Sunday, December 17, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 68 - Li Mengluo Suffered the Consequences ; Wen Li's Life Experience is Revealed

 A group of people went upstairs in great force. Every room in the Mu family was well soundproofed, but before they could reach the door of Wen Li's room, everyone heard the sound.

It was an emotional whisper, with a low sound that made people blush, and everyone who heard it knew what was happening inside.

Mu Kuiyuan was walking at the front, and when he heard such a voice, his face turned red, his blood pressure soared, and he almost couldn't stand.

"Old Master." Mu Ting quickly supported Mu Kuiyuan who fell to the side.

"I'm fine." The old man propped himself up and stood up straight.

With a sneer in Mu Jing'an's eyes, she looked back at Nan Sheng who was following him. With so many people watching, the two of them would not be able to wash themselves off even if they fell into the Yellow River.

Even if the old man wanted to protect that wild girl, there was nothing he could do.

Often some problems need to be solved in the most direct and straightforward way, without spending more soldiers and saving more trouble.

Several taller men had already seen the ajar door, and those blushing murmurs were coming from the cracks in the door.

Mu Kuiyuan is a relatively traditional person at heart. With so many guests coming to the Mu family today, Mu Wen Li represents the face of the Mu family.

An unmarried girl was secretly having an affair with a guest and was even discovered by a servant. He felt as if his face was being pressed to the ground and being rubbed.

"Old Master." Mu Ting called softly.

You can clearly hear the voices of a boy and a girl intertwining inside. The people here are all adults, and you can tell what is happening inside.

Mu Kuiyuan looked unhappy and closed his eyes, "Open the door for me."

The door was originally ajar, so without any effort, Mu Ting stepped forward and pushed the door open, revealing everything inside the door to everyone.

In the room, gray curtains blocked the dazzling sunlight outside, the orange lights on the bedside were dim, and clothes were torn on the floor from the doorway.

The smell in the air made people uncomfortable. When everyone looked over, Mu Chenxing's eyes widened.

The two people in love on the guifei bed, the man's face was clearly not Soya's.

"Mu Wenli, you are so brave, why don't you stop quickly!!" Mu Jing'an stepped forward and shouted sharply.

This scolding made the two people who were addicted to it come back to their senses. The man turned around and saw a group of people who came to the room at an unknown time. His face changed with fright and he turned over.

Mu Kuiyuan squinted, the room was a little dark, and he couldn't see very clearly, but this guy didn't look like Soya.

"How could you do such an immoral thing? It really brings shame on the Mu family!!" Mu Jing'an looked at the woman wrapped in a small blanket.

Nan Sheng stood at the door. From his height, he could easily see everything in the house, and he could also tell who the man was.

What a strange situation.

"Let's go down first and let them put on their clothes." Mu Nuanxi looked sideways but did not dare to look but still spoke.

From Nan Sheng's perspective, he could see the girl's crimson cheeks and somewhat hot ears.

How could Mu Jing'an let go of such a good opportunity to catch someone in bed? She had to completely eliminate all possibilities of a comeback for Mu Wen Li today.

She took a step back and turned on the light. The bright light spread from the crystal lamp to the room, illuminating everything in the room.

Mu Chenxing's eyes were stabbed with pain, and the two people in the room were completely visible to everyone.

Mu Jing'an felt the pleasure of success, but when she looked at the two of them, her face instantly turned pale.

The girl on the guifei bed had wet hair and an abnormal flush on her face. The blanket only covered the key parts of her body, leaving the rest of her body exposed.

But that face was not Mu Wen Li's face.

"Ah !!!!!! "

The woman's screams filled the whole room, and Mu Jing'an ran over like crazy to block her daughter.

"What's going on!" Mu Chenyu looked at the confused Zhou Xiaoyun on the ground with a cold face.

He didn't look like he was sober.

"This is not the third lady." Mu Ting was dumbfounded.

Mu Kuiyuan's expression didn't look much better either. Either Mu Wen Li or Li Mengluo, they were both the children of his Mu family.

"Luoluo, look at mother, child ah." Mu Jing'an held her daughter's shoulders and shook her.

One look at Li Mengluo and you'll know that she was not very awake. She groaned and her eyes were charming. She had obviously lost her mind.

"You stinky hooligan!!" Mu Jing'an said and rushed to chase Zhou Xiaoyun.

