Sunday, May 8, 2022

MFAW Chapter 35 - A Sick Body Needs to Save Money

 The weather was good today. The breeze isn't cold, and the sun isn't hot. The entire Nan family residence is originally far from the city. Under such weather, the environment became increasingly quiet.

When Wen Li stepped into the courtyard, Fu Yuxiu sat by the pond feeding the fishes. The man held a white porcelain pot with his slender and fair fingers and is throwing fish food into the pond bit by bit.

The fish that were waiting to be fed were densely packed in front of him. They tried their best to move their heads forward, and the koi carp of various colors looks to be grown fat and lively.

Fei Ran did not follow her into the door and had left on his own when she reached the door. He was the only one in the whole whole yard, and Wen Li looked up and saw the sparkling light reflection of the water on the roof.

"We had an agreement that you will send someone in a week. Sending someone to fetch me now is not a good idea." Wen Li stood in place and did not move.

The man slowly put the porcelain jar away. "If the situation hadn't changed, I wouldn't have disturbed you."

She had received a message from this man, so of course she knew that he was looking for her.

"Where are the things?"

"Come here." Fu Yuxiu got up and motioned her to come inside.

A pair of light apricot slippers were neatly placed under the porch, as if they were specially prepared for her.

Fu Yuxiu entered the living room, a black box was placed on the low table, Wen Li entered the room after changing her shoes, and just after she settled down, a tea was pushed over to her hand.

"Try it. It just arrived this morning."

The Nan family is rich and respected, even tea leaves are shipped and the tea water is the rootless water collected by the servants from the back of the mountain. In such a quiet environment, tasting such a cup of tea, the scent of the tea itself permeated her lips and teeth, as if it was mixed with the bitter taste of the grass itself.

"This thing is really rare. I just dug it out last night and brought it here. Please see if it's true. "Fu Yuxiu pointed at the box in front of her.

Wen Li opened the lid, and laid on the bright yellow cloth is a mushroom-shaped object resembling a ganoderma lucidum.

As she moved, a sweet smell began to fill the air.

After all, Wen Li had been interacting with herbs for a long time. She could easily identify the poisonous herbs and the herbs that are beneficial to the human body.

Some of them were precious, and even the smell could tell that they were good things.

"How is it?" Fu Yuxiu watched the young girl's movements, his long, white fingers gently holding the cup, his expression comfortable.

"It's a good one." Wen Li gave the answer.

She touched one of them with one hand and took off a thumb-sized piece, which quickly gave off white juice.

White juice exudes more and more intense sweet smell, if it is not a hundreds of years, it cannot give such good conditions.

"Will it help with my illness?"

"If you use it as a medicine, you can repair your internal organs and remove toxins. I'm afraid this thing will melt away when it's hot, and it's hard for the people who will keep it."

In the end, it is the Nan family who could find such a good thing.

"So, it's okay to eat it raw?" The man raised his eyebrows, his handsome face covered with a light halo.

Wen Li looked up, and saw his delicate lips slightly curved, facing the light from the glass, the handsome face moved forward a few centimeters.

Wen Li lowered her head when her fingertips felt a touch of coldness. She saw the man's white, porcelain-like fingers touching her fingertips checking the white juice.

When she looked up again, she saw that the fingers he had touched with is in front of his lips, taking the creamy white juice into his mouth.

"This way, we won't waste it." The man said softly.

His thin lips glistened, and the setting sun hit his side face through the glass. Under the light and shadow, the gentleman's face is now full of wickedness.

Wen Li thought to herself that she was right about his face. If it were in ancient times, he would be a demon that would bring disaster to the country and people.

"Cough ......" The next second, he took the white silk handkerchief from the side and covered his mouth and started coughing.

Wen Li scanned the open glass door behind him. It was already evening, and the night breeze was still a little chilly.

She stood up and closed the glass door. "I didn't realize that Young Master Nan is a frugal person."

These words were referring to his previous actions.

Although Wen Li has never been in love in the first half of her life, she is not a girl who has been raised in a boudoir.

(Runa's note: This means she is not a sheltered girl who knows nothing about relationships.)

In the past, she had fought with a bunch of old masters and had seen everything. In addition, she had studied medicine before.

She is used to treat people's wounds and what should and should not be touched is clear to her. She is not a pretentious person. Of course, the person in front of her is not someone who can make her pretentious.

"Of course I have to save some money if I am dragging a sick body like this." The man spoke to her with all seriousness. The white silk handkerchief was placed on the table, and you could see the scarlet stain that showed in the middle.

Wen Li sat down next to him and took a silver needle from her carry-on bag and put it on his wrist.

"In midsummer, it is dry and hot, you should pay more attention to your surroundings. The temperature cannot be too cold nor too hot. If the temperature around the body remains stable, you will not often spit blood."

Wen Li turned a deaf ear to his words. An adopted son of the Nan family could occupy the best position in the entire Nan family's residence. In front of him, Nan Sheng's flamboyant personality is like a kitten whose teeth had been plucked.

"KNOW" exchanged information for a tube of his blood.

Of course, she knew that the person in front of her was not simple, at least not as rumored outside, the Nan family's dragged oil bottle.

(Runa's note: Dragged oil bottle means unwanted child by a stepfather/mother.)

"Have you investigated the poison?" Fu Yuxiu looked over. He sat much higher than Wen Li.

From this point of view, one could see the girl's slightly trembling eyelashes and her fair and pretty little face. No matter from which point of view, this girl always looks mesmerizing.

"The composition is complex, sorted out a few of them, there is the last one that needs to be identified, I need about three more days."

The man who developed the poison also put a lot of effort into it so it could kill effectively.

"I heard you went to the university?"

Wen Li pulled out the silver needle. "You already knew about it."

Otherwise Fei Ran will not pick her up at the University, this person is quite well-informed.

"I want to make sure of one thing, are you afraid that I, the doctor, will run away, so you have arranged for someone to follow me."

The man looked down and carefully straightened his cuffs. "Why would you ask that."

"Someone from your camp went to NU to pick me up, or on my first day of school, that's a little too well-informed."

Fu Yuxiu rolled up his sleeves and lifted his eyes. His beautiful eyes were calm. "You're my doctor, so naturally I'll be responsible for your safety. It's fine if those people who protect you can play the role, but it's best if they can calm wind and waves."

Such a sentence is an explanation for Wen Li.


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