Monday, December 4, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 6 - How Have you Been?

 Before Jiang Mengyue could take back the cruel look on her face, she faced Jiang Ning's timid look and immediately stepped forward, "No, I was just thinking about that bracelet..."

"Okay!" Madam Lin was originally feeling guilty for forgetting Jiang Mengyue. Now she heard her mention the bracelet again, but Ning Ning shrunk a little because of the bracelet, and her face finally darkened. "This is the end of the matter of the bracelet! No one is allowed to mention it!"

Jiang Mengyue's face froze, and she forced a smile, "Yue'er understands!"

Upon seeing this, Madam Lin nodded with satisfaction, then took Jiang Ning's hand, led her to identify the people in the hall one by one, and finally introduced Jiang Mengyue.

"Although Yue'er is not a bloodline of the Marquis Mansion, she has grown up in the Marquis Mansion since she was a child and has developed a deep relationship. She will continue to stay in the Marquis Mansion from now on. I hope you two sisters can get along well with each other. So that I will have no regrets..."

Although Jiang Mengyue was not her biological child, she had raised her for fourteen years. It was impossible to have no feelings for her. Madam Lin couldn't let go, so she decided to keep her two daughters by her side and love them well.

Jiang Mengyue came over, took Jiang Ning's hand, and said sincerely, "Sister, we two sisters will be filial to our mother together from now on."

Jiang Ning only felt the back of her hand burning.


Is it a good thing to do it behind the scenes?

She sneered internally.

Jiang Ning lowered her face and said nothing, making Jiang Mengyue a little embarrassed.

Madam Lin said, "Ning Ning has just arrived at the Marquis Mansion, so it is inevitable that she will be unfamiliar. It will be fine if we get closer in the future." Then she told the people beside her, "Cheng'er, Lan'er, you should take good care of Ning Ning."

Jiang Mingcheng and Jiang Minglan were Madam Lin's two sons. They responded. The eldest brother Jiang Mingcheng had a calm face and did not react much to Jiang Ning's arrival.

The third brother Jiang Minglan stared at her with a vigilant expression, looking up and down, as if her arrival had broken the peace of the Marquis Mansion.

Jiang Minglan was especially close to Jiang Mengyue. He calls 'second sister' affectionately all day long, and he calls Jiang Ning by her first name. 

At this time, the Marquis Jiang Yuanshan said, "It's good to come back. From now on, you two will be young ladies of the Marquis Mansion. The matter of the real and fake daughter should not be publicized. Just say that Ning Ning was recuperating in the countryside due to illness, and now she is back in good health." 

"Ning Ning has just arrived in the capital and doesn't understand the rules. Find someone to teach her properly." Marquis Jiang looked at Madam Lin.

Madam Lin nodded, "I understand."

Marquis Jiang got up and left because he still had official business to deal with.

After Marquis Jiang left, Madam Lin took Jiang Ning to her yard alone.

"Come here, this is your house."

Madam Lin led Jiang Ning into the room. Jiang Ning looked up and saw that the decoration in the house was exquisite, which showed that she had put a lot of thought into it.

"If you are dissatisfied with anything, just tell mother. I prepared in a hurry and I don't know if it will suit your liking."

Jiang Ning's eyes were red. Madam Lin was very much looking forward to bringing her biological daughter back. In just two days, she had decorated the house so well. 

Pushing down the sourness in her heart, she nodded heavily, "I like it very much, I troubled mother."

"It is good to like it, good to like it." Madam Lin felt relieved now. Looking at her estranged daughter, she wanted to get closer quickly so that she could make up for all her previous shortcomings. But when she wanted to speak, she didn't know what to say. 

Madam Lin hesitated for a moment, pinched the handkerchief, and asked, "How have you been over the years?"

Her daughter was supposed to grow up carefree in the Marquis's mansion, but she was left behind in a farmer's household. Needless to say, life must have been difficult. Whenever she thought of this incident, she felt extremely distressed.

Jiang Ning saw the guilt on Madam Lin's face and felt a stab in her heart. In her previous life, she had broken her mother's heart. In this life, she wanted to be filial to her mother and not let her mother worry.

She held Madam Lin's hand and said comfortingly, "Mother, the past is in the past. There is no need to mention it again. There will be long days ahead."

"You're right, the past doesn't matter. Mother will make up for you well and make up for all the debt I've owed you over the years..." Madam Lin's eyes turned red and she choked with sobs.

"Stop standing, sit down, and talk to your mother." Madam Lin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and pulled Jiang Ning to sit down. At this time, from the corner of her eye, she saw the burns on Jiang Ning's white wrists in her sleeves.

She was shocked inside and took her hand, "What's going on? Why is it hurt so badly?"


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