Saturday, December 23, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 74 - Nan Pei Came to the Door, Modeling Cooperation

 As early as when Mu Kun led a group of people into the University of Science and Technology, Wen Li received the news. The Mu family had a certain status in Ningzhou. Mu Kun was used to being domineering, so he probably didn't expect to run into trouble with Wen Li. 

Wen Li took Fu Yuxiu out of Jin Lewei's office. During the whole process, except for seeing Aunt Wei looking at Fu Yuxiu with a happy smile on her face, she didn't find anything wrong.

USTC at six o'clock in the evening, students were already busy heading to the cafeteria, and there were few people on the main streets.

"You go back to Nan's house first. I'll go over and detoxify you tomorrow." Wen Li stopped and spoke.

The man walked slowly beside her, and the two of them were very close. He couldn't help but chuckle after hearing her words, "Are you trying to burn bridges after crossing the river?"

The tone was calm, but there was a hint of grievance.

"You came uninvited, and I didn't accept the bridge you built." Wen Li replied.

At that time, this man was sending her back to USTC. When she rushed to Jin Lewei, she didn't notice that he was following her.

"Little girl, your aunt has just accepted me. Are you going to regret it now?" Fu Yuxiu lowered his head and smiled, looking at the little one beside him.

As soon as this was mentioned,  Wen Li felt something was wrong. Just now Jin Lewei grabbed her and talked a lot, asking the two to get along well and not quarrel, and praised the man with a series of words with a heart in her eyes.

Wen Li is not a fool, nor is she that slow. She has watched a lot of stupid dramas in her spare time. Of course, she understands that Jin Lewei's series of operations have misunderstood her relationship with this man.

It was also true that this man saved her from the fire as if he were a heavenly being, and this man's hands and feet were usually not too disciplined, so naturally, Jin Lewei would misunderstand.

Wen Li didn't say anything for a while. Fu Yuxiu raised his hand and gently patted the fallen leaves off the girl's shoulders, curling his thin lips.

"Thinking about how to get rid of this trouble like me?"

Wen Li reacted and took a step back as they were getting closer.

"You're formal. I was just thinking of how to thank you for your protection earlier."

After spending the past few days with her, Fu Yuxiu could naturally tell what this girl was thinking at a glance.

He stretched out his hand and hugged the girl's slender waist very consciously and walked forward, "The best way to get rid of me is to just take me to a meal."

Fei Ran and Lu Min followed silently not far behind them, looking at the two people walking side by side with no unnecessary expressions on their cold faces.

Needless to say, there are some things that they have seen clearly these days. Miss Mu is a smart person, and she probably can see it more clearly than they do.

But looking at it like this, their young master still has a long way to go in the future. After all, he cares deeply for this little girl but whether others appreciate it or not is another matter.

When Qing Guo called, Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu were still walking aimlessly in the school.

The meaning of the people over there was very simple. Today, they won the National finals championship. Everyone was preparing to celebrate in the club room. Tang Xiao rejected invitations from several sponsors one after another, just wanting everyone to have a good meal together. And Wen Li, who helped them win the finals, played an indispensable role and naturally cannot be absent.

Turning around and heading towards Building 2, the man followed behind her, with a soft and warm smile on his face.

"Aren't you going back first?" Wen Li tried to drive him away again.

Fu Yuxiu was pleased with himself, "Don't rush me away. It will make me think that you are driving me away to meet someone else."

Fei Ran's temples jumped. The young master's jealousy from seeing Soya at noon has not yet passed. Just looking at the interaction between the two on stage, it seems that they have known each other for a long time.

"Li girl!" came a deliberately high-pitched male voice.

Fei Ran's temples hurt even more for fear of what is to come.

Soya walked out of the side road, carrying two bags of food in his hands. He no longer wore a mask on his face, and his silver hair was particularly eye-catching under the street lamp.

"What are you doing here? Come in quickly. I just saw that boy Fang Qing take some food and go in." After Soya combined the two bags of things, he gestured with his other hand that he was going to pull Wen Li.

The movements were smooth as if they had been done many times.

Fu Yuxiu stood sideways in front of Wen Li and pulled the person back some distance.

The smiling expression on Soya's face subsided. He naturally knew the identity of the person in front of him.

"Sorry, I didn't notice that there was someone else here." He retracted his hand and looked up at the imposing man in front of him.

"It's fine if you didn't pay attention. But it would be bad if your hand touched something you shouldn't touch." Fu Yuxiu's eyes were filled with coldness.

