Monday, December 25, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 76 - Just a Poor Guy who Writes Codes

 Luan Pei Studio is one of the best traditional ancient clothing studios in the entire G country. Over the years, it has also cooperated with large and small star actors and successfully promoted ancient clothing out of the continent, and Nan Pei also played an important role in all of it.

Nan Pei once studied at a well-known domestic design school and then went abroad to study for three years. During this period, her designs, large and small, also won many awards. However, such a designer with a keen sense of fashion in the field finally chose to take the road of ancient clothing heritage.

However, Nan Pei has successfully made its name by relying on its own fashion sense and the most perfect traditional ancient clothes. New items are sold outside the H continent every year.

Even major co-branded magazines will publish Luan Pei's clothing advertisements. Although it is not the top one in the industry, it is still very powerful.

This afternoon was the official open recruitment of models at Luan Pei Studio. Many people came here for the name Nan Pei, and of course, many of them wanted to get involved with the Nan family.

Qing Guo made a special call to Nan Pei before coming. Nan Pei, who was dizzy with work, heard the news of Wen Li's arrival and ran out of the studio excitedly.

Several people stood in front of Nan's Building and looked at the gleaming words "Nan Style". Then they looked at the small building with only five floors next to it. Compared with the 30-story tall building next to it, it seemed a little too shabby. 

Nan Pei walked out of the revolving glass door with a white soft ruler on his shoulder. She was wearing the simplest and most comfortable clothes. Her hair was casually tied behind her head and fixed with a wooden hairpin. She wore gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. 

"You are here!" Nan Pei looked very happy.

Especially when she saw Wen Li standing among several people, her whole body almost flew up.

"What are you doing?" Wen Li glanced at Nan Pei's body filled with items.

If she saw it correctly, there were pins on Nan Pei's collar.

"I'm busy making patterns. This is how clothes are made, so don't worry about these details." Nan Pei waved her hand without any concern, "I'll take you in."

There are a total of thirty new styles available this season, and except for the clothes that the dream club will wear, the rest of the models have been decided.

Now part of the shooting work has begun. To avoid chaos, the shots are done in order.

Nan Pei led several people into Luan Pei's studio through the revolving glass door and walked in front to introduce the entire studio to everyone.

Wen Li really has a good impression of this eldest lady of the Nan family who has no pretensions.

The lobby on the first floor is Luan Pei's reception, and the second floor is the formal studio. Luan Pei chose to put every piece of clothing photography in a dedicated photography studio on the fifth floor and also hired well-known photographers in the industry. 

To ensure that the design of new products will not be lost before they are launched, all shooting work is kept confidential.

Several people followed Nan Pei upstairs and stared at the landscape and ink paintings in the corridor. This building looked so shabby because it happened to be next to Nan's, but when they came in, it really took up a terrifyingly large area.

Because it is almost time for new products to be launched, Luan Pei is particularly busy at the moment. From the first floor to the fifth floor, you can see the staff busy coming and going in the corridor.

"The entire photography area is placed on the fifth floor, and a lounge is specially set up for the models. This time, including you, there are a total of thirty male and female models. Except for a few models for the main promotion models, the rest have already started. 

Wen Li glanced at the design department on the second floor. From the corridor, there were seven or eight rooms in total. In the room closest to her, embroiderers wearing reading glasses were sitting upright doing embroidery.

"Are all clothes embroidered like this?" Qing Guo stood at the door, seemingly shocked.

"Of course not. Only the two main models of clothing are hand-embroidered, and the rest are embroidered by machine. However, high-end customized items can also be hand-embroidered. It depends on the customer's choice." Nan Pei explained.

Wen Li turned her attention to the room next to her. The new clothes had been installed and displayed in glass display cabinets.

She caught sight of the goose-yellow chest-length skirt at a glance and walked towards the door involuntarily.

Nan Pei, who was explaining the problem to several people, came to her senses and saw the girl walking in.

Seeing her stop in front of the display cabinet, Nan Pei walked over with a smile, "You seem to like this skirt very much?"

Something flashed through Wen Li's mind and she nodded unceremoniously.