Zhou Xiaoyun, who hurriedly raised his head, was hit head-on, staggering and falling to the ground.

Zhou Xiaoyun was his guest after all, so Mu Chenxing stepped forward to block his aunt.

"Don't be angry first, ask what's going on."

After being together for such a long time, Mu Chenxing had never heard from Zhou Xiaoyun that he liked Li Mengluo, but the girlfriends around Zhou Xiaoyun really changed every week, and never had the same girlfriend.

"Luoluo is your sister, Chenxing! How can you be so calm when she is bullied!" Mu Jing'an yelled.

The situation that was not very clear suddenly began to become confusing.

Mu Kuiyuan scolded, "Still not calming down? Is it not humiliating enough?"

Mu Jing'an was stunned by her father's roar and calmed down.

"Auntie, please calm down. Now a problem has arisen, and we still need to find a way to solve it." Mu Chenyu pointed out the problem.

Mu Jing'an calmed down and her mind was spinning quickly. She suddenly thought of the problem and looked around hurriedly.

"Mu Wen Li! Get out of here!!"

Only then did everyone realize that this room seemed to be Mu Wen Li's room.

Mu Jing'an roared so loudly that she wanted to find the person and bite her to death.

Wen Li walked out from the side and leaned against the door frame, looking at everyone calmly, "Are you looking for me?"

A shallow voice came from behind. Several people standing in the room looked up and saw the girl standing at the door of the next room.

"It's you!" Mu Jing'an raised her finger and pointed at her, her fingertips trembling, "It was you who harmed our Luoluo! You are such a snake-hearted woman!!"

Wen Li stuck her head out and took a look, without any hesitation, "It is very reasonable to treat others in their own ways."

Mu Kuiyuan was stunned, "Did you do this?"

Mu Chenxing also rushed out angrily and raised his hand to hit her, "Why are you so vicious!"

Nan Sheng stood closest to Wen Li, raised his hand and clasped the boy's wrist, "If you have anything to say, then use your mouth."

There was a clear coldness in his eyes when he said this, piercing people with chills all around.

"Wen Li, how could you do such a thing? Even if you don't like Luo Luo very much, you can't do this." Mu Nuanxi bent down and hugged Li Mengluo, who was still whimpering and complained.

The current situation is obvious Wen Li is a vicious and bad woman who framed her sister.

"Don't get me wrong, I just made her drink the juice she brought to me, and she became like that." Wen Li opened her mouth and pointed out.

"What are you talking about!" Mu Jing'an rushed to scratch Wen Li's face.

Wen Li sidestepped to avoid the woman's attack, stepped into the room filled with the smell of corruption, lifted the half-drunk juice from the table, and placed it in front of everyone.

"This is what she gave me. It makes sense that it would end up in her stomach."

After all, Mu Kuiyuan has lived for such a long time, and some things can still be understood at a glance. The problem can be heard in Mu Wen Li's words.

"Why are you all staying here?" Lu Zhizhou walked over from the side with white headphones hanging around his neck.

"Why are you here?" Mu Jing'an raised her finger and pointed at him.

Why could he and Mu Wen Li stand well in front of everyone, but her daughter became like this.

As if thinking of something, Mu Jing'an suddenly threw herself at Mu Kuiyuan's feet.

"Dad, have you seen it? It was them who harmed my Luoluo. They disappeared from everyone's sight for such a long time. They must have done something. Didn't the servant also say that he entered Wen Li's room without clothes?" 

At this time, Mu Jing'an had obviously lost her mind and said everything she was thinking, regardless of the consequences.

"I don't quite understand what you are saying, madam. Someone knocked on the door earlier and asked me to go to Wen Li's room, but I thought it would be inappropriate for a grown man like me to go to a little girl's room so I called her. I was just chilling at the balcony."

A glass of drugged juice, someone specifically calling Soya to Wen Li's room, and the servant's testimony, all of this was too much.

Li Mengluo, who was held by Mu Nuanxi at the side, closed her eyes and made an unbearable sound.

Mu Kuiyuan's vision turned black. Mu Chenyu supported the person and said, "Grandpa, I'll call the family doctor over right now."

"This medicine is quite strong. By the time you are sent to the hospital for gastric lavage, this person will be almost useless." Wen Li glanced at Li Mengluo, who was still groaning.

