Sunday, April 3, 2022

MFAW Chapter 19 - A Fifteen year old drop out to Enter Ningzhou University?

 Mu Kui Yuan hadn't expected such a thing to happen when she left the house, but he knew that the people at the banquet wouldn't let Wen Li go.

However, he thought that having the three Mu siblings with her, even if it was out of consideration for the Mu family, Mu Chen Yu would not let anyone act recklessly.

As a result, such a thing happened, Mu Kui-yuan is not very comfortable.

However, they were all his grandchildren. He couldn't beat them up or scold them. He could only persuade Wen Li.

"Li Li, sit down." The old man walked to the back of the desk and sat down.

Wen Li walked in front of the table, standing straight. "No need, say what you want to say."

Mu Kui Yuan knew that this child knew very well after all anyone sensible enough could sense Mu family's attitude towards her.

Not to mention Mu Chen Xing, even Mu Kun had been away on a business trip. She hadn't seen him yet.

"You have just been back for two days. How do you feel about your family?" Mu Kui Yuan probed.

"What do you think?" Wen Li looked up at the old man.

From her eyes, Mu Kui-yuan can see the ridicule, from yesterday to today, Mu family exclusion, Wen Li also had clearly seen.

Mu Kui Yuan sighed and said earnestly, "After all, you did not grow up together, so you're still a little unfamiliar with everyone. It'll be fine after a while. Blood is thicker than water, even if one break bones and tendons, a family is never unfamiliar."

"After all, what happened last night is not their fault. Chen Yu was caught by business partners and could not be by your side. Xi'er accidentally fell into the water. It is hard to avoid ignoring you."

"You have to understand everyone. Things like this won't happen in the future."

One sentence after another, the old man's meaning is very clear, he hopes Wen Li will not take this matter to heart.

Wen Li still nods her head as if she half understood. She obediently asked, "If I really don't know how to play the piano and was not able to play last night, would you have such an attitude when we come back after losing the face of the Mu family?"

Mu Kui Yuan reacted and looked at the girl whose expression had not changed from beginning to end. This child's mind is indeed more meticulous than the other children's. She could also see through the human heart.

"There's no need to make assumptions about what didn't happen. Grandfather didn't ask how you learned piano. You've been suffering outside all these years." Mu Kui Yuan took a gold card from the drawer and handed it over.

"This has just been settled. In the future, your living expenses will be sent on it every month. It will only be more than Chen Xing's and not less than his. Buy whatever you want. If it's not enough, tell Grandpa."

At the bottom of the card is the name of Ningzhou International Bank, and the style of the card is very striking.

"You should get used to it. A family always needs to live together. It's inevitable that they will bump into each other. It'll be good if you all get familiar with each other in the future. It'll take time to make up for the 15 years that passed."

In the end, it was Mu Kui Yuan who forced the card into Wen Li's hands.

The child looked gentle, but she is tough to the bones. She didn't speak much, but no one could easily bully her.

Coming out of his study, Wen Li looked up and saw Mu Nuanxi waiting at the door

When she saw the person had come out, she greeted her with a smile. "We've been waiting for so long. Come with me."

Other than Mu Chen Yu, who had already left to go to the company, almost all the others were all in the small living room drinking afternoon tea.

Lu Xue and Mu Jing-An sat together, carefully flipping through the latest online clothing magazine.

Li Mengluo accompanied her mother, from time to time they will say some words and laugh, just like a happy scene.

"Big brother has gone to the company. Chen Xing has something to do and he's out. It's a good time for us girls to have afternoon tea together." Mu Nuanxi enthusiastically brought Wen Li to the small living room.

When Li Mengluo saw her come over, she snorted coldly and took a sip of tea. "Sister, why did you ask her to come over here? She'll spoil one's appetite."

"Luo Luo, I'm going to be angry if you keep talking nonsense."

After listening to Mu Nuanxi's words, Li Mengluo shut up. Anyway, her mother is here, she will set up rules for Mu Wen Li.

Wen Li had just been seated by Mu Nuanxi when Mu Jing An, who was opposite her, said, "When you come out, you don't greet people first. The elders sit at the table and you don't even greet us. It seems that you should be taught this rule well. Otherwise, won't you lose the face to the Mu family if you go out?”

Her words were full of righteousness, and she really looked the part of an elder.

Wen Li's index finger knocked on the plate in front of her. "If you think that I will lose the face of the Mu family when I go out, you don't need to find me. You can tell the old man that I can move out of the Mu family at any time. I don't want to carry this surname."

"What do you mean?! Do you still have any respect for your elders?" Mu Jing An is even more dissatisfied.

She has been undisciplined and out of control since the beginning.

"Auntie." Mu Nuanxi hurried forward." Grandpa is coming out soon."

It wouldn't be good if the old man saw this.

The entire family knew how much Mu Kui Yuan valued Wen Li. Now that Wen Li had returned, if anyone raised any objections to this matter, the old man would probably lose his temper.

"Alright, I won't say anything today. I'll arrange for two teachers to come over and teach you the rules so that you won't have any objections to me as an elder."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Kui Yuan came out of the study.

After a glance, he did not see the Mu brothers,  he then looked at Mu Nuanxi and asked, "Xi 'er, how is Li Li's school arrangements?

Mu Nuanxi smiled and nodded." Don't worry, she'll be receiving the admission notice today, and she'll be able to attend class by Monday at the latest."

Hearing this, Li Mengluo stopped biting the cake and swallowed hurriedly. "Sister! What are you talking about? What admission notice?"

Wen Li is already 20 years old this year, her age is not an age to go to junior high school, Mu Nuanxi said admission notice, then it can only be the university.

"Of course it's Li Li's admission notice. Very soon, she will be able to become your schoolmate. However, she should be in one class younger than you and will officially become a freshman of Ningzhou University of Science and Technology."

Hearing this, Li Mengluo almost jumped up.

"No way!!!"

The person who appeared out of nowhere and shared her grandfather's favor with her was a wild girl from the countryside who didn't know the rules of society.

How could she suddenly become a student of their school?

She would never agree to this.

"How can she go to school? How can she enroll at school?" Li Mengluo is not convinced.

I heard Chen Xing say that this person dropped out of school at the age of 15. How could she be qualified to be her schoolmate and classmate? Isn't this a smear to their university and lowers their university level?

"Why do I need your permission to admit her?" The old man asked back.

The entire living room was silent. Compared to Li Mengluo and Mu Jing An's surprise, Lu Xue, who had long known of the old man's decision, was much calmer and more composed.


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