Xia Chen hid behind a tree and shook his body. This Soya really knew how to pluck the tiger's hair. He was not afraid at all when he saw this man.

The boss can be with such a man. If it were anyone else, he would be scared to death on the first day.

"You're not here to attend the celebration banquet, are you? When did the Team Dream be able to invite a big Buddha like you?" Soya looked directly at the man without hesitation.

Lu Min was surprised. It was the first time in his life that he had seen someone who dared to straighten his back and talk to their young master.

"If it's a simple invitation, naturally it won't reach me, but coming over as a family member makes everything much better." " Fu Yuxiu said, raising his hand to gently adjust the hat on Wen Li's head.

Soya was so angry at the word family.

"But I'm afraid such a shabby occasion won't catch your eye."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

There is absolutely no way they can continue talking today.

When Fang Qing came out of the building, he saw several people who seemed to be talking at the door. He immediately saw Wen Li standing among them.

"Wen Li!" Fang Qing ran down the steps, "I just wanted to call you."

They had met Fu Yuxiu last time at Imperial Seal, and Fang Qing also remembered that it was this man who was so gentle that one of Pu Xi's legs was broken.

Fang Qing's highest praise for himself is that he can catch the abnormal smell in the air in time. At this moment, there are two men and a little girl.

Soya was like a rooster always ready to fight, and he immediately understood what was going on.

"Well, I'll go in first, so you guys hurry on up."

Fang Qing took the two bags from Soya and ran away decisively.

Looking at the boy who was scared away, Wen Li broke free from behind Fu Yuxiu.

"Li girl, they are all waiting. Hurry up." Soya stretched out his hand in a reckless manner, not caring about the aura of death already permeating the man next to him.

Wen Li finally understood. This is what others call a man's dignity.

"You guys argue, I'll go in first."

With a proud smile on Soya's face, she glanced at Fu Yuxiu provocatively and followed Wen Li into the building.

Xia Chen happily followed Wen Li through the door, but turned around and saw the man standing under the streetlight at the door without moving.

"Young Master." Fei Ran called out, not intending to follow.

Fu Yuxiu turned around and said, "Let's go."

From her eyes, he couldn't see any concern or passionate feelings for Soya. There was no need to go  online for irrelevant people.

If he followed, it would be equivalent to bringing this minor character that even that little girl didn't care about onto the stage.

Which one is less important and which one is more important, he knows clearly.

The entire activity room was carefully decorated today. As soon as Wen Li opened the door and walked in, colorful ribbons fell from her head.


The four of them all held ribbon tubes in their hands, with smiles on their faces.

The room was filled with colorful ribbons and balloons, and the spliced ​​table in the middle of the room was filled with restaurant meals.

Tang Xiao fluttered the champagne in his hand, "We can open the wine now that Wen Li is here!"

With a bang, champagne dispersed in the air. Qing Guo placed the glasses one by one and watched Tang Xiao pour the wine.

"Wen Li, can you sign your name for us?" Fang Qing said and handed over the signature pad.

"Yes, the famous IO will be the talisman of our Dream club from now on!!"

Wen Li looked at the whiteboard handed to her and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Stop playing, it will put pressure on Wen Li." Qing Guo confiscated the boards in their hands.

"This time we were able to win first place thanks to Wen Li. To be honest, I feel a little ashamed now." Tang Xiao handed over the glass filled with champagne.

After hearing his words, Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an, who were still dancing happily, stopped and looked a little disappointed.

Winning the championship is certainly good, but most of such good results are due to Wen Li, and they feel that they are not worthy of the name.

"Team competition is not about the strength of individuals, but more about the cooperation between each other. A team that can achieve tacit understanding is the real first place." Wen Li swept her eyes on the trophy that was placed in the highest and most conspicuous position. 

They all heard and knew that this was Wen Li comforting them. Compared with when she first joined the club, Wen Li was not completely aloof when facing them now.

Moreover, after these days of getting along with each other, they could still see that Wen Li's temperament was not as cold and inhuman as it appeared to the naked eye.

She is just selective.

"Your president has a pair of discerning eyes. He can choose Wen Li to join your club. This is destined for your success. There is no need to underestimate yourself. If twice the effort is not enough, then try three times. If three times is not enough, then thirty times. In short, you will always be able to reach the heights you want to reach." Soya stood in the middle of several people and spoke.

Qing Guo nodded. It was Tang Xiao who chose Wen Li amidst all the doubts. He saw Wen Li's talent. Sometimes, not only ability is important, but choice is also important.