The redness of her skin became more and more serious, and even Zhou Xiaoyun murmured emotionally but was restrained from moving by the servant on the side.

"Ah..." Li Mengluo broke free from Mu Nuanxi and pulled the blanket on her body with her eyes closed.

Several men turned their backs, not daring to look.

"Luoluo, pull yourself together. Mom is here. We are going to the hospital right now." Mu Jingan coaxed her daughter.

"Auntie, I'm afraid it won't work." Mu Nuanxi's eyes were moist, and her hands holding Li Mengluo tightened again and again.

"It looks quite lively here, but I don't like the liveliness very much, so I'm going downstairs first." Lu Zhizhou put a decent smile on his face, said politely, and then went downstairs.

After Nan Sheng took a look and made sure Mu Wen Li didn't suffer any loss, he put one hand in his trouser pocket and walked down slowly.

It was just a case of jealousy between women, and some dirty tricks were used. It seemed like this person had suffered the consequences.

Because of Mu Kuiyuan's health, the Mu family has a resident family doctor, who arrived in the room soon.

"It's better to send Ms. Li to the hospital quickly. I'm afraid it will be too late." The doctor said after finishing the examination.

These words frightened Mu Jing'an and turned pale, "What do you mean? What do you mean it's too late?!!"

The doctor nodded slightly, "Ms. Li took very strong medicine. If she hadn't..." the doctor briefly paused, "It would very likely cause great damage to the body. It is best to send her to the hospital for gastric lavage as soon as possible." 

But it's still a long way from the hospital.

As the person here was talking, it was clear that Li Mengluo couldn't stand it anymore, and her groans became louder and louder.

"Let's go to the hospital right now!" Mu Jing'an said.

"Now we need to know what medicine Ms. Li took." The doctor opened his mouth.

Mu Kuiyuan raised his hand with his eyes closed, and the servant hurriedly started rummaging in the room, and finally found the pills in Li Mengluo's bag in the living room.

The doctor's expression changed after checking, "This dose is too much, and its properties are much stronger than ordinary love potions, so it is useless to send her to the hospital."

If this medicine cannot relieve the pain in time, I am afraid it will kill someone.

Mu Kuiyuan also heard what the doctor meant. This was the end of the matter and this was the only way.

"Dad, what are you going to do? We have to save Luoluo." Mu Jing'an was led out of the room by the servant.

As soon as everyone exited the room, the people inside could not wait to roll together.

"Let me go, let me go!!" Mu Jing'an struggled noisily.

"You still have the nerve to shout. Keep silent, now you are saving her life!" Mu Kuiyuan roared.

Mu Jing'an's struggling movements stopped, and she looked much older. The doctor had just made it clear that this was the only way now.


In the Mu family's living room, compared to the excitement upstairs, the downstairs seemed much quieter and duller.

After learning the general story from the servant, Pu Xi chose to leave the Mu family on his own. It was always not good for outsiders to be present in such matters.

Mu Kuiyuan has obviously stabilized after taking the medicine.

When things happen, you always have to figure out the reasons. From the moment the servant found the pill in Li Mengluo's bag, everything suddenly became clear.

There was a crowd of people standing in front of him, including the one who delivered the juice, the one responsible for calling people, and several maids who didn't dare to raise their heads.

"Drive them all out, drive them out!" Mu Kuiyuan said.

He couldn't tolerate these people when something like this happened. Mu Kuiyuan felt sad now that there were so many bribed people in his family.

Mu Jing'an looked at Mu Wen Li who was standing aside. From the beginning to the end, this woman looked calm. She was clearly the culprit, but she had completely removed herself.

"It's all your fault that happened to my daughter! It's all your fault!!" Mu Jing'an said and pounced on her again.

Her eyes were so fierce that she wanted to bite off a piece of meat from Wen Li's body.

Before her hand touched Wen Li, the person in front of her turned sideways, raised her toes slightly, and kicked her hard on the back of her knees. Mu Jing'an fell to the ground due to uneven force.

"How dare you hit me!!" She sat on the ground in disbelief, "You unruly wild girl, how dare you hit me and hurt my Luo Luo like that, I won't let you go!"

