Wednesday, April 27, 2022

MSFOE Chapter 12 - Jing City

 Gu Mang lowered her head and looked at Gu Si, whose height only came up to her waist. Her hand came out of her pocket and pressed against his head.

"See, it's not the school, but the army."

Gu Si lowered his head and said softly. "I saw it."

Gu Mang squatted down and looked into his eyes. Her tone was unprecedentedly serious. "Gu Si, you're a genius but you are weak. If something really happens, I might not be able to protect you."

"I know." Gu Si's eyes were red and misty. "But I don't want to leave you."

Gu Mang hugged him and patted his back gently. "Be obedient."

Gu Si's nose twitched and he raised his arm to wipe away his tears. He gritted his teeth and said, "Sister, wait for me to come back. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll beat him to death!"

Gu Mang smiled and held his little shoulder. "Who dares to bully me? Aren't they afraid of the brick in my hand?"

Gu Si's mouth pursed tightly, and his big clear and bright eyes looked at her firmly and said, "In the future, your hands will be used to eat dessert and drink milk tea! If anyone dares to bully you, I'll beat him up and you can watch the show!"

"Hmm." Gu Mang touched his face. "You have to be obedient when you go there, keep a low profile, don't try to be a hero and show off, okay?"

Gu Si pulled the black shoulder strap. "Got it, Sis! Wait for me to come back!"

"Go on." Gu Mang stood up.

Gu Si walked to the front of the car with his back to Gu Mang and did not dare to turn around.

He was afraid that he would cry.

"Old Song." Lu Shangjin spoke to Song Yan, the leader of the group. "This boy is smart. Train him well and his future will be boundless."

Song Yan replied. "I know, Old Lu. How can we not value the person you recommended?"

Lu Shangjin patted his arm. "That is enough brother."

"When do you plan to return to the Lu family?" Song Yan said, "I'm afraid the old lady's illness can't be delayed, there is no such thing as an overnight feud between a mother and son. The Lu family is in a turbulent period of time. They all have ghosts in their hearts."

The words have just been spoken when Lu Shangjin's cellphone rang. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the address of Jing City on the screen.

After picking up the call, Lu Shangjin's expression changed. "I'll be right back."

Song Yan frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Shangjin looked grave. "My mother's condition has worsened, old Song, lend me your special plane."

Song Yan instructed his subordinates, "Get it done immediately."


Song Yan knew the seriousness of the situation and quickly said, "Get in the car first and we will take you to the airport."

"Okay." Lu Shangjin grabbed his phone and stared fixedly at Gu Mang." Gu Mang, I  …"

"Let's go." Gu Mang interrupted him.

Lu Shangjin bowed gratefully, his hands trembling slightly." I hope it's not too late."

Song Yan inadvertently swept over Gu Mang, and his sharp eyes deepened.


Jing City.

The two of them, Gu Mang and Lu Shangjin, stepped down from the special plane.

"Gu Mang, it's not convenient for me to go to the Lu family. I had found someone to take you in. If I go I'll make things worse." Lu Shangjin said quickly.

Twenty years he did not go back, if he goes back now, other people will speculate.

Gu Mang said indifferently, "It doesn't matter." She was just returning a favor.

After leaving the airport, Lu Shangjin took her and went straight to a black SUV that was parked on the side of the road.

The driver's window slowly lowered.

Lu Chengzhou, who was in the passenger seat, raised his eyebrows when he saw the girl walking next to Lu Shangjin.

The driver, Lu Yi, saw Gu Mang and widened his eyes." Lu Shao, is that..."

The sixth master said he brought a doctor over, it can't be this girl, right?

How can she be so young?


Not long after.

Lu Yi counted in his fingers this big boss' vest and spit out vomit.


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