Sunday, December 24, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 75 - Do you Want to Know Who Gave Birth to you?

 In the early morning, a piece of news exploded on Ningzhou City.

The youngest daughter of the Mu family was suspected of being disliked and moved out of the Mu family a few days ago.

The incident of being lost was actually fake, and Mu Wen Li's true identity was the illegitimate daughter of Chairman Mu.

It is unknown who released the news but in the blink of an eye, it overwhelmed the whole city.

Press releases about Wen Li's IO identity have been suppressed. Su Jingjing can process all relevant Internet search information. Any words related to the word "mu" and "IO" cannot be found in the search.

Everyone knew very well how a hacker of IO's level could easily disclose her information to others.

However, it can be hidden from ordinary people but not the technological companies, though it is difficult to attend the competition, they know who the top one in this divine domain is.

In just two days, the queues of companies seeking cooperation with Dream were so long that the University of Science and Technology deployed a lot of security guards to restrict the access of people at the school gate.

Many people want to cooperate with IO, but they don't dare to take any action considering her identity as the youngest daughter of the Mu family. However, they did not expect that this news would be exposed at the critical moment.

The news that Mu Wen Li has moved out of the Mu family and that Mu Wen Li is Mu Kun's illegitimate daughter and not the third daughter of the Mu family simply shocked everyone, but since this is the case, it also means that other Internet technology companies have a chance.

In front of the hotel-style apartment where Wen Li stayed, luxury cars had been lined up since five o'clock in the morning. The hotel was originally located in a remote location, and Wen Li chose to stay there because of the quietness. 

As a result, in one night, the wide road and large parking lot in front of the hotel were already full of cars.

The entire hotel is now full, and the lobby is full of elites in suits and leather shoes, sitting in the lobby with laptops and waiting.

"Manager, we are constantly receiving orders. We have already put up a sold-out sign, but many people have said they are willing to pay a hundred times the room rate to move in." The front desk stood in front of the computer with some embarrassment.

The lobby manager had no choice but to help. Not to mention that the entire hotel was now full, and the room rates had increased hundreds of times. There were still people coming in continuously in the lobby. The originally quiet environment of the entire hotel had now become a bit noisy.

To put it bluntly, this is almost like a vegetable market.

The reason is very simple, it is Mu Wen Li who moved in half a month ago.

Hearing the name IO, naturally caused a large number of major technology companies to come. These people were all representatives of major companies, and they all came to discuss cooperation with Wen Li.

Not only companies in Ningzhou, but also well-known technology companies across the country and the world have arrived.

Wen Li stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. She could overlook the neighborhood from the seventh floor. The cars parked downstairs were more luxurious and more expensive than the last ones.

She took a sip of water and sighed comfortably.

"Boss, why don't I go out and drive these people away!!" Xia Chen stared at the people coming into the hotel one after another under the window.

He didn't expect these people to move so quickly. The first one was waiting at the door of the hotel as early as three o'clock in the morning.

"You can drive one out, but you can't drive out a bunch. They are sure that the Mu family and I are at odds, so they dare to come here."

If it hadn't been for the news that morning that Mu Wen Li had moved out of the Mu family, combined with the information brought by various gossip, it could almost be confirmed that the relationship between Mu Wen Li and the Mu family was almost broken.

Also, no matter how high the status of an illegitimate daughter can be, it is naturally inferior to the three children of the Mu family's direct bloodline. There are even news stories about how Mu Wen Li was enslaved and bullied by the Mu family.

Since such a big Buddha cannot be used by the family, it is up to them to invite and make an offer.

"Then what should we do now?" Xia Chen was helpless, "If there is no news of cooperation with any company for a day, these people will guard you."

"Knock, knock..." There was a knock on the door.

When Wen Li turned around, Xia Chen walked over and opened the door, muttering, "Don't you ring the doorbell?"

Tang Xiao stood at the door with the three of them, smiling after seeing Xia Chen open the door.

"The hall downstairs is really lively. There are so many people there. If I didn't know, I'd think there was some kind of talent recruitment market." Tong Lin'an raised his hand to fan himself to circulate the air around him.

"But these people are all well-behaved. So far, no one has come up to disturb Wen Li." Tang Xiao sat down opposite Wen Li.

After all, IO has a good reputation, and those who want to recruit must also know some rules. If they come up rashly and disturb Wen Li, they will make the boss angry. Isn't this counterproductive?

So now those company representatives are waiting for a chance to meet Wen Li.

"I don't know how long their enthusiasm can last." Qing Guo snorted.

