Wednesday, March 30, 2022

MFAW Chapter 17 - Did you Seduce Nan Sheng just now?

Nan Pei came over to talk to Wen Li. This made the people standing under the long corridor even more unhappy.

Mu Chenxing handed the gift box to the attendant and subconsciously looked at Wen Li and Nan Pei.

Even Li Mengluo ran out and stood next to Mu Chenxing, staring fixedly at the two people walking out of the courtyard.

"Big cousin, do you think Miss Nan's treatment of Mu Wen Li is a little strange?"

Monday, March 28, 2022

MFAW Chapter 16 - You are just a White-eyed Wolf

 After the fireworks and noise, the rest became quiet, and under the cover of the night, the club is full of bright lighting, from time to time one can hear the sound of insects from the back mountains.

Wen Li followed the road back and walked for 15 minutes before arriving at the Mu family's Zhi courtyard. He had just stepped through the door when he saw a doctor and nurse in a white coat.

The two Mu brothers were waiting in the corridor, and the room behind them was brightly lit. Wen Li glanced at the place where Mu Nuanxi was staying.

Her room was at the leftmost part of Mu Nuanxi's room. Before she could walk up the stairs, she heard the shouts of the people.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

MFAW Chapter 15 - My own things, I'll do it myself

 Wen Li gradually moved away from the noisy venue. Her ears ached from the noise the entire night. She walked through a bamboo forest to the other side of the lake.

Because of the bamboo forest on both sides, it is much quieter than the open place over there.

Wen Li took two steps and threw the mask on the ground. The wind blowing from the lake was very cold and carried the unique smell of plants in summer. It was relaxing.

The slope by the lake was a little big, and the green grass was growing freely. The entire area of ​​the hot spring club was completely natural and not managed manually.

Wen Li kicked off the shoes on his feet. She stepped on the soft grass and walked to the edge of the water. Just as she bent down to get water, her eyes lit up.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

MFAW Chapter 14 - The Country Bumpkin can really play the Piano

 Because of the disappearance of Mu Nuanxi, who was about to perform the show, everyone turned their eyes to Wen Li, who had been wearing a mask.

Many people were interested in seeing what the Mu Family's Second Miss is capable of.

"Mu Nuanxi is a level 10 pianist. After so many years of experience, you can forget about surpassing her."

"The older sister is so outstanding. I'm sure her younger sister isn't too bad." There was no lack of people who wanted to see the Mu family make a fool of themselves.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

MFAW Chapter 13 - We cannot find Mu Nuanxi, Let Mu Wen Li play

 As a famous and highly sought-after bachelor in Ningzhou City, Nan Sheng's presence would naturally cause quite a stir.

Seeing the person she had been waiting all night, Mu Nuanxi's face lit up with a bright smile as she hurried over.

Seeing her come forward, the eager women stopped.

Ningzhou's two big aristocratic families, The South's Mu family has wealth, and the North's Nan family has power, this is not sung out of thin air.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

MFAW Chapter 12 - Of course the person who wanted me to wear it picked it for me

Usually, the Southern Prosperity Club wouldn't hold any parties or anything like that. This place was originally a place for people to cultivate themselves. There wouldn't be so many flowers and whistles.

 However, today was the evening party organized by Eldest Miss of the Nan Family, Nan Pei. She didn't send out any invitations in the name of the Nan Family, but the Nan Family is well-known. Naturally, many people came because of it.

Nan Pei wears a purple silk robe, which is different from the bathrobe with Chinese style embellishment that others have. With the Chinese embroidery, the pattern of phoenix wearing peony looks very expensive.

Long hair tied up behind her head into a bun, decorated with hairpins of the same color. She sat in a pavilion by the pool, overlooking the center of the lake.

Friday, March 18, 2022

MFAW Chapter 11 - She is Pretty Good-looking

 The summer wind in the mountains always carried the cool breeze from the mountains and it formed a contrast with the mugginess of the city. The wind chimes under the eaves of the house swayed gently, making a crisp sound.

After the sliding door opened, the girl came out. Her skin is fair, and she is dressed in red. The golden fabric on the corner of her clothes is embroidered with crabapple flowers. She looked like a burning fire cloud. Her exposed neck was as long and fair as a white swan.

Even the tear mole at the end of her eyes became more alluring. Red was the most flamboyant color, and ordinary people could not wear it well.

Follow the Rabbit