Tuesday, May 10, 2022

MFAW Chapter 36 - Your Little Girl is in Trouble, Aren't you going to be the Hero that Saves the Beauty?

 Wen Li didn't probe too deeply into his words. Although the man stays in the mansion and has a sickly body, he still has good vision. To be able to choose her to do his treatment, he had to have at least a pair of discerning eyes.

"You arranged for someone to protect me, what if I don't manage to cure you in the end?" Wen Li asked rhetorically.

The person in front of her bowed his head, a light smile spilled from his lips, and when he looked at her again, his eyes were bright. "So you can cure me?"

Wen Li got up, walked to the door and looked at the dark clouds that had gathered in the distance.

"I can."

A very positive answer, without the slightest hesitation or delay. The lips of the man behind her curled up, his handsome brows revealing a sense of relief.

"Still practicing your writing?"

Wen Li turned back and saw that Fu Yuxiu had walked to the table, a piece of paperweight slipped out of his hand and pressed the edge of the paper.


The man's hand that was holding the brush moved, and he wrote down a string of words. The black ink spread out, and the ink fragrance spread throughout the room. When Fei Ran entered with the five-layer mahogany box, the two were concentrating in front of the desk. For calligraphy, Fei Ran has been with Fu Yuxiu for so many years, so he knows a little.

Usually, when there was nothing to do, Fu Yuxiu would start writing. From paper suppression to the production of inkstones, the entire set of four treasures of the literary house, their young master had already done it. 

When the First Madam was alive, she had personally taught the Young Master. After all these years, this became Fu Yuxiu's only hobby. Only when faced with this brush, ink, and paper, could the man restrain the viciousness on his body and be gentle.

But the young master actually wants to teach Mu Wen Li to write, this can really make him feel a bit unbelievable. Just the set of wolf brush in front of Mu Wen Li is handmade by Young Master himself, so no one else was allowed to touch it.

This Miss Mu is really impressive.

"Miss Mu, the things you asked for are here."“

On the way over to the Nan family's residence, Wen Li told Fei Ran the things she needed, and his actions were fast, just not long after entering the Nan family's door, the man brought the things.

Wen Li walked over with a brush in her hand. The five-layer box was opened one by one. Each layer is filled with medicinal herbs. Two bodyguards came in behind Fei Ran, the left one holding a mortar and pestle, and the right one holding two small bamboo sieves.

"Pick some more young bamboo leaves over for me and saw a few bamboo tubes over."

Fei Ran turned his head to look at the bamboo forest in the courtyard. Although he did not understand, he still turned around and led the others out. The tools are all complete, Wen Li cross-legged on the side of the coffee table, quietly began to pound the medicine, not light nor heavy movements echoed in the yard.

Fei Ran led the men to saw the bamboo, and then turned back to see a peaceful and quiet scene.

In the spacious and bright hall, the white curtains on both sides of the glass door moved slightly. In front of the coffee table in the middle of the hall, a girl sitting cross-legged was fiddling with medicine. In front of the table beside her, the tall man with broad shoulder is moving his hand holding a string of ink-colored brush.

The handsome man raised his head from time to time and looked at the girl in front of him, who was seriously fiddling with the medicine. The smile on his lips was clear.

At this point, Fei Ran felt that the two of them were quite a match, even if they are quiet and not speaking.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't prescribe medicine for the time being?" Fu Yuxiu put down his brush pen and walked over.

Wen Li worked seriously, after comparing the herbs and throwing them into the mortar and pestle, "It's hard for you to care so much about me the doctor's safety, since I am already here, might as well do something useful."

She was idle anyway.

Fu Yuxiu sat down beside her and poured a glass of water for her.

Fei Ran placed the finished bamboo tube in front of Wen Li as requested, and then looked at the man, as if he had something to say.

"Say it." Fu Yuxiu said as he twisted his fingertips over the medicinal leaves in her small sieve.

After listening to his command, Fei Ran naturally can only speak, "Our people have successfully found Soya, we are waiting for your command on what to do next."

Hearing his words, Wen Li's movements paused, and the sound of stones colliding sounded again.

"Where is the person?" Fu Yuxiu looked down and helped Wen Li put the herbs she had sorted out into the mortar and pestle.

"Forty kilometers outside of Ningzhou City." Fei Ran thought for a moment and continued, "He hid very deep, our people chased several places, always near Ningzhou City, and never deviated."

To put it simply, how many people did this person lead around and how many smoke bombs were released? However, the person is still wandering around Ningzhou City.

The reason why Soya reveals his trail and attracts all parties to chase him is because he himself enjoys the game of hide and seek.

Such a person who prefers freedom is always hanging around Ningzhou City these days, it can't be because he intends to settle in Ningzhou City.

"Keep following, I'd like to see what other tricks he can play."

Fei Ran nodded, no matter how difficult people can be, in the face of the young master, they can only be submissive, the world does not lack the use of financial force to make people submit, but Fu Yuxiu is never one who yields.

Only by knowing what the other party wanted would he be able to grasp the other party's life as quickly as possible.

After Fei Ran retreated, Fu Yuxiu lowered his eyes and the girl beside him had already pinched the pounded medicine into black pills the size of marbles.

His curiosity was piqued as he watched her put the pills into the bamboo tube one by one.

"Is this medicine for me?"

Wen Li wrapped the bamboo tubes with silk thread and put them into her pocket one by one, then raised her eyes to look at him and answered seriously, "No."

The man's phoenix eyes narrowed. This girl's answer is quite straightforward.

"So you're using my medicine?"

"Not allowed?" Two words of justification.

Fu Yuxiu followed her words down, "Naturally can."

Wen Li still generously took out one of the bamboo tubes and handed it to him, "Each bamboo tube has ten pills in it, this medicine is only good for your body, there is no harm, the blood ganoderma is also put it in here, three pills a day for the three days."

She wasn't using other people's medicine for nothing. She had also made some for him.

Fu Yuxiu took the bamboo tube she handed him, and a pungent medicinal fragrance surrounded him.

"Okay, arrange for someone to send me back." Wen Li held four bamboo tubes.

The man got up and looked at the sky outside, "It's time for dinner, let's have a meal together and then you can go back after."

"No, I have something to do." A sharp light flashed in Wen Li's eyes.

When she thought about what she was going to do next, there was really no way to soften her aura.

Noticing the changes around the little girl, Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows and also obediently followed her.

"Okay, I'll have Fei Ran send you back."

Nan Sheng happened to have something to look for Fu Yuxiu, and when he entered the door, he just saw Wen Li who was not far away.

"This little girl still has the mood to talk about love here with you? She just got into trouble and still haven't set it right." Nan Sheng laughed.

Outside, there are rumors that Mu Wen Li broke Professor Lei's exhibition work on the first day of enrollment, and it was even published in the newspaper.

The girl still looks like she is fine.

"Your little girl is in trouble and you're not going out to be a hero to save the beauty?" Nan Sheng looked at the man on the sofa who was fiddling with the bamboo tube with his head down.

"It's those people's fault for provoking her."

Fu Yuxiu placed the bamboo tube to the side with a slight smile on his face. He was not worried at all.

Nan Sheng nodded. That was true. How could a little girl who was able to take in this demon-level genius be bullied so easily.


Wen Li:" Why? can't I use your herbs?!”
Fu Yuxiu smiled. "Its Fine, its fine. It's my honor for my wife to be interested in them."


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