Wen Li sat back on the sofa and looked at Mu Jing'an without hesitation, "The person who harmed your daughter was not me, but herself. I just gave her back what she wanted to use on me. Not having the ability to fight back is her incompetence."

Mu Nuanxi stood up suddenly, her eyes full of accusations, "Luo Luo did want to harm you, and it is not right but it did not succeed. You can completely change the way to fight back and let Grandpa do justice to you. You do not need to let her drink the juice and there is no need to drug Zhou Xiaoyun and let him enter the room. What is the difference between you and her, when you also harmed her this way?"

"Do you want to seek justice for me?" Wen Li laughed out loud, "But it's a pity that I never trust others. Some things are best obtained by myself."

"Wen Li, how could you be so cruel? How could you just watch something like that happen." Mu Nuanxi continued to accuse.

Lu Zhizhou stared at Mu Nuanxi and sneered, "Before I came to the Mu family, I heard that the three children of the Mu family were all very outstanding, but I didn't expect them to be so indifferent."

Mu Nuanxi's face turned red, but she still struggled to argue, "Now Luoluo is hurt because of you. She is only nineteen years old. What do you want her to do with her future life?"

"This is what she wants to do to me. If people want to understand each other, they can only bear the same pain. Besides, that is her own choice." Wen Li looked at Mu Nuanxi.

The girl in front of her didn't feel guilty at all, and the word "natural" can be used to describe it very well.

"You are still quibbling, I will never let you go, you wild girl!" Mu Jing'an was supported by the servant.

"I don't know too much about your culture, but someone taught me a saying that stealing a chicken doesn't get you anywhere, that's what it means, right?" Lu Zhizhou looked at Wen Li.

The latter nodded very pertinently, "This description is the most vivid."

The two of them discussed this matter calmly, which made Mu Chenxing feel more and more uncomfortable. Could Mu Wen Li really be emotionless?

Some things can't be solved by returning their own ways, but more than that, feelings are involved.

But she doesn't have anything like that.

"Li Mengluo drugged me and lit some incense in the room. Then her mother brought Soya there. The reason is self-evident. In addition, she also brought Zhou Xiaoyun there, before she was caught in her own trap. I never let any man go over there to look for her, and all the factors are all of her own making, and it has nothing to do with me. " Wen Li looked at Mu Nuanxi.

Hearing her words, Mu Chenxing closed his eyes. Soya was not enough, so Zhou Xiaoyun was added.

Li Mengluo wanted to completely destroy Mu Wen Li. If everyone opened the door and saw Mu Wen Li and two men...

I'm afraid everything has changed.

For a moment, he couldn't find the words to defend Li Mengluo. He knew what was most important to a girl, but why did Li Mengluo suddenly become like this?

"You are talking nonsense, Dad, don't listen to her nonsense. How could Luoluo do such a thing? It was she who harmed my Luoluo, it was her, Dad." Mu Jing'an ran to Mu Kuiyuan and knelt down, hugging the old man's thighs and crying.

"Even now, are you still being stubborn? Everything has been found in your pockets, how much do you still have to defend her!" Mu Kuiyuan looked at his daughter, feeling extremely sad.

"It's not..."

Lu Zhizhou glanced at Mu Chenyu, who had been silent, "I can be considered half a victim in this matter. If nothing changes, I should be the one who was caught in bed."

Mu Chenyu didn't look good. Lu Zhizhou was the guest he invited, but he suffered such a scheme.

This is indeed not thoughtful on his part.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't coordinate well."

Lu Zhizhou smiled and waved his hand, "It's nothing, I have a pretty good personality."

The next second the smiling person's expression changed and became gloomy, "It's okay to plot against me, but she plotted with Li girl, which touched my bottom line."

Mu Jing'an looked at Soya, didn't he like this girl? Why...

"So, am I also being plotted?" Nan Sheng suddenly opened his mouth.

Today, Mu Nuanxi suddenly came to visit, and the old man followed him and asked him to follow her to Mu's house, just to let him see this scene.

"If it were you in the room now, she would probably thank me forever." Wen Li reminded him.

Mu Nuanxi shook her head hastily, "No, I don't have it, Brother Sheng. I don't know why it's like this. You have to believe me."

"Oh?" Nan Sheng looked at the girl in front of him whose eyes were red and about to cry.

"I don't know about this." Mu Nuanxi was eager to explain, "I really don't know..."

