Friday, December 22, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 73 - Cut the Body to Pieces

 IO showed up in Ningzhou and participated in this year's National competition as a college student. A piece of news detonated in the entire G country. IO's identity is particularly important to G country, and she is even a student at Ningzhou University of Science and Technology. 

This is particularly important for Country G, which has not seen any talent in the Intercontinental League.

However, IO wore a peaked cap the whole time when she was on stage, covering half of her face. Many people only knew that she was the youngest daughter of the technology giant Mu Family. She is now studying at the University of Science and Technology, and there are few news reports about Mu Wen Li's return to Mu's.

There was no formal meeting for everyone to see Mu Wen Li's face. There were a few photos on the school forum, but they were all adjusted so that the real appearance could not be seen clearly.

Now it's clear to everyone why the photos taken with a camera have such low definition after being put on a forum, it's worse than those taken in the 70s and 80s. How could a top hacker let people get her photos casually?

News from the Mu family came the fastest. Since the cooperation with Soya, the Mu family's stock price has risen a lot. Today Wen Li's IO identity was exposed, and the market value of the entire company has increased a lot.

Mu Kun hung up the phone and sat in the study, watching the news projected on the wall. The entire news was scrolling about Mu Wen Li's identity, and naturally, the results of the National competition were also included.

"It's really amazing that this young master can achieve such good results in his first National competition." Sun Min stood aside and praised.

The cup in Mu Kun's hand was placed heavily on the table, "It's useless."

Sun Min looked at his Master and knew how uncomfortable he felt, "Not everyone has talent. The young master is still young and has a long way to go. A game like this can't prove anything." 

"Besides, with the status of the third young lady, anyone else will pale in comparison."

There is no comparison at all.

"How is the investigation into that girl's experiences over the years going?"

Sun Min handed over the documents, "After the third lady got lost, she was adopted by an old Chinese medicine doctor in Wutong Town. The man's name was Jin Yuan, who was well-known in the local area. Later, the third lady studied until the third year of junior high school and dropped out of school when she was fifteen years old and left Wutong Town."

Mu Kun tapped the content on the document with his fingertips, "IO participated in the WFRS competition when she was twelve years old. During this period, she was still in school?"

"During the WFRS competition, it was confirmed that the third lady left Wutong Town. I think it was during this period that she went abroad to participate in the competition."

These things are not full of loopholes, but there are no detailed records of Wen Li's participation in the competition, and no one will deliberately look for it.

"It is worth mentioning that this old Chinese medicine doctor has a daughter named Jin Lewei, who is now a teacher at the School of Pharmacy at the University of Science and Technology of China."

"Teacher? "

Sun Min nodded, "Jin Lewei is thirty-two years old, single, and has never been married. Her reputation in the college is very good, and many students are willing to take this teacher's course."

Mu Kun twisted the ring on his hand, "So, this Miss Jin should know everything about Mu Wen Li."

"Are you going to bring her here?"

"Pick a time and I'll go to USTC in person."

Since there is a person who can give the information, there is no need to look far away.

Aunt Ruan knocked on the door and said, "Sir, the young master, and the others are back."

Mu Chenxing and Mu Nuanxi sat side by side, and Li Mengluo stayed by Mu Jing'an's side. This was the first time she entered Mu's house after the last incident.

Mu Kuiyuan was taking a lunch break at the moment, and the others were sitting quietly on the sofa.

"There will be competitions in the second half of the year. Train hard. Sister believes that you can get good results." Mu Nuanxi comforted Mu Chenxing.

Lu Xue poured her son a glass of juice with a very unhappy face. Originally, Mu Chenxing should be proud of getting such good results, but Mu Wen Li, a little dog girl, came out and stole the spotlight. 

"Uncle." Li Mengluo saw him coming out of the study first.


The two siblings raised their heads and called out.

Mu Kun nodded and sat down in the middle like a King. His face does not have a cheerful expression, just like before.

Mu Chenxing stood up and handed over the medal he brought back, "Dad, this is my medal."

Mu Kun glanced lightly, "Only third place."

Mu Chenxing's heart tightened, and he naturally knew what Mu Kun meant. His father disliked him for not being able to win the first-place trophy.

"Akun." Lu Xue called out, "This is the first time for the child to participate in such a competition. There is still room for improvement in the future. This is your own son. Are you just trying to vent your anger on the child for unnecessary people?"

Lu Xue and Mu Kun have been married for so many years, and she certainly knows that Mu Kun is dissatisfied that Mu Chenxing's performance is not as good as Mu Wen Li.

"Brother, Chen Xing is already very powerful. If you look around, which family in Ningzhou has a child as promising as Chen Xing." Mu Jing'an continued.

