle with stars, his fingers as white as porcelain bones held hers, and there was a smile on his lips.

Of these two people, one was enchanting, like a witch who brought disaster to the country, and the other had a domineering look between his lowered eyebrows and a very beautiful profile.

The two of them were sitting on the bed, and when they looked at each other, they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Sister Pei, I want to use this set of photos as a screen saver. They are so beautiful. These two people are so beautiful that it is hard to find them in heaven or on earth!" The assistant grabbed Nan Pei's sleeves excitedly.

Nan Pei was still immersed in shock and did not come out.

"It's over..."

She will be killed by the old man if she goes back.



This is an extra chapter to celebrate!

Enjoy Christmas!

God Bless Everyone!



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