Wednesday, August 14, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 110 - Treasure Army

Murong Yun's eyes brightened. In this era, of course, one could not expect a mule to achieve freedom of logistics. Fortunately, the twelve states in Southern Chu all had waterways, and they usually relied on these waterways to transport supplies.

Among them, Liao Provincial City is the most special. Due to geographical reasons, there are no waterways there. The food, grass and military pay for the soldiers on weekdays are all transported early in advance and according to the time.

If it weren't for the frequent natural and man-made disasters in Liao province this year, they wouldn't be in this predicament of running out of food.

Luan Yi was such a smart man. None of the Luan Guard leaders in the past generations was a fool. He immediately realized the meaning of Murong Yun's words.

He lowered his head, thought for a while, and then had the answer.

"There are many waterways between Liujing and Long Chuan County, but between Long Chuan County and Liao Provincial City, there are no waterways."

"However, your fiefdom is guarded by the navy of Southern Chu. The princess might as well dispatch some troops to Liao Provincial City and directly use the army to transport grain and fodder."

In Luan Yi's eyes, Murong Yun's affairs since childhood, apart from taking the Heavenly Royal Holy Lotus by force last time, this time's decision was a little more personal.

Even if he is a secret guard who has been professionally trained since he was a child, when he encounters such an important matter of family and country, the passion in the man's bones will make him unable to help but say a few more words.


Murong Yun had no idea that she, a County princess, could not only own a fiefdom county but also have a navy that sounded so powerful!

This is the navy, but after thinking about it, of the twelve states in Southern Chu, only Longchuan County is located in the coastal area, and the coastline is long and narrow. If there is no navy, wouldn't they be unable to defend?

However, although she was the nominal manager of Long Chuan County, neither she nor the original owner had ever been to that wealthy land. Even the navy, if Luan Yi hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten its existence.

How could she order the naval guards to do something like transport food?

"Luan Yi, are you sure that this County princess has the right to order these defenders?"

Murong Yun was not only confused at this time, but also had curiosity on her face. Although the original owner's pretentiousness made her gradually overconfident, she was also a little unsure at this time.

But he never thought that Luan Yi, who had always lowered his head, raised his head at this moment. In the deep and beautiful eyes behind the mask, there was something unexpectedly firm and sure about Murong Yun, and he spoke loudly.

"If the princess has no authority to give orders, then no one in the world can give them orders."

This! The meaning of these words actually alludes to the fact that she, a notoriously vicious female supporting actress who is flashy and unforgiving, actually has a naval power in her hands that is greater than the Emperor's order?

And the original owner knows nothing? 

In fact, the Emperor deliberately concealed this, because she was originally domineering and a great harm to Liujing. The emperor was afraid that she would become even more lawless after knowing that she had military power in her hands, so he did not tell her about it.

Murong Yun's eyes were once again filled with shock, not because of the ten thousand mules, but because she finally understood the plot of the original book.

No wonder, the Emperor finally used his last strength to send the original owner out of the palace and told her that as long as she got to Long Chuan County, she could save her life. It turned out that there were navy guards there!

Murong Yun originally thought that her current personality and wealth would be the ceiling, but she never thought that she would still have an army one day!

"How many?"

Murong Yun suppressed the trembling in her voice, and her heart was full of excitement. Isn't this as exciting as a poor man winning a lottery of 100 million, or Qin Shihuang finally taking the elixir of immortality?

"South Chu has a navy of more than 50,000 men, all of which are located in the waters of Long Chuan."

Except for Emperor Murong Xia, no one knew that the three thousand Luan Guards of Princess Chang were secretly trained in the waters of Long Chuan before being sent to Liujing.

The Luan chiefs of the past dynasties also had contact with naval military affairs. However, apart from the current emperor who knew the actual numbers of the navy, only the governor of Long Chuan County, Lin Yuan, knew the actual numbers.

Externally, they all say fifty thousand, but according to Luan Yi's guess, the number of soldiers secretly trained by Long Chuan County is definitely more than this!

However, even this number was enough to make Murong Yun speechless!

This is fifty thousand people. In this era, the population is not as large as in modern times. The surrounding small countries and the whole country may not have such a large population.

Moreover, the Murong royal clan studies that the original owner had studied since primary school included the history of the founding of South Chu and the history of surrounding countries, which all members of the royal family would learn.

Even the County princess is instilled with some political means, so that the princess can have the greatest political effect when she goes to get married.

According to the memory of the original owner, the sea area of ​​​​South chu had never had any combat friction with neighboring countries. Therefore, Murong Yun was surprised when the navy suddenly appeared, which was deliberately ignored.

What's more... the original owner's mother, the eldest princess, once went to Tianhai Kingdom, a country across the sea from Long Chuan County, to get married. Since then, even if the eldest princess finally chose to return to the country, the diplomatic relations between the two countries have remained extremely strong. 

Murong Yun guessed that the 50,000-strong navy was not so much about protecting the sea area as it was the back-up army prepared by the Emperor for himself...

Also, as the King of a country, and South Chu seems to be harmonious, in fact, the two vassal kings, King Taichuan and King Xishu, have each occupied a state for a hundred years. They are extremely powerful and have been ready to make moves for many years. If the Emperor is not prepared for the consequences, how can he feel at ease?

And the territory of her, a useless County princess happened to be an excellent choice.

No wonder, after the death of the Eldest princess, the Emperor tried his best to make the original owner the only princess who owned a county and territory since the founding of the country.

However, Murong Yun did not know at this time that this army was not prepared by the Emperor, but by her biological mother, the Eldest Princess Murong Qing, who had a rough life and died young.

With this sudden treasure, Murong Yun had a better way to transport food.

If her words are really as useful as Luan Yi said.

"Since there are so many troops in Long Chuan County, they must also have grain reserves. It is better to transport the grain there to some gaps in Liao Provincial City first, and then use the waterway to transport supply from Liujing to Longchuan."

Murong Yun said this, her eyes brightened even more, wonderful, they say that helping the urgent does not help the poor, anyway, Long Chuan is war-free and wealthy, if this method is feasible, then Liao province's urgent need can be solved!

However, this matter is not trivial, and I don’t know if Governor Lin Yuan who is in charge of Long Chuan County will listen to her orders...

She should give it a try first.

Murong Yun made up her mind, picked up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, and racked her brains to write a letter for help that was half an order and half a plea.

Before sealing it, Luan Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the letter on the table. Amid Murong Yun's confusion, he explained calmly.

"County Princess, please seal it with the Luan Order token left by Her Highness."


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