"You have really good taste. Although this skirt is not the main model this time, it is also unique. The warm colors and gauze material can fully show the softness of women." Nan Pei proudly introduced.

But one thing is that this skirt is very suitable for girls who are quiet and elegant and can show off their poetic and elegant feelings.

Seeing Wen Li staring at the skirt, she felt a little frightened. She had never thought of letting Wen Li wear this skirt. Please, this ancestor, please don't fall in love with this skirt.

"Ahem... That one over there is the main model clothes, and it's what I plan to let you wear this time." Nan Pei pointed to the display cabinet in the center.

Please, look away.

Nan Pei wanted to pry her head off to make her turn around. Look here, you can see the faded temperament of the flowers at this glance, which is not suitable for this kind of small family dress ah. 

"I want this dress." Wen Li raised her finger and pointed at the glass display case.

Nan Pei lowered her head and said in a consultative tone, "I'll give you one as a gift when it's officially released."

"I want something unique." Wen Li said very seriously.

Nan Pei blinked, looked at the skirt and then at Wen Li, and said tentatively, "You want to wear it yourself?"

"Giving it away."

Hearing Wen Li's answer, Nan Pei breathed out quickly and waved generously, "No problem, I'll have someone wrap it up right away."

She made a profit by trading a skirt for a stunning model.

Fang Qing heard this and joked, "Sister Pei, will you give us a set too?"

"Yes, otherwise you would be too partial." Qing Guo also echoed.

Nan Pei smiled and nodded, "Of course, I have prepared your clothes. I will go up to see the shooting location later and finalize the makeup, accessories, and shooting style. If you are willing, you can shoot now."

The assistant happened to pass by the door. Hearing Nan Pei's words, she stepped back and took a look.

"Sister Pei, there are still three models waiting to be photographed." The assistant reminded.

Don't make random promises to others, sister.

This is no joke.

"Anytime, whenever." Wen Li agreed readily this time, "As a payment for the dress."

Nothing in this world can be obtained without any reason. Equivalent exchange is the most basic law.

She took something from Nan Pei, so it was only right to help her.

"Then I'll take you up to have a look first."

On the way to the fifth floor, Qing Guo couldn't help but ask, "Sister Pei, why isn't your studio located in Nan's Building but next to it?"

Originally this place was nice enough, but it was made very shabby by the Nan's Building.

"I also thought about the influence it gives when I was choosing the place. Looking at the entire Ningzhou, there is no place more influential than here." Nan Pei said it without hesitation.

Since she has been the eldest daughter of the Nan family since she was born, there is no need to pretend to escape from this identity. She can use the influence of the Nan family to accomplish one thing with half the effort, and everyone is happy.

There is no need to use this identity to flaunt how hard you work. Not many people are willing to hear this. The efforts of people who have been born in the highlands will never be viewed by others without colored glasses.

Besides, she, Nan Pei, is not a hypocritical person.

"I just saw that several of the models below are popular star actors." Qing Guo said excitedly.

She didn't dare to say it just now, but now she dares to ask.

Nan Pei glanced at it and said, "Oh, um, one of the male models I used this time includes Nan Sheng. I guess they are all for Nan Sheng."

Tang Xiao and Tong Lin'an, who were walking at the back, twitched their mouths. Nan Pei had betrayed his own brother.

When Nan Pei released the news that Nan Sheng was her male model, she was afraid that it would attract the attention of many celebrities in Ningzhou. If one can become Nan Pei's model, she will have a chance to get close to Nan Sheng.

No wonder several female stars seen in the hall downstairs are often active in TV magazines.

In the photography room on the fifth floor, a man and a woman were posing for photos.

The actions of the two people looked professional at first glance, and they were all smiling when taking photos.

"Oh my god, that's Felix!!" Qingguo almost screamed.

"Felix?" Tang Xiao looked at the little girl beside him who had become a nymphomaniac.

"He is the most popular guy this year. He just debuted in a talent show and has become a hot topic on the Internet."

Felix's appearance fits the definition of a young girl in the current era. He has the femininity of a girl and a sunny smile. Many people like him.

As soon as he debuted, he had five million fans, and with attendance at several events, the number of fans continued to skyrocket.

