Monday, December 25, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 45 - Help Her One Last Time


The spiritual doctor looked at Xiao Cui's confident look and didn't dare to ask. The royal family had so many things going on in these nooks and crannies. To live longer, it was better to be blind.

As for Murong Yun, her head was already covered with silver needles, all of which were inserted by the spiritual doctor to suppress the golden spiritual energy in her body.

Because of the spiritual doctor's treatment, Murong Yun barely regained some consciousness and half-opened her eyes to see a touch of white in front of the bed...

 What the hell? Phan...tom??

When Li Su walked to the bed, the first thing he saw was not Murong Yun, but the white brocade kneaded into a ball, crumpled. Earlier someone was very keen to take from him to ask for white brocade ......

She is indeed a woman who talks nonsense.

Li Su looked at the pale Murong Yun on the bed, narrowed his eyes, and finally sat down on the edge. After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and held Murong Yun's wrist.

"One last time."

Help her for the last time, Li Su said to himself.

It was actually Li Su? Murong Yun was a little surprised and wanted to raise her neck to take a closer look, but she was steadily stabbed by those silver needles on her head.

Because the spiritual doctor was worried that her movements would cause the metal spiritual energy in her body to riot, so he stabilized her while inserting the acupuncture needles...

Therefore, she could only look at Li Su dimly until the other party stretched out his hand to hold her wrist. The warm touch extended all the way from her wrist, and a soft white aura slowly flowed through her meridians.

The meridians previously damaged by the metal spiritual energy were gradually healed, and the tingling pain slowly disappeared. Murong Yun felt so comfortable that she wanted to scream.

The metal spiritual energy was expelled and dissolved by the light spiritual energy without the slightest struggle. The wood spiritual energy in the body became the main body, following the light spiritual energy on its repair and inspection tour.

It has a bit of the owner's shameless demeanor...

After her health improved, her previously heavy eyelids were able to open, and Murong Yun finally saw Li Su's appearance clearly.

The face that was as beautiful as ever was less cold. He was closing his unique pair of gray-blue eyes, and his long eyelashes were trembling slightly. It was only at this time that Murong Yun discovered that his eyelashes were actually a bit gray-blue and not pure black. 

There is also the long and flowing hair, which is vaguely shadowy. She can also see the color reflected by the light and shadow, which is the same gray-blue as the color of the eyes.

Is it because he is using spiritual energy that the usually invisible colors appear?

Murong Yun seemed to be bathed in the sun, completely forgetting her previous illness. Even after the golden aura disappeared, the soft light aura was still repairing her internal injuries.

Li Su's aura is much gentler than him...

For a time, the years were quiet, but it was all an illusion.

Just when Li Su was about to withdraw the spiritual energy, Miao Miao, who had been quietly shining in the sun in Murong Yun's body, suddenly appeared. Two green leaves grabbed the sweet spiritual energy and took a sip...

Grip the Grass !!!!

Murong Yun couldn't help but say exclaim, because Li Su's complexion turned white visibly to the naked eye, and the wood spiritual energy in her body increased crazily, but it did not increase her cultivation level, but was monopolized by this seedling!

Miaomiao was like a crazy licking dog, a shadow emerged from Murong Yun's wrist, sucking Li Su's spiritual energy...

Li Su didn't expect such a change. He frowned slightly and opened his eyes. When Miao Miao saw the beauty's eyes, she even shyly twitched.

Let go, let go!

Murong Yun almost screamed in her heart and said to Miaomiao. She knew Miaomiao could understand.

But Miaomiao pretended not to understand and still greedily absorbed the light spiritual energy.

Plants all grow toward the sun. How could you endure it when you finally find one that tastes better than the Wood Spirit Crystal?

This is its dignity as a top spiritual plant!

Seeing this, Murong Yun simply didn't dare to look at Li Su's face.

It wasn't until Li Su groaned and heard a slight gasp that she looked over cautiously.

Li Su's originally fair skin was almost transparent as if it had been sucked dry? 

"Really greedy."

Li Su realized that his spiritual energy had bottomed out, and he suddenly withdrew his spiritual energy and let go of Murong Yun's wrist. His whole body was shaking a little.

Looking at Miaomiao, there was some contemplation in his eyes. He had never seen such a strange plant. In fact, such an existence did not look like a creature in this world at all.

However, that shameless look was exactly the same as Murong Yun's.

Miaomiao was still twisting its two leaves. After eating a big meal, it finally changed a little bit. From the two leaves, a thin green branch grew out from between the two leaves. The branches and leaves grew rapidly. 

The buds grew larger and bloomed, and the strange floral fragrance filled the room. The double-petaled white roses were just like the illustrations Murong Yun saw on her mobile phone in her previous life.

It is indeed the flower image on that card...

After blooming it is not over yet, Miaomiao consciously gave the flowers to...Li Su...

The natal plant bound to me actually bloomed for the first time and was given to someone other than the owner! 

The clown turned out to be herself.

Murong Yun looked at the dog-legged Miaomiao with mixed emotions, but Li Su just glanced at the exquisite rose flower and remained indifferent.

She was also disliked... Murong Yun's mood became even more complicated.

She opened her mouth, but still couldn't think of the right words.

After all, Miaomiao was a shameless Miaomiao. The beauty who was given her flowers didn't want them, so she had no choice but to throw them at Li Su.

The white roses turned into a rain of flowers, spreading all over the other party...


Murong Yun looked shameless, where did all this trick come from?

She was a little suspicious that this Miao Miao wanted to pick up handsome guys.

"It's not me. It has nothing to do with me. It did it on its own."

Murong Yun directly denied it three times in a row, but the way she lay on the bed unable to move was a bit funny.

However, Li Su was not angry but looked at Miao Miao with some surprise. The petals turned into the essence of spiritual energy the moment they fell, which replenished the large amount of spiritual energy that he had lost previously.

Once the essence of spiritual energy enters the body, it is no less than what he gets from basking in the sun and the moon.

This spiritual plant is truly extraordinary.

"...Um, can you help me take out the needles? I'm a little stiff."

Murong Yun looked at Li Su without saying a word, but his face improved a lot, and she felt a little uncomfortable as her neck gradually stiffened.

Hearing this, Li Su finally moved his eyes from Miao Miao to Murong Yun's face. Miao Miao gave a final twist and finally returned to Murong Yun's body obediently, making her sigh in relief.

And Li Su, under Murong Yun's almost pleading eyes, turned his palm over and gave Murong Yun a weak hold on her head. The silver needles on her  head were instantly sucked out by the white spiritual energy.

Tuk-tuk-tuk, a row of shiny silver needles were inserted neatly on the bed, only three fingers away from Murong Yun's face...



This is an extra chapter to celebrate!

Enjoy Christmas!

God Bless Everyone!



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