Sunday, December 24, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 43 - Hesitate

 "County Princess!

Xiao Cui's heart almost stopped beating when she saw this. If she was hit at this distance...

Hua Zhu's expression also changed, and he took out the silver shell fan in his hand. He wanted to block the blow, but it was too late...

Even Li Yunjin, who had been serving as the backdrop, was full of anxiety, fearing that Murong Yun would lose her life because of this.

However, the next moment, everyone present was shocked.

Even Luo Mingda himself was shocked.

This inevitable blow actually paused in front of Murong Yun. Fresh green aura surged out from between Murong Yun's brows, and two shy leaf seedlings appeared crossed in front of the sword energy. It was this tender seedling, who steadily resisted the momentum of the sharp sword.


Murong Yun spit out blood without any warning, her face looked sluggish, and she struggled to look at Miao Miao in front of her. Although she was vomiting blood, there was some relief in the corner of her mouth.

"...It are not completely useless."

At least at this critical moment, she knew how to block it. 

"I didn't expect that you were deeply hidden..."

Luo Mingda smiled with unknown meaning, but he was confident that even if Murong Yun could block it this time, she would not be able to block it the next time.

The strange plant just now should be a special spiritual plant.

Judging from the situation, Murong Yun's strength is still unable to be controlled, which is why this precious plant is still in its infancy.

But since this precious plant can recognize its owner, it means that there is something special about her. In time, it will become a big problem. It is better to... destroy her now!

After making up his mind, Luo Mingda attacked Murong Yun with the long sword in his hand without hesitation, but Hua Zhu blocked the move.

But after all, Hua Zhu was young and lacked spiritual cultivation. Luo Mingda beat him out with just one move.

Seeing this, the other Luan Guards also stepped forward.

Not far away, on the roof of the General's Mansion, Li Su, who noticed the fluctuations in spiritual power, looked at the fight below with a serious expression.

There was a struggle in the gray-blue eyes, and the slender fingertips were entangled with silver-white light threads. It will only take one thought to stop Luo Mingda.

But he... hesitated.

Reason told him that he should not be exposed or interfere, and he should let Murong Yun die at the hands of the other party.

In this way, he will no longer think about it and will not be disturbed.

But the light thread on his hand didn't think so. Every time Luo Mingda took a step closer to Murong Yun, the muscles in his arms urged him to take action.

Do it fast ......

Luo Mingda killed a guard again and kept approaching Murong Yun, with a completely ruthless look on his face.

At this point, he must destroy Murong Yun's spiritual sea, otherwise, he will lose everything this time.

A princess with a talent for cultivation is much more of a threat than a useless princess.

The Lord will not allow such a stumbling block.

Murong Yun was still panting heavily and struggled to raise her head. Luo Mingda's figure appeared in her eyes. She couldn't bear it any longer, so she could only bite her tongue with all her strength to regain a sense of clarity.

It doesn't matter, she still has the last trump card. Murong Yun looked at the thunder bone staff in her hand, inserted it very skillfully, and prepared to strike with lightning.

"Little Heavenly Way..."

Murong Yun's face was pale and she was muttering. Just as she was about to open her mouth to provoke, a long knife mixed with golden spiritual energy fell from the sky and was deeply inserted in front of Murong Yun, blocking Luo Mingda's way.

The long knife buzzed, and the huge golden spiritual energy surged. At the same time, a familiar male voice with a unique charm sounded:

"Luo Mingda, the following offenses are punishable by death."

Murong Jia was still wearing a black gauze dress, her sleeves flying in front of Murong Yun. There was hidden anger on his charming face. He first glanced at Murong Yun, who was pale and had blood on her mouth, and then turned his gaze. 

If he hadn't happened to come back from doing business outside the city and met someone from the Princess' Mansion who went to the palace to ask for help, would Luo Mingda really have wanted to take Murong Yun's life today?

"It's so audacious."

Not to mention that Murong Yun's recent personality change has helped him save his life. Besides, Murong Yun's existence is an extremely important part of his plan. If she dies right now, most of his plans will collapse!

Thinking of these plans, Murong Jia's face became even colder. He rarely felt so angry, but at this time, he couldn't suppress it.

Murong Jia leaned over and slowly pulled out the long knife from the ground. The friction of gold and stone was unpleasant, but it hit Luo Mingda's heart.

The long knife lifted off the ground and pointed directly at Luo Mingda, who had previously been unmatched.

"...The eldest prince."

Luo Mingda's expression finally changed. Murong Jia was not Murong Yun. He had a seventh level of gold element strength and had learned the royal family's top-notch spiritual techniques. Even if he was at full strength, he would not be able to do anything to him for a while. 

What's more, it's not far from the palace...

After understanding the powerful relationship, Luo Mingda let go of the long sword in his hand, half-knelt on the ground, gritted his teeth, and lowered his head to cover up the calculation in his eyes:

"I was so angry that I lost my head for a moment. This is my only son, and he was abolished by the County princess like this. Shouldn't the princess be punished?"

The words were still filled with hostility towards Murong Yun.

"Hmph, I, this County Princess, abolished him. He deserves it. Your son is a treasure, but others are just weeds?"

Murong Yun reluctantly stood up with the help of Xiao Cui. After finishing speaking, a burst of blood surged up, and she spit out blood and lost consciousness.

"Xiao Cui, help Ayun go in and seek treatment from a spiritual doctor first."

Upon seeing this, Murong Jia's expression became even darker, with a cold solemn look on her beautiful face, and she said coldly to Luo Mingda: "If you have anything to say, you should tell Emperor father."

Luo Mingda was extremely regretful at this time, but it was not that he regretted taking action against Murong Yun, but that he did not act quickly enough.

Before he could send someone to notify Prime Minister Baili, a team of people rushed over, and it was actually the Emperor's confidant Eunuch Ling who led the team.

Eunuch Ling got off his horse, glanced at the mess on the ground without revealing any trace, and said loudly to Luo Mingda: "Master Luo, His Majesty invites you."

He then continued towards the respectful body of Murong Jia, who was dressed in black gauze: "Please come with me, the eldest prince, and explain the reason."


Murong Jia had this intention, and Marquis Luo always held the right to protect Liu Jing. He is the one who committed this suicide and it was a good opportunity for him.

Anyway, his Emperor Father had already long wanted to remove this nail.

Seeing that several people were about to leave, Li Yunjin, who had been struggling for a long time, finally made up her mind. The princess was injured because of her. If she didn't go to testify at this time, she didn't know how Marquis Luo would throw dirty water on her.

Thinking of this, she still mustered up the courage to call Eunuch Ling.

"This Sir Eunuch...can you bring this humble daughter with you?"


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