"I think they will stick to it for a long time. It is IO, the God's Domain TOP. In the past, Soya had a chasing game that attracted major companies, let alone IO."

The most famous thing about IO is that she is the most mysterious in the entire industry. She became famous at a young age, but no one can find her related information. Compared with the hackers on the Intercontinental Alliance list, she is equivalent to an elusive person. 

The appearance of such a big boss in Ningzhou would cause a huge stir, wouldn't it?

"That's right." Fang Qing said with envy.

He doesn’t know when they will be able to reach such a point, where every move can cause huge waves in the industry.

Several people had a tacit understanding not to mention the news about Wen Li's illegitimate daughter. They had been closest to Wen Li during this period, and they knew the Mu family's attitude towards her best. If nothing else, they could tell what the situation was just by looking at Mu Chenxing. 

But after being together for such a long time, Wen Li doesn't care, but that doesn't mean she really doesn't care. Don't ask this question randomly, as it can easily stab someone's heart.

"We were blocked at the door just now, and the conditions offered were really good. I'm almost excited!" Qing Guo covered her beating heart.

They hadn't officially left school, someone offered them an annual salary of one million while they were still in school. Of course, they were almost moved.

"Wen Li, we are here to ask for your opinion." Tang Xiao took a document from his side and handed it over, "These are the companies that are looking for cooperation with us now. If you think it is not possible, we will not cooperate with any of them. 

Wen Li glanced at the company information on the document, and there was indeed a lot of it.

Compared to the previous situation where no one cared about it, the current Dream has simply soared into the sky.

"These cooperation offers are for you. What you choose is up to you, not me."

Tang Xiao withdrew the document, "I know that these sponsorships from us are all because of you. I also know that you don't like trouble. Now we are on the same team. If you don't like it, of course, we will not agree to this. 

All Dream members know how strong they are and why they are able to get these sponsorships now.

They all agreed with Tang Xiao's statement.

"You don't need to think so much about me, just follow your own ideas." Wen Li said calmly.

Qing Guo and Tang Xiao looked at each other and let out a long breath.

"Then, if we make a choice, will you help us?" Qing Guo asked tentatively.

Several people had apologetic smiles on their faces, and Tong Lin'an raised his hand to scratch the back of his head. They were more cautious and expectant now than they were free and easy just now.

"Who did you promise?" Wen Li looked at the group of people in front of her coldly.

Qing Guo took a book from her bag and handed it over, "The night before yesterday, we promised Miss Nan Pei..."

The chicken wings that Xia Chen bit in his mouth fell out. He had met Miss Nan Pei on the night of the celebration party. She was very enthusiastic, but the boss had already refused countless times when she asked him to be a model in public.

What's going on?

"After you left that night, Miss Nan Pei drank with us for a long time. As you know, people will always do things that go against their true intentions when they drink too much..." Fang Qing poked. 

Qing Guo and Tong Lin'an looked up at the sky, with a little embarrassment on their faces.

They didn't know that they played so crazy that night, and they didn't know that Nan Pei, as the eldest daughter of the Nan family, had no airs at all and was drinking with a group of them.

After getting drunk, Fang Qing patted his chest and made a promise to Nan Pei, agreeing to her cooperation and helping Luan Pei take a set of promotional photos for the new line.

Not to mention that they are all models, even Wen Li was successfully lured into the trap.

"So, you agreed to her cooperation." Wen Li looked at them, her eyes as calm as water.

Tang Xiao felt a chill behind him, but he still spoke, "We are a team now. Since we have chosen to cooperate, of course, we all work together. I met Miss Nan Pei today. As long as you agree to be a model, she can accommodate any of your requests. 

Xia Chen took a step back to prevent the boss from hurting him if she makes a move.

"What if I don't go." Wen Li leaned back on the sofa.

Tang Xiao touched his nose in embarrassment. Of course, he knew that with Wen Li's temper, she would not let herself be manipulated by others. If she didn't want it, no one could force her to submit. It's just that they felt a little sorry for Nan Pei.

They didn't sign any contract with Nan Pei. Everyone was so drunk that no one could remember so much.

It was only after Nan Pei called and asked them to go to the studio this afternoon that they realized this happened.

"This is the album that Miss Nan Pei said she would leave for you. It contains all the new products that Luan Pei is going to release. See if you like any of them." Qing Guo pushed the album onto the table in front of Wen Li. 