"Mr. Soya is right, but having IO and Soya accompany us for this celebration banquet today will really last a lifetime!!"

"Eat more, everyone. Just tell me what you want to eat. If it's not enough, order again!" Tang Xiao raised the cup in his hand. 

Just after winning the trophy today, several companies came to hope to reach a cooperative relationship with Dream. Of course, they did not want to sign the entire team.

After all, there is Mu Wen Li in it. With an industry as big as Mu's, there is absolutely no reason to leave top talents like IO unused. Therefore, many companies choose suitable players to sign based on their own observations.

But so far, no one at Dream has any intention to cooperate with outside companies.

"In the second half of the year, there will basically be more individual competitions, and we will have fewer competitions as a group," Qing Guo said while holding a fruit.

"But we would still train together. We will participate in the National competition next year. I hope we can get first place at the most authentic level."

If you can win five consecutive National championships with the best results, you will be qualified to participate in the WFRS competition.

It is the dream of many people to be on the Intercontinental Alliance Hacker List.

"Wen Li, I have something to ask for your help with." Tang Xiao turned around and spoke.

Wen Li, who was holding cookies, looked at him.

"The second half of the year will be individual competitions, and you no longer need to participate in such competitions, but I still want to ask you to come to the club more often when you are free to guide our training."

After all, not everyone can get the guidance of IO. This is the top coach. The top level of the top god's domain, you must learn to take advantage of it.

As soon as Tang Xiao finished speaking, several people who were noisy just now stopped and looked at her expectantly.

Finally seeing Wen Li nodding, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The school said they would move us to the activity room on the top floor. I will send you the structure diagram in a moment, so you can choose which one you like."

The location of the entire club activity room in Building 2 is divided according to the strength of the team. In the past, Dream was not very strong and had no outstanding results, so it was naturally in this bad location.

But things are different now. They have won the National Championship in one fell swoop. This time Dream can choose the activity room at will.

Xia Chen jumped up and down and started dancing with a few people. Noisy and shocking music resounded throughout the room. Wen Li stood in front of the window holding a cup and looked at the dim street lights not far away.

"That's not an ordinary person." Lu Zhizhou slowly walked to her side holding a cup.

Conversations between smart people can always be understood with just one point.


Lu Zhizhou smiled, and the faces of the two were reflected in front of the transparent glass, and the girl's cold little face could be seen.

"When I first arrived in Ningzhou, he was the only person who came to see me, besides the Mu family. The Mu family was able to accurately locate my location when I released the news, but he was not the same. I thought that the only person who was able to locate me was you, and now it seems that this person has an extremely strong intelligence network."

Maybe it's not a direct positioning by the network system, but he is very smart to be able to find his final location from his movement trajectory.

"Then what did you find?" Wen Li looked sideways at him.

If nothing could be found, it would be impossible for him to say such a thing.

"There is indeed an adopted son of the Nan family, but this person has traveled back and forth between Ningzhou and the imperial capital several times. This is worth pondering. The Nan family probably does not have much power that can extend to the imperial capital."

"Just tell me frankly, what do you want to say?"

Lu Zhizhou put the cup in his hand aside, and his original carefree expression became serious, "The fact that you can withdraw from the turmoil proves your determination to live an ordinary life, but that man himself represents a huge turmoil that is not something you can cope with."

This girl is used to going straight to kill people with guns, how can she deal with those twists and turns.

"Before everything develops into an irreversible situation, go away, this world is so big, and you may not have seen all the customs from different continents. Only those days are free."

"No." Wen Li objected.

She took a sip of wine, and the mellow taste made people intoxicated.

"Why?" Lu Zhizhou was puzzled.

This girl's temperament is not suitable for staying in a place like Ningzhou. She is suitable for a broader sky and a freer world, and not to be stuck on intrigues here.

"I want to know who I am? Where do I come from?" Wen Li looked at Lu Zhizhou with unprecedented firmness in her eyes.

Lu Zhizhou naturally knew that she might want to find the warmth of her family when she returned to the Mu family, but the Mu family did not welcome her arrival.

"I want to know if I was blessed when I was born, what the people who gave birth to me were like, what kind of life they lived there, or what they were like before."

Wen Li was confused by that bloody dream for a long time. She always thought it was the sequelae of seeing too much blood on the battlefield.

It wasn't until those eyes full of despair, the old man's heavy breathing and desperate shouts that she finally woke up.

Many things may have been doomed from the beginning.

"So, the Mu family is not your home?" Lu Zhizhou captured the sensitive and key information from her words.

