Monday, October 30, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 2 - Mary Sue Heroine

 "Li...Li Su, I have finally found you."

Murong Yun ran up closer under Li Su's almost murderous gaze, and her knees went soft as she knelt down on her knees. She was about to reach out and touch him but she was worried that Li Su would cut off her hand in the future, so she could only fumble in her sleeves tremblingly:

"I was worried sick when I heard you were missing."

"Fortunately, it's a good thing I found you in time."

Murong Yun's face was full of worry. When she said this, she turned her head to show Li Su the fresh wound on her forehead.

In fact, this injury was caused by the original owner accidentally slipping and hitting a flower pot. She hopes that Li Su can see that even when she is injured she still has a strong will to save him, so he will not embarrass her.

Perhaps it was because of this incident that when she also accidentally hit her head she then passed through her body.

With this in mind, Murong Yun finally fumbled for a small jade bottle out of her wide sleeves. At the same time, she continued to give love and care to the other person, hoping to increase his favorability.

"Who is this desperate person who dares to tie you to this dirty place and poison you? Damn it!"

The small jade bottle contains expensive elixirs that can detoxify hundreds of poisons. The sixth-grade jade detoxification elixir is now used to detoxify a small aphrodisiac. It is simply overkill.

However, this is the only way to show her sincerity. Anyway, the original owner besides her ability to seek death at every turn, she is also very rich.

Li Su lowered his eyes to look at Murong Yun's trembling fingers and then looked at the jade bottle that was accidentally stained with blood by its owner.

Li Su watched silently as the person in front of him wrote, directed, and acted in her own play.

He sneered in his heart, if the person who gave him the medicine hadn't said that he should stay calm and wait for the County Princess' favor, he might have believed this nonsense.

However, now is not the time...

No matter what Murong Yun had in mind or change of mind, now was not the time to expose her.

But, would Murong Yun be so kind?

"The County Princess is sure, this is Jie Yu Dan?"  

Facing Li Su's suspicious eyes, Murong Yun instantly understood and poured out a pill for him to see.

"This medicine is absolutely fine!"

Seeing this, Li Su took the bottle of elixir and drank it. He originally had a lot of elixirs with him, but they were all confiscated...

As soon as the medicine entered the throat, the aphrodisiac in the body was instantly eliminated, and the heat on Li Su's face gradually subsided.

In fact, even if Murong Yun did not change her mind today and acted forcefully, Li Su, who has eighth-level spiritual strength, would never give her a good harvest.

She should be thankful that she changed her mind.

Murong Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Li Su swallowing the medicine silently.

Is this considered a successful life change? Is it that simple?

Without this introduction, Li Su would have no reason to feed her poison in the future, right?

Poor Murong Yun had no idea that the person Que Pavilion sent eagerly serve Li Su to her had already ratted her out.

At this time, she was still immersed in the joy of easily changing the plot.

"I didn't expect that in Liujing, there are villains who are not afraid of death and covet your beauty!"

"Why don't you let me send someone to take you back home?"

Li Su looked at the shameless villain who coveted his beauty without fear of death, with her face covered with blood.

There is no trace of the dignified and prestigious appearance of the past, her warm-hearted look, really... Fake.

"Thank you for your kindness, Princess. It's not necessary. Li Su can leave on his own."

Murong Yun was not uncomfortable being rejected by Li Su, and it was even expected.

She was relieved in her heart, the person was beautiful but deadly, so she quickly and diligently responded:

"Then be careful along the way..."

Before Murong Yun could finish speaking, Li Su straightened his robe, turned around, and jumped down from the window of the seven-story building.

The white robe is fluttering as if an immortal is riding on the wind.

By the way, this person is the ceiling of combat power hidden in the early stages of the book, and he also possesses the rare light attribute spiritual power.

He is just a chosen person, but he has been pretending to be a pig but eating a tiger to the outside world, pretending to be a waste with poor talent.

It seemed that today's incident had stimulated him a bit, and he actually didn't hide his strength in front of her.

At this time, according to the book, the heroine who accidentally broke into the top floor pushed open the sliding door and made a grand appearance.

However, there is no longer a stunningly handsome man here, but an unlucky female side character with blood on her face.

It seems that although the male protagonist is gone, the plot is still going on.

Murong Yun leaned weakly against the guardrail beside the window, looking at the heroine Baili Shuangxue, who was dressed in men's clothing that did not conceal her beauty.

A modern time-traveling heroine with attributes such as a golden finger Mary Sue, a well-educated family, and superb medical and alchemy skills.

According to the plot, Baili Shuangxue had just traveled through time. Wanting to escape poverty in a suburban village, she planted spiritual herbs and refined elixirs and came to Liu Jing to sell them to earn her first pot of gold.

"...Are you okay?"

Baili Shuangxue was startled by Murong Yun's embarrassing appearance and uttered the same question as in the book but to a different person.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just passing by, I'm leaving now."

Murong Yun touched the still bleeding wound on his forehead, it was a small matter. At least the plot of seeking death has been cut, and everything is under control. She just doesn't know what will happen to the hero/heroine storyline that she spoiled.

Baili Shuangxue looked at the well-dressed woman in front of her, who was locked up on the top floor with blood on her face. She suddenly had a bad speculation in her mind. With the personality of a 21st century woman, she couldn't just sit back and watch. She immediately took out the medicine she had made and walked towards Murong Yun.

"I've made my own wound medicine here. It's very effective and leaves absolutely no scars after use."

"If the girl is willing, can I treat your injury?"

Baili Shuangxue's medicine? 

Murong Yun nodded immediately. One of Baili Shuangxue's golden fingers was the she is the inheritor of ancient medicine. In this fantasy world where aristocrats cultivate spirits, she possesses the best wood spirit root and will become a true god-level alchemist in the later stage!

She looked at the injured woman in front of her and nodded good-naturedly. Baili Shuangxue's thoughts made her believe that she was a prostitute in the Que Pavilion. She might have just been cruelly treated by a customer, so she felt pity for her at that moment.

After the wound was bandaged, Murong Yun thought again that she had received help from the heroine, and if she didn't repay it, she would have to pay the price in the future. Thinking of this possibility, Murong Yun carefully took out the money bag and handed it to the other party.

"Thank you, Master, for treating me. This is my reward."

"You're welcome, girl. It's just some powder, it's not worth anything."

Baili Shuangxue excused herself with a warm smile on her face, which added to her already outstanding appearance.

Murong Yun was stunned for a moment. If she was really a prostitute who was being treated harshly here, she would probably be captured by the heroine who was disguised as a man. It's a terrible charm aura, but it doesn't work on her.

"Just accept it, and I'll feel more at ease."

Murong Yun said and directly handed the money bag to the other party. If she owed a little favor no, the devil knows what will happen in the future.

A money bag was forced into Baili Shuangxue's hand, and she was stunned by its heavy weight. Looking up again, the woman in front of her had already walked out, her back quite dashing. When she opened the purse, she saw that it was filled with exquisitely crafted gold leaves, which were extremely valuable. When she thought of the woman wearing hair accessories, she made a mistake. Where is the prostitute? She is clearly a noblewoman with a high status. She just doesn’t know why she appeared in this green building.

Murong Yun's head was covered with a white cloth, and she was taken back home by the maid Xiao Cui who hurriedly came to find her.

However, just after stepping out of the luxurious gold-inlaid door of the Que Pavilion, the sky turned dark at some point, the wind and clouds suddenly gathered, and the mountain rain was about to come.

There was a faint muffled thunder, purple light and thunder flashed like a dragon, and a strong wind suddenly rose from the flat ground.



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