Sunday, December 24, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 46 - Jiang Ning, Let’s see Where you Run this Time!

 It must have been put in accidentally.

"It's just right... Hehe, If I take it to the pawn shop to pawn it I can get some money."

He never thought about returning it. Second Miss Jiang was a distinguished daughter of the Marquis family. How could she be missing an earring? This earring is to be used as a bar for him.

Xu Yuanqing did not hesitate and immediately went to the pawn shop to pawn the earring.

At night, Jiang Mengyue lay on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to sleep, her mind filled with Jiang Ning's affairs.

Jiang Ning unexpectedly won the favor of her eldest brother...

She was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and her face was ferocious.

"No! We must get rid of Jiang Ning as soon as possible to avoid long nights and nightmares!"

Jiang Mengyue made up her mind. She couldn't wait any longer. Xu Yuanqing was unreliable, so it was better for her to push him to achieve good things.

She smiled coldly, her eyes filled with iciness.


The next day.

Jiang Ning got up early and walked out of the room to stretch her body.

She had thought about how she might encounter danger in the future. If she was powerless, she would be slaughtered by others.

At this time, Shuang Yue, who was highly skilled in martial arts, was there and asked Shuang Yue to teach her some self-defense moves.

Shuang Yue taught Jiang Ning a few basic kung fu moves. Jiang Ning practiced seriously. After a while, sweat broke out on her forehead and her legs and feet felt sore.

She gritted her teeth and continued to persist.

She learned a long time ago that no matter what you want, you need to work hard.

Shuang Yue looked at Jiang Ning with a tough face, and felt a little moved. She originally thought that Miss Jiang was a delicate girl who said she was practicing martial arts, but she probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

But she persevered and practiced very seriously.

Shuang Yue couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Jiang Ning practiced basic skills all morning and walked back to the house refreshed.

As soon as she stepped into the door, Chun Lan stepped forward and said with a frown, "Xu Yuanqing just sent a letter."

Jiang Ning wiped her face with a clean handkerchief, reached out to take the letter, opened it, and read the contents, then curled her lips and sneered coldly.

Xu Yuanqing asked her to meet him in a restaurant. She really doesn't know where he got the confidence from.

"Miss..." Chun Lan looked at her young lady worriedly. Xu Yuanqing was not a good person, and she didn't want her to get involved with that kind of person.

Jiang Ning raised her face and was about to speak when she suddenly saw a figure outside the door, eavesdropping in the corner.

Jiang Ning's eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange color flashed through her eyes.

Then she said calmly, "Mr. Xu asked me to go out to meet him. There must be something important. I can't ignore his kindness, so just go and meet him."

"Miss, but..." Chun Lan was anxious. How could the lady go to the appointment? Xu Yuanqing had evil intentions and was greedy for money. There must be nothing good in asking the lady to meet.

"Okay, no need to say more, this matter needs to be kept a secret."

After hearing Jiang Ning's words, the person outside the door quickly left quietly and walked out of Ning'an Courtyard.

Jiang Ning's face suddenly turned cold and she said calmly, "Shuang Yue, follow her."

Shuang Yue on the roof moved and disappeared, closely following the eavesdropping maid.

Chun Lan didn't know what happened yet, but she was just worried, "Miss, Xu Yuanqing is not a good person. Besides...if Miss is seen attending the appointment, bad rumors will spread."

Jiang Ning's face was calm, she sat down and poured a cup of tea.

"This is exactly what she expected."

No matter how courageous Xu Yuanqing was, he would not dare to ask her to meet in a restaurant so abruptly. Someone must have ordered her to do so.

"I said I would go to the appointment, but I didn't say I would go in person." She smiled faintly.

After a while, Shuang Yue came back and said in a cold voice, "It's Dongmei. Dongmei went to Second Miss Jiang's yard."

Jiang Ning didn't react much.

She had known for a long time that Dongmei was bribed and it was Jiang Mengyue's spy.

Just in time, let her send a message this time.

Near noon, Jiang Ning took Shuang Yue out and got on the carriage at the door.

Seeing this scene, Dongmei immediately turned around and went back to inform Jiang Mengyue, "Second Miss, Miss Jiang has already gone out. This servant saw her getting on the carriage and said she was going to Ding Feng Building."

Jiang Mengyue smiled coldly, "Jiang Ning, let's see where you run this time!"


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