Wen Li glanced sideways. On the left side of Qing Guo's open book page was a goose-yellow chest-length skirt. The material was light and as thin as a cicada's wings. There was not too much color mixed in. There was a piece of jade embellishment on the chest. 

Wen Li saw the designer's name, Nan Pei.

She stretched out her hand to hold down the album, stopping Qing Guo from turning the pages, and stared at the goose-yellow skirt.

"Wen Li, do you like this?" Qing Guo asked tentatively.

She looked at the location in the album where Wen Li was looking. She had to say that Wen Li had really good taste and picked this dress at a glance.

In fact, this album can attract the attention of many girls. Girls are not stingy about beautiful things, and Luan Pei is a famous studio in the entire G country.

Focusing on improving and designing the most traditional clothing, designer Nan Pei has won many design awards. Finally, she chose to re-create designs based on ancient styles. Every year, the studio will launch new products in summer and winter.

This year is special, as new products are launched in autumn, and these clothes are almost flying when people see them.

It's not too pretty. Seeing such clothes reminds me of the old ladies wearing long skirts and cloaks, admiring the rain in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Miss Nan Pei invited us to visit Luan Pei's studio today, otherwise..." Qing Guo made a request.

When Wen Li finally agreed to go out with them, several of them were still a little confused. This was bribing people with just a piece of clothing.

Tang Xiao always felt that Wen Li was not such a girl who paid attention to appearance, so why would she bend down for a piece of clothing.

Mu Chenyu didn't look good when he brought people into the hotel. Because of the news in the morning, Mu's stock, which started to skyrocket because of Mu Wen Li's IO status, has now fallen sharply.

Wen Li also became the illegitimate daughter of the Mu family. When he thought of this, Mu Chenyu's eyes turned cold.

Some things are really hard to hide, but just one life experience can cause such huge waves.

To stop the loss in time, Wen Li must be brought to Mushi no matter what. No amount of explanations at this juncture can be as practical as a few people meeting face-to-face.

Mu Chenyu's arrival caused a slight stir in the entire hall, and the representatives of each company also felt a little bit nervous in their hearts.

Didn't they say that the Mu family and IO were incompatible? Why is Mu Chenyu here now?

This Mushi already has Soya's blessing. If there is another talent of IO's level, what will the situation be like?

"Third Miss' room is on the seventh floor." A Jing said while standing next to Mu Chenyu.

Mu Chenyu's eyes swept across the entire hall, and his originally bad face turned a little gray. He glanced at the watch on his wrist and walked towards the elevator.

"It will be done in thirty minutes."

There are still several emergency meetings that need to be held in the company, so we can't waste too much time at this juncture.

The elevator door just opened, and Mu Chenyu stopped walking in and looked person who appeared in the elevator. 

The person standing in the middle is Mu Wen Li, and those after her are all people from the Dream Club.

Mu Chenyu raised his hand to adjust the watch on his wrist. Before he could speak, the person in front of him walked directly past him towards the gate.

She didn't care at all.

Mu Chenyu's face darkened, he stopped arranging his clothes, and raised his hand to make a gesture.

A Jing went back and stopped Wen Li, who was walking in front.

"Third Miss!"

A Jing's neither gentle nor heavy voice attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. Everyone looked up and saw Mu Chenyu walking in front of Mu Wen Li.

"Where are you going?"

The commanding tone made people feel very uncomfortable.

Tang Xiao and the others frowned. Mu Chenyu did not have such a cold and forceful attitude when talking to Mu Nuanxi and Mu Chenxing. When talking to Mu Nuanxi, his whole body felt like melting into water.

This is also a younger sister, so why are their attitudes so different?

"Hello, Miss Mu, I am the general manager of KT Technology. I would like to talk to you about cooperation." A neatly dressed man with middle-parted hair walked up to Wen Li and bent slightly towards Wen Li.

"Mu Wen Li, answer me."

Listening to Mu Chenyu's tone of voice, Xia Chen resisted the urge to step forward and twist him away.

"You asked me and I have to answer you?" Wen Li chuckled, "It's not good to be self-righteous."

Mu Chenyu's face turned completely dark, and the people watching him didn't dare to step forward, they didn't know that the Mushi General Manager had suddenly arrived.

Do you want to take your sister back? If a brother and sister talk to each other affectionately, it would be too awkward for people like them to rush over to her.

"Find a place to talk." Mu Chenyu endured the tone.

"We still have things to do and don't have time." Xia Chen said angrily.