"What should I do? I'm so excited. Can I go over and ask for his autograph?" Qing Guo jumped up and down.

Wen Li glanced at the two models in the room. They were indeed good-looking compared to ordinary people, but the male is not in her aesthetic point of view.

"Don't get excited yet. If you run into each other later, you can ask him for his autograph, but I'm afraid he will ask you for an autograph instead." Nan Pei led a few people to the filming waiting area nearby to wait.

"What would you like to drink?" the assistant came up and asked.

"It's up to you." Tang Xiao said.

Wen Li on the side didn't answer either, and the assistant went over to give a few people something to drink.

To take care of some artists with bad tempers and conduct, fruit drinks are available in the entire lounge.

But after all, this is Nan Pei's studio, and the eldest lady of the Nan family, those thorny artists don't dare to provoke Nan Pei, and the artists who come to work are also very cooperative.

Nan Pei also admitted that with the Nan family behind her, she had to save a lot of time spent on human relations and sophistication to design the layout.

It allows her to focus solely on design without any worries.

"This is a simple process. I will ask my assistant to bring the clothes up in a while. After you change them, I will see how they feel. Based on my judgment of your temperament, I think it should be right."

Let the photographer see how it feels beforehand so that the photos taken will be good.

"I'm so nervous. This is my first photoshoot." Qing Guo stroked her chest.

The others also agreed to cooperate with Nan Pei. Naturally, this was the first sponsorship they won after winning the domestic championship, and they should still take it seriously.

"Wen Li, do you have any other requests?" Nan Pei looked at Wen Li.

Many models have suggested that the working hours should not exceed a certain number of hours during the shooting, or that there should be no exposed shots.

"No." Wen Li shook her head.

Nan Pei nodded with satisfaction, "Katy, bring them the clothes. I want to see what they look like on them, and then call the makeup artist over."

When Mu Nuanxi and Tong Jingshu went upstairs, they immediately saw a few people sitting in the lounge area.

"Why is she here?" When Tong Jingshu saw Wen Li in the middle, she was so angry that she wanted to pounce on her and bite her to death.

The matter in Seeking Jade Relic last time was still fresh, and this woman still dared to appear in front of her.

Mu Nuanxi looked up at Nan Pei, who was smiling and talking to a few people, and her eyes darkened.

When Nan Pei met Wen Li for the first time, she mentioned that she wanted her to be her model. She didn't pay much attention to it at first, but now Wen Li appeared here.

Does it mean that Nan Pei put what she said into practice?

Tong Jingshu walked over on seven-centimeter high heels. Today she wore a tight black dress that just reached her ankles. With her fair skin and delicate makeup, she looked imposing. 

"Sister Pei." Tong Jingshu walked up to a few people and called out.

Tang Xiao suddenly smelled a pungent perfume and frowned subconsciously.

"Coming." Nan Pei turned around and saw Mu Nuanxi following closely behind, "Why is Nuanxi here?"

Tong Jingshu had a decent smile on her face, "Didn't you ask me to take time out in the next two days to come over and try on the clothes? Nuanxi just came with me because she was free."

"Sister Pei." Mu Nuanxi came out from behind Tong Jingshu and greeted Nan Pei.

Several people who were sitting on the sofa stood up and said, "Teacher Mu."

They were all students from the University of Science and Technology, so of course they had to greet Mu Nuanxi politely when they saw her.

"Hello." Mu Nuanxi looked at the girl who was sitting still, with a soft smile on her face, "Wen Li is here too, what are you doing here?"

Tang Xiao looked at Wen Li and opened his mouth to explain, "We agreed to take a set of promotional photos for Luan Pei Studio."

Tong Jingshu's eyes flashed when she heard this, "Are you a shooting model?"

Her eyes fell on Wen Li. In the past two days, she had heard a lot of news about the National Information Competition in Ningzhou. Coupled with her relationship with Mu Nuanxi, the contestants included Mu Wen Li, whom she was jealous and disgusted with.

"Yes." Tang Xiao agreed.

Qing Guo looked at the powerful Tong Jingshu. Tong Jingshu was a well-known actor in Ningzhou and even in the country, but the one she played the most roles was either the second female lead or the vicious second female lead.

