Sunday, July 14, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 79 - The bad princess must be ugly

 Fortunately, Murong Yun had already looked away, and even thought it would be quite delicious for Miaomiao to be able to let her break the ranks directly after she had eaten as much as before.

At least that way, we can avoid the side effects of Taisu Jue's failure to break the level.

She has been in the mansion for almost half a month without going out. Now that she is free, she wants to go out to relax her muscles and move around.

Therefore, after Mu Mian nodded, Murong Yun was like a bird out of the cage, quickly changed her clothes, Xiao Cui and left the house.

This frightened those who had listened to her screams for fun near the princess's mansion. They all ran away in a hurry, not forgetting to spread word of mouth that this devil princess had come out...

Simply speaking, wherever Murong Yun goes, no matter how busy the street is, no one dares to approach her within ten meters.

"Hey, this is good."

Murong Yun had long been accustomed to this kind of treatment. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a knot on a street vendor. She looked at the festive red color and thought it looked good, so she picked it up and took a look.

"Stall owner, how much does this cost?" It felt good to the touch. Although it was not as exquisite as the embroiderers in the mansion and the luxury of the palace, it just caught Murong Yun's eye.

"County Princess, no, no need to pay."

The stall owner has been setting up a stall on this street all year round, so he naturally knows that she is the notorious Princess Yunhua, and how dare she ask for money.

Hearing this, Murong Yun glanced at the vendor. Her eyes were filled with extreme beauty. Although the stall owner was scared, he was still amazed by the extraordinary beauty. After realizing his gaffe, he quickly lowered his head, for fear of provoking this person's anger.

But Murong Yun didn't think too much. The original owner was rich, so naturally she couldn't ask for it for free, so she motioned to Xiao Cui behind her and gave him a piece of silver, which was definitely enough to buy this strip.

However, the fearful look of the stall owner made her less interested in shopping, so she casually tied the belt around her waist.

Xiao Cui saw that she was a little bored. As the princess's best confidant, she certainly wanted to make the princess's life colorful.

So, she rolled her eyes and suggested: "Princess, why don't you go to the Good Hall? There was a new baby there recently. I heard he is very cute."

The Charity house that Xiao Cui mentioned was the one that Murong Yun had donated money and food to before. There were many charity houses in Liujing. Murong Yun originally wanted to be the involved and donate on them all.. but only those under the name of General Mansion dared to accept it.

Therefore, Murong Yun could only dote on this hall and gave them a lot of money and food, which directly raised the living conditions of this charity house to a higher level.

Because of Murong Yun's philanthropic deeds, the charity hall gave some interesting pottery made by the children in the past two days. The visitor casually mentioned this to the people in the Princess Mansion, because Murong Yun ordered that people who come to the charity hall should treat them well. 

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Murong Yun was bored, and what Xiao Cui said was a good place to go, so she went to the Good Hall, also called Changle Hall, under the lead of Xiao Cui.

This Changle Hall is specially designed to accept orphans from Liujing City, as well as retired disabled soldiers from the Hua Family Army and even military widows. It has always been supported by the General's Mansion itself.

Of course, when there were more people in Changle Hall and it was difficult to make ends meet, they came up with a way to subsidize pottery making.

Pottery was mostly used by ordinary people, and over the years, it could barely sustain expenses.

This Changle Hall is located near the North City Gate and is where Liujing civilians gather. The original owner rarely comes here on weekdays, and most of the people on the street don't know her, so she feels more at ease.

Most passers-by would only be attracted by her outstanding face, even if there were some good-looking ones, most of them would not dare to think more when they saw her expensive clothes.

When they arrived at the long courtyard surrounded by low walls, with the word "Chang Le Hall" hanging on the plaque outside the door, we arrived at the ground.

Nanchu was very hierarchical, and the houses where civilians lived were regulated. No matter how rich they were, they could not wear brocade clothes, only plain clothes, not to mention the slaves, whose value was less than a cow.

Therefore, even without entering the door, the wall was not even close to Murong Yun's chest, and she could still see the scene in the courtyard.

In the courtyard, there are large and small clay sculptures, and rows of children on long wooden tables with serious faces, as if they are doing something important in life, playing with the... mud in their hands... 

The powerful one has already made a decent pony, while the weak one is still trying to save the...lump in his hand.


When Murong Yun saw the lump of mud mixed with water and soil, her previous depression disappeared and she laughed out loud.

The owner of that poop might have been pricked. When the twelve-year-old boy heard the bright laughter, he immediately dropped the clay in his hand after having been depressed for a long time.

With a little embarrassment, he turned around angrily and said angrily: "What's so funny? Who doesn't learn to pinch it slowly..."

But just after he finished speaking, when the young man saw clearly the beautiful Murong Yun on the wall of the courtyard, with long eyebrows slightly arched and beautiful eyes like stars, he forgot his words for a moment, and even the anger in his heart disappeared. 

Instead, he blushed half-red and said squeakingly: "I, I can squeeze it very quickly..."

Murong Yun looked at the boy who turned around, his face flushed with anger, and realized that she might have hurt the young man's heart.

She quickly put away her smile and said sincerely: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at you, really."

Seeing Murong Yun apologizing to him, the boy was still angry. He was used to stabbing his head and turned his head: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you want to laugh..."

"My name is Qilian, who are you?"

Murong Yun looked at this half-grown boy. He was much taller than his peers and had a delicate appearance. His hands were still stained with dirt. He felt quite at a loss under her gaze.

The children on the table who were concentrating on kneading soil also gathered around when they saw this beautiful sister outside the wall.

There are big ones and small ones. The big one is like Qilian, who is already half an adult, while the smallest one is still wobbly and unsteady on the road. He looks very cute.

Come to think of it, this Changle Hall is more like a modern orphanage.

Murong Yun looked at those curious eyes without looking outside. She raised the corner of her mouth, supported the courtyard wall with one hand, and used her feet to lend some strength. She was wearing a white dress and a red skirt, and she easily rolled in.


The children let out a burst of exclamations, and Murong Yun landed perfectly. She brushed the hair that had fallen off her forehead behind her ears in an extremely chic manner.

"Me, my name is Murong Yun."

"Murong Yun? Ah, this name, isn't this name the devil princess?"

There was a boy with unclear speech who held his head high, tugged on Qilian's sleeves, and talked about the speculations in his little head.

"It's impossible, that bad princess must be ugly. This sister is so good-looking, so she must not be her. Maybe she has the same name." The other, slightly older girl obviously looked at the face and didn't think they were the same person.

"No, no, what you said is wrong. The bad princess gave us something. She is a good princess now, so it looks good."


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