Tuesday, October 31, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 3 - Strange plants

  There was a loud bang, amidst Xiao Cui's cries of alarm, the delicate high eaves above the Que Pavilion were struck down by a purple thunder! 

The sky darkened in an instant, and these visions naturally attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Fortunately, we left early. What if the princess is still upstairs and is accidentally injured."

Xiao Cui was waiting for Murong Yun to get on the carriage and go back home. Seeing this, there was a look of joy on her face.  

"yes, yes."

Murong Yun covered her little heart that was scared by the thunder just now and she was also terrified.

Is this the fantasy world of the books that practices spiritual energy? Even lightning is so spontaneous.

Seeing the crowd of meddlesome people gradually gathering to watch, Murong Yun thought about her current appearance and hurriedly got on the carriage and told the coachman to return to her residence.

The County Princess Mansion where the original owner lived was simply extravagant, with nine winding corridors and good scenery every ten steps.

As soon as the considerate Xiao Cui entered the house, she ordered someone to invite the Spiritual doctor to the residence.

The so-called spiritual doctor is a specialty of this spiritual world. He uses spiritual power to treat people, similar to a nursemaid in a game. Murong Yun looked at the spiritual doctor with curiosity. With just a wave of her hand, a pale green glow fell on her forehead and the wound healed quickly. After a while, scabs formed. Murong Yun took a mirror and looked at the wound carefully, and saw the spiritual doctor carefully applying plaster to her, and couldn't help but sigh.

It was indeed a fantasy world, it simply refreshed her knowledge.

Xiao Cui skillfully rewarded the spiritual doctor, then looked at the sky, and respectfully asked Murong Yun:

"Princess, it's evening time now, do you want to have dinner delivered?"

Deliver dinner? The internal memory of the original body was played back quickly, and the delicacies were so tempting that Murong Yun swallowed hard.

"Deliver! Deliver them non-stop!"

After that, Murong Yun experienced the luxury of a meal with nearly a hundred dishes. The array of dishes on the long dining table is damn tempting. In order to prevent herself from looking ugly while eating, Murong Yun waved Xiao Cui away very reservedly. The latter put down the brocade box in his hand and respectfully guarded the door.

Murong Yun was so envious of those court dramas she watched in modern times. She never thought she would be able to experience them in her lifetime.

Murong Yun had a hearty meal and took a sip of the delicious mushroom and duck soup.

One thing to say is that as the biggest stumbling block on the heroine's road to success, the original owner's condition is very good. Although her mother died early, her Emperor Uncle loved her. She even valued love and affection more than her own children. Although the original owner was just a County Princess, as far as Southern Chu was concerned, no other Princess could compare. It's just that maybe because the Emperor gave too much favor, this seedling has grown crookedly. 

In Liujing, she was famous for being unruly and willful. Even if a passerby looked too ugly and affected her mood, the original owner would have someone drag her down and beat her up. She is extravagant by nature, never tires of fine food, never tires of fine clothing, and wears clothes worth hundreds of gold only once.

After knowing this, her Emperor Uncle just thought that the girl should be pampered, so he simply gave her some rare rewards from time to time. Right, she was just given a box of crystals to be used for spiritual cultivation. Thinking of this, she picked up the brocade box and opened it to take a look.

Five beautiful green crystals exude a fantasy green color, and the air is instantly filled with the fragrance of vegetation. Are these wood spirit crystals that match the attributes of the original owner? 

As a vicious female supporting character, the original owner is also one of the best in spiritual cultivation. However, after awakening her talent at the age of 8, so far at the advanced age of 20, she was still only a second-order spirit cultivator. Just here, there is still a pile of various spiritual cultivation materials... and the heroine who traveled through time is already at the fourth level of spiritual cultivation.

Tsk, as expected, they cannot be compared. Murong Yun shook her head, picked up a crystal, and put it under the light to study. Suddenly, an unprecedented sense of longing emerged. It seems that this thing is a bit tempting. As if being controlled by something, when Murong Yun came to her senses, she actually swallowed all the five crystals in front of her!

It's something that is absorbed by external forces, and she won't get stones, right? 

Murong Yun was thinking nonsense for a moment and was picking her throat to induce vomiting. There was a sharp sting between her eyebrows, and then an inexplicable feeling of relief came over her. A ball of green peeled off from between her eyebrows, and spots of rich wood spiritual power throbbed. After the sound of "Boom", Murong Yun watched the light group split open. Inside were two seedlings with green leaves. Under her gaze, the two oval leaves twitched. Afterwards very shyly closed ......

The spirit is so shy!

Murong Yun looked embarrassed and asked the seedling: "What the hell are you?"

The seedling, of course, couldn't speak, it just twisted again.

Sorry, can't understand.

Curious, Murong Yun stretched out a finger and touched it lightly, and a piece of information appeared in her mind.

Rose of the Moon (seedling)

The mysterious plant rumored to be stained with the blood of the Faerie Queen--

When the white rose begins to bloom, the killing under the moon will finally stop.

Skill 1: ??? Not unlocked
Skill 2: ??? Not unlocked
Skill 3: ??? Not unlocked
Skill 4: ??? Not unlocked

This is?!!!

A top plant from a game she played before she transmigrated called Botanical Illustrated.

For this plant, she spent a week grinding the forest dungeon!

As a result, she died before she was able to cultivate it. Unexpectedly, she ended up in this book with her. Murong Yun looked at the seedling with a curious expression. Forget it, something incredible like walking through a book had happened, what else could she not accept? 

It seemed that it was probably because of it that she swallowed the Wood Spirit Crystal before. Moreover, since the seedling appeared, the pitiful spiritual power in her body has also increased, rising from the second level that the original owner had not changed for ten years to the third level.

This is simply pie in the sky!

Murong Yun was determined to find some wood spirit crystals to cultivate seedlings.

It's a pity that this thing is a rare item. Even if it is as rich as the original owner, there is no stock.

She had no choice but to take the seedling back into her body and ordered Xiao Cui to offer a reward for the Wood Spirit Crystal.

Anyway, the original owner had nothing, he just had power and money.

If she is unlucky and still has to receive a box lunch in two years, it is better to ruin the family now and strengthen herself so that she can still struggle when the time comes. 

In this way, Murong Yun enjoyed the life of a rich man in the princess's mansion for a few days. 

Until a tall and thin man in black attire half-knelt at her feet. Only then did she realize that this was one of the hardware conditions for the original owner to commit evil.

The eldest princess left a group of Luan Guards for her, and they were specially used to do sneaky things for her in the plot of the book.

Luan Guard, who wore an exquisite Luan bird mask on his face, lowered his head and reported:

"County Princess, earlier, when we captured Heir Li, the spies that the Eldest Princess left in the General's residence were all dealt with."

"Do you want to replace them?"


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