It is also these impressions that make her whole person not so soft, making people feel that she is not too easy to get close to.

But looking at it so closely, Tong Jingshu's appearance is really good-looking.

"Sister Pei, I just want to tell you something today." Tong Jingshu pulled Mu Nuanxi over, "Hasn't the model for this season's main ancient dress not been decided yet? I think Nuanxi is suitable, although she doesn't usually have contact with it, she has the temperament, and since she has known Mr. Nan Sheng since childhood, they should work well together."

After listening to Tong Jingshu's words, Nan Pei looked at Mu Nuanxi, the spring breeze smile on her face remained unchanged.

"But I have already decided on the main model, and it's Wen Li."

Mu Nuanxi's heart sank, but she still had a small smile on her face, "Well, then I'm just in time to see what Li Li looks like in that dress."

Tong Jingshu wanted to say something else, but Mu Nuanxi grabbed her wrist.

While she was talking, the assistant happened to come up with clothes. Because Tong Jingshu came over, the assistant also brought them over with hers.

Nan Pei chooses clothes for everyone that are most suitable for their temperament. Qing Guo is wearing a cyan chest-length skirt. The light gauze and cotton fabrics make the whole skirt lively.

Tang Xiao was dressed in white clothes, without any simple and complicated embellishments, leaving a fan for decoration. He was like a handsome nobleman from ancient literature, with bright scenery and a humble gentleman.

Tong Lin'an and Fang Qing wore round collar robes, one black and one white, with special bamboo hats and long shawls.

At the end was Wen Li's crimson wedding dress, which was made using the most traditional palace cumbersome production methods. The back part of the dress was a full two meters long and had a phoenix pattern embroidered with gold thread.

Red is inherently difficult to control. If you don’t look great, don’t try this color.

Nan Pei looked at the girl in front of her and remembered the first time she saw her in the hot spring club.

Just showing half of her face is enough to make people fascinated.

It seems that she was born to be so dazzling, instead of being humble.

"I remembered a saying." Qing Guo looked at the person in front of her blankly, "The enchantress brought harm to the country and brought down the country."

Tong Jingshu stood not far away, glaring fiercely at Wen Li. She was wearing a dark purple robe with a morning glory pattern embroidered on the bottom of the skirt.

The red color stabbed their hearts hard, and Mu Nuanxi's face turned a little pale.

She was so stirred up as a woman that she couldn't imagine what Nan Sheng would be like when he really saw Wen Li.

It must be so seductive and mesmerizing.

"Are you still going to remain silent?" Tong Jingshu asked.

Mu Nuanxi unclenched her tightly closed fist, leaving shallow crescent marks on her palms.

"My vision is indeed right. Next, I have to look at Nan Sheng's." Nan Pei glanced at the men's clothes hanging over there.

She had never thought there was anything wrong with the appearance of her playboy brother. After all, the Nan family's genetic foundation was not bad, but now she saw Wen Li wearing this outfit with her own eyes.

She had an inexplicable feeling that Nan Sheng was not good enough for her.

The male and female models who were being photographed over there stopped. The agent handed over a bottle of water. Felix took it and took a sip. As soon as he glanced sideways, he saw the dazzling girl standing under the light.

"Oops, the water is leaking out. What are you doing?" The agent hurriedly brought a tissue and wiped the water stains on his chest.

"Who is that?"

Looking in Felix's direction, the manager's eyes lit up. He had never seen such an enchanting and beautiful face in all her years in the entertainment industry.

I don’t know if that girl has an agency.

"Wait a minute." Felix looked at the people around her, "Is that Dream?"

The agent was stunned and tried hard to identify the people in front of him. The champion of the domestic information competition two days ago. The biggest reason why this championship is so sensational is IO.


The manager shouted and watched helplessly as the boy put down the water bottle and ran over.

"It looks good, right?" Nan Pei asked Mu Nuanxi.

The latter nodded, with a submissive smile on her face, "Well, Li Li was originally beautiful, but now she is even more beautiful. It's really true that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles."

Nan Pei smiled and said, "You are wrong. What makes her so beautiful is the person, not the clothes."

She is still self-aware on this point.