He has only met the Mu family members a few times in total. The first time he met Mu Chenxing, he almost killed that dandy kid who didn't know the world. When he saw Mu Nuanxi, he couldn't stand the crying and weak temperament. Okay, this Mu Chenyu didn't have a very good impression in his eyes either.

Thinking of Mu Kun who threatened her in Jin Lewei's office two days ago, Xia Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes inwardly. People in the Mu family seemed not to be normal.

"Who are you? Irrelevant people should stay out of the Mu family's affairs." Mu Chenyu glanced at Xia Chen.

As soon as he finished speaking, A Jing took two steps forward to resist Xia Chen.

"Boss." Xia Chen looked at the man in front of him and shouted.

As long as the boss opens her mouth, he will definitely destroy this person.

"Since you chose to return to the Mu family back then, you won't choose to be a coward now. We'd better make some things clear." Mu Chenyu looked at the girl and spoke.

Until now, he still doesn't believe that Wen Li can actually become a famous IO. Mu's has been chasing Soya for many years, and even Soya only agreed to join Mu's because of Mu Wen Li.

How ironic that the person he had always looked down upon suddenly turned into a golden phoenix as if she had slapped Mu Chenyu hard on the face. This fact made him doubt his own vision like before.

Why did I think Mu Wen Li was nothing to be afraid of in the first place? It seems like we should take this cheap sister seriously now.

"I'll give you five minutes." Wen Li agreed and walked back to sit down at the round table.

This was a family matter of the Mu family, and Tang Xiao and the others didn't want to get involved. They stayed in the hall and sat down to wait.

People who knew them quickly gathered around and extended olive branches to them one by one.

"You are satisfied now. I didn't expect you to hide your identity and enter the Mu family. When you watched us chasing Soya, didn't you feel ridiculous in your heart?" Mu Chenyu stared at the little girl in front of him.

She is obviously about the same age as Mu Chenxing, but her aura sitting here does not feel youthful and frivolous at all. Instead, she is a bit more calm and unfathomable.

"This is your own idea, don't force it on me."

The hotel butler came forward and served two cups of coffee to the two of them. Now Wen Li was the God of Wealth in the entire hotel, and he looked at her respectfully.

"You don't have to quibble, I'm afraid this situation will make you laugh even in your dreams."

Wen Li moved her fingertips around the coffee cup, "I told you, this is your wishful thinking."

The person in front of him still looked calm and calm, just like when they first met, but Mu Chenyu could no longer ignore her threat in his heart.

He wanted to know one thing. The little girl in front of him was not the lion he thought that had yet to grow up.

"What do you want? Exposing your identity caused such news, manipulating public opinion to attack the Mu family, and now many people have concluded that the Mu family can't stand you? What is your purpose in returning to the Mu family!"

Mu Chenyu's voice caused the butler standing next to him to look over.

Wen Li picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee. Compared to Mu Chenyu who was so angry, she seemed much calmer.

"Can't you guess what I want to do?" Wen Li looked directly at the person in front of him, "It's not a good feeling to be kept in the dark and treated like a fool."

Mu Chenyu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Even if you were lost for fifteen years, your parents raised you until you were five years old. Your parents' kindness is as great as the sky, and besides, they didn't lose you on purpose." 

Mu Chenyu joined Mushi when he was eighteen years old. Until now, he has seen a lot of strong winds and waves, and he has a certain sensitivity to detect dangerous atmospheres.

From the time Mu Wen Li returned to Mu's house until now, everyone could feel that she was evil.

Judging from the series of things that happened after she arrived at the Mu family, she definitely did not simply come back to recognize her relatives.

"Can't blame anyone?" Wen Li said amusedly, "According to your thinking, the reason why Mu is being criticized by thousands of people is because of your lack of ability, and you can't blame anyone."

Mu Chenyu sneered, "No matter what you want to do, I will only tell you one thing. It doesn't matter if you are an IO, or if you can find the top technology company in the world, you will be just a part-time worker all your life, and it is unlikely that you will become a big success. 

Mu Chenyu's words were more like what he said. How much brilliance the Mu family has created over the years will not change in any way because of a little Mu Wen Li.

"Yes, Mushi is indeed a big company." Wen Li replied meaningfully.

If such a company is liquidated, the sparks it brings out will be more brilliant and dazzling.

"Don't you just want to know whose child you are?" Mu Chenyu suddenly spoke, looking at Wen Li with a half-smile.

Wen Li looked up and saw the pride in his eyes.

"Then, are you going to tell me, or are you going to tell me everything when you are cornered?"

Mu Chenyu laughed very loudly and quickly regained his composure.

