Friday, April 29, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 13 - Simply Arrogant

 Lu Shangjin greeted him. "Chengzhou." With that, he pulled open the car door. 

Gu Mang's eyebrows lowered and she got into the car.

Lu Shangjin went around to the other side, closed the car door, and asked. "How is your grandmother?"

Lu Yi regained his senses from the shock of his own Sixth Master personally opening the door for Gu Mang, and mechanically started the car to go.

Lu Chengzhou replied. "The military doctor is treating her but the situation is not very good."

As he spoke, his gaze stayed on Gu Mang.

The girl is lazily sitting in the back seat playing with her phone, her body is lopsided without a proper posture, and looks comfortable. She seems to do as she pleases but her icy aura prevents people from gossiping.

The doctor his Sixth uncle is referring to is her?

When Lu Shangjin heard that the old lady's condition was not good, he, who was always calm, could not restrain his impatience. "I heard a few days ago that the condition had improved, how did it suddenly deteriorate?"

Lu Chengzhou's thin lips spit out three words. "I don't know."

His gaze fell on the bright red leather band on Gu Mang's wrist, and his eyebrows raised. A person who wears all black has a small red leather bracelet made her porcelain wrist look more delicate.

Gu Mang could feel him looking at her without even looking up. The eyes are too sharp to ignore. She did not even move her eyelids. She changed to a more comfortable position, and continued to play her game as if nothing had happened.

She looks very carefree. Simply arrogant.


The car stopped in front of the gate of Lu's house.

Lu Shangjin said. "Chengzhou, you take Gu Mang inside, I'll wait for her outside."

Lu Chengzhou put one hand in his pocket, his eyes slightly converged. "Go in together, grandma also wants to see Sixth uncle."

Lu Shangjin hesitated for a few seconds before nodding his head.

The Lu family has a deep heritage, and the old mansion is an ancient garden design with a unique character. The courtyard is layered with white walls and tiles, and the floors are paved with porcelain white marble.

The old lady's yard is now lit up like daylight and was full of people. All are direct relatives of the Lu family.

As soon as Lu Shangjin appeared in Old Lady Lu's courtyard. The atmosphere changed instantly. Numerous eyes all stared at Lu Shangjin, defensive and wary.

The old lady is critically ill and the Lu family is facing a situation of falling apart.

A huge amount of property, if one more person is added to the division, everyone's interests will be damaged.

Gu Mang tucked her hands in her jacket pocket and watched the scene carelessly.

Almost all of the major figures in the capital's military, political, and business circles are here.

Tsk, the Jing City's Lu Family.

Lu Chengzhou looked over Gu Mang from the corner of his eyes.

The girl looks loose and lazy, not caring about the others. She has cold mist under the eyes, quiet as a cold pool, dark and deep, with a trace of wickedness.

He didn't believe that Gu Mang didn't know these people.

Famous and Big people that can always be seen on news, yet, she is unperturbed. He just raised an eyebrow and withdrew his gaze from Gu Mang.

He walked straight to the house as if no one was there.

Lu Shangjin simply nodded and greeted these people.

At that moment, a woman suddenly stepped in front of them.


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