Mu Kuiyuan's head hurt more and more, as if there was a huge chess game in which everyone was plotted by Li Mengluo and his daughter.

They were all children he watched grow up. Why did they become like this? What happened to all of them.

"I told you, the reason why I agreed to join your Mu family is because Li girl is here. Since your Mu family doesn't know how to cherish it, I think our cooperation should end here." Lu Zhizhou said with a smile on his face. 

It was a gentle and smiling face, but the words he spoke were not to be laughed at.

"Do you want to terminate the cooperation?" Mu Chenyu's originally calm and composed face cracked.

The cooperation has just been announced. If it is canceled now, the rising stock price will be subject to fluctuations, and it will also cause a lot of discussion about Mu's from the outside world.

"Mr. Soya." Mu Kuiyuan suddenly spoke.

Lu Zhizhou looked at the old man. Unlike the high-spirited man just now, Mu Kuiyuan was now a little exhausted.

"It's because of the lax education in our Mu family that something like this happened. As an old man, I want to apologize to you. I am sorry."

Mu Ting helped Mu Kuiyuan stand up, while Mu Jing'an fell to the ground without support.

"Old man, you seem to be reasonable, but with all due respect, you and your children..." Lu Zhizhou said and looked at the three siblings of the Mu family.

Compared to Mu Wen Li who grew up outside, it is indeed different. People are always blinded by the glamorous appearance and ignore the true nature of the heart.

You don't need to dress gorgeously to have a kind and clear heart.

"No one can make mistakes unless they are saints and sages. Their future is still far away. As an old man, I am already half buried in the earth. Of course, I need to see more clearly."

Lu Zhizhou didn't make it difficult. After all, Wen Li didn't say anything. He still remembered what Wen Li said to him.

"I will give Wen Li justice for what happened today. Since it was Luo Luo who had evil intentions, she brought it upon herself. It is not Wen Li's fault. I will call for more discipline in the future."

"Now that the old man has said this, I can't be angry anymore, but I hope this is the last time, and I hope this Miss Li can repent." Lu Zhizhou said.

Nan Sheng sat down next to Wen Li, "Actually, I can be considered a victim of what happened today."

Wen Li looked at the people around him and broke his illusion, "You are the culprit."

Although it is said that those who do not know are not guilty, Li Mengluo dared to have such thoughts only because of Nan Sheng.

Nan Sheng touched his nose in embarrassment. How did he know that he was also being plotted?

But he still has to worry about giving a good explanation. When Fu Yuxiu comes back, she must not say bad things about him. Otherwise, if that person knows that Wen Li was tricked because of him.

In that man's heart, there is no such thing as saying that the ignorant is not guilty, so he will just twist his head off.

"No, I didn't know it would be like this." Nan Sheng explained.

In the eyes of others, Nan Sheng seemed to be trying hard to explain to Mu Wen Li and clarify his relationship with other women.

"The person you want to explain to is probably not me." Wen Li reminded.

Seeing the arrogant smile in her eyes, Nan Sheng almost jumped up, knowing that this girl was as bad as Fu Yuxiu.


"Brother Sheng, I really didn't. I didn't know Luoluo would be like this." Mu Nuanxi explained, tears of grievance already falling.

Mu Chenxing supported her sister to comfort her and looked at Mu Wen Li on the sofa.

"The next step is our family affairs. Please leave first, Mr. Soya." The old man looked at Lu Zhizhou and issued an eviction order.

Of course, Lu Zhizhou knew that it was time for him to leave at this time.

"Li girl, I'm leaving first. I'll see you at the national competition. I'm a special guest."

"In this case, I will take the first step."

Nan Sheng and Lu Zhizhou left the Mu family together, and only the Mu family was left in the living room.

"Mu Ting, I remember that Zhou Xiaoyun seems to be the son of Zhou Qiang of Hongzhou Pharmaceuticals. I asked Li Wen to talk to Zhou Qiang and pick a time to settle the matter. There is no need to delay."

Hearing this, Mu Jing'an jumped up and said, "Dad, what are you talking about? How can you let Luoluo marry into such a family!"

"What else do you want after everything is like this!" Mu Kuiyuan looked at her.

Mu Jing'an shook her head wildly, absolutely not, her life has been ruined by marrying Li Wen, and she must not let her daughter be the same.