"Sister Pei's designs are getting more and more beautiful. I want to get married when I see this wedding dress." Tong Jingshu praised.

"It took me a long time to make this style. I thought about the embroidery and patterns for a long time. I am satisfied when I see the effect is so good." Nan Pei was satisfied.

The assistant came over from the side and said, "Sister Pei, the online website requires your signature and confirmation, and I also need you to look at several styles and fabrics again."

Nan Pei nodded, "I'll go over there for a while first, let the makeup artist give you guys a styling look, after confirming it let's see which day you guys are free and we'll dedicate that day to shoot."

Qing Guo raised her hand and pulled Tang Xiao's sleeve, "You really look like the noble young master in ancient times, you have so much temperament."

Fang Qing picked a silver sword and put it on his waist, "See if I look like a knight."

After Nan Pei left, the smile on Tong Jingshu's face disappeared. She took two steps forward and walked up to Wen Li, scanning her clothes up and down.

"Sure enough, growing up in the countryside is really different. Wearing such formal clothes also conveys a dusty odor." Her tone was sour.

Wen Li glanced at the clothes she was wearing, and the staff was still adjusting her belt.

"The clothes you are wearing are not bad, but don't let them be torn to pieces like last time. It won't be good."

Hearing this, Tong Jingshu's expression suddenly changed, "How dare you mention last time to me!"

Thinking of the last time someone tore off her clothes and made her lose such a huge face in front of so many high-class people in Ningzhou, she was still so angry that she vomited blood, this country bumpkin.

"Mu Wen Li, I think you really don't know what the world is like now, but you are just a poor guy who writes code, how dare you challenge me!!"

Hearing her words, the excited and noisy people nearby stopped.

"Miss Tong, I hope you can pay attention to your wording." Tang Xiao said with a cold face.

What does it mean to be just a poor guy who writes code?

"Am I wrong? People like you will just spend your whole life typing away at computers, and you won't have much future."

For an inexperienced person like Tong Jingshu, she knew nothing about the Internet Information Security Competition at the beginning, so in her eyes, these people were all pitiful people who would work for others in the future.

"Miss Tong." Qing Guo looked at Tong Jingshu and said seriously, "Given Wen Li's current status, if you attend an event with her, she may have more fans than you. I advise you not to go out and say things like that, it'll make people laugh."

"Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this, a young girl like you? If you have the opportunity to come here and stand with me, you will feel that you are a human being, right?"

Qing Guo had never encountered such an unreasonable and vicious woman, and she was so angry that she could not speak.

"Okay." Wen Li looked at the woman in front of her and said, "Aren't you just jealous that I can wear this dress? If you have the ability to ask Nan Pei for it, you should. If you don't have the ability, just shut up. Raving like a parrot, I'm sick of hearing it."

Tong Jingshu glared at her fiercely, "Am I jealous of you?!"

She seemed to have heard some big joke, "I will be jealous of you Mu Wen Li? What a joke! Don't say that I don't like this dress. If I really like it, it really doesn't matter to you."

 Just a wild seed, the Mu family's legitimate eldest daughter hasn't even said anything, is it this wild seed's turn to say anything?

Mu Nuanxi held her forehead, Tong Jingshu's biggest shortcoming was that she was too impulsive.

Wen Li showed an innocent and harmless smile, "Yes, this dress is very tight, and not just any cat or dog can wear it. After all, there is a saying that painting a tiger is not like a dog."

"Mu Wen Li!"

Felix suddenly ran over with a smile on his excited face, "You must be IO!!"

The scene suddenly turned into a large fan meeting scene,

Tong Jingshu was pulled aside by Mu Nuanxi into the dressing room and closed the door.

"Jingshu. You are too impulsive." Mu Nuanxi complained.

"Otherwise? Let me watch her be so arrogant. Nuan Xi, you are the eldest daughter of the Mu family, you can't let someone ride on your neck."

Mu Nuanxi patiently comforted her, "Don't be like this. After all, Wen Li is my sister, and she won't do anything to me."

Tong Jingshu was so angry at Mu Nuanxi's words that she touched her chest repeatedly.

