Sunday, May 1, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 14 - First Explosion!

 Lu Chengzhou's cold eyes glanced over. "Little Aunt?"

Lu Ruoshui, the youngest daughter of the Lu family.

She swept over Lu Shangjin disdainfully and said indifferently. "Chengzhou, you can go in, but not these two people behind you."

Everyone else watched this scene maliciously.

With Lu Ruoshui in the forefront, they just need to wait and see what happens.

Lu Chengzhou's eyes darkened and he looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi directly pulled Lu Ruoshui's arm and dragged her to the side. Lu Ruoshui, unprepared, was pulled back and shouted: "Lu Yi! How dare you! How dare a servant treat me like this!"

Lu Yi let go of her arm, and his tall body blocked her. "Miss Ruoshui, please excuse me." 

"Get lost!" Lu Ruoshui glared at him grimly. Lu Yi did not give an inch.

"I don't have the energy to watch you guys fool around."

Lu Chengzhou suddenly spoke out, cold eyes gazing around as he carelessly said: "Do you not know what it means to be at peace? I can teach you for free."

The man's tone is indifferent and slow, with a chilling intimidation.

In an instant, everyone present was silent. The courtyard calmed down.

Lu Chengzhou pushed open the door of the room and took Gu Mang and Lu Shangjin inside.

A group of people were also gathered in the old lady's room. The room is furnished with the most advanced instruments and the most effective medicines. 

Three military doctors, who are ranked best in the world of medical organization, are surrounding the old lady's bed at the moment and are quite helpless.

For a hemorrhagic stroke, they had already done a drainage, but it didn't work.

Lu Xiwei spoke "Three uncles, we must do surgery to take out the blood clots in grandma's brain, otherwise it will be dangerous!"

Lu Xiwei is the daughter of the second master of the Lu family.

She is a highly skilled physician and has been recognized by medical organizations as the youngest leading expert in neuroscience.

"Miss Lu," said one of the doctors, "the old lady is too old to go undergo craniotomy."

Lu Xiwei frowned slightly, "There are a few of us who will do surgery, and there is a quarter success rate, without surgery, Grandma may not even be able to survive tonight!" 

The three military doctors looked at each other, and their eyes were very solemn. After a few seconds of silence, an agreement was reached.

"Alright, Miss Lu, let's do the surgery. You'll be the main surgeon."

Lu Xiwei agreed.

The nurse immediately prepared and pushed the old lady to the sterile operating room that had been prepared at the Lu residence.

Gu Mang stood by the door, her cold eyes looking at the old lady lying on the hospital bed.

After listening to the group's conversation, she pulled her lips loosely and faintly uttered, "The patient's condition, you still want to go to surgery, it is estimated that you will have a table death."


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