Friday, April 22, 2022

MFAW Chapter 27 - People still have to study more, otherwise they will be laughed at

 The dining room of the main residence of the Nan family.

It was probably the first time Nan Sheng had gathered a table full of women to eat at his house. Mu Nuanxi did not speak much, but Li Mengluo was the only one who spoke a lot.

The whole time, Nan Pei was pulled into conversations not minding any etiquette. In line with the courtesy of being a host, Nan Pei chatted with the lively little girl.

Mu Nuanxi looked at Nan Sheng with some embarrassment, and her feet unceremoniously touched the feet of Li Mengluo who was talking to Nan Pei in a colorful way.

Li Mengluo came back to her senses and stopped. Nan Pei was also feeling weary coping with her. She choked and drank orange juice.

Everyone said that the children of the Mu family were all outstanding. Even if Li Mengluo wasn't surnamed Mu, she was still a child of the Mu family. How could she not understand the etiquette at the dining table?

The mouth never stops talking. To eat or to talk, just choose one.

"I don't know if the taste suits you. It's all Ningzhou's flavor. You should be used to it." Nan Pei looked at Mu Nuanxi.

Mu Nuanxi had a polite smile on her face." Well, I thought our chef's cooking was already very good. I didn't expect that there would be more skilled people. The Nan Family's chef is the best."

"Especially this Eight Treasure Duck. Ever since Grandfather Nan invited us over for dinner before, I kept talking about it. It's been so long. It's the second time I've eaten it."

Nan Pei looked at Nan Sheng. I'm afraid the meaning in her words is to blame him for not bringing her back after such a long time.

"It's good that you like it. The driver will send you back after dinner. I'm sorry that I've wasted your day today." Nan Pei continued.

Li Mengluo bit the chopsticks and looked at Nan Pei and Nan Sheng and spoke, "It's been half a day, I do not know what Brother Nan Sheng has arranged for Mu Wenli, it has been so long and we have not seen her back."

This is the question that Mu Nuanxi and Li Mengluo have been wanting to ask since the beginning of the meal.

"I didn't see much communication between you guys just now, how come you started thinking about her after being apart for so long." Nan Pei snickered.

Li Mengluo stomped her feet secretly, who wants to think about that funeral star ah.

Where did the Nan family make people go? It was always necessary to give an explanation. She wondered what other advantages Mu Wen Li had besides her beauty.

Nan Sheng and Nan Pei must look at each other differently. Compared to Mu Nuanxi, that Mu Wen Li, is a wild girl raised in the countryside, she hadn't studied for many years and had no manners. Not to mention her artistic temperament, and also extremely bad nature, she does not look like a good person to mess with.

How could she provoke the likes of the Nan family siblings?

"It's about time we had eaten our fill. I'll go look for Li Li. Otherwise, it would be bad for her to disturb the others here." As Mu Nuanxi spoke, she stood up.

Nan Sheng placed the chopsticks neatly on the side of the bowl and took the napkin and started to wipe his mouth. "No need. She's already here."

Mu Nuanxi looked up and saw Wen Li coming from the end of the corridor, and leading the way in front of her was Fei Ran.

A hundred meters from the dining hall, Fei Ran stopped and turned away.

Wen Li walked while rubbing her wrist, when she was writing she felt nothing because her concentration is on her writing. Only now did she feel her hand is a little sore.

Walking up the stone path to the steps and out of the round archway she felt several eyes on her.

Wen Li looked up and saw several people sitting at the table.

The two siblings, Nan Pei and Nan Sheng, invariably have a meaningful and even curious look in their eyes, but there is more curiosity and inquiry in Mu Nuanxi's eyes.

Especially Li Mengluo, who wished she could eat her. Her eyes were filled with the urge to shoot out countless sharp swords at her.

"Li Li, what are you doing there." Mu Nuanxi thoughtfully got up and pulled out a chair for her, "Have you eaten something?"

Wen Li sat down nonchalantly and raised her hand to rub her neck, "I've eaten."

When Nan Sheng saw the little girl's tired and miserable appearance, he almost whistled in his heart. This Fu Yuxiu is powerful.

They only just met and already won the person.

Hearing Wen Li's answer, Mu Nuanxi felt even more confused, but she did not show any signs of it on her face.

"We came over and gave you guys a lot of trouble, especially Sister Pei who also spent time with us all afternoon. " Mu Nuanxi got up and said to Nan Sheng and Nan Pei.

"Don't say that. You've also given me a lot of advice. Next time, I'll probably have to trouble you a lot." Nan Pei gave Wen Li a meaningful look.

Naturally, Mu Nuanxi noticed the look in her eyes and did not show it on her face.

"Li Li still has to go back to prepare for the school admission, so we'll leave first. Sorry to trouble Brother Sheng." Mu Nuanxi continued.

Hearing her words, Nan Pei became curious, "Admission?"

Where to enroll?

Li Mengluo naturally will not let go of this opportunity to mock Wen Li, "Of course into the Ningzhou University of Science and Technology, my sister went to the Registrar's Office, next week Mu Wen Li will be enrolled."

That's a shady way to put it.

After returning from the hot spring club, Nan Pei especially looked for Mu Wen Li's news. The most eye-catching one is that Mu Wen Li is said to have dropped out of school at the age of 15.

At this juncture she enrolled in Ningzhou University of Science and Technology, I'm afraid it will cause quite a stir.

"Judging by age, Wen Li should be in college now." Nan Pei did not show any contempt on her face. Her expression was calm.

Since the Mu family had the qualifications to let the child enter the school, and there were so many people taking the test every year, it didn't matter how Mu Wen Li went in.

Children of this age always had to go to school.

"Yes, of course you should read more, otherwise you will be laughed at when you go out." Li Mengluo followed Nan Pei's words.

The words sounded mocking, Nan Pei frowned in dissatisfaction, this Li Mengluo, is a bit annoying.

Wen Li stood up and glanced at Li Mengluo, who was talking wildly.

After being treated badly by her in the hot spring, Li Mengluo was still a little afraid of this wild child. But thinking about so many people, she probably would not dare to make a move.

She straightened her back at the thought.

"If you read a book it has to be absorbed in the mind, it's not just on the surface. Otherwise, even if you read a book for the rest of your life, it would still be embarrassing to go out." Wen Li looked at Li Mengluo and raised her eyebrows. "A brain is a good thing, but some people just don't seem to have it."

Li Mengluo realized that she was talking about her. Her face turned into a pig's liver.

Listening to Wen Li's words that was talking about Li Mengluo, Nan Pei covered her mouth and almost laughed out loud.

Mu Nuanxi grabbed Li Mengluo's hand and squeezed it tightly, and looked at the two with a smile on his face, "Then we'll go first."

The driver of the Nan family has been waiting at the door. In order to show courtesy, Nan Pei and Nan Sheng both send them to the door and watch them get in the car.

"Hey, you haven't agreed to the things I said." Nan Pei elbow poked Nan Sheng beside her.

The latter's expression did not change as he lowered his head and stared at her seriously, "Do you really want Mu Wen Li to become your female model?"

Nan Pei nodded, "Yes, I'll officially talk to her tomorrow. "

In the entire Ningzhou, Mu Wen Li was the only one who could match her design.

"You really want to see me die?" Nan Sheng's tone rose. He threw down this sentence and turned to walk through the door.

Take pictures with Mu Wenli, won't he be killed by that master?

Nan Pei reacted and hurriedly chased after him.

"Hey, what do you mean by that ......"


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1 comment:

  1. I'm really appreciating the Nan siblings especially Nan Pei she has what it takes to be the MC's friend.


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