Saturday, April 2, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 1 - Evildoer

 "This is fifty thousand dollars. Uncle has done everything he can for you."

Gu Mang glanced at the bank card that Lei Xiao had thrown on the coffee table and raised her cold and arrogant eyes.

"No need, thank you, uncle."

She sat on the sofa and replied casually.

Lei Xiao pursed his lips and said coldly," You don't need it, does Gu Si also not need it?"
Gu Mang played with the toy gun in her hand. "My younger brother, I will take care of myself. You can just take Gu Yin away."

Lei Xiao snorted disdainfully. "Do you know how to take care of people? How will you do it? Do you even have money? Would you let him go out to work and beg when he is so young?"

What a disgrace to the family!

Gu Mang pulled the corners of her lips, her cold eyes curved into an unclear smile with a touch of wildness. "I have a little money. You can give this to Gu Yin."

Lei Xiao frowned in displeasure as he stared at this outstanding-looking niece who exudes a sinister aura.

The moment Gu Mang was born, everyone knew that she would definitely be a beauty in the future.

He was also fond of this beautiful niece.

As she got older, this girl's temper became more and more strange.

She is clearly the oldest child in the family, but she can't compare to her younger siblings.

If you touch her things, she will stare at you with that sinister eyes.

One look at her and you'll see that she is a white-eyed wolf.

His sister was a good person. Even if his brothers and sisters did not like Gu Mang, they still made an effort for appearance's sake.

It wasn't until Gu Mang was five years old and had beaten an adult man until he was half-crippled that their family members were afraid and avoided her.

She is a scourge!

She was so ruthless and she was just five!


After going to the educational reform center for a month, his sister brought her back.

After a severe education, she was sent to primary school.

Who would have thought that after a few days of classes, she would be forced out of school because she had sent her classmates to the hospital.

She never knew how to study hard!

She has done bad deeds!

Whose family had such a child? It would be eight lifetimes of bad luck!

Now his sister and brother-in-law both died in an accident.

No one cared about the three children left behind.

He's on the brink of becoming a politician, it was a critical moment for ascension.

Gu Si and Gu Mang are the same, causing trouble everywhere. They had fought and skipped classes since they were young, and they hadn't done anything serious. Bringing these two back would be asking for trouble.

Especially in Ming City, where there are many powerful people.

If these two people caused any trouble there, his future would be ruined.

Out of his sister's three children, Gu Yin was the only one who is obedient and sensible.

She studies well and inherited his sister's looks. She is beautiful and likable.

Otherwise, her sister wouldn't have given all of her real estates to Gu Yin.

Bringing this girl over could be considered as his way of repaying his sister for her upbringing.

"Okay, you're on your own!"

Lei Xiao said coldly and strode away from the Gu family.

Gu Yin walked down the stairs and followed Lei Xiao's secretary who is helping her carry her luggage.

"Sister, although our parents gave this house to me, you and Gu Si can stay here first. I don't mind." Gu Yin smiled.

Gu Mang stuffed the toy gun into her backpack and raised her eyebrows. "No need."

She raised her hand to look at the time.

It's five o'clock, it's time to pick up Gu Si from school.

She picked up her black helmet and walked out.

A worn-out motorcycle was parked outside the small villa.

The most beautiful part of the locomotive was the skull on its side mirrors.

It's an eerie atmosphere.

Gu Mang put on her helmet, straddled her slender legs on the motor, and put down the goggle lenses with a bang.

The motorcycle roared and sped out.

Gu Yin walked to the BMW, the secretary helped her open the door.
She turned to look in the direction where Gu Mang had left. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she focused for two to three seconds.

Lei Xiao called out. "Yin, get in the car."

Gu Yin replied obediently. "Alright, uncle."

"You'll never come into contact with such low-class people! They only deserve to look up to you!"


SYNOPSIS            NEXT

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