Monday, April 4, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 2 - We're going to Ming City.

The motorcycle stopped under the banyan tree not far from the primary school gate.

Gu Mang's slender straight legs propped the ground, took off the helmet, black hair scattered on her shoulders.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the school entrance. The crowd was filled with parents picking up their children.

It was 5:20pm, and there were still ten minutes before Gu Si's school is over.


A touch of impatience appeared in Gu Mang's eyes, and she flung the bag from behind to in front of him.

Opening the zipper, the items in the large black backpack were in a mess.

A notebook.

A simulation gun

A mechanical watch

Three phones, two heavy flip-top phones, and one lightweight phone.

A roll of black cloth the size of a palm.

A long metal iron box, not too big.

A metal lighter.

A box of cigarettes.

A few lollipops.

The pile looked very small but heavy.

Gu Mang took out her flip phone. There were dozens of unread messages in the internal communication software.

Seeing one of them, she raised an eyebrow.

The corner of her mouth was slightly curved.


Across the street, a black car came to a slow stop.

"Master Lu, this is it." The driver said.

The right side window slides down

In the back seat of the car, there was a man with long legs crossed. He was wearing a black shirt, and his arm was casually placed on the window. There was a cigarette between his fingertips, and his knuckles were clear and spotless

He glanced at the school and the noisy group of pupils and frowned.

"Don't tell me the person I'm looking for is here?"

The man's face was sideways. His skin was porcelain white, his nose was tall, and his deep eyes were half-closed. His thin lips were slightly pursed, revealing a coldness.

The driver scratched his head awkwardly.

No matter where they looked, the people in front of them were not related to the people they were looking for.

The driver couldn't figure it out. "But this is the last place he showed up."

The man's face sank. "When?"

The driver said, "Ten minutes ago."

The man flicked his cigarette and his cold gaze inadvertently swept under the distant tree. His eyes narrowed.

It's a little windy today.

A girl sat on the motorcycle, her long black hair blown away, and her face is beautiful.

Especially the bright red little leather bracelet on her wrist, which made her wrist that is as white as jade, very tempting.

It was just that her clothes were too loose and her figure couldn't be seen.

It was a pity that she had become a mother at such a young age.

He looked away and asked, "How long was he here?"

The driver said, "Less than a minute."

The man kicked the back of the driver's chair." How dare you bring me here, it's just less than a minute? He's gone!"

The driver lowered his head and said, "This subordinate did not do well."

The man took a puff of smoke and put the cigarette on the ashtray with his clearly defined fingers." Alright, let's go back to the Jing City and let our people continue looking."


At half-past five, the school bell rang.

A boy between seven and eight years old was the first to come out of school.

He stood at the door and looked around. When he saw Gu Mang, his eyes lit up and he ran towards her.

The curly hair on his head was blown up by the wind.

He pulled off his school uniform and stuffed it into his bag. Then, he threw it into the trash can.

It's like running for his life.

"Sis!" Gu Si shouted from afar.

Gu Mang looked up from her phone and saw Gu Si running towards her. She clicked her tongue. "What are you running for?"

"We can finally get rid of this damned place. Let's celebrate together!" Gu Si rolled his eyes at the elementary school behind him in disgust.

Gu Mang smiled and handed him a small helmet.

Gu Si put it on skillfully and asked, "Gu Yin left?"

"Uhm." Gu Mang replied casually.

Gu Si rolled his eyes again. "Silly B."

Gu Mang stretched out her arm, picked him up, threw him in the back seat, and tossed the heavy bag to him. "Why are you scolding her?"

"She's brainless. Why should I not scold her?" Gu Si hugged the big black bag tightly and said matter-of-factly, "Is the Lei family really interested in her? They are just thinking about the property under her name!"

Gu Mang kicked up the motorcycle's foot brace, a foot throttle, and the motorcycle whistled up the road.

When she brushed past a black car, the window slowly rose, and the man's face flashed by.

Gu Mang raised her eyebrows and the corner of her mouth curled up in a devilish arc.

"Sis, where are we going?" Gu Si hugged her waist and asked.

"Airport." Gu Mang said lazily, "Let's go to Uncle Lu's house in Ming City."

 Uncle Lu's House



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