"Luoluo is your grandchild. You can't be like this. Even if it's not the Nan family, it definitely can't be a small family like the Zhou family. You always have to think about Luoluo's future." Mu Jing'an was so anxious. 

"She became like this just because she had thoughts about things that were not hers. If she hadn't set her eyes on Nan Sheng, she wouldn't have become like this!"

Mu Kuiyuan was not a fool. He could see Li Mengluo's thoughts. She originally thought that Nan Sheng and Mu Nuanxi would be successful and she would be able to let go.

I didn't expect this child to turn out like this.

"You may not be happy only by marrying into a powerful family. If you hadn't instilled such thoughts into her all day long, she wouldn't have the intention to harm others. Now that things have come to this, if Zhou Xiaoyun is not willing to marry her, the future of this child will be ruined."

"No, only people in our family know about this matter. As long as we don't tell others, no one else will know. As long as we can hide it, that's fine."

No matter what, Li Mengluo cannot be allowed to marry Zhou Xiaoyun, otherwise everything will be ruined, and her daughter cannot be like that.

"Are you satisfied with the result?" Mu Kuiyuan looked at Wen Li.

Wen Li didn't care much about this, "This is your business and has nothing to do with me."

Mu Jing'an looked at the old man in disbelief, "Why are you still protecting her now? Luoluo is your biological granddaughter, how far will you go for this outsider!!"

Mu Chenxing was stunned, wondering what her aunt was just saying.

What outsider?

"Shut up!" Mu Kuiyuan raised his hand and slapped Mu Jing'an hard on the face, "Don't you know how to repent?"

Mu Jing'an covered her face and tilted her head in disbelief, "You hit me?"

For that wild girl.

"As an elder, you can speak freely and dare to say anything! You are not allowed to come to the Mu family again in a short period of time!"

Wen Li stood with her chest crossed, her eyes staring straight at Mu Kuiyuan, "I'm curious, does she have another intention behind her words?"

Mu Kuiyuan's expression did not change, "Your aunt is just talking nonsense, don't think too much about it."

Wen Li's suspicion has been verified. If she wants to know the truth, she needs to check the DNA report again.

"I have something else to do so I'll leave first." Wen Li was disinterested.

Mu Nuanxi raised her hand to stop her, adjusted her mood and returned to her previous appearance.

"Anyway, Luoluo is hurt now, you should stay and apologize to her."

Otherwise, it will always be unfair.

"Because the perpetrator has been harmed and becomes a vulnerable group, can her sin be offset?" Wen Li asked rhetorically.

"You ......"

Wen Li walked past Mu Nuanxi and said, "When she stabs your body with a knife, if you can still feel the same, you can ask me to apologize again."

Even if a poisonous snake is beaten to death, it will always remain a poisonous snake.

Mu Ting stood behind the old man and heard Wen Li's words clearly. The third lady could understand it more clearly than any of them. Today, if Li Mengluo could plot against Mu Wen Li for Nan Sheng, she would also plot against Mu Nuanxi for Nan Sheng. 

It's all the same.

Wen Li stood at the door, the sunlight above her head was so warm that it was hard to open her eyes.

She didn't feel that she had done anything wrong. She didn't kill Li Mengluo today. It was an act of mercy on her part, and she was always murderous. 

There was nothing more despairing than to watch her hopes fall.

Furthermore, this world is never about the weak.

"The test results are out. Your suspicion is correct. There is something wrong with Lu Xue's blood. Someone has changed her genetic sequence. It seems she has taken some drugs. There is no match between the DNA of you and the three children of the Mu family."

Su Jingjing told her the identification results.

Looking at the appraisal report in her hand, Su Jingjing curled her lips. How much trust did she have in her own feelings that she thought of this?

Wen Li's way of thinking is really something that people would never expect.

"Find out all the interpersonal relationships in the Mu family. If necessary, I need to go to the place where Mu Kun brought me back."

"I will send it to you after I find the detailed address." Su Jingjing nodded and hung up the phone. Wen Li looked up at the sky.

She chose to come to Ningzhou in the first place because of the dream that had troubled her for a long time.

The dreams that suddenly broke out over the years made Wen Li, who had never thought about finding where she came from, want to come back and have a look.

But why, Lu Xue's genes were changed, and the changes matched her DNA...


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