Mu Nuanxi has always known her father's strictness, and Mu Kun often said that children of the Mu family should either not do something, or be the best so that others have nothing to gossip about.

He still has great expectations for Chenxing.

Mu Chenxing curled his fingers and took the medal back into his hand.

"How does it feel to be stepped on by someone you look down on?" Mu Kun glanced at Mu Chenxing.

He lowered his head and spoke clearly, "I'm very sad."

Very uncomfortable.

A person he had never taken seriously suddenly transformed into the person he most wanted to be. This feeling was even more painful than killing him.

"Then you should remember this lesson! Don't be stepped on forever!" Mu Kun stared at Mu Chenxing.

"I know." Mu Chenxing's hand gripped the medal tighter.

Seeing this situation, several women around him consciously kept silent. Boys must be tough as boys. Mu Kun did nothing wrong.

"Sun Min, let's go." Mu Kun stood up and walked out.

After watching her husband leave, Lu Xue looked at Mu Chenxing and said, "Your father is also very strict with you. You will always have to enter Mushi in the future. You know some things without your mother having to say anything."

"We have to go to the celebration banquet later, and we won't be back for dinner tonight." Mu Chenxing walked out the door with his head hanging.

There were only a few women left in the entire living room, so Mu Jing'an leaned over and spoke.

"Sister-in-law, this Mu Wen Li is getting more and more excessive. If it hadn't been for her today, Chenxing wouldn't have been scolded by Brother."

When Mu Jing'an thought about what happened these days, she couldn't get up or down.

"What can we do? Dad is protecting her. As long as she stays at Mu's house for a day, she can run rampant and have no one to care about her." Lu Xue gritted her teeth and said.

If the old man hadn't insisted on protecting this wild girl, she would have driven her out long ago.

"We must find a way to get rid of her so that she doesn't become an eyesore in Ningzhou!"

Just thinking about Mu Wen Li staying in Ningzhou and breathing the same air as them made Mu Jing'an feel bad.

"What do you have in mind?" Lu Xue looked at Mu Jing'an.

Mu Jing'an didn't care about the people in the living room, and slowly opened her mouth, "As long as my sister-in-law agrees, I will definitely get this done."

She, Mu Jing'an, has never suffered such a humiliation. Her daughter was tricked and yet she could not do anything.

So what if the old man is protecting her.

"But the old man's side..." Lu Xue was always worried.

"If we take action, the old man can come to us, but what if we are not the ones taking action?" Mu Jing'an had a vague sneer on her face, "As long as the tail is cut off, no one can cause trouble for us!"

No matter what, her daughter must be able to vent her anger, otherwise, she is afraid that she will remember it for the rest of her life.

"And you also have to think about Nuan. That dead girl is getting closer and closer to the Nan family. You never know when this matter will become irreversible."

Sure enough, when she heard Mu Nuanxi's name, Lu Xue felt like a hen guarding her calf. The day Mu Wen Li came back, her family went into a state of chaos.

This time, even with the old man protecting her, it would be useless.

Since you have already left the Mu family, you shouldn't come back and annoy people.


Mu Kuiyuan was sitting in the study, and the news kept scrolling. Mu Ting stepped forward and turned off the TV.

"It's time for you to rest. The doctor said that you need to stay in bed and rest. Stop reading this news."

Mu Kuiyuan covered his lips and coughed twice, "Ating, what kind of child do you think Wen Li is?"

"There you go again. Third Miss is a good girl and a powerful one. Don't you know that?"

If he hadn't taken a fancy to Wen Li's abilities, Mu Kuiyuan wouldn't have made up his mind to bring her back so quickly.

Compared with the children who grew up around him, Mu Kuiyuan could see that Mu Wen Li had considerable abilities, and they were not easily comparable to those of the children around him.

"Things like bloodline are really magical." Mu Kuiyuan raised his head and sighed.

Mu Ting changed the pillow behind him to a softer one, "Isn't that right? It's because you have been in the mall for so many years that those children are so outstanding. After all, they inherited your bloodline."

The outside world speaks very highly of the children of the Mu family. From Mu Chenyu, who took over the Mu family, to Mu Nuanxi, who is a girl, no one is not full of envy when discussing them.

Some things really cannot be just taught to the next generation. Bloodline is still very important.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about..." Mu Kuiyuan coughed twice.

"No matter what you say, these children are all excellent and good children of the Mu family. Don't worry about it. The master is back too. They are all Mu Family."

Mu Kuiyuan looked at the family photo on the table. This photo was taken by everyone when Mu Kun and his wife brought Wen Li back to Mu's house for the first time.

At that time, Mu Kuiyuan was particularly fond of his granddaughter, who grew up without seeing him. At that time, Mu Chenxing was already old enough to practice walking by himself. 

"Old Master." Mu Ting returned after answering the phone with a serious face, "Master went to the University of Science and Technology of China."