"Are you not a child of the Mu family, or are you not a child of Mu Kun?" Lu Zhizhou asked his doubts.

Logically speaking, if Wen Li was really the biological daughter of the Mu Kun couple, the entire Mu family would not have such an attitude, especially for a child who had been missing for fifteen years and was owed by the Mu family for fifteen years. 

"I have started to investigate the relevant personnel of the Mu family. If you want to know how I got to the Mu family, you need to start the investigation from when Mu Kun and his wife left Ningzhou. It will take a while. Besides, the Mu family's side of the story has not yet been completed."

If Mu's family were to reach a desperate situation, funds needed to be in place. She had invested some of the hundreds of millions she had received from the violet stone, and her current income was almost the same.

"Need help?" Lu Zhizhou asked.

But this girl is very capable, so there is no need for him to join in the fun.

"You'd better solve the mess around you first. If you can't help me, at least don't bring disaster to the pond fish." Wen Li said unceremoniously.

Lu Zhizhou snorted, "Don't worry, I'm paying attention."

Everyone was getting along very well during this period, and they were all drinking together. The clock pointed to eight o'clock, and it looked like there was going to be a night of fun.

The doorbell rang, and the imaging equipment in the entire activity room automatically connected to the video doorbell at the door.

"Who else did you invite?" Qing Guo struggled to get up and went to open the door.

It was agreed that it was just members of the club, Xia Chen and Soya who often came to make soy sauce on time, so why would anyone come and knock on the door?

Qing Guo looked at the woman on the LCD screen, she almost screamed, what a classy woman.

Nan Pei fixed her hair and the door opened from the inside.

"Hello." She extended her hand politely, staring at the beautiful and elegant woman in front of her, her mind constantly searching for such a person.

Why do I feel like I haven't seen her in school?

"Miss Qing Guo, right? I am Nan Pei." Nan Pei introduced herself.

Qing Guo's head suddenly sobered up after drinking. Nan Pei, Nan Sheng's sister, is the eldest daughter of Ningzhou's powerful Nan family.

"Hello, hello, please come in." Qing Guo stepped back and let her in.

Wen Li stood in front of the window and looked at Nan Pei who came in wearing a white suit jacket. If she hadn't appeared tonight, Wen Li would have almost forgotten that this person existed.

All imaging equipment in the room was turned off, and the noisy atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Nan Pei was a little embarrassed, "Am I disturbing you by coming here uninvited?"

Tang Xiao stepped forward, with a calm expression, and politely stretched out his hand, "Hello, Miss Nan, I am Tang Xiao, the president of the Dream Club."

"Hello." Nan Pei shook his hand, and then asked her assistant to put the things she brought on the table. "Congratulations on winning the crown. This is a little bit of my heart. I hope you don't dislike it."

What Nan Pei brought over were also pastries from some star-rated restaurants. The most eye-catching ones were the five gifts wrapped in exquisite gift boxes.

Seeing her series of smooth movements, several people looked at each other, some of them not understanding.

"Wen Li, come here quickly, I've brought you a gift." Nan Pei waved to Wen Li.

Some time ago, she pestered Wen Li for a whole week, just to get Wen Li to agree to go over and take two sets of promotional photos for the studio.

She has already found a male model, it is Nan Sheng, and the female model is naturally Wen Li. From the first time they met until now, all she has been thinking about is being able to abduct Wen Li over to take pictures.

As a result, this person refused to take the initiative, and Nan Pei was carried back by Nan Sheng in the end. Her brother even warned her not to take Mu Wen Li's idea, otherwise, she would not be able to eat and walk away.

But for a person as hungry as Nan Pei, how could she let go of such a good opportunity?

Today, the Dream Club won the championship, which made her think of a way, a way to get Wen Li to agree.

She would refuse if you approached her alone, but she couldn't refuse if you approached her entire team. Business cooperation is something that many teams have.

"Miss Nan, why are you here?" Tang Xiao was the first to speak.

Wen Li sat back in a chair some distance away from the sofa, and Lu Zhizhou consciously brought a small stool over to sit next to her.

"Captain Tang, to be honest, I came here to discuss cooperation with you."

Everyone was stunned. They all knew that Nan Pei's design studio Luan Pei was famous throughout Ningzhou.

There are only a limited number of traditional costumes sold every year, and they are sold out every time. They are very famous throughout the G country.

But what kind of cooperation can they dream of negotiating with Luan Pei Studio?

It's also the first clothing brand to approach them after so many of today's Internet giant computer companies that approached Tang Xiao.


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