Wednesday, December 6, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 10 - Sister, Your Face doesn’t Look Good

 Jiang Ning felt calm and took a sip of tea.

Oh, it turned out to be a dig at her.

Jiang Mengyue came here because she wanted to show off her deep relationship with Jiang Minglan, which was even better than with his biological sister.

If she were a simple person, she would have felt even worse after being scolded by her brother yesterday, and Jiang Mengyue even came to pretend to comfort her today.

But now, she doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, and she doesn't even take this matter to heart.

Jiang Ning smiled slightly, "Sister, you are overthinking. How could I be angry with my brother... My brother is young and ignorant, and I will not argue with him."

Jiang Mengyue tried her best to be sarcastic but was blocked by a few words.

She originally wanted to see Jiang Ning's uncomfortable expression, but she didn't care at all.

How infuriating!

Jiang Mengyue gritted her teeth, forcing down her anger and smiling, "That's good, but please don't leave your siblings' bond because of me..."

"No." Jiang Ning replied calmly, "After all, Minglan and I are biological siblings. How could we be separated over a trivial matter?"

That's a killer statement.

Jiang Mengyue almost lost her breath and vomited blood. This bitch dared to imply that she was a fake daughter and not of the Marquis family's blood.

Jiang Ning watched Jiang Mengyue's face turn pale with anger, and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Jiang Mengyue twitched the corners of her lips, she managed to maintain a smile, changed the subject, and opened the wooden box on the table. 

There is a clear crystal and carefully carved jade ball in the wooden box. It can be seen that it is of high quality and the carved patterns are complicated and exquisite. It is a precious thing at first glance.

Jiang Ning's eyes fell on the jade ball, looking at it seriously.

Jiang Mengyue laughed and raised the corners of her lips, "Minglan often collects these rare and exotic objects and brings them to me. I told him not to bother, but he didn't listen."

"Yesterday, my sister was wronged because I didn't explain it clearly. I'll give this jade ball to my sister as an apology."

Jiang Mengyue felt that she could win the game. After all, Jiang Ning is a wild child. She had never seen such a valuable thing. As long as she heard that such a valuable thing was given by her biological brother, she would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Aunt Gui on the side couldn't help but frown slightly.

After what happened yesterday, Miss Jiang Ning was already feeling sad. The second lady's move was tantamount to rubbing salt into the wound.

The second young lady is usually considerate, why can't she have any discernment today?

Aunt Gui felt distressed and worried about Jiang Ning, and she couldn't help but feel a little resentful towards Jiang Mengyue.

Jiang Ning looked at the jade ball for a long time, and finally shook her head, "I can't accept this. I have collected too many valuables. I can't accept any more... By the way, Aunt Gui, go get the box that my mother sent yesterday. 

Jiang Mengyue was stunned.

Jiang Ning smiled and said kindly, "My mother gave me a box of jewelry. All of them are very exquisite and beautiful. Sister, come and take a look. If you like any of them, I will give them to my sister."

Aunt Gui immediately went to get the jewelry box.

The wooden box looked very heavy at first glance. When the lid was opened, there was a dazzling array of precious jewelry inside.

Jiang Megyue's face froze, what? What? These are all from the Madam Lin? The treasure in the bottom of the box to send, many of which she had never seen, and some of them were rewarded in the palace.

Originally, she wanted to stimulate Jiang Ning, but she didn't expect that the person being stimulated would be her!

Jiang Mengyue couldn't help but tremble, and she clenched her fists tightly, her nails almost digging into her palms.

Her mother did not give these jewelry to her, but gave them all to Jiang Ning!

All the grievances and anger surged up in her heart, making her shaky.

Jiang Ning had an innocent smile on her face. Seeing Jiang Mengyue's pale face, she pretended to be worried and asked, "Sister, your face doesn't look good. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"


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