Mu Kuiyuan frowned. He was going to USTC at this time. Mu Kuiyuan would not be stupid enough to think that he was going to cheer on Mu Wen Li.


In the office in the middle of the fifth floor of the USTC comprehensive office building.

Two bodyguards in black stood at the door with expressionless faces. The teachers and students passing by stopped to watch curiously, but their sight was blocked by the closed door.

So many people suddenly poured into the huge office. Jin Lewei took the water from the drinking fountain, placed the cup in front of Mu Kun, and sat down quietly opposite him.

"Mr. Mu, is there something you need that you went here in such a hurry?" Jin Lewei still put her hands together on her knees.

After all, she is also a teacher at the University of Science and Technology. If she doesn't even know an investor as big as Mu Kun, it would be too bad.

"Teacher Jin, I have something to ask you." Mu Kun sat in the middle of the sofa with a regular posture and had no intention of touching the glass of water in front of him.

Jin Lewei had more or less guessed the reason for his visit. With the status of the Mu family, it was impossible not to find out that it was their family that took in Wen Li. After a long time of not looking for her, he suddenly appears now, it was probably because Wen Li's IO identity was exposed. 

"From what I have found, you are the ones who took Wen Li in?"

Jin Lewei answered without hesitation, "My father picked up Wen Li when he went out. She was already seven years old at the time. She couldn't remember anything when I asked her. She doesn't want to stay in the orphanage, she would always run out. 

These are all things that can be found in Wen Li's information.

"What about your father?"

Jin Le was slightly stunned, "Died three years ago."

The smile on Mu Kun's lips became colder and colder. "I want to know what happened to Mu Wen Li during the years she was in Wutong Town. Where did she go and what did she do in the next few years?"

Mu Kun's questioning attitude made Jin Lewei feel uncomfortable, and he didn't look like a father who cared about his daughter. Logically speaking, his daughter has been missing for so many years, and as a father, he should be feeling guilty and wouldn't wait until now to find out where his daughter had been all these years.

But Mu Kun gave people a different impression. He had a blunt attitude and did not investigate whether his daughter had suffered. He just seemed to know the answer.

"She has lived with us for so many years, and things happen every day. I can't remember everything. I'm sorry, Mr. Mu. If you want to know, I think it would be better for you to ask Wen Li. 

This is an eviction order.

Mu Kun chuckled, and the bodyguard behind him pressed Jin Lewei's shoulders to stop her from getting up, "I haven't finished my question yet, Teacher Jin, don't be so anxious."

Jin Lewei's expression did not change, "What are you doing, Mr. Mu? Anyway, we have adopted your Mu family's child, and you are treating me like this without a word of thanks. Mu's way of dealing with others is really unique."

"Where did Mu Wen Li go and do after she turned fifteen? What secrets and identity does she have? I advise you to tell her, otherwise..."

"Aren't you supposed to ask the person involved these questions?"

Mu Kun turned around and saw Wen Li standing at the door, leaning against the door frame. The door opened behind her, and Xia Chen quickly knocked down the bodyguard guarding outside.

During this period, no sound was heard. Looking at the girl who appeared silently, Mu Kun's expression became worse.

Xia Chen walked through the door before Wen Li, and flew forward to kick the bodyguard who was holding Jin Lewei down to the ground.

Jin Lewei regained her freedom but looked at Wen Li worriedly.

"You have no rules. Didn't you see that I was asking a question? Where has your education gone?" Mu Kun looked at the girl who walked in slowly.

"Rules?" Wen Li walked up to Jin Lewei. After seeing that the aunt was not injured, the coldness in her eyes dissipated a little, "My rules are not those taught by your Mu family. Now that you are trying to act like a father in front of me, do you think I will buy it?"

Mu Kun always knew that this girl was naturally rebellious and would not listen to anyone easily, but he didn't expect that she would be so arrogant and dare to ignore everything.

"If you want to ask anything, just come to me directly. If you let me know that you are doing such things in private again, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences."

The girl in front of him had a coldness all over her body. Even though she had done nothing, not even an extreme move, it still made him break into a cold sweat subconsciously.

Mu Kun calmed down. How could he be intimidated by this dead, young, and wild girl?

"It seems that your grandfather failed to teach you the Mu family's rules properly, but it doesn't matter. I'm here to teach you today the consequences of contradicting your elders."

The bodyguards behind Mu Kun took a step forward, and Xia Chen stood in front of Wen Li with a cold face.

Before people can reach out, the silver darts shoot out from the door and pierce their knees directly.


The well-trained bodyguards were half kneeling on the ground, but they didn't let out heart-rending wails, just gasping a little.

