Monday, May 9, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 18 - These Idiots

 When Lu Xiwei saw them come out, she immediately went forward. "Aunt Jiang, is grandma awake?"

Aunt Jiang sighed and shook her head, and said worriedly: "The old madam is still unconscious."

"Looks like my guess is right." Lu Xiwei's lips curled coldly." If you're really that good, wouldn't the ranking of the medical organization have your name?"

Even if she knows some stuff, she dares to show off in front of experts in the field. It's a disgrace.

Gu Mang did not speak.

Fourth Master Lu's face was ugly, he looked at the police, and his chin pointed at Gu Mang, "Suspected of indiscriminate diagnosis and treatment, take her away." 

Gu Mang put her hands in her pocket and looked at the policeman who had been waiting for her here. Her eyes were indifferent. Her posture is still as casual as before. Wild and arrogant with no one in her eyes.

The police took out the handcuffs.

Lu Shangjin crossed his arms in front of Gu Mang, his sharp eyes sweeping over everyone. His voice was cold as he said: "You said that Gu Mang was randomly diagnosing and treating? Where's the evidence?"

Lu Xiwei slightly sneered." Sixth uncle, she used needles to poke grandmother, and even made her bleed. Grandmother has not woken up, if she is not randomly giving diagnosis and treatment then what is it called?"

"Xi Wei, stop talking nonsense with them. Go in and operate on your grandma." After speaking, Lu Ruoshui looked at the police. "Take this liar away."

"I'll see who dares!" Lu Shangjin's voice was stern.

Fourth Master Lu's eyes darkened. "I dare! Lu Shangjin, don't forget that you were expelled from the Lu family twenty years ago! You don't have the right to interfere in the affairs of our Lu family."


Lu Shangjin's expression turned ugly. He swept his eyes at Gu Mang, who was like an outsider watching a play, and his heart was tired.

Clearly she was the one who was about to be invited to the police station for tea. How can she be so calm?

It's true about the saying that the emperor is not anxious.

Lu Xiwei passed by Gu Mang, slightly stopped, the corner of the eye contemptuously looked at her, "An hour she will wake? Two days to recover? Heh, you overestimate yourself."

After saying that mockingly, she walked towards the room.

Fourth Master Lu said impatiently: "Hurry up and take her away, not everyone is worthy to enter our Lu family."

When Lu Shangjin heard this he was about to laugh with anger.

No wonder Gu Mang was never afraid of her identity being revealed. Because even if it were exposed, no one would believe it. Who would dare to believe that the genius doctor that all the families wanted to establish a relationship with is just a seventeen year old girl. These idiots!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the raging flames in his chest, and looked at Gu Mang. She was still in no hurry.

Alas. The big guy is awesome.

The police officer bypassed Lu Shangjin, took the handcuffs and reached for Gu Mang.

Gu Mang's finger in the pocket of her coat lightly tapped. Tap to the third count, the door of the old lady's room suddenly opened from inside, and Lu Chengzhou came out.

Lu Xiwei's hand froze in mid-air. When she saw Lu Chengzhou come out, she was stunned.

She looked into the room and saw the military doctor standing by the bed saying something.

The old lady's pale eyes are now squinted open with a slit. The person has clearly regained consciousness.

She stared at the scene in shock. How is this possible?

Lu Xiwei frowned, her eyes filled with disbelief. She quickly walked into the room to check.

Grandma is already in a severe coma, is there no need to open her skull and just acupuncture alone will wake her up?!

She didn't believe it!


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