Friday, September 13, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 128 - Ashamed

 "Do you like fish very much? How about eating it every day?"

Murong Yun put the fish outside the door, washed her hands in the basin indoors, and asked as if unintentionally.

"Is it really possible?" Hua Le, who was carefully picking out the thorn, her face lit up, then darkened, and shook her head, with a bit of sadness in her eyebrows like an adult: "Sister, you don't know, there are no big fish in Liao provincial City."

"Even the small fish are very expensive. My mother said that the soldiers will be happy if they have enough to eat, so A'Le can't just enjoy it. This is wrong."

"I'm very happy to have this meal."

As soon as these words came out, Murong Yun immediately stopped wiping her hands and felt a little embarrassed. Even a child understood the truth. Wasn't the original owner extravagant for many years?

Of course, she would never admit it even to her death. The original owner's food and drink expenses were simply too satisfying...

"Miss Lei, please try this fish soup."

While the sister-in-law of Shui village watched the flash of embarrassment on Murong Yun's face, a smile flashed at the corner of her mouth. At the same time, she did not forget to serve Murong Yun a bowl of milky white fish soup.

"Thank you."

Murong Yun nodded towards her, sat on the other side of Hua Le, picked up the soup bowl and took a sip. The taste was really good, but for Murong Yun whose tongue had already been accustomed by dishes from various royal chefs, it was just a bit fresh. 

It was the purple sweet potato on the table that gave her some appetite.

"This is a sweet potato unique to our water village. I don't know why, but only the ones grown on the island have this color."

The eldest sister-in-law looked at Murong Yun a few more times and then opened her mouth to explain to her.

As a member of the modern time travel, Murong Yun certainly knows the reason. Purple sweet potato is originally a mutated variety derived from the different acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

But on the surface, she was very cooperative and showed a hint of surprise at this rare thing that Liujing had never seen before.

"Well, it is indeed fresh and the taste is different."

"If Miss Lei likes it, I still have some leftover and will make them for you."

The sister-in-law of Shui village, whose surname was Mu, was a rare kind person. Although Murong Yun was not familiar with her, when she saw such a beautiful girl, her smile became prettier and her lips relaxed.

This Shui village is an interesting place. It is obviously a den of thieves. The men are so naive that they only know how to marry a wife, and the women are generous and kind. In this world, they have become like a paradise.

Murong Yun took another bite of the steamed soft and glutinous purple sweet potato, thinking that when the war subsided, he should recruit these cute thieves and let them do some serious business, so as not to be betrayed by some bad guy at any time. 

The more Murong Yun thought about this, the more feasible it became.

At this moment, there was a noise at the door, the sound of rapid footsteps, and a man panting heavily and ran to the door.

"Sister-in-law Mu, so you were here, huh..."

The big man was breathing heavily, and he was relieved when he saw the sister-in-law, who was also called Sister-in-law Mu in his mouth: "Go and see Tiedan quickly. He was chopped up with a hoe by the people from the village opposite. He is bleeding profusely."

One of the reasons why the big man came to see Sister-in-law Mu was that this sister-in-law knew some basic medical skills. People in the village came to see her for their problems.

Now that she heard what the big man said was so serious, Sister-in-law Mu also quickly put down the spoon in her hand and stood up, her face turned anxious: "Where is he? Take me there quickly."

"He is taken back, and is in the medicine house."

Before the big man finished speaking, Sister Mu left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Murong Yun took the half-eaten purple sweet potato in her hand and prepared to follow her to have a look.

"Just stay here and drink. I'll be back in a minute."

Before leaving, Murong Yun looked at Hua Le and did not forget to give a few instructions. After the latter nodded obediently, she followed them with confidence.

The medicine house was where Sister-in-law Mu usually played with herbs. It was on the diagonal side of Murong Yun's room. As soon as Murong Yun went out, she saw that the room was crowded with people.

And on the snow all the way from the entrance to the entrance of the village, there were still little blood stains, which looked very scary.

"Tie Dan, don't be afraid. Sister-in-law Mu's medical skills are very good. Last year, Tie Zhu's leg was bitten off, and blood flowed all over the floor. He was saved, so don't be afraid."

Tied Dan was lying on the bed, and blood was coming out from where his back was covered with a cloth. This silly man had no trace of blood on his wheat-colored face. It could be seen that he had lost too much blood.

Shui Changming was also in front of the bed, sweating profusely and injecting spiritual energy into Tie Dan, otherwise Tie Dan might not be able to hold on until now with the hoe shoveled hard on his back.

"Master, those villagers have gone too far. Since Widow Liu is widowed, Tie Dan wants to go and see what's going on!"

"To put it harshly, if Tie Dan hadn't always taken care of her, Widow Liu would have starved to death long ago. These people are really meddling in other people's business!"

"They just dare to ask for a hundred kilograms of rice before letting Widow Liu remarry. These people are more bandits than us!"

"Boss, we'll pick them up later, hold them down and beat them!"

Those who were aggrieved had already clenched their fists and wished they could kill people now.

As the saying goes, rabbits don't eat grass near their nests, because the village opposite is close and has some relatives in the Shui village. Therefore, in these years, they have never gone to that village to collect protection fees.

But this time, they actually dared to attack his thief ancestor!

"Calm down, everyone, save the Tie Dan first!"

Shui Changming felt a little tired. Originally, he was studying the route and planning to go on a big trip tomorrow. Unexpectedly, Tie Dan's effort in delivering a fish almost cost him his life.

As for those short-sighted people who dare to hurt people in the village like this, they are rubbing the face of the village on the ground.

When he robs the grain tomorrow, he will definitely bring his brothers to give those farmers a good look!

"Aunt Mu, can this bleeding be stopped?"

While Shui Changming was calculating, he looked at Aunt Mu who came over with bandages and herbs. His spiritual energy had bottomed out and he couldn't hold on any longer.

Aunt Mu waved away the people who were surrounding her, put the things in her hands aside, picked up the blood-stained handkerchief, and when she saw the bloody wound, her brows knotted up.

"The wound is too deep and needs to be stitched up. Please don't break the Master's spiritual energy, otherwise the blood will flow too fast and Tie Dan won't be able to hold on."

Aunt Mu said quickly, and drove everyone out of the room, made people burn the brazier, and closed the doors and windows.

Then she took out the treasured ginseng slices and stuffed them into the unconscious Tie Dan's mouth. The series of actions were very neat.

Murong Yun saw Shui Changming looking like his spiritual energy was exhausted, so she didn't leave. She replaced Shui Changming who was sweating.

"Thank you so much, Miss Lei."

Seeing this, Shui Changming breathed a sigh of relief, shook his legs and gave up his position to Murong Yun.


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