"You big fool, I won't tell you anymore, just wait until Nan Sheng is taken away by her and cry secretly."

Mu Nuanxi smiled and walked to the nearby shelf to take down an ancient dress. "I happened to be here too. Let's change clothes and take a photo together. Don't be angry."

Felix was finally dismissed here, and the makeup artist quickly began to discuss the overall look.

Nan Pei has decided on the model's general shape and shooting style since the beginning of making clothes, but after all, the actual situation has to be adjusted according to the model's condition, and now the overall makeup has to be redesigned according to the model's appearance.

So you need to come two days in advance.

Three or four makeup artists gathered together for a meeting and then started to work with great fanfare, designing buns and makeup according to the beauty's appearance.

After tinkering for three hours, when the five people stood side by side in the end, their eyes lit up.

The face value of Tang Xiao and Qing Guo in the whole DREAM is not bad, Fang Qing's usual slovenly appearance looks ordinary, and Tong Lin'an's stature is slightly chubby, but his facial features are not too wasteful.

"Sure enough, makeup is a skill. Each one is different."

Wen Li's makeup pays more attention to the brightness of colors. The advantage is that her facial features are naturally extremely beautiful, and she can outline the beauty of the country without the makeup artist putting much effort.

"Sure enough, the saying that beauty is like a picture is true." Nan Pei was extremely satisfied.

The makeup was decided and the final shooting time was decided. Several people changed their clothes and walked out of Luan Pei.

Fang Qing followed Wen Li holding the dress that Wen Li wanted to give away.

"Are we going back to USTC together?" Fang Qing looked at Wen Li.

Looking at this posture, Wen Li is going to give a gift.

"Together." Wen Li agreed.

Tang Xiao looked at the box in Fang Qing's hand curiously. Could the person Wen Li wanted to give a gift to also be from USTC?

It happened that Tang Xiao drove here this time, and there were five people in one car. At this time, they must have eaten before going back to school.

Qing Guo sat between Wen Li and Fang Qing, took her mobile phone, and started browsing social software.

"I'm going to upload the photos I took today to show my fans."

Because of the national competition, the accounts opened by a few people now have hundreds of thousands of fans, but every fan asks every day when IO will open an account.

Even if they pay money to join the membership, they are willing to do so.

"Hey! Felix uploaded a photo of us together!" Qing Guo covered her face happily.

Just now, Felix pestered Wen Li to take photos but was rejected. In the end, he took a photo with the members of Dream. Although it was a pity that he could not take a photo with IO, he was also very happy.

This is what he said on social platforms.

There were all praises from fans below, such as her brother's great beauty and so on. Qing Guo sighed, these people have never seen Wen Li.

This is the beauty of the prosperous age.

"This Tong Jingshu also sent it." Fang Qing put the phone in front of Qing Guo.

Tong Jingshu posted two photos. In the photos, she and Mu Nuanxi were seen. Tong Jingshu was wearing a purple skirt, with only her upper body exposed, but it could be seen that Mu Nuanxi was wearing a red ancient dress with a somewhat narrow neckline. 

The two of them had even put on their makeup and were showing off to the camera.

"No, why do I feel that Teacher Mu's makeup looks a bit similar to Wen Li's just now?" Qing Guo said.

What's going on?

Wen Li, who had been sleeping with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and looked at the screen of her mobile phone. They were indeed very similar. The flowers on Mu Nuanxi's forehead were similar to hers just now.

"Tong Jingshu said that today's fitting was perfect, so you have to work hard." Qing Guo read out the text accompanying her picture.

Such words from a soft girl are not what the domineering and arrogant woman just now would say.

She is indeed an actor.

"Wen Li, how did you offend Tong Jingshu? Did she bite you just now?" Fang Qing asked curiously.

Wen Li closed her eyes again and said calmly, "I just tore off her clothes."

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became strange, and the corner of Fang Qing's mouth twitched.

Wen Li tore off people's clothes.

Is this a special hobby?

They also couldn't imagine that Wen Li, who always despised all living beings and was as indifferent as water, would tear a woman's clothes off.

That image...



There will be an extra chapter today to celebrate!

Hope you have a memorable Christmas with your family and friends!

God Bless Everyone!



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