Mu Kun looked up and saw a man walking slowly in from the door. He was wearing a pair of black leggings trousers, black short leather boots, and a maple red shirt on his upper body. The hem of the shirt was pinned irregularly into the trousers, which looked very sleek.

A strong sense of oppression invaded, causing Mu Kun to take a step back subconsciously.

What's going on with this kind of hostility that has the aura of death?

Fei Ran took back the dart with an expressionless face and quietly followed the man into the room.

Fu Yuxiu moved forward and sat down next to Wen Li. The tail of his enchanting eyes rose and he glanced at the man in front of him.

"A member of the Mu family?" He opened his mouth.

Mu Kun quickly searched for information in his mind. There was no such arrogant young man in Ningzhou, except Nan Sheng.

But the aura of this man was countless times stronger than that of Nan Sheng.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Fu Yuxiu reached out and pulled the little girl to sit next to him, "Is he the reason why you left me alone at the door?"

Wen Li moved his unruly hand away, "I did it for my aunt."

Who'll do something for someone like Mu Kun?

"Do you hate him? What do you want to do with him?" The man lowered his head and asked softly in her ear.

Wen Li suddenly became interested. This man's temperament did not seem to be as gentle as she seemed. "What if the person he provoked was you? How would you deal with it?"

Fu Yuxiu raised his head and seemed to be really thinking seriously, "I am a very easy-to-talk-to person. If he offends me, he can just break off his arms and legs. But if he offends you..."

Mu Kun saw the man gently leaning into Wen Li's ear and uttering a few words, "How about cutting the body into pieces?"

It was clearly an extremely gentle tone, and you could even see the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but the words he spat out were full of the smell of blood.

"Young people these days are always too arrogant, and they are so arrogant without looking at the actual situation. It's really ridiculous."

Xia Chen, who was on the side, helped Jin Lewei to sit at the desk. Hearing Mu Kun's words, he wanted to go over and kick the person to death.

If Fu Yuxiu's people hadn't suddenly come in, he would have dealt with them long ago.

I don’t know why this person followed the boss in. The boss said it was the school’s celebration banquet, but he didn’t expect this person to follow her anyway.

Fei Ran took a step forward, took something out of his pocket, and spread it in front of Mu Kun.

Mu Kun, who had been filled with indignation and arrogance just now, changed his face dramatically after seeing something like that, from green to purple to white.

"You are..." Mu Kun looked at him and spoke with a trembling tone.

"Mu Kun." Fu Yuxiu suddenly called out, and then the man raised his head and his eyes fell on him. The smile on his lips became stronger, "If it happens again, I will skin you."

Mu Kun finally stumbled out of the office with his men, and Fei Ran directed his men to help clean the room.

"Auntie." Wen Li stood up and came to Jin Lewei, "Are you okay?"

Jin Lewei, who was frightened by the posture of several people just now, forced a smile on her lips to comfort Wen Li, "It's okay, they don't dare to do anything to me in school."

"I will arrange for someone to protect your safety, don't worry." Wen Li said.

Jin Lewei shook her head slightly, "No, just protect yourself. I believe that after today they won't dare to mess around. Besides, Mu Kun just wants to know more about you from me."

With a status like Mu Kun's, he only had a tougher attitude when asking questions. I believe he wouldn't dare to do other things.

"I think the Mu family doesn't seem to like you very much, Li Li, is it..." Jin Wei asked the doubts in her heart.

Wen Li nodded gently, confirming her suspicion.

From the first time his father brought Wen Li home and after spending so many years with her, Jin Lewei understood the child's thoughts.

She is not close to the Mu family, and the Mu family doesn't seem to like her very much, especially Mu Kun today. I'm afraid Wen Li will face more and more problems in the future.

Jin Lewei suddenly looked at the handsome man across the room.

"Sir, are you Li Li's boyfriend?"

Her words suddenly made Wen Li unable to react. Before she could refuse, he saw the man nodding in acknowledgment.

Jin Lewei smiled. This man didn't look like an ordinary person. From the moment he entered the door, he only saw Wen Li and his eyes stayed on her.

Thinking like this, Jin Lewei had an idea.

This girl has a cold temper, and it took them a long time to get close to her back then. Now that someone is not afraid of her cold temperament, Jin Lewei is naturally happy.

"I'll ask you to take good care of Li Li from now on. She has a cold temper, but she's also hard-spoken and soft-hearted. If she does something wrong in the future, please be more patient."

Fu Yuxiu stood up, gently held the little girl in his arms, and responded in one sentence, "This is what I should do."

Wen Li looked at Jin Lewei's satisfied and relaxed look but she felt something was wrong with this scenario.

Fei Ran looked up at the sky, He is indeed their young master. It suddenly turned into a large-scale entrusting scene. This became a meeting with an elder, and this elder also liked the young master very much.


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