"It's a great honor for you, an outsider, to be able to bear the Mu family's surname and become a child of the Mu family. No one knows where you come from, but you must always remember that the people you look down on at least raised you for five years, people always have to be thankful, or else you wouldn't have tasted the cold and warmth of the world for nothing in the fifteen years you were out there? "

As the eldest son of the Mu family, from the day he took over the position of general manager of the Mu family, Mu Chenyu also took over some unknown past of the Mu family.

Some of those things that had been glamorous in the past were naturally in decay. As a person in power, what he ultimately had to do was whitewash the buildings and put gold foil on the building layer by layer to achieve an enviable appearance.

The spoon in Wen Li's hand flew out and landed on the leather seat between Mu Chenyu's legs. The silver spoon handle penetrated two inches into it with fierce force.

Mu Chenyu's expression changed slightly and he looked down.

"No one can speak nonsense in front of me. You and your father are really exactly the same. When the building collapses, I hope you can still speak the same words in front of me."

Mu Chenyu saw the pressure and coldness in Wen Li's eyes and knew what the girl in front of him meant.

"Grandpa is still here. What he wants to see is a harmonious scene in the Mu family, not a confrontation between the North and the South, hurting each other. I will not touch you. If you can stay in the Mu family peacefully and not cause trouble, no 

This is where the hard doesn't work and the soft comes in.

However, even if Mu Chenyu adopts a gentle policy, it still has a strong color of the Mu family's self-righteousness.

"After saying so much, the only thing you think about is that I shouldn't cooperate with Mu's enemies, right?" Wen Li said what Mu Chenyu was thinking.

The latter was stunned for a moment, this person was really smart.

As IO and the youngest daughter of the Mu family, if Mu Wen Li reaches a cooperation agreement with other companies, it will inevitably cause unnecessary speculation and stock market turmoil.

Mushi has just won the base station construction project in Continent D and must not cause any more turmoil.

"Okay, you ask Mr. Mu Kun to organize your words and come to me. If you get the answer I want, I will agree to it."

Mu Chenyu stood up suddenly and looked at her condescendingly, "You are dreaming."

She is not qualified enough to want the Mu family to bow down to her.

It's just a child picked up by the Mu family, but she actually wants to control the entire Mu family. What she did is obvious, she just wants to control the entire Mu family.

It's really an idiot's dream, relying on Mu Kuiyuan's favor to be lawless, it's really ridiculous.

"I advise you to think clearly and don't do things that don't matter. Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers."

Now that the words have been made clear, there is no need to worry about breaking up.

Mu Chenyu strode away, and A Jing followed him and turned around to leave.

Wen Li put the cup on the table, and the smile on her lips became clearer, "Really indolent, the game has just started and you can't help it already, what can you do in the future."

Su Jingjing's voice came from the headset, "Mu Chenyu's way of persuading people is really special. isn't it just to prevent you from becoming a partner of their enemies? Why go in such a big circle?"

Su Jingjing was stunned when she saw this operation.

"He wanted to remind me that I, an outsider, was raised in the Mu family and that I should be grateful."

Su Jingjing smiled and said, "All the test reports have come out. Only the DNA test results of you and Lu Xue are in line with the paternity relationship. So, in the entire Mu family, you are only related to Lu Xue, and Lu Xue whose genes seem to have been altered to be able to match yours."

Is it true that Wen Li is Lu Xue's illegitimate daughter outside the home, as rumored by the outside world?

In this age of advanced technology, it is not difficult to change genes.

"I wonder why the other party wanted to change Lu Xue's genes so that she matches yours and make you an illegitimate daughter, but they still call you a child of the Mu family. It's really too convoluted. "

Wen Li herself has not figured this out so far.

"I have already contacted D State and asked the Nantry Group to intervene according to your request. You can go on vacation again in the past two days. After all, apart from Ningzhou, you don't have any special feelings for any place."

Su Jingjing knew Wen Li. If you want to get to the bottom of something, there are many ways, and the simplest and crudest method may not be the most appropriate.

If the Mu family is broken in the end, it will be useless to hold on to Wen Li's secret and not let go. It would be easiest to pry their mouths apart bit by bit.

"I sent you the town where Mr. and Mrs. Mu Kun worked, as well as their personal relationships back then. Please take the time to go and have a look."

Wen Li looked down at the files that appeared on her phone and pondered.

Time will cover up all traces. Some things have to be found by yourself. No matter how long it takes or how far away you are, as long as you have